Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Giambattista della Porta" by Sergius Kodera
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List of Porta’s Works
The editors of the “Edizione Nazionale Delle Opere di Giovan
Battista della Porta” (Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane,
Raffaele Sirri, general editor) have so far printed an impressive
number of Porta’s texts:
- Ars reminiscendi, 1602 (1996).
- Claudii Ptolemaei magnae constructionis liber primus,
1588 (2000).
- Coelestis physiognomonia, 1603 (1996).
- De aeris transmutationibus, 1610 (2000).
- De ea naturalis physiognomoniae parte quale ad manuum lineas
spectat libri duo (2003).
- De humana physiognomonia—libri sex, 1584/1601
- Della fisionomia dell’uomo Libri sei, 1596
(2011–13). (Scholar)
- De munitione libri tres, 1608 (2013).
- Elementorum curvilineorum libri tres, 1610 (2005).
- Pneumaticorum libri tres, 1601 (2008).
- Taumatologia e Criptologia (2013).
- Teatro, in 4 Volumes (2000–2003)
- Villae, in 3 Volumes, 1592 (2010).
Other editions
- De telescopio. Edited and introduced by Vasco Ronchi e
Maria Amalia Naldoni. Florence: Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi. 1962
- Metoposcopia. Edited and introduced by Giovanni
Aquilecchia. Naples: Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa. 1990.
Historic editions and translations
- De distillationibus libri IX. Strasbourg: L. Zetzner,
- Magiae naturalis, sive, De miraculis rerum naturalivm libri
IIII. Naples: Matthias Cancer, 1558.
- Magiae Naturalis libri xx. Napels: Horazio Salviani
- Natural magick. London, 1658. [Anastatic reprint, of
English Translation of 1589 edn. Of the Magia. New York: Basic Books,
1957] (Scholar)
To this date, there are still very few English
translations of Porta’s works available. Especially the
editions to Fratelli Rivali (Clubb) and Sorella (Beecher and Ferraro),
two of Porta’s plays, contain highly readable and valuable
- Magia Naturalis [ed.1589]: Natural magick.
London, 1658. [Anastatic reprint, New York: Basic Books, 1957] (Scholar)
- Gli duoi fratelli rivali: Della Porta, Giovan Battista,
1980, Gli duoi fratelli rivali / The Two Rival
Brothers, bilingual version, translated with introduction by L.
G. Clubb, Berkeley: University of California Press. (Scholar)
- Sorellla: della Porta, Giovanbattista, 2000, The
Sister, translated with introduction by Donald Beecher and Bruno
Ferraro, Ottawa: Dovehouse. (Scholar)
- L’arte del ricordare [tr. of the Italian version
of Ars reminiscendi]: Della Porta, Giovan Battista, 2012, The Art
of Remembering, transl. by Miriam Aloisio & al., ed. by
Armando Maggi, Ravenna: Longo.
Secondary Literature
- Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius, 1991, De occulta
philosophia libri tres, ed. by Vittoria Perrone Compagni, Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- Arnold, Klaus, 1991, Johannes Trithemius
(1462–1516), Würzburg: Schöningh. (Scholar)
- Badaloni, Nicola, 1959/1960, “I fratelli Della Porta e la
cultura magica ed astrologica a Napoli nel ‘500”,
Studi Storici, 4: 677–715. (Scholar)
- Balbiani, Laura, 1999, “La ricezione della Magia naturalis
di Giovan, Battista della Porta nella Cultura e scienza
dall’Italia all’Europa”, Bruniana et
Campanelliana, 5: 277–303. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, Giambattista della Porta,
Frankfurt/M: Lang. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Alte und neue Medien in der Della
Porta-Rezeption: enzyklopädische Nachschlagewerke und World Wide
Web”, Morgen-Glantz. Zeitschrift der Christian Knorr von
Rosenroth- Gesellschaft, 18:191–214. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Die Übersetzung der Magia
Naturalis von Giovan Battista Porta: Christian Knorr von Rosenroth als
Vermittler naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse”, Morgen-Glantz.
