Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Epicurus" by David Konstan
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Editions, translations, commentaries
- Annas, Julia (ed.), and Raphael Woolf (trans.), 2001. Cicero:
On Moral Ends, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Arrighetti, Graziano, 1973. Epicuro Opere, 2nd
edition, Turin: Einaudi. (Best edition available, with Italian
translation.) (Scholar)
- Arrighetti, Graziano and Marcello Gigante, 1977. “Frammenti
del libro undidesimo ‘Della natura’ di Epicuro (PHerc.
1042),” Cronache Ercolenesi, 7: 5–8. (Scholar)
- Bailey, Cyril B., 1926. Epicurus: The Extant Remains, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Best edition in English.) (Scholar)
- Bollack, Jean (ed.), 1985. Il pensiero del piacere: Epicuro,
testi morali, commentari, Genoa: La Quercia. (Scholar)
- De Lacy, Phillip Howard and Estelle Allen De Lacy, 1978. Philodemus On Methods of Inference, 2nd edition, Naples: Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- Delattre, Daniel and Jackie Pigeaud (eds.), 2010. Les
epicuriens, Paris: Gallimard. (Very rich collection of texts in
translation.) (Scholar)
- Dorandi, Tiziano (ed.), 2013. Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Hammerstaedt, Jürgen, Pierre-Marie Morel, Refik Güremen
(eds.), 2017. Diogenes of Oinoanda: Epicureanism and Philosophical
Debates / Diogène d’Œnoanda: Épicurisme et
Controverses, Leuven: Leuven University Press. (Scholar)
- Hessler, Jan Erik, 2014. Epikur: Brief an Menoikeus, Basil. (Best commentary on this epistle.) (Scholar)
- Indelli, Giovanni and Voula Tsouna-McKirahan (eds.), 1995. [Philodemus]: [On Choices and Avoidances], Naples: Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- Inwood, Brad and L.P. Gerson, 1997. Hellenistic Philosophy:
Introductory Readings, 2nd edition, Indianapolis: Hackett.
(Translation of principal sources. The Epicurean part is also
published separately.) (Scholar)
- Konstan, David (trans.), 1989. Simplicius on Aristotle’s
Physics 6, Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press and
Duckworth. (Scholar)
- Konstan, David, Diskin Clay, Clarence Glad, Johan Thom, and James
Ware, 1998. Philodemus On Frank Criticism: Introduction,
Translation and Notes, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature
Texts and Translations (Greco-Roman Religion). (Scholar)
- Laursen, Simon, 1995. “The Early Parts of Epicurus, On
Nature, 25th Book,” Cronache Ercolanesi, 25:
5–109. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997. “The Later Parts of Epicurus,
On Nature, 25th Book,” Cronache Ercolanesi, 27:
5–83. (Scholar)
- Leone, Giuliana, 1984. “Epicuro, ‘Della natura,’
libro XIV,” Cronache Ercolanesi, 14: 17–107. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012. Epicuro Sulla natura
libro II, Naples: Bibliopolis. (Splendid edition with major
introduction on simulacra and related questions.) (Scholar)
- Long, A.A. and David Sedley, 1987. The Hellenistic
Philosophers, 2 volumes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(Excellent collection of sources, with Greek text in volume 2,
arranged by topic.) (Scholar)
- Mensch, Pamela (trans.), 2018. Diogenes
Laertius: Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. (Best and most accessible English version, based on Dorandi’s
text.) (Scholar)
- Millot, C., 1977. “Epicure ‘De la nature’ livre
XV,” Cronache Ercolanesi, 7: 9–39. (Scholar)
- Obbink, Dirk, 1996. Philodemus De pietate, Oxford:
Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Sedley, David, 1973. “Epicurus, ‘On Nature’ Book
XXVIII,” Cronache Ercolanesi, 3: 5–83. (Scholar)
- Smith, Martin Ferguson (ed.), 1993. Diogenes of Oenoanda: The
Epicurean Inscription, Naples: Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- Stern, Jacob (trans.), 1996. Palaephatus: On Unbelievable
Tales, Wauconda, IL : Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. (Scholar)
- Taylor, C.C.W. (ed.), 1999. The Atomists: Leucippus and Democritus: A Text and Translation with a Commentary (The Phoenix Presocratics 5 = Phoenix Supplementary Volume 36), Toronto: The University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Usener, Hermann, 1887. Epicurea. Leipzig: Teubner.
