Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Epistemology of Geometry" by Jeremy Gray and José Ferreirós
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- d’Alembert, J. le Rond, 1784, Encylopédie
Méthodique: Mathématique. (Scholar)
- Arana, A. & P. Mancosu, 2012, “On the relationship between plane and solid geometry”, Review of Symbolic Logic, 5(2): 294–353. (Scholar)
- Beltrami, E., 1868, “Saggio di interpretazione della
geometria non Euclidea”, Giornale di Matematiche, 6:
284–312, in Opere matematiche I: 374–405; English
translation in J. Stillwell, 1996, Sources of Hyperbolic
Geometry (History of Mathematics 10), American and London
Mathematical Societies, pp. 7–34. (Scholar)
- Bioesmat-Martagon, L., 2011, Éléments
d’une biographie de l’espace projectif, Nancy:
Presses Universitaires de Nancy, Collection histories de geometries,
- Bolyai, J., 1832, “Appendix scientiam spatii absolute veram
exhibens”, in W. Bolyai and J. Bolyai, 1832, Tentamen
juventutem studiosam in Elementa Matheosis purae, etc,
Maros-Vásérhely, 2 volumes; English translation by G.B.
Halsted, “The Science Absolute of Space”, Appendix in
Bonola 1912 and in J.J. Gray, 2004, János Bolyai,
Non-Euclidean Geometry and the Nature of Space, Burndy Library,
MIT. (Scholar)
- Bonola, R., 1906, La geometria non-Euclidea, Bologna:
Zanichelli, English translation H.S. Carslaw, preface by F. Enriques,
1912, History of non-Euclidean geometry, Chicago: Open Court;
reprint, New York: Dover, 1955. (Scholar)
- Bottazzini, U., 1999, “Ricci and Levi-Civita: from
differential invariants to general relativity”, in J.J. Gray
(ed.) The symbolic universe: geometry and physics
1890–1930, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Chasles, M., 1837, Aperçu historique sur
l’origine et le développement des méthodes en
géométrie …suivi d’un Mémoire de
géométrie, etc. Mémoires sur les
questions proposées par l’Académie Royale des
Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles, tom. 11, Bruxelles. (Scholar)
- Clairaut, A.C., 1741, Elémens de
géométrie, Paris: David Fils; reprinted 1920,
Paris: Gauthier-Villars. (Scholar)
- Cremona, L., 1873, Elementi di geometria projettiva,
Turin. English translation by C. Leudesdorf, 1885, Elements of
projective geometry, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- De Paz, M. 2018, From jurisprudence to mechanics: Jacobi, Reech, and Poincaré on convention, Science in Context, 31 (2): 223–250. (Scholar)
- Enriques, F., 1906, Problemi della Scienza; English translation by K. Royce, Problems of Science, Chicago: Open Court, 1914. (Scholar)
- Enriques, F., 1907, “Prinzipien der Geometrie”,
Encylopädie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften,
III.I.1,1–129, Leipzig: Teubner. (Scholar)
- Euclid, The Thirteen Books of Euclid’s Elements,
translation and commentaries by Sir T. L. Heath, New York: Dover
Publications, 1956. (Scholar)
- Ferreirós, J. 2006, Riemann’s Habilitationsvortrag at
the Crossroads of Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy, in The
Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in history and
philosophy, J. Ferreirós & J. J. Gray (eds.), Oxford:
Oxford University Press, pp. 67–96. (Scholar)
- Gauss, C.F., 1828, “Disquisitiones generales circa
superficies curvas”, Commentationes societatis regiae
scientiarum Gottingensis recentiores; reprinted in 1870, Carl
Friedrich Gauss Werke, 4: 217–258; reprinted in P. Dombrowski
(ed.), 1978, 150 Years After Gauss’ ‘Disquisitiones
Generales Circa Superficies Curvas’, Latin original, with a
reprint of the English translation by A. Hiltebeitel and J. Morehead,
1902, Astérisque 62, Paris: Société
mathématique de France; and in P. Pesic, (ed.), 2005,
General investigations of curved surfaces, New York: Dover
Books. (Scholar)
- Gauss, C.F., 1900, Werke (Volume 8), Leipzig: Teubner. (Scholar)
- Gray, J.J., 2008, Plato’s Ghost: The Modernist
Transformation of Mathematics, Princeton: Princeton University
Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, Worlds out of Nothing; a course
on the history of geometry in the 19th century, 2nd
revised edition, London: Springer. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, Henri Poincaré: a scientific biography, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Griffin, N., 1991, Russell’s idealist
apprenticeship, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Hallett, M. and U. Majer (eds), 2004, David Hilbert’s
lectures on the foundations of geometry, 1891–1902, Berlin:
Springer. (Scholar)
- Helmholtz, H. von, 1868, “Über die thatsächlichen
Grundlagen der Geometrie”, Nachrichten K. Ges.
Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 9; English translation by M. F.
Lowe, 1921, “On the facts underlying geometry”,
Epistemological Writings, R. S. Cohen and Y. Elkana (eds),
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Boston: Reidel, volume
37, 39–57. (Scholar)
- –––, 1870, “Über den Ursprung und die
Bedeutung der geometrischen Axiome”, Vorträge und Reden,
vol. 2, 1–31; English translation “On the origin and
significance of the axioms of geometry”, in Epistemological
Writings, pp. 1–25. (Scholar)
- –––, 1921, Schriften zur
Erkenntnistheorie, Berlin: Springer, P. Hertz and M. Schlick
(eds.), translated by M.F. Lowe as Epistemological Writings,
R.S. Cohen and Y. Elkana (eds.), Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1977. (Scholar)
- Herbart, J.F., 1824–1825, Psychologie als Wissenschaft
neu gegründet auf Erfahrung, Metaphysik, und Mathematik, 2
volumes, Königsberg: A.W. Unzer. (Scholar)
- Hilbert, D., 1899, Grundlagen der Geometrie, Festschrift zur
Feier der Enthüllung des Gauss-Weber-Denkmals in
Göttingen, Leipzig: Teubner, many subsequent editions;
English translation of 10th edition by L. Unger, Foundations
of geometry, Chicago: Open Court, 1971. (Scholar)
- –––, 1901, “Über Flächen von
konstanter Gaussscher Krümmung”, Transactions of the
American Mathematical Society 2: 87–99; in Gesammelte
Abhandlungen, 2: 437–448. (Scholar)
- Hume, D., 1739–1740, A Treatise of Human Nature, London. Searchable text at A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume, reprinted from the Original Edition in three volumes and edited, with an analytical index, by L.A. Selby-Bigge, M.A. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896). [online searchable Hume 1739] (Scholar)
- Kant, I., 1781, 1787, Kritik der reinen Vernunft;
translator Norman Kemp Smith, 1929, Immanuel Kant’s Critique
of Pure Reason, 2nd edition, reprinted 1970, London:
Macmillan. (Scholar)
- Klein, C.F., 1871, “Ueber die sogenannte Nicht-Euklidische
Geometrie”, Mathematische Annalen, 4: 573–625.
Also in Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen 1, (no. XVI):
254–305, Berlin: Springer. (Scholar)
- –––, 1872, Vergleichende Betrachtungen
über neuere geometrische Forschungen, Programm zum Eintritt
in die philosophische Facultät und den Senat der Universität
zu Erlangen, Deichert, Erlangen, in Gesammelte Mathematische
Abhandlungen 1, (no. XXVII): 460–497; English translation
by M.W. Haskell, 1892–1893, Bulletin of the New York
Mathematical Society, 2: 215–249, Berlin: Springer. (Scholar)
- –––, 1873, “Ueber die sogenannte
Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie. (Zweiter Aufsatz)”,
Mathematische Annalen, 6: 112–145; in Gesammelte
Mathematische Abhandlungen 1, (no. XVIII): 311–343, Berlin:
Springer. (Scholar)
- Lambert, J.H., 1786, “Theory of parallels”, in
W. Ewald (ed.), From Kant to Hilbert. A source book in the
foundations of mathematics (Volume 1), Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 158-167. (Scholar)
- Laplace, P.-S., 1796, “Exposition du système du
monde,” Paris: Crapelet, in Oeuvres VI, Paris, Gauthier-Villars,
1884 (Scholar)
- Legendre, A.-M., 1794, Éléments de
géométrie, Paris: Fermin Didot Frères,
several editions.
- Levi-Civita, T., 1917, “Nozione de parallelismo in una
varietà qualunque”, Rendiconto del Circolo Matematico
di Palermo, 42: 173–205. (Scholar)
- Lobachevskii, N.I., 1835, “Neue Anfangsgrunde der Geometrie
mit einer vollständigen Theorie der parallellinien”, German
translation in Lobachetschefskij, N.I. 1899, Zwei geometrische
Abhandlungen, F. Engel (trans.), Leipzig, Teubner. (Scholar)
- –––, 1840, Geometrische Untersuchungen zur
Theorie der Parallellinien, Berlin, rep. Mayer & Müller,
1887, English tr. G.B. Halsted, Geometric Researches in the Theory
of Parallels, Appendix in (Bonola 1912). (Scholar)
- –––, 1856, Pangéométrie, ou
précis de géométrie fondée sur une
théorie générale des paralleles, Kasan.