Zeitschrift der Christian Knorr von Rosenroth-Gesellschaft,
11: 105–123. (Scholar)
- Baldini, Ugo, 2001, “The Roman Inquisition’s
Condemnation of Astrology: Antecedents, Reasons and
Consequences”, in Church, Censorship and Culture in Early
Modern Italy, edited by Gigliola Fragnito, translated by Adrian
Belton, pp. 79–110. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Battafarano, Italo Michele, 1990, “Spee – Harstrffer –Knorr
von Rosenroth. La ricezione di Giovan Battista Della Porta in Germania
dalle polemiche demonologiche alla genesi del linguaggio scientifico
tedesco”, in Maurizio Torrini (ed.), Giovan Battista Della
Porta nell’Europa del suo tempo. Naples: Guida, pp. 311–335. (Scholar)
- Beaulieu, Armand, 1990, “L’influence de Della Porta
sur la physique en France au XVIIe siécle”, in in
Maurizio Torrini (ed.), Giovan Battista Della Porta nell’Europa
del suo tempo. Naples: Guida, pp. 291–309.
- Biagioli, Mario, 1991, Galileo, Courtier: The Practice of
Science in the Culture of Absolutism, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Bolzoni, Lina, 1990, “Retorica, teatro, iconologia,
nell’arte della memoria del Della Porta”, in Giovan Battista
della Porta nell’ Europa del suo tempo, Naples: Guida, pp.
337–385. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, The Gallery of Memory: Literary and
Iconographic Models in the Age of the Printing Press, Jeremy
Parzen (transl.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Borrelli, Arianna, 2011, “Giovan Battista della
Porta’s Neapolitan Magic and his Humanistic Meteorology”,
in Siegrfied Zielinski and Eckhard Fürlüs (eds.),
Variantology 5. On deep relations of arts, sciences and
echnologies, Cologne: Walter König, pp. 103–130. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “Thinking with Optical Objects:
Glass spheres, Lenses and refraction in Giovan Battista della
Porta’s optical writings” Jounal of Early Modern
Studies, 3: 39–62. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “Thinking with Optical Objects:
Glass spheres, Lenses and refraction in Giovan Battista della
Porta’s optical writings”, Journal of Early Modern
Studies, 3: 39–62. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Optical diagrams as ‘paper
tools’. Della Porta’s analysis of biconvex lenses from De
refractione to De telescopio”, in Borrelli A., Hon. G., and Zik
Y., (eds), Giambattista Della Porta (1535–1615). A
Reassessment, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 57–96 (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, “Heat and Moving Spirits in
Telesio’s and Della Porta’s Meteorological
Treatises”, in Pietro Daniel Omodeo (ed.), Bernardino
Telesio and the Natural Sciences in the Renaissance, Leiden:
Brill pp. 66–95. (Scholar)
- Caputo, Cosimo, 1982, “La struttura del segno fisiognomico.
Giambattista della Porta e l’universo culturale del
’500”, Il Protagora, 22: 63–102. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990, “Un manuale di semiotica del
Cinquecento: il ‘De humana Physiognomonia’ di Giovan
Battista della Porta”, in Maurizio Torrini in Maurizio Torrini
(ed.), Giovan Battista della Porta nell’ Europa del suo
tempo, Naples: Guida, pp. 69–91. (Scholar)
- Cassirer, Ernst, 2002, Individuum und Kosmos in der
Philosophie der Renaissance. Die Platonische Renaissance in England
und die Schule von Cambridge, Hamburg: Meiner. (Scholar)
- Clubb, Louise George, 1964, Giambattista della Porta,
Dramatist, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Nicht durch das Wort allein.
Jenseits der Sprache von Della Portas Theater” Morgen-Glantz.
