Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Donald Davidson" by Jeff Malpas
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
An extensive bibliography of primary and secondary material was
compiled by Davidson himself as part of Hahn (ed.) 1999, and although
now over 20 years old, it remains useful.
Primary Literature
- 1957, Decision-Making: An Experimental Approach, with P.
Suppes, Stanford: Stanford University Press, reprinted 1977, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, Midway Reprint Series. (Scholar)
- 1963, ‘Actions, Reasons and Causes’, Journal of
Philosophy, 60: 685–700; reprinted in Davidson 2001a. (Scholar)
- 1967a, ‘Causal Relations’, Journal of
Philosophy, 64: 691–703; reprinted in Davidson 2001a. (Scholar)
- 1967b, ‘The Logical Form of Action Sentences’, in
Nicholas Rescher (ed.), The Logic of Decision and Action,
Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, reprinted in Davidson,
2001a. (Scholar)
- 1967c, ‘Truth and Meaning’, Synthese, 17:
304–23; reprinted in Davidson 2001b. (Scholar)
- 1968, ‘On Saying That’, Synthese, 19:
130–46; reprinted in Davidson 2001b. (Scholar)
- 1969a, ‘The Individuation of Events’, in Nicholas
Rescher (ed.), Essays in Honor of Carl G. Hempel, Dordrecht:
D. Reidel, reprinted in Davidson 2001a. (Scholar)
- 1969b, ‘True to the Facts’, Journal of
Philosophy, 66: 748–764; reprinted in Davidson 2001b. (Scholar)
- 1970a, ‘How is Weakness of the Will Possible?’, in
Joel Feinberg (ed.), Moral Concepts, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, reprinted in Davidson 2001a. (Scholar)
- 1970b, ‘Mental Events’, in Lawrence Foster and J. W.
Swanson (eds.), Experience and Theory, London: Duckworth,
reprinted in Davidson 2001a. (Scholar)
- 1971, ‘Agency’, in Robert Binkley, Richard Bronaugh,
and Ausonia Marras (eds.), Agent, Action, and Reason,
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, reprinted in Davidson
2001a. (Scholar)
- 1973, ‘Radical Interpretation’, Dialectica,
27: 314–28; reprinted in Davidson 2001b. (Scholar)
- 1974, ‘On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme’,
Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical
Association, 47: 5–20; reprinted in Davidson 2001b. (Scholar)
- 1975, ‘Thought and Talk’, in S. Guttenplan (ed.),
Mind and Language, Oxford: Oxford University Press, reprinted
in Davidson 2001b (Scholar)
- 1977, ‘The Method of Truth in Metaphysics’, in P.A.
French, T.E. Uehling Jr., and H.K. Wettstein (eds.), Midwest
Studies in Philosophy 2: Studies in the Philosophy of Language,
Morris: University of Minnesota Press, reprinted in Davidson
2001b. (Scholar)
- 1978a, ‘Intending’, in Yirmiahu Yovel (ed.),
Philosophy of History and Action, Dordrecht: D. Reidel,
reprinted in Davidson 2001a. (Scholar)
- 1978b, ‘What Metaphors Mean’, Critical
Inquiry, 5: 31–47; reprinted in Davidson 2001b. (Scholar)
- 1979a, ‘Moods and Performances’, in A. Margalit (ed.),
Meaning and Use, Dordrecht: D. Reidel, reprinted in Davidson,
2001b. (Scholar)
- 1979b, ‘Quotation’, Theory and Decision, 11,
reprinted in Davidson 2001b. (Scholar)
- 1982a, ‘Rational Animals’, Dialectica, 36:
318–27; reprinted in Davidson 2001c. (Scholar)
- 1982b, ‘Two Paradoxes of Irrationality’, in R.
Wollheim and J. Hopkins (eds.) Philosophical Essays on Freud,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 289–305; reprinted in
Davidson 2004 (Scholar)
- 1983, ‘A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge’, in
D. Henrich (ed.), Kant oder Hegel?, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta;
reprinted in Lepore 1986, and Davidson 2001c. (Scholar)
- 1984, ‘First-Person Authority’, Dialectica,
38: 101–112; reprinted in Davidson 2001c. (Scholar)
- 1985a, ‘Adverbs of Action’, in Vermazen and Hintikka
(eds.), 1985, reprinted in Davidson 2001a. (Scholar)
- 1985b, ‘Reply to Quine on Events’, in Lepore and
McLaughlin (eds.), 1985, reprinted in Davidson 2001a. (Scholar)
- 1986, ‘A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs’, in Lepore
(ed.), 1986, reprinted in Davidson 2005a. (Scholar)
- 1987, ‘Knowing One’s Own Mind’, in
Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical
Association, 61: 441–58; reprinted in Davidson 2001c. (Scholar)
- 1990a, ‘The Structure and Content of Truth’ (The Dewey
Lectures 1989), Journal of Philosophy, 87:
279–328. (Scholar)
- 1990b, Plato’s ‘Philebus’, New York:
Garland Publishing.