Italian translation by Ilaria Ramelli, Epicurea: Testi di Epicuro
e testimonianze epicuree nell’edizione di Hermann Usener,
Milan: Bompiani, 2002. (Most complete collection of fragments.) (Scholar)
- Verde, Francesco, 2010. Epicuro Epistola a Erodoto. Rome:
Carocci. (The best edition of this fundamental work.) (Scholar)
- Verde, Francesco (ed.), 2022. Epicuro, Epistola a
Pitocle, in collaboration with M. Tulli, D. De Sanctis,
F. G. Masi, Academia Verlag, Baden-Baden. (Scholar)
Critical Studies
- Algra, Keimpe, Jonathan Barnes, Jaap Mansfeld, and Malcolm Schofield (eds.), 1999. The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Good chapters on Epicurean epistemology, physics, psychology, and ethics.) (Scholar)
- Bailey, Cyril B., 1928. The Greek Atomists and Epicurus, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Dated but still useful.) (Scholar)
- Clay, Diskin, 1983. Lucretius and Epicurus, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- Gigandet, Alain and Pierre-Marie Morel (eds.), 2007. Lire
Épicure et les épicuriens, Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France. (Scholar)
- Giovacchini, J. 2008. Épicure, Paris: Les Belles
- Gordon, Pamela, 1996. Epicurus in Lycia: The Second-Century World of Diogenes of Oenoanda, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. (Scholar)
- Hossenfelder, Malte, 1991. Epikur, Munich: Beck. (Scholar)
- Jones, Howard, 1989. The Epicurean Tradition, London:
Routledge. (Scholar)
- Mitsis, Phillip (ed.), 2020. Oxford Handbook of Epicurus and Epicureanism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Excellent collection on every aspect of Epicureanism.) (Scholar)
- Németh, Attila, 2017. Epicurus on the Self, London: Routledge, (Scholar)
- O’Keefe, Tim, 2010. Epicureanism. Durham: Acumen. (Highly readable and philosophically engaging introduction.) (Scholar)
- Pesce, Domenico, 1974. Saggio su Epicuro, Bari: Laterza. (Scholar)
- Rist, John, 1972. Epicurus: An Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (A good survey.) (Scholar)
- Sedley, David, 1998. Lucretius and the Transformation of Greek Wisdom, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Verde, Francesco, 2013. Epicuro, Rome: Carocci. (Up to date survey of all aspects of Epicurus’ thought.) (Scholar)
- Warren, James (ed.), 2009. The Cambridge Companion to Epicureanism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Wilson, Catherine, 2015. Epicureanism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Cambiano, Giuseppe, 1997. “L’atomismo antico,”
Quaderni di Storia, 23: 5–17.
- Furley, David, 1967. Two Studies in the Greek Atomists, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar) (Still fundamental.) (Scholar)
- Furley, David, 1996. “The Earth in Epicurean and
Contemporary Astronomy,” in Gabriele Giannantoni and Marcello
Gigante (eds.), Epicureismo greco e romano: Atti del congresso
internazionale Napoli, 19–26 maggio 1993, Naples:
Bibliopolis, 1996, Volume 1, pp. 119–25. (Scholar)
- Giannantoni, Gabriele, 1989. “L’infinito nella fisica
epicurea,” in L’infinito dei greci e dei romani,
Genoa: Facoltà di Lettere dell’ Università di
Genova, pp. 9–26.