Zeitschrift der Chrsitian Knorr von Rosenroth-Gesellschaft,
18: 174–77. (Scholar)
- Copenhaver, Brian P., 1991, “A Tale of Two Fishes, Magical objects in Natural History from Antiquity through the Scientific revolution”, Journal of the history of ideas, 25: 373–398. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, “The occultist tradition and its critics” in Daniel Garber and Michael Ayers (eds.) The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, vol. 1 pp. 454–457, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, “How to do magic and why: philosophical prescriptions”, in James Hankins (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Daston, Lorraine and Katharine Park, 1998, Wonders and the
order of nature, 1150–1750, New York: Zone Books. (Scholar)
- Daston, Lorraine and Peter Galison, 2007, Objectivity, New York: Zone Books. (Scholar)
- Dijksterhuis, Fokko Jan, 2017 “Magic from the North:
Instruments of Fire and Light in the Early Seventeenth Century”,
in Borrelli A., Hon. G., and Zik Y., (eds), Giambattista Della
Porta (1535–1615). A Reassessment, Cham, Switzerland: Springer,
pp. 125–143. (Scholar)
- Dupré, Sven, 2007, “Images in the air. Optical games,
magic and imagination”, in C. Göttler and W. Neuber (eds.),
Spirits Unseen. The Representation of Subtle Bodies in Early
Modern European Culture, Leiden: Brill pp. 71–91. (Scholar)
- Eamon, William, 1994, Science and the secrets of Nature. Books of secrets in medieval and early modern culture, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1995, “Natural magic and utopia in the
Cinquecento. Campanella, the Della Porta Circle, and the Revolt of
Calabria”, Memorie Domenicane, 26 n.s. [nuova serie]:
369–402. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, The Professor of Secrets. Mystery, Magic
and Alchemy in Renaissance Italy, Washington DC: National
Geographic. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “How to Read a Book of Secrets”,
in Elaine Leong and Alisha Rankin (eds.), Secrets and Knowledge in
Medicine and Science, 1500–1800, Surrey and Burlington:
Ashgate, pp. 23–46. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “A theater of Experiments: Giambattista Della Porta and the Scientific Culture Renaissance Naples”, in Borrelli A., Hon. G., and Zik Y., (eds), Giambattista Della Porta (1535–1615). A Reassessment, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 11–38. (Scholar)
- Eming, Jutta, 2020, “Magie und Wunderbares. Aspekte ihrer
ästhetischen und epistemischen Konvergenz,“ in Jutta Eming,
Volkhard Wels (eds.), Der Begriff der Magie in Mittelalter und
Früher Neuzeit, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 81–112 (Scholar)
- Ernst, Germana, 1990, “I poteri delle streghe tra cause
naturali e interventi diabolici. Spunti di un dibattito”, in
Maurizio Torrini (ed.), Giovan Battista Della Porta nell’Europa
del suo tempo, Naples: Guida, pp. 167–197. (Scholar)
- Ficino, Marsilio, 1989 [1489], Three books on life, Carol
V. Kaske and John R. Clark (ed., trans, comment). Binghamton, N.Y.:
Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies in conjunction with the
Renaissance Society of America. (Scholar)
- Frangenberg, Thomas, 1991, “Perspectivist Aristotelianism: Three Case-studies of Cinquecento Visual Theory”, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 54: 137–158. (Scholar)
- Freedberg, David, 2002, The eye of the lynx. Galileo, his friends, and the beginning of modern natural history, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Fumikazu, Saito, 2011, O telescópio na magia natural de
Giambattista della Porta, São Paulo, Educ/Livraria da
Física/FAPESP. (Scholar)
- Gentilcore, David, 1998, Healers and Healing in Early Modern
Italy, Manchester: Manchester University Press. (Scholar)
- Gherardini, Paola, 1971, “Problemi critici e metodologici er
lo studio del teatro di Giovan Battista Porta”, Bibbliotheca
teatrale, 1: 137–60. (Scholar)
- Giglioni, Guido, 2011, “Coping with Inner and Outer Demons:
Marsilio Ficino’s Theory of the Imagination”, in Yasmin
Haskell (ed.), Diseases of the imagination and imaginary disease
in the early modern period, Turnhout: Brepols. (Scholar)
- Giovannozzi, Delfina, 2006, Spiritus mundus quidam. Il
concetto di spirito nell’opera di Giordano Bruno, Rome: Edizioni
di storia e letteratura. (Scholar)
- Greenblatt, Stephen, 1980, Renaissance Self-fashioning: From
More to Shakespeare, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Hankins, James, 2003, “Ficino, Avicenna and the Occult
Powers of the Rational Soul”, in Fabrizio Meroi and Elisabetta
Scapparone (eds.) La magia nell’Europa moderna: Tra antica
sapienza e filosofia naturale, Florence: Olschki, pp. 35–52 (Scholar)
- Harkness, Deborah E., 1999, John Dee’s conversations
with Angels. Cabala, alchemy, and the end of nature, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Henry, John, 1986, “Occult Qualities and the Experimental Philosophy. Active Principles in pre-Newtonian Matter Theory”, History of Science, 24: 335–81. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “The Fragmentation of Renaissance Occultism and the Decline of Magic”, History of Science, 46: 1–48. (Scholar)
- Jalobeanu, Dana, 2020, “Enacting recipes: Giovan Battista Della Porta and Francis Bacon on technologies, experiments, and processes of nature”, Centaurus, 62: 425–446. (Scholar)
- Kahn, Didier & Perifano, Alfredo, 2018, “Giambattista
Della Porta e l’allegoria alchemica De Phoebi et Pythonis
pugna”, in A. Paolella, G. Rispoli (eds.), Il cenacolo
alchemico: incontri ed eventi ispirati al pensiero di Giovan Battista
Della Porta, Naples: Il Faro d’Ippocrate, pp. 43–64. (Scholar)
- Kingsley, Peter, 1995, Ancient philosophy, mystery, and magic. Empedocles and the Pythagorean tradition, Oxford: Clarendon. (Scholar)
- Klaassen, Frank, 2013, The Transformations of Magic. Illicit
Learned Magic in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance,
University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press. (Scholar)
- Kodera, Sergius, 2006, “Der Magus und die Stripperinnen.