- 1991, ‘Three Varieties of Knowledge’, in A. Phillips
Griffiths (ed.), A.J. Ayer Memorial Essays: Royal Institute of
Philosophy Supplement, 30, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
reprinted in Davidson 2001c. (Scholar)
- 1993, ‘Thinking Causes’, in John Heil and Alfred Mele
(eds.), Mental Causation, Oxford: Clarendon Press, reprinted
in Davidson 2005a. (Scholar)
- 1995, ‘Laws and Cause,’ Dialectica, 49:
263–280; reprinted in Davidson 2005a. (Scholar)
- 1997, In conversation : Donald Davidson, videorecording,
directed and produced by Rudolf Farra (19 conversations between
Davidson and other philosophers), London: Philosophy International,
Centre for Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences, London
School of Economics (see:
- 1999, ‘Intellectual Autobiography’, in Hahn (ed.),
- 2001a, Essays on Actions and Events, Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 2nd edn,
- 2001b, Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 2nd edn.
- 2001c, Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective, Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
- 2004, Problems of Rationality, with introduction by
Marcia Cavell and interview with Ernest Lepore, Oxford: Clarendon
- 2005a, Truth, Language and History: Philosophical Essays,
with Introduction by Marcia Cavell, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- 2005b, Truth and Predication, Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap
- 2006, The Essential Davidson, ed. Kirk Ludwig and Ernest
Lepore, New York: Oxford University Press, contains a selection made
up of 15 of Davidson’s essays taken largely from Essays on
Actions and Events and Inquiries into Truth and
Interpretation. (Scholar)
- 2020, The Structure of Truth. The 1970 John Locke
Lectures, edited by Cameron Domenica Kirk-Giannini and Ernest
Lepore, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
Secondary Literature
- Amoretti, Maria and Nicla Vassalo (eds.), 2009, Knowledge, Language, and Interpretation: On the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, Frankfurt-Heusenstamm: Ontos Verlag. (Scholar)
- Baghramian, Maria (ed.), 2013, Donald Davidson: Life and Words, London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Brandom, Robert B., 2020, ‘Remembering Richard Rorty: An
Interview with Robert Brandom’, in Pedro Góis Moreira.
(ed), Revisiting Richard Rorty, Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press,
pp. 251–262. (Scholar)
- Baynes, Kenneth, James Bohman, and Thomas McCarthy, 1987, After Philosophy: End or Transformation?, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Braver, Lee, 2017, ‘Davidson’s Interpretation of
Quine’s Radical Translation, and How It Helped Make Analytic
Philosophy a Tradition’, in Aaron Preston (ed.), Analytic
Philosophy: An Interpretive History, London: Routledge, pp.
240–253. (Scholar)
- Carpenter, Andrew N., 2003, ‘Davidson’s Transcendental
Argumentation’, in Jeff Malpas (ed.), From Kant to Davidson:
Philosophy and the Idea of the Transcendental, London: Routledge,
pp. 219–237. (Scholar)
- Cavell, Marcia, 1993, The Psychoanalytic Mind: From Freud to Philosophy, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Dasenbrock, Reed Way (ed.), 1993, Literary Theory After Davidson, University Park: Pennsylvania University Press. (Scholar)
- Dasenbrock, Reed Way, 2002, ‘Philosophy After Joyce: Derrida and Davidson’, Philosophy and Literature 26: 334–345 (Scholar)
- Dummett, Michael, 1975, ‘What is a Theory of Meaning’, in S. Guttenplan (ed.), Mind and Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Evnine, Simon, 1991, Donald Davidson, Cambridge: Polity Press. (Scholar)
- Fennell, John, 2010, ‘Rethinking Anglo- American philosophy:
the neo- Kantianism of Davidson, McDowell, and Brandom’, Alan D.