- Inwood, Brad, 1981. “The Origin of Epicurus’ Concept
of Void,” Classical Philology, 76: 273–85. (Scholar)
- Konstan, David, 1972. “Epicurus on Up and Down (Letter to Herodotus sec. 60),” Phronesis, 17: 269–78. (Scholar)
- –––, 1979. “Problems in Epicurean Physics,” Isis, 70: 394–418. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000. “Democritus the Physicist” (Review of Taylor 1999), Apeiron, 33: 125–44. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014. “Epicurus on the Void,” in Christoph Helmig, Christoph Horn, and Graziano Ranocchia (eds.), Space in Hellenistic Philosophy, Berlin: de Gruyter. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020. “Epicurean phantasia,” in Ermanno
Malaspina and Jula Wildberger (eds.), Axiological Confusion and its
Causes, Πηγη/Fons: Revista de Estudios sobre la Civilización Clásica y
su Recepción 5: 1–18. (Scholar)
- Laks, André, 1991. “Épicure et la doctrine
aristotélicienne du continu,” in F. de Gandt and P.
Souffrin (eds.), La Physique d’Aristote et les conditions
d’une science de la nature: Actes du colloque organisé
par le Séminaire d’Épistémologie et
d’Histoire des Sciences de Nice, Paris: J. Vrin, pp.
- Laursen, Simon, 1992. “The Summary of Epicurus ‘On
Nature’ Book 25,” in Mario Capasso (ed.), Papiri
letterari greci e latini, Galatina: Congedo, pp.
141–154. (Scholar)
- Masi, Francesca Guadalupe and Stefano Maso (eds.), 2015.
Epicurus on Eidola. Peri Phuseos Book II: Update, Proposals and
Discussions, Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert. (Scholar)
- Morel, Pierre-Marie, 2000. Atome et nécessité: Démocrite, Épicure, Lucrèce, Paris: Pr. Universitaires de France. (Scholar)
- Sedley, David, 1982. “Two Conceptions of Vacuum,” Phronesis, 27: 175–93. (Scholar)
- Verde, Francesco, 2013. Elachista: La dottrina dei minimi nell’epicureismo, Leuven: Leuven University Press. (Scholar)
- Armstrong, David, 2003. “Philodemus, the Herculaneum Papyri,
and the Therapy of Fear,” in Dane R. Gordon and David B. Suits
(eds.), Epicurus: His Continuing Influence and Contemporary
Relevance, Rochester, NY: RIT Cary Graphic Arts Press, pp.
17–43. (Scholar)
- Armstrong, David, 2008. “‘Be Angry and Sin Not’: Philodemus versus the Stoics on Natural Bites and Natural Emotions,” in John T. Fitzgerald (ed.), Passions and Moral Progress in Greco-Roman Thought, London: Routledge, pp. 79–121. (Scholar)
- Diano, Carlo, 1974 [1939–42]. Scritti Epicurei,
Florence: Leo S. Olschki.
- Konstan, David, 2008. “A Life Worthy of the Gods”: The Materialist Pyschology of Epicurus, Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing. (This is an updated version of D. Konstan, Some Aspects of Epicurean Psychology, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1973.) (Scholar)
- Annas, Julia, 1993. The Morality of Happiness, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Excellent overview.) (Scholar)
- Alberti, Antonina, 1994. “Ragione e virtù
nell’etica epicurea,” in A. Alberti, Realtà e
ragione: studi di filosofia antica, Florence: Accademia Toscana
di Scienze e Lettere La Colombaria [Studi 140], pp.