Giambattista Portas indiskrete Renaissance-Magie”, in B.
Felderer and E. Strouhal (eds.), Rare Künste. Zur Kultur- und
Mediengeschichte der Zauberkunst, Vienna: Springer, pp.
55–78. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, Disreputable Bodies. Magic, Gender, and
Medicine in Renaissance Natural Philosophy, Toronto: Centre for
Reformation and Renaissance Studies. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Giambattista Della Porta’s
Histrionic Science”, California Italian Studies, 3:
1–27. [Kodera 2012 available online] (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “The Laboratory as Stage: Giovan
Battista della Porta’s Experiments”, Journal of Early
Modern Studies, 3: 15–38. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Bestiality and Gluttony in Theory
and Practice in the Comedies of Giovan Battista Della Porta”,
Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme,
38: 83–113 (Scholar)
- –––, 2018, “Giovan Battista Della Porta’s
Imagination”, in: Christoph Lüthy, Claudia Swan, Paul
J.J.M. Bakker, Claus Zittel (eds.) Image, Imagination, and
Cognition. Medieval and Early Modern Theory and Practice, Leiden:
Brill pp. 117–146.. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, “Giovan Battista della Porta’s
Erotomanic Art of Recollection”, in Jacqueline Murray and
Nicholas Terpstra (eds.), Sex, gender and sexuality in Renaissance
Italy, London, New York: Routledge, pp. 226–246. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020a, “Needles and Pins on the Scaffold:
Francis Bacon and Giovan Battista della Porta on the Motions of the
Human Soul and the Passions of the Lodestone”, Journal of
Early Modern Studies 9: 33–65. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020b, “Negotiating Neoplatonic Image
Theory: The Production of Mental Images in Marsilio Ficino and Giovan
Battista della Porta’s Magic Lamps.” In: Berthold Hub
Sergius Kodera (eds.), Iconology. Neoplatonism and Art in the
Renaissance. Perspectives and Contexts of a Controversial
Alliance. New York and London: Routledge pp. 77–93 (Scholar)
- Lazardzig, Jan, 2008, “Gottesfaden und Weltenhebel. Zum
Verhältnis von weißer Magie und Mechanik im 17.
Jahrhundert”, Morgen-Glantz. Zeitschrift der Christian Knorr
von Rosenroth-Gesellschaft 18: 113–135. (Scholar)
- MacDonald, Katherine, 2005, “Humanistic Self-Representation
in Giovan Battista Della Porta’s Della Fisonomia dell’uomo.
