Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Dialectical School" by Susanne Bobzien and Matthew Duncombe
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
A. Greek or Latin Texts
- Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentary on Aristotle’s
‘Prior Analytics 1’, M. Wallies (ed.),
CAG 4.6, Berlin: G. Reimer, 1899.
- Ammonius, Commentary on Aristotle’s On Interpretation
9,’ A. Busse (ed.), CAG 4. 5, Berlin: G. Reimer,
Berlin, 1897. (Scholar)
- Aristotle, Categories and On Interpretation, L.
Minio-Paluello (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1949.
- Aristotle, Metaphysics, W. Jaeger (ed.), Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1957.
- Boethius, Commentary on Aristotle’s ‘On
Interpretation’, second edition, C. Meiser (ed.), Leipzig
- Cicero, Posterior and Prior Academics, O. Plasberg (ed.),
Leipzig 1922 (repr. Stuttgart 1966).
- Cicero, On Divination, On Fate, and Timaeus, W. Ax (ed.),
Leipzig 1915 (repr. Stuttgart 1965).
- Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers, 2 volumes,
M. Marcovich (ed.), Stuttgart & Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1999.
- Epictetus, Dissertations and Enchiridion, H. Schenkl
(ed.), Leipzig 1916.
- Philoponus, Commentary on Aristotle’s ‘Prior
Analytics’, M. Wallies (ed.) CAG 13.2, Berlin: G. Reimer,
- Plutarch, Moralia, i-vii, W.J. Paton, J. Wegehaupt, M.
Pohlenz et. al. (eds) Leipzig 1925–67.
- Sextus Empiricus, Works, H. Mutschmann and J. Mau (eds)
Leipzig 1914–61.
- Simplicius, Commentary on Aristotle’s
‘Categories’, C. Kalbfleisch (ed.) CAG 8,
Berlin: G. Reimer, 1907.
B. Translations
- Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Aristotle’s Prior Analytics
I, 14–22. tr. I. Mueller with J. Gould, London: Duckworth,
1999. (Scholar)
- Ammonius, Commentary on Aristotle’s On Interpretation
9, tr. D. Blank, London: Duckworth, 1998. (Scholar)
- Aristotle, On Interpretation, tr. J. Ackrill, in The
Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, vol.
1, Jonathan Barnes (ed.), Princeton: Princeton University Press,
- Aristotle, Metaphysics, tr. W. D. Ross, in The
Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, vol.
2, Jonathan Barnes (ed.), Princeton: Princeton University Press,
- Ammonius, On Aristotle On Interpretation 9, tr. D. Blank,
with Boethius, On Aristotle On Interpretation 9, tr. N.
Kretzmann, London: Duckworth, 1998.
- Cicero, 28 Vols, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University
Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd., Loeb Classical Library. On
Divination (in vol. 20, tr. W. A. Falconer); On Fate (in
vol. 4, tr. H. Rackham); Academica (in vol. 19, tr. H.
Rackham), 1923–1942, Latin with facing English translation. (Scholar)
- Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 2 vols,
tr. R.D. Hicks, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press;
London: William Heinemann Ltd., Loeb Classical Library: 1925. Greek
with facing English translation. (Scholar)
- –––, Lives of the Eminent Philosophers,
tr. Pamela Mensch, ed. James Miller, New York: Oxford University
Press, 2018.
- Epictetus, The Discourses, The Manual and
Fragments, 2 vols, tr. W. A. Oldfather, Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann
Ltd., Loeb Classical Library: 1925–8. Greek with facing English
translation. (Scholar)
- Plutarch, Moralia, 17 vols, Stoic
Self-contradictions (in vol. 13.2, tr. H. Cherniss), Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann
Ltd., 1976. Loeb Classical Library: Greek with facing English
translation. (Scholar)
- Sextus Empiricus, 4 vols., tr. R. G. Bury. Loeb Classical Library.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press; London: William
Heinemann Ltd., Loeb Classical Library, 1933–1949. Greek with
facing English translation. (Scholar)
- Sextus Empiricus. Against the Grammarians, tr. with
commentary by D.L. Blank. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
- Sextus Empiricus. Outlines of Scepticism, 2nd ed., J.