185–216. (Scholar)
- Barigazzi, A., 1983. “Sul concetto epicureo della sicurezza
esterna,” in SUZHTHSIS: Studi sull’epicureismo greco e
romano offerti a Marcello Gigante, Naples: Biblioteca della
Parola del Passato, pp. 73–92. (Scholar)
- Cooper, J.M., 2012. Pursuits of Wisdom, Princeton: Princeton University Press, Chapter 5 (Sections 5.1–5.6), pp. 226–290. (Scholar)
- Müller, Reimar, 1991. Die epikureische Ethik, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. (Scholar)
- Purinton, Jeffrey S., 1993. “Epicurus on the Telos,” Phronesis, 38: 281–320. (Scholar)
- Annas, Julia, 1987. “Epicurus on Pleasure and Happiness,” Philosophical Topics, 15: 5–21. (Scholar)
- Cooper, John M., 1999. “Pleasure and Desire in Epicurus,” in J. Cooper, Reason and Emotion, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 485–514. (Scholar)
- Gosling, J.C.B. and C.C.W. Taylor, 1982. The Greeks on Pleasure, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Nikolsky, Boris, 2001. “Epicurus on Pleasure,” Phronesis, 46: 440–465. (Scholar)
- Wolfsdorf, David, 2013. Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Alberti, Antonina, 1990. “Paura della morte e
identità personale nell’epicureismo,” in Antonina
Alberti (ed.), Logica, mente e persona: studi sulla filosofia
antica, Florence: Olschki, pp. 151–206. (Scholar)
- Lesses, Glenn, 2002. “Happiness, Completeness, and Indifference to Death in Epicurean Ethical Theory,” Apeiron, 35: 57–68. (Scholar)
- Mitsis, Phillip, 2002. “Happiness and Death in Epicurean Ethics,” Apeiron, 35: 41–55. (Scholar)
- Rosenbaum, S., 1986. “How to be Dead and not Care: A Defense of Epicurus,” American Philosophical Quarterly, 23: 217–25. (Scholar)
- Warren, James, 2000. “Epicurean Immortality,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 18: 231–261. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004. Facing Death: Epicurus and his Critics, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Asmis, Elizabeth, 1984. Epicurus’ Scientific
Method, Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- Everson, Stephen, 1990. “Epicurus on the Truth of the Senses,” in Stephen Everson (ed.), Epistemology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 161–183. (Scholar)
- Jürss, Fritz, 1991. Die epikureische Erkenntnistheorie, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. (Scholar)
- Konstan, David, 1989a.
“Περίληψις in
Epicurean Epistemology,” Ancient Philosophy, 13:
125–37. (Scholar)
- Konstan, David, 2007. “Response to Morel 2007,”
Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient
Philosophy, 23: 49–54. (Scholar)
- Lee, Edward N., 1978. “The Sense of an Object: Epicurus on Seeing and Hearing,” in P.K. Machamer and R.G. Turnbull (eds.), Studies in Perception: Interrelations in the History of Philosophy and Science, Columbus OH: Ohio State University Press, pp. 27–59. (Scholar)
- Long, A.A., 1971. “Aesthesis, Prolepsis and Linguistic
Theory in Epicurus,” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical
Studies, 18: 114–33. (Scholar)
- Manuwald, A., 1972. Die Prolepsislehre Epikurs, Bonn: Habelt. (Scholar)
- Morel, Pierre-Marie, 2002. “Les ambiguïtés de la conception épicurienne du temps,” Revue de Philosophie, 192: 195–211. (Scholar)
- Morel, Pierre-Marie, 2007. “Method and Evidence (enargeia): Epicurean prolêpsis,” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, 23: 25–48. (Scholar)
- Sedley, David, 1976. “Epicurus and the Mathematicians of
Cyzicus,” Cronache Ercolanesi, 6: 23–54. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989. “Epicurus on the Common
Sensibles,” in Pamela Huby and Gordon Neal (eds.), The
Criterion of Truth: Essays Written in Honour of George Kerferd,
together with a Text and Translation (with Annotations) of
Ptolemy’s On the Kriterion and Hegemonikon, Liverpool:
Liverpool University Press, pp. 123–136. (Scholar)
- Taylor, C.C.W., 1980. “‘All Perceptions are True’,” in M. Schofield, J. Barnes and M. Burnyeat (eds.), Doubt and Dogmatism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 105–24. (Scholar)
- Tsouna, Voula, 2016. “Epicurean Preconceptions,” Phronesis, 61: 160–221. (Scholar)
- vander Waerdt, Paul, 1989. “Colotes and the Epicurean
Refutation of Skepticism,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine
Studies, 30: 225–267. (Scholar)
- Atherton, Catherine, 2005. “Lucretius on what Language is Not,” in Dorothea Frede and Brad Inwood (eds.), Language and Learning: Philosophy of Language in the Hellenistic Age, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 101–38. (Scholar)
- Brunschwig, Jacques, 1977. “Epicure et le problème du