Antecedents and Innovation”, The Sixteenth Century
Journal, 36: 397–414. (Scholar)
- Maggi, Armando, 2015, “Magia e demonologia nelle opere di
Della Porta”, Marco Santoro (ed.), La ‘Mirabile’
Natura. Magia e scienza in Giovan Battista Della Porta
(1615–2015), Pisa, Rome: Serra, pp. 201–207. (Scholar)
- Müller-Jahncke, Wolf-Dieter, 1990, “Die Phytognomonica
Giovan Battista Della Portas als medizinische Signaturenlehre”,
in Maurizio Torrini (ed.), Giovan Battista Della Porta nell’Europa
del suo tempo. Naples: Guida, pp. 93–99. (Scholar)
- Muraro-Vaiani, Luisa, 1978, Giambattista della Porta. Mago e
scienziato. In appendice l’indice della Thaumaturgia,
Milan: Feltrinelli. (Scholar)
- Muratori, Cecilia, 2017, “From Animal Bodies To Human Souls:
(Pseudo)Aristotelian Animals in Della Porta’s Physiognomics”,
Early Science and Medicine, 22: 1–23. (Scholar)
- Napolitani, Pier Daniele, 1990, “La matematica
nell’opera di Giovan Battista Della Porta”, Maurizio
Torrini (ed.), Giovan Battista Della Porta nell’Europa del suo
tempo. Naples: Guida, pp. 113–165. (Scholar)
- Orsi, Laura, 2005, “Giovan Battista Della Porta’s
Villa (1592) between tradition, reality and fiction,” Annali
di storia moderna e contemporanea, 11: 11–66. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Die literarische Dimension von Giovan
Battista Della Portas Villa”, Morgen-Glantz. Zeitschrift der
Christian Knorr von Rosenroth-Gesellschaft, 18:
153–75. (Scholar)
- Paolella, Alfonso, 2004, “G. B. Della Porta e
l’astrologia: la Coelestis Physiognomonia”, in M.
Montanile (ed.), Atti del Convegno L’Edizione nazionale del
teatro e l’opera di G.B. Della Porta. Salerno 23 maggio
2002, Pisa-Rome, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici
internazionali, pp. 19–42. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Die Physiognomonie von Della Porta
und Lavater und die Phrenologie von Galls”, Morgen-Glantz.
Zeitschrift der Christian Knorr von Rosenroth-Gesellschaft,
18: 137–53. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “La fisiognomica di G.B. Della
Porta e la sua influenza sulle ricerche posteriori”, in Atti
del Convegno Giovan Battista Della Porta nel IV Centenario della morte
(1535–1615), Piano di Sorrento, 27 febbraio 2015, Roma, ed.
Scienze e Lettere, 43–62. (Scholar)
- Perfetti, Amalia, 2001, “L’alchimia a Napoli tra
Cinquecento e Seicento: Leonardo Fioravanti e Giovan Battista Della
Porta in Napoli viceregno spagnolo. Una capitale della cultura alle
origini dell’Europa moderna, (sec. XVI-XVII)”, in Monika
Bosse, Andrea Stoll (eds.), Atti del Colloquio tenuto a Bielefeld
nel 1994, Naples: Vivarium, 2001, pp. 311–328.
- Piccari, Paolo, 2007, Giovan Battista della Porta. Il
filosofo, il retore, lo scienziato, Milan: Franco Angeli. (Scholar)
- Pomponazzi, Pietro, 2011, De incantationibus, ed by
Vittoria Perrone-Compagni, Florence: Olschki. (Scholar)
- Rees, Graham, 1990, “Bacon’s Sylva Sylvarum: Prelude
to remarks on the influence of the Magia naturalis”, Maurizio
Torrini (ed.), Giovan Battista Della Porta nell’Europa del suo
tempo. Naples: Guida, pp. 261–271. (Scholar)
- Reeves, Eileen, 2008, Galileo’s Glassworks: The
Telescope and the Mirror, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press. (Scholar)
- Refini, Eugenio, 2017, “Bodily Passions: Physiognomy and
Drama in Giovan Battista Della Porta”, Renaissance and
Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme 40: 121–139. (Scholar)
- Romei, Giovanna, 1989, “Entry: Della Porta,
Giovambattista”, in V. Capelletti (ed.), Dizionario
Biografico degi Italiani, Rome: Istituto della enciclopedia
italiana, Vol. 37, pp. 170–182. (Scholar)
- Rusu, Doina Cristina, 2020, “Using instruments in the study
of animate beings: Della Porta’s and Bacon’s experiments with
plants”, Centaurus, 62: 393–405. (Scholar)
- Saiber, Arielle, 2017, Measured words: computation and writing
in Renaissance Italy, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Saito, Fumikazu, 2011, O telescopio na magia natural de
Giambattista della Porta, Sao Paolo: Editora Educ. (Scholar)
- Sander, Christoph, 2016, “Early-Modern Magnetism: Uncovering New Textual Links between Leonardo Garzoni SJ (1543. 1592), Paolo Sarpi OSM (1552–1623), Giambattista Della Porta (1535–1615), and the Accademia dei Lincei”, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 85: 303–363. (Scholar)
- Shumaker, Wayne, 1972, The Occult Sciences in the
Renaissance, Berkeley: University of California Press. (Scholar)
- Simon, Gérard, 1980, “Porta, la physiognomie et la
magie, les circularités de la similitude”, in M.