Annas & J. Barnes, (eds.), New York: Cambridge University Press,
- Simplicius, On Aristotle’s Categories 7–8,
tr. B. Fleet, London: Duckworth, 2002. (Scholar)
C. Collections of Testimonies
- Giannantoni, G., 1983–1990, Socratis et Socraticorum
Reliquiae, 4 vols, Elenchos 18, Naples. (Scholar)
- Döring, K., 1972, Die Megariker. Kommentierte Sammlung der Testimonien, Amsterdam: 28–45 and 124–139. (Scholar)
D. Secondary Literature
- Algra, K., 1999, The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Allen, James, 2018, “Megara and Dialectic”, in
Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle, Thomas
Bénatouïl and Katerina Ierodiakonou (eds.), Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 17–46. (Scholar)
- Barnes, Jonathan, 1993, “A Big, Big D? Theodor Ebert: Dialektiker Und Frühe Stoiker Bei Sextus Empiricus: Untersuchungen Zur Entstehung Der Aussagenlogik. (Hypomnemata, 95.) Pp. 347. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991. DM 85”, The Classical Review, 43(2): 304–6. (Scholar)
- Becker, O., 1961, “Zur Rekonstruktion des ‘kurieuon
logos’ des Diodoros Kronos”, in J. Derbolav and F. Nicolin
(eds), Erkenntnis und Verantwortung, Düsseldorf. (Scholar)
- Bobzien, S., 1993, “Chrysippus’ modal logic and its
relation to Philo and Diodorus”, in Dialektiker und
Stoiker, K. Döring and T.. Ebert (eds), Stuttgart: Franz
Steiner. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, Determinism and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Castagnoli, Luca, 2010. “How Dialectical Was Stoic
Dialectic?” in Ancient Models of Mind: Studies in Human and
Divine Rationality, A. Nightingale and David Sedley (eds.),
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 153–79. (Scholar)
- Corpina, Fabio, and Peter Øhrstrøm, 2018, “The
Diodorean Approach to Time and Modality from a Historical and a
Philosophical Perspective”, in Logic and Philosophy of Time:
Themes from Prior (Volume 1), Per Frederik Vilhelm Hasel, Patrick
Blackburn, and Peter Øhrstrøm (eds.), Aalborg: Aalborg
University Press, 83–101. (Scholar)
- Crivelli, Paolo, 1994, “The Stoic Analysis of Tense and of Plural Propositions in Sextus Empiricus, Adversus Mathematicos x 99”, The Classical Quarterly, 44(2): 490–499. (Scholar)
- de Harven, Vanessa, 2016, “Necessity, Possibility and Determinism in Stoic Thought”, in Logical Modalities from Aristotle to Carnap: The Story of Necessity, Max Cresswell, Edwin Mares, and Adriane Rini (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 70–90. (Scholar)
- Denyer, N.C., 1981, “Time and Modality in Diodorus Cronus”, Theoria, 47: 31–53. (Scholar)
- Döring, K., 1989, “Gab es eine Dialektische Schule?”, Phronesis, 34: 293–310. (Scholar)
- Duncombe, Matthew, 2023, “Diodorus Cronus on past and
present change”, Journal of the History of Philosophy,
61(2): 167–192. (Scholar)
- Ebert, Theodor, 1991, Dialektiker Und Fruehe Stoiker Bei Sextus Empiricus. Untersuchungen Zur Entstehung Der Aussagenlogik, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “In defence of the Dialectical School”, in Anthropine Sophia: Studi di filologia e storiografia filosofica in memoria di Gabriele Giannantoni, F. Alesse, et al. (eds.), Naples: Bibliopolis, 275–93. (Scholar)
- Foster, Caroline, 2008, “The Problem of the Perfect Agent:
Investigations into Determinism”, Master’s Thesis,
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. (Scholar)
- Gaskin, R., 1995, The Sea-Battle and the Master Argument. Aristotle and Diodorus Cronus on the Metaphysics of the Future, Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Grote, George, 1885 Plato and the Other Companions of
Sokrates (Volume 1), 4 volumes, London: John Murray. (Scholar)
- Hájek, Alan, 2009, “Two Interpretations of Two Stoic Conditionals”, Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, 12 (April): 206–21. (Scholar)
- Heal, Jane, 2022, “The Early Work of Martha Kneale,
Née Hurst”, British Journal for the History of
Philosophy, 30(2): 336–52. (Scholar)
- Hintikka, J., 1973, Time and Necessity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 179–213. (Scholar)
- Hurst, Martha, 1935, “Implication in the Fourth Century BC”, Mind, 44(176): 484–95. (Scholar)
- Kneale, M., 1937, “Logical and Metaphysical
Necessity”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,
38: 253–68. (Scholar)
- –––, and W. Kneale, 1962, The Development of Logic, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Lemmon, E. J., 1965, Beginning Logic, London, Edinburgh:
Thomas Nelson. (Scholar)
- Markoska-Cubrinovska, Aneta, 2018, “Time and Truth in
‘The Craft of Formal Logic’: Prior’s Early Temporal
Semantics Born from Reflexions on Diodorus and Boole”, in
Logic and Philosophy of Time, Per Frederik Vilhelm Hasel,
Patrick Blackburn, and Peter Øhrstrøm (eds.), Aalborg:
Aalborg Univeristy Press, 29–40. (Scholar)
- Massie, Pascal, 2016, “Diodorus Cronus and the Logic of Time”, Review of Metaphysics, 70(2): 279–309. (Scholar)
- Mates, Benson, 1949, “Diodorean Implication”, The Philosophical Review, 58(3): 234–42. (Scholar)
- ———, 1953, Stoic Logic, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. (Scholar)
- Primavesi, O., 1992, “Dionysios der Dialektiker und
Aristoteles ueber die Definition des Lebens”, Rheinisches
Museum für Philologie (Neue Folge), 135(3/4):
246–61. (Scholar)
- Prior, A.N., 1955, “Diodorean Modalities”, The Philosophical Quarterly, 5: 205–213. (Scholar)
- –––, 1967, Past, Present, and Future, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Rescher, Nicholas, 1966, “A Version of the ‘Master
Argument’ of Diodorus”, Journal of Philosophy,
63(15): 438–45. (Scholar)
- Sedley, D., 1977, “Diodorus Cronus and Hellenistic
Philosophy”, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological
Society (New Series), 203(23): 74–120. (Scholar)
- Seel, Gerhard, 1993, “Zur Geschichte Unk Logik Des
Λόγος”, in Dialektiker Und
Stoiker, Klaus Döring and Theodor Ebert (eds.), Stuttgart:
Franz Steiner Verlag, 291–318. (Scholar)
- Sorabji, Richard, 2014, “The Three Deterministic Arguments
Opposed by Ammonius”, in Ammonius: On Aristotle On
Interpretation 9 with Boethius: On Aristotle on Interpretation 9,
David Blank and Norman Kretzmann (trans.), London: Bloomsbury
Academic, 3–15. (Scholar)
- Zeller, Eduard, 1882, “Über Den Kyrieuon Des Megarikers
Diodorus”, Sitzungsber Der Berliner Akademie, 9:
151–59. (Scholar)