‘langage privé’,” Revue des Sciences
Humaines, 163: 157–77. (Scholar)
- Everson, Stephen, 1994. “Epicurus on Mind and Language,” in Stephen Everson (ed.), Language (Series: Companions to Ancient Thought, Volume 3), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 74–108. (Scholar)
- Giannantoni, Gabriele, 1994. “Epicurei e stoici sul
linguaggio,” in Storia poesia e pensiero nel mondo antico:
Studi in onore di Marcello Gigante, Naples: Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- Verlinsky, Alexander, 2005. “Epicurus and his Predecessors on the Origin of Language,” in Dorothea Frede and Brad Inwood (eds.), Language and Learning: Philosophy of Language in the Hellenistic Age, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 56–100. (Scholar)
Free Will and the Atomic Swerve
- Asmis, Elizabeth, 1990. “Free Action and the Swerve” (Review of Walter G. Englert, Epicurus on the swerve and voluntary action), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 8: 275–291. (Scholar)
- Bignone, Ettore, 1940. “La dottrina epicurea del
clinamen,” Atene e Roma, 42: 159–68. (Scholar)
- Bobzien, Susanne, 2000. “Did Epicurus Discover the Free-Will Problem?” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 19: 287–337. (Scholar)
- Englert, Walter G., 1987. Epicurus on the Swerve and Voluntary Action, Atlanta: Scholars Press. (Scholar)
- Furley, David, 1967. Two Studies in the Greek Atomists, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Greenblatt, Stephen, 2011. The Swerve: How the World Became
Modern, New York: W. W. Norton. (This is more a book about the
reception of Lucretius than about Epicurean physics as such.) (Scholar)
- O’Keefe, Tim, 1996. “Does Epicurus Need the Swerve as an Archê of Collisions?” Phronesis, 41: 305–317. (Scholar)
- Purinton, Jeffrey S., 1999. “Epicurus on ‘Free
Volition’ and the Atomic Swerve,” Phronesis, 44:
253–299. (Scholar)
- Russell, Daniel Charles, 2000. “Epicurus and Lucretius on
Saving Agency,” Phoenix, 54: 226–243. (Scholar)
- Sedley, David, 1983. “Epicurus’ Refutation of
Determinism,” in SUZHTHSIS: Studi sull’epicureismo
greco e romano offerti a Marcello Gigante, Naples: Biblioteca
della Parola del Passato, pp. 11–51. (Scholar)
- Armstrong, John M., 1997. “Epicurean Justice,” Phronesis, 42: 324–334. (Scholar)
- Denyer, Nick, 1983. “The Origins of Justice,” in
SUZHTHSIS: Studi sull’epicureismo greco e romano offerti a
Marcello Gigante, Naples: Biblioteca della Parola del Passato,
pp. 133–52. (Scholar)
- Goldschmidt, Victor, 1977. La doctrine d’Epicure et le
droit, Paris: J. Vrin; reprinted 2002. (Scholar)
- Minutoli, Giuseppe, 1997. “Il problema del diritto in Epicuro,” Rivista di Filosofia del Diritto, 74: 436–460. (Scholar)
- Mitsis, Phillip, 1988. Epicurus’ Ethical Theory: The
Pleasures of Invulnerability, Ithaca NY: Cornell University
Press. (Scholar)
- Morel, Pierre-Marie, 2000. “Épicure, l’histoire
et le droit,” Revue des Études Anciennes, 102:
- vander Waerdt, Paul, 1987. “The Justice of the Epicurean Wise Man,” Classical Quarterly, n.s. 37: 402–22. (Scholar)
Theology and the Gods
- Erler, Michael, 2001, “Epicurus as deus mortalis: homoiosis theôi and Epicurean Self-Cultivation,” in Dorothea Frede and André Laks (eds.), Traditions of Theology: Studies in Hellenistic Theology; Its Background and Aftermath, Leiden: E.J. Brill, pp. 159–81. (Scholar)
- Festugière, A.-J., 1985 [1946]. Epicure et ses
dieux, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Freymuth, G., 1953. Zur Lehre von den Götterbildern in der epikureischen Philosophie, Berlin: Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Scholar)
- Kleve, Knut, 1963. Gnosis Theon: Die Lehre von de
natürlichen Götteserkenntnis in der epikureischen
Theologie, Oslo: Symbolae Osloenses, Supplement Volume 19. (Scholar)
- Konstan, David, 2011. “Epicurus on the Gods,” in Jeffrey Fish and Kirk Sanders (eds.), Epicurus and the Epicurean Tradition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 53–71. (Scholar)
- Lemke, D., 1973. Die Theologie Epikurs: Versuch einer Rekonstruktion, Munich: Zetemata 57. (Scholar)
- Obbink, Dirk, 1989. “The Atheism of Epicurus,”
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 30: 187–223. (Scholar)
- Purinton, Jeffrey S., 2001. “Epicurus on the Nature of the Gods,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 21: 181–231. (Scholar)
- Sedley, David, 2011. “Epicurus’ Theological
Innatism,” in Jeffrey Fish and Kirk Sanders (eds.), Epicurus
and the Epicurean Tradition, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, pp. 29–52. (Scholar)
Evolution of Society.