Jones-Davis (ed.), La magie et ses langages, Lille:
Université de Lille III, pp. 59–106. (Scholar)
- Siraisi, Nancy G., 1990, Medieval and Renaissance medicine. An
introduction to knowledge and practice, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Smith Pamela H., 2009, “Science on the Move. Recent Trends
in the History of Early Modern Science”, Renaissance
Quarterly, 62: 345– 375. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “What is a Secret? Secrets and Craft
Knowledge in Early Modern Europe”, in Elaine Leong and Alisha
Rankin (eds.), Secrets and Knowledge in Medicine and Science,
1500–1800, Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 47–66. (Scholar)
- Snyder, John, 2009, Dissimulation and the Culture of Secrecy
in Early Modern Europe, Berkeley: University of California
Press. (Scholar)
- Strasser, Gerhard F., 2008, “Die europäische Rezeption
der kryptologischen Werke Giovanni Battista Della Portas”,
Morgen-Glantz. Zeitschrift der Christian Knorr von
Rosenroth-Gesellschaft, 18: 85–112. (Scholar)
- Tarrant, Neil, 2013, “ Giambattista Della Porta and the Roman Inquisition. Censorship and the definition of Nature’s limits in sixteenth-century Italy”, The British Journal for the History of Science, 46: 601–625. (Scholar)
- Thielemann, Andreas, 2009, “Lenti e specchi nella scienza e
nella pittura del primo Seicento”, in Rocco Sinisgalli (ed.)
L’arte della matematica nella prospettiva, Atti del
Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Roma / Urbino, 8–11 Ottobre
2006, Foligno, pp. 127–149 and pp. 369–382. (Scholar)
- Torrini, Maurizio, 2016, “La fortuna storiografica di
Della Porta”, Marco Santoro (ed.), La ‘Mirabile’
Natura. Magia e scienza in Giovan Battista Della Porta
(1615–2015), Pisa, Rome: Serra, pp. 47–53. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018, “Giovan Battista Della Porta
linceo”, A. Paolella, G. Rispoli (eds.), Il cenacolo
alchemico: incontri ed eventi ispirati al pensiero di Giovan Battista
Della Porta, Naples: Il Faro d’Ippocrate, pp. 27–42. (Scholar)
- Toussaint, Stéphane, 2002, “Ficino, Archimedes, and
the Celestial Arts”, in: Michael J.B. Allen und Valery Rees
(eds,): Marsilio Ficino, his theology, his philosophy, his
legacy, Leiden, Boston: Brill pp. 307–26. (Scholar)
- Trabucco, Oreste, 2002, “Riscrittura, censura, autocensura: itinerari redazionali di Giovan Battista della Porta”, Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 22: 41–57. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005, “Il corpus fisiognomico
dellaportiano tra censura e autocensura”, in I primi Lincei
e il Sant’Ufficio. Questioni di scienze e di fede, Rome:
Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, pp. 235–72. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016, “Nel cantiere della Magia”, in
Marco Santoro (ed.), La ‘Mirabile’ Natura. Magia e
scienza in Giovan Battista Della Porta (1615–2015), Pisa, Rome:
Serra, pp. 219–231. (Scholar)
- Ugaglia, Monica, 2006, “The Science of Magnetism before
Gilbert. Leonardo Garzoni’s Treatise on the Loadstone,”
Annals of Science, 63: 59–84. (Scholar)
- Valente, Michaela, 1999, “Della Porta e
l’inquisizione. Nuovi documenti dell’ Archivio del
Sant’Uffizio”, Bruniana et Campanelliana, 5(2):
415–434. (Scholar)
- Védrine, Hélène, 1986, “Della Porta e Bruno. Natura e magia”, Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, 65: 297–309. (Scholar)
- Verardi, Donato, 2018, La scienza e i segreti della natura a
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