Schrift (ed.), The History of Continental Philosophy,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 2855–2874. (Scholar)
- Fodor, Jerry and Ernest Lepore, 1992, Holism: A Shopper’s Guide, Oxford: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 1997, ‘Reply to Davidson’, in
Lewis Edwin Hahn (ed.), The Philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer,
Library of Living Philosophers, Volume XXIV, Chicago: Open Court,
pp. 433–435. (Scholar)
- Goldberg, Nathaniel Jason, 2015, Kantian Conceptual Geography, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Glüer, Kathrin, 2011, Donald Davidson: A Short Introduction, New York: Oxford University Press (Scholar)
- Haddock, Adrian, 2011, ‘Davidson and Idealism’, in Joel Smith and Peter Sullivan (eds.), Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 26–41. (Scholar)
- Hahn, Lewis Edwin (ed.), 1999, The Philosophy of Donald
Davidson, Library of Living Philosophers, Volume XXVII, Chicago:
Open Court. (Scholar)
- Isaac, Joel, 2013, ‘Donald Davidson and the analytic
revolution in american philosophy, 1940–1970’, The
Historical Journal 56: 757–779. (Scholar)
- Joseph, Marc A., 2004, Donald Davidson, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. (Scholar)
- Keane, Niall, 2021, ‘Hermeneutics in a Broader Horizon:
Gadamer, Rorty, Davidson’, in Robert Dostal (ed.), The
Cambridge Companion to Gadamer, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2nd edn., pp. 374–405. (Scholar)
- Kotatko, Petr, Peter Pagin and Gabriel Segal (eds.), 2001, Interpreting Davidson, Stanford: CSLI Publications. (Scholar)
- Lepore, Ernest (ed.), 1986, Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Lepore, Ernest and Kirk Ludwig, 2006, Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language and Reality, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, Donald Davidson’s Truth-Theoretic Semantics, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Lepore, Ernest and Kirk Ludwig (eds.), 2013, A Companion to Donald Davidson, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Lepore, Ernest and Brian McLaughlin (eds.), 1985, Actions and Events: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Ludwig, Kirk (ed.), 2003, Donald Davidson, New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Maker, William, 1993, ‘Davidson’s Transcendental
Arguments’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,
51: 345–360 (Scholar)
- Malpas, Jeff, 1992, Donald Davidson and the Mirror of Meaning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Malpas, Jeff, 2012, Heidegger and the Thinking of Place, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Malpas, Jeff (ed.), 2011, Dialogues with Davidson: Acting, Interpreting, Understanding, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press Press. (Scholar)
- Mou, Bo (ed.), 2006, Davidson’s Philosophy and Chinese
Philosophy. Constructive Engagement, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Myers, Robert H.and Claudine Verheggen, 2016, Donald
Davidson’s Triangulation Argument: A Philosophical Inquiry,
New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Nulty, Timothy J. , 2006, Primitive Disclosive Alethism: Davidson, Heidegger, and the Nature of Truth, New York: Peter Lang. (Scholar)
- Okrent, Mark, 2011, ‘Davidson, Heidegger and Truth’,
in Malpas (ed.). Dialogues with Davidson,
pp.87–112. (Scholar)
- Preyer, Gerhard, Frank Siebelt and Alexander Ulfig (eds.), 1994, Language, Mind and Epistemology, Dordrecht: Kluwer. (Scholar)
- Preyer, Gerhard (ed.), 2012, Donald Davidson on Truth, Meaning, and the Mental, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Rajchman, John, and Cornell West (eds.), 1985, Post-Analytic Philosophy, New York: Columbia. (Scholar)
- Ramberg, Bjørn, 1989, Donald Davidson’s Philosophy of Language: An Introduction, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Sellars, Wilfrid, 1948, ‘Realism and the New Way of Words’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8: 601–634. (Scholar)
- Stoecker, Ralf (ed.), 1993, Reflecting Davidson, Berlin: W. de Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Van der Burg, Floris, 2007, Davidson and Spinoza, Aldershot: Ashgate. (Scholar)
- Verheggen, Claudine (ed.), 2017, Wittgenstein and Davidson on Language, Thought, and Action, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Vermazen, B., and Hintikka, M., 1985, Essays on Davidson: Actions and Events, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Wheeler, Samuel C. III, 2000, Deconstruction as Analytic Philosophy, Stanford, Stanford University Press. (Scholar)
- Wrathall, Mark A., 1999, ‘The Conditions of Truth in Heidegger and Davidson’, The Monist 82: 304–323. (Scholar)
- Zeglen, Ursula M. (ed.), 1991, Donald Davidson: Truth, meaning
and knowledge, London: Routledge. (Scholar)