Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Egoism" by Robert Shaver
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Psychological Egoism
- Batson, C. D., 1991, The Altruism Question, Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, part III. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, Altruism in Humans, Oxford: Oxford University Press, part II. (Scholar)
- Broad, C. D., 1971a, “Egoism as a Theory of Human
Motives,” in Broad, Broad’s Critical Essays in Moral
Philosophy, London: George Allen and Unwin. (Scholar)
- Brunero, J. S., 2002, “Evolution, Altruism and
‘Internal Reward’ Explanations,”, Philosophical
Forum, 33: 413–24. (Scholar)
- Butler, J., 1900, Fifteen Sermons Preached at the Rolls
Chapel, in The Works of Bishop Butler, ed. J. H.
Bernard, London: Macmillan, Sermons I and XI. (Scholar)
- Feinberg, J., 1978 “Psychological Egoism,” in
Feinberg, Reason and Responsibility, fourth edition (and
other editions), Belmont: Wadsworth. (Scholar)
- Hume, D., 1975, An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of
Morals, in Enquiries, ed. L. A. Selby-Bigge and P. H.
Nidditch, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Appendix II. (Scholar)
- Kavka, G., 1986, Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 35–44, 51–64. (Scholar)
- LaFollette, H., 1988, “The Truth in Psychological
Egoism,” in J. Feinberg, Reason and Responsibility,
seventh edition, Belmont: Wadsworth. (Scholar)
- May, J., 2011a, “Relational Desires and Empirical Evidence against Psychological Egoism,” European Journal of Philosophy, 19: 39–58. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011b, “Egoism, Empathy, and Self-Other Merging,” Southern Journal of Philosophy (Spindel Supplement), 49: 25–39. (Scholar)
- Mercer, M., 2001, “In Defense of Weak Psychological Egoism,” Erkenntnis, 55: 217–37. (Scholar)
- Rosas, A., 2002, “Psychological and Evolutionary Evidence for Altruism,” Biology and Philosophy, 17: 93–107. (Scholar)
- Schulz, A., 2011, “Sober and Wilson’s Evolutionary
Arguments for Psychological Altruism: A Reassessment,”
Biology and Philosophy, 26: 251–60. (Scholar)
- Sidgwick, H., 1907, The Methods of Ethics, Indianapolis: Hackett, seventh edition, 1981, I.IV. (Scholar)
- Slote, M. A., 1964, “An Empirical Basis for Psychological Egoism,” Journal of Philosophy, 61: 530–537. (Scholar)
- Slote, M. A., 2013, “Egoism and Emotion,” Philosophia, 41: 313–35. (Scholar)
- Sober, E., and D. S. Wilson, 1998, Unto Others, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, ch. 10. (Scholar)
- Stich, S., J. M. Doris, E. Roedder, 2010, “Altruism,”
in The Moral Psychology Handbook, ed. Doris, New York:
Oxford, 147–205. (Scholar)
Ethical Egoism
- Baier, K., 1958, The Moral Point of View, Ithaca: Cornell. (Scholar)
- Brink, D., 1997, “Self-love and Altruism,” Social Philosophy and Policy, 14: 122–157. (Scholar)
- Brink, D., 2003, Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T. H. Green, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Broad, C. D., 1930, Five Types of Ethical Theory, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. (Scholar)
- Broad, C. D., 1942, “Certain Features of Moore’s
Ethical Doctrines,” in The Philosophy of G. E. Moore,
ed. P. Schilpp, New York: Tudor, 41–67. (Scholar)
- Broad, C. D., 1971c, “G. E. Moore’s Latest Published
Views on Ethics,” in Broad, Broad’s Critical Essays in
Moral Philosophy, London: George Allen and Unwin. (Scholar)
- Burgess-Jackson, K., 2013, “Taking Egoism Seriously,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 16: 529–42. (Scholar)
- Campbell, R., 1972, “A Short Refutation of Ethical Egoism,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 2: 249–54. (Scholar)
- Crisp, R., 2019, Sacrifice Regained: Morality and Self-Interest in British Moral Philosophy from Hobbes to Bentham, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar) (Scholar)
- Frank, R. H., 1988, Passions Within Reason, New York: Norton. (Scholar)
- Frankena, W. K., 1973, Ethics, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. (Scholar)
- Gauthier, D., 1986, Morals By Agreement, Oxford: Clarendon. (Scholar)
- Hobbes, T., 1968, Leviathan, ed. C. B. Macpherson, Harmondsworth: Penguin, chs. 14–15. (Scholar)
- Hurka, T., 2010, “Underivative Duty: Prichard on Moral Obligation,” Social Philosophy and Policy, 27 (2): 111–134. (Scholar)
- Kalin, J., 1970, “In Defense of Egoism,” in D.