English translation with commentary, Pangeometry, A.
Papadopoulos (ed.), European Mathematical Society, 2010. (Scholar)
- Locke, J., 1690, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, London. [Locke 1690 available online] (Scholar)
- Marchisotto, E. and J.T. Smith, 2007, The legacy of Mario
Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic, Boston: Birkhäuser. (Scholar)
- Mueller, I., 1981, Philosophy of Mathematics and Deductive
Structure in Euclid’s Elements, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Nabonnand, P., 2000, “La polémique entre
Poincaré et Russell au sujet du statut des axiomes de la
géométrie,” Revue d’histoire des
mathématiques, 6: 219–269. (Scholar)
- Newton, Sir I., 1687, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia
Mathematica. English translation The Principia: Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy, I.B. Cohen, A. Whitman, and J.
Budenz (trans.), Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. (Scholar)
- Pascal, B., 1658, De l’Esprit géométrique et
de l’art de persuader [Of the geometrical spirit], in
Oeuvres complètes, M. Le Guern (ed.), 2 volumes, Paris:
Gallimard, 1998–2000. (Scholar)
- Poincaré, H., 1882. Théorie des groupes fuchsiens.
Acta Mathematica, 1: 1–62; reprinted in
Oeuvres, 2: 108–168. (Scholar)
- Poincaré, H., 1898, “On the foundations of geometry,” translated by T. J. McCormack, Monist, 9: 1–43; reprinted in W. Ewald, Jr. (ed.), From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics, 2 volumes, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, (Volume 2) 982–1012. (Scholar)
- –––, 1899, “Des fondements de la géométrie: à propos d’un livre de M. Russell,” Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 7: 251–279. (Scholar)
- –––, 1902, “Les fondements de la
géométrie”, Journal des savants,
252–271; English translation by E. V. Huntington, 1903,
“Poincaré’s review of Hilbert’s
‘foundations of geometry’”, Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society, 10(1): 1–23.
[Poincaré 1902 (English) available online] (Scholar)
- Poncelet, J.V., 1822, Traité des
Propriétées Projectives des Figures, Paris:
Gauthier-Villars. (Scholar)
- Riemann, G.B.F., 1867 [1854], “Ueber die Hypothesen, welche
der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen,” Abhandlungen der
Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu
Göttingen, 13: 1–20; republished in Gesammelte
Mathematische Werke, Wissenschaftliche Nachlass und
Nachträge, 1990, R. Narasimhan (ed.), Berlin: Springer, pp.
304–319; Bernhard Riemann, Collected Papers, translated
by R. Baker, C. Christenson and H. Orde, Kendrick Press, 2005. (Scholar)
- Russell, B., 1899, “Sur Les Axiomes de la Géométrie”, Revue de méetaphysique et de morale, 684–706, translated and reprinted as “On the Axioms of Geometry”, in N. Griffin and A. C. Lewis, (eds), 1990, The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell (Volume 2), London: Hyman Unwin, 394–415. (Scholar)
- Scholz, E., 1982, “Herbart’s Influence on Bernhard
Riemann,” Historia Mathematica, 9(4):
413–440. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, “Weyl’s
Infinitesimalgeometrie”, in Hermann Weyl’s
Raum–Zeit–Materie and a general introduction to his
scientific work, E. Scholz (ed.) Basel, Birkhäuser. (Scholar)
- Schweikart, F.K., 1818, “Notiz”, in Carl Friedrich
Gauss Werke, 8: 180–181. (Scholar)
- von Staudt, G.K.C., 1847, Geometrie der Lage,
Nürnberg. (Scholar)
- –––, 1856–1860, Beiträge zur
Geometrie der Lage, 3 volumes, Nürnberg. (Scholar)
- Tarski, A., 1941, “On the Deductive Method,”, Chapter
VI of Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive
Sciences, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Villaggio, P., 2006, “On Enriques’s foundations of
mechanics”, in K. Williams (ed.) Two cultures: Essays in
honour of David Speiser, Birkhäuser, 133–138. (Scholar)
- Wallis, J., 1693, “De postulato quinto et definitione lib. 6
Euclidis deceptatio geometrica”, in Operum
Mathematicorum, 2: 665–678. (Scholar)
- Weyl, H., 1918, Raum–Zeit–Materie, Springer.
English translation of the third edition (1920)
Space-time-matter, London: Methuen. (Scholar)