- Ruijgh, Cornelis J., 2000. “À propos de lathe biosas:
la valeur de l’impératif aoriste,”
Hyperboreus, 6: 325–348.
- Silvestre, Maria Luisa, 1995. “Epicuro e la politica,”
in Salvatore Cerasuolo (ed.), Mathesis e philia: studi in onore di
Marcello Gigante, Naples: Universita degli Studi di Napoli
Federico II, pp. 131–142. (Scholar)
Sex and Marriage
- Brennan, Tad, 1996. “Epicurus on Sex, Marriage and Children,” Classical Philology, 91: 346–352. (Scholar)
- Chilton, C.W., 1960. “Did Epicurus Approve of Marriage? A Study of Diogenes Laertius X 119,” Phronesis, 5: 71–74. (Scholar)
- Morana, Cyril, 1996. “L’atomisme antique face a
l’amour,” Revue philosophique de la France et de
l’Étranger, 186: 119–132.
- Arrighetti, Graziano, 1978. “Philia e physiologia: I
fondamenti dell’amicizia epicurea,” Materiali e
Discussioni per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici, 1:
49–63. (Scholar)
- Brescia, C., 1955. “La philia in Epicuro,”
Giornale Italiano di Filologia, 8: 314–32. (Scholar)
- Brown, E., 2002. “Epicurus on the Value of Friendship (Sententia Vaticana XXIII),” Classical Philology, 97: 68–80. (Scholar)
- Gemelli, B., 1978. “L’amicizia in Epicuro,”
Sandalion, 1: 59–72.
- Giesz, Ludwig, 1990. “Epikur: das Glück der
Freundschaft,” in Philosophische Spaziergänge:
zwölf vorsichtige Antworten auf die Frage, wei man sich im Leben
denn einzurichten hätte, Stuttgart: Metzler, pp.
3–19. (Scholar)
- Konstan, David, 1994. “Friendship From Epicurus to
Philodemus,” in M. Giannantoni and M. Gigante (eds.),
L’Epicureismo greco e romano, Naples: Bibliopolis, pp.
387–96. (Scholar)
- Mitsis, Phillip, 1988. Epicurus’ Ethical Theory: The
Pleasures of Invulnerability, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Press. (Scholar)
- O’Connor, D.K., 1989. “The Invulnerable Pleasures of Epicurean Friendship,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 30: 165–86. (Scholar)
- O’Keefe, Tim, 2001. “Is Epicurean Friendship Altruistic?” Apeiron, 34: 269–305. (Scholar)
The Epicurean Community
- Clay, Diskin, 1983. “Individual and Community in the First
Generation of the Epicurean School,” in SUZHTHSIS: Studi
sull’ epicureismo greco e romano offerti a Marcello
Gigante, Naples: Biblioteca della Parola del Passato, pp.
255–79. (Scholar)
- Frischer, Bernard, 1982. The Sculpted Word: Epicureanism and Philosophical Recruitment in Ancient Greece, Berkeley: University of California Press. (Scholar)
- Warren, James, 2001. “Epicurus’ Dying Wishes,”
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, 47:
23–46. (Scholar)