Gauthier, Morality and Rational Self-Interest, Englewood
Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. (Scholar)
- Kavka, G., 1984, “The Reconciliation Project,” in Morality, Reason, and Truth, ed. D. Copp and D. Zimmerman, Totowa: Rowman and Allanheld. (Scholar)
- –––, 1986, Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory (Part II), Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Mackie, J. L., 1976, “Sidgwick’s Pessimism,”
Philosophical Quarterly, 26: 317–27. (Scholar)
- McConnell, T. C. 1978, “The Argument from Psychological Egoism to Ethical Egoism,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 56: 41–47. (Scholar)
- Moore, G. E., 1903, Principia Ethica, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, sec. 59. (Scholar)
- Nagel, T., 1986, The View From Nowhere, New York: Oxford University Press, Ch. 8. (Scholar)
- Prichard, H. A., 2002, Moral Writings, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Rachels, S., 2002, “Nagelian Arguments against Egoism,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 80: 191–208. (Scholar)
- Sidgwick, H., 1907, The Methods of Ethics, Indianapolis: Hackett, seventh edition, 1981, II.V and concluding chapter. (Scholar)
- Smith, M., 2003, “Neutral and Relative Value after Moore,” Ethics, 113: 576–98. (Scholar)
Rational Egoism
- Andes, P., 2019, “Sidgwick’s Dualism of Practical
Reason, Evolutionary Debunking, and Moral Psychology,”
Utilitas, 31: 361–377. (Scholar)
- Bramble, B., 2017, “Evolutionary Debunking Arguments and Our Shared History of Pain,” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, 12: 94–101. (Scholar)
- Brink, D., 1992, “Sidgwick and the Rationale for Rational Egoism,” in Essays on Henry Sidgwick, ed. B. Schultz, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Broad, C. D., 1971b, “Self and Others,” in Broad,
Broad’s Critical Essays in Moral Philosophy, London:
George Allen and Unwin. (Scholar)
- Crisp, R., 2019, Sacrifice Regained: Morality and Self-Interest in British Moral Philosophy from Hobbes to Bentham, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Ewing, A. C., 1965, Ethics, New York: Free Press. (Scholar)
- Jaquet, F., 2018, “Evolution and Utilitarianism,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21: 1151–61. (Scholar)
- Johnston, M., 1997, “Human Concerns Without Superlative Selves,” in Reading Parfit, ed. J. Dancy, Oxford: Blackwell, 149–179. (Scholar)
- Kagan, S., 1986, “The Present-Aim Theory of Rationality,” Ethics, 96: 746–759. (Scholar)
- Hills, A., 2010, The Beloved Self, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Kahane, G., 2011, “Evolutionary Debunking Arguments,”
Noûs, 45: 103–25. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “Evolution and Impartiality,” Ethics, 124: 327–41. (Scholar)
- Korsgaard, C, 2005, “The Myth of Egoism,”, in
Practical Conflicts: New Philosophical Essays, ed. P. Baumann
and M. Betzler, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
59–91. (Scholar)
- Lazari-Radek, K. de, and Singer, P., 2014, The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, chapter 7. (Scholar)
- Parfit, D., 1984, Reasons and Persons, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1986, Reply to Kagan, Ethics, 96:
843–846, 868–869. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, On What Matters, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Phillips, D., 2011, Sidgwickian Ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Rachels, J., 1974, “Two Arguments Against Ethical Egoism,” Philosophia, 4: 297–314. (Scholar)
- Rachels, S. and Alter, T., 2005, “Nothing Matters in Survival,” Journal of Ethics, 9: 311–330. (Scholar)
- Schafer, K., 2010, “Evolution and Normative Scepticism,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 88: 471–88. (Scholar)
- Schopenhauer, A., 1965, On the Basis of Morality, trans. E. F. Payne, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. (Scholar)
- Shafer-Landau, R., 2012, “Evolutionary Debunking, Moral Realism, and Moral Knowledge,” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, 7.1. doi:10.26556/jesp.v7i1.68 (Scholar)
- Shaver, R., 1999, Rational Egoism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, “Sidgwick’s Distinction
Passage,” Utilitas, 32: 444–453. (Scholar)
- –––, 2022, “The Decline of Egoism,” Utilitas, 34: 300–316. (Scholar)
- Sidgwick, H., 1896, Outlines of the History of Ethics,
London: Macmillan. (Scholar)
- –––, 1907, The Methods of Ethics, Indianapolis: Hackett, seventh edition, 1981, II.I, IV.II, and concluding chapter. (Scholar)
- Sterba, J., 2013, From Rationality to Equality, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ch. 3. (Scholar)
- Tersman, F., 2008, “The Reliability of Moral Intuitions: A Challenge from Neuroscience,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 86: 389–405. (Scholar)