Linked bibliography for the SEP article "The Epistemology of Visual Thinking in Mathematics" by Marcus Giaquinto
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Adams, C., 2001, The Knot Book, Providence, Rhode Island:
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- Azzouni, J., 2013, “That we see that some
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- Brown, J., 1999, Philosophy of Mathematics: an introduction to the world of proofs and pictures, London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Barwise, J. and J. Etchemendy, 1996, “Visual information and
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- Carter, J., 2010, “Diagrams and Proofs in Analysis”, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 24: 1–14. (Scholar)
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- Ewald, W. (ed.), 1996, From Kant to Hilbert. A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics, Volumes 1 and 2. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Fisk, S., 1978, “A Short Proof of Chvátal’s Watchman
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- Fomenko, A., 1994, Visual Geometry and Topology, M.
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- Frank, M. and Barner, D., 2012, Representing exact number visually using mental abacus. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(1), 134–149. (Scholar)
- Giaquinto, M., 1993b, “Visualizing in Arithmetic”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 53: 385–396. (Scholar)
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Cambridge University Press, (vol. 2). (Scholar)
- Hahn, H., 1933, “The crisis in intuition”, Translated
in Hans Hahn. Empiricism, Logic and Mathematics: Philosophical
Papers, B. McGuiness (ed.) Dordrecht: D. Reidel 1980. First
published in Krise und Neuaufbau in den exakten
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Vienna 1933. (Scholar)
- Hatano, G., Miyake, Y. and Binks, M., 1977, Performance of expert abacus operators. Cognition, 5, 47–55. (Scholar)
- Hilbert, D., 1894, “Die Grundlagen der Geometrie”, Ch.
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- Hishitani, S., 1990, Imagery experts: How do expert abacus operators process imagery? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 4(1), 33–46. (Scholar)
- Hoffman, D., 1987, “The Computer-Aided Discovery of New
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- Hu, Y., Geng, F., Tao, L., Hu, N., Du, F., Fu, K. and Chen, F., 2011, Enhanced white matter tracts integrity in children with abacus training. Human Brain Mapping. 32, 10–21. (Scholar)
- Jamnik, M., 2001, Mathematical Reasoning with Diagrams: From Intuition to Automation, Stanford, California: CSLI Publications. (Scholar)
- Joyal, A., R. Street, and D. Verity, 1996, “Traced monoidal
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Philosophical Society, 119(3) 447–468. (Scholar)
- Kant, I., 1781/9, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, P. Guyer
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1998. (Scholar)
- Klein, F., 1893, “Sixth Evanston Colloquium lecture”,
in The Evanston Colloquium Lectures on Mathematics, New York:
Macmillan 1911. Partially reprinted in Ewald 1996: vol. 2:
958-65. (Scholar)
- Kojima, T., 1954, The Japanese abacus: Its use and theory. Tokyo, Japan. Tuttle. (Scholar)
- Landau, E., 1934, Differential and Integral Calculus,
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- Leinster, T., 2004, “Operads in Higher-dimensional Category
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73–194. (Scholar)
- Littlewood, J., 1953, “Postscript on Pictures”, in
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Press 1986. (Scholar)
- Lyusternik, L., 1963, Convex Figures and Polyhedra, T.
Smith (trans.), New York: Dover Publications. (Scholar)
- Mancosu, P., 2005, “Visualization in Logic and Mathematics”, in P. Mancosu, K. Jørgensen and S. Pedersen (eds), Visualization, Explanation and Reasoning Styles in Mathematics, Dordrecht: Springer. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “Explanation in Mathematics”,
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Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =
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- Maxwell, E., 1959, Fallacies in Mathematics, Cambridge
University Press. (Scholar)
- Montuchi, P. and W. Page, 1988, “Behold! Two extremum
problems (and the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality)”,
College Mathematics Journal, 19: 347. Reprinted in Nelsen
1993: 52. (Scholar)
- Miller, N., 2001, A Diagrammatic Formal System for Euclidean
Geometry, Ph. D. Thesis, Cornell University. (Scholar)
- Mumma, J. and M. Panza, 2012, “Diagrams in Mathematics: History and Philosophy”, Synthese, 186: Issue 1. (Scholar)
- Needham, T., 1997, Visual Complex Analysis, Oxford:
Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Nelsen, R., 1993, Proofs Without Words: Exercises in Visual
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America. (Scholar)
- Palais, R., 1999, “The visualization of mathematics: towards
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Mathematical Society, 46: 647–658. (Scholar)
- Pasch, M., 1882, Vorlesungen über neuere Geometrie,
Berlin: Springer 1926, 1976 (with introduction by Max Dehn). (Scholar)
- Rouse Ball, W., 1939, Mathematical Recreations and
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- Russell, B., 1901, “Recent Work on the Principles of
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83–101. Reprinted as “Mathematics and the
Metaphysicians” in Mysticism and Logic, London: George
Allen and Unwin 1918. (Scholar)
- Shin, Sun-Joo, Oliver Lemon, and John Mumma, 2013,
“Diagrams”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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- Stigler, J., 1984, “Mental Abacus”: The effect of abacus training on Chinese children's mental calculation. Cognitive Psychology, 16, 145–176. (Scholar)
- Tappenden, J., 2005, “Proof style and understanding in mathematics I: visualization, unification and axiom choice”, in Mancosu, P., Jørgensen, K. and Pedersen, S. (eds) Visualization, Explanation and Reasoning Styles in Mathematics, Dordrecht: Springer. (Scholar)
- Tennant, N., 1986, “The Withering Away of Formal Semantics?” Mind and Language, 1(4): 382–318. (Scholar)
- Van den Dries, L., 1998, Tame Topology and O-minimal
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Press. (Scholar)
- Weyl, H., 1995 [1932], “Topology and abstract algebra as two
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Monthly, 435–460 and 646–651. Translated by
A. Shenitzer from an article of 1932, Gesammelte
Abhandlungen, 3: 348–358. (Scholar)
- Zimmermann W. and S. Cunningham (eds), 1991,Visualization in
Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Washington, DC: Mathematical
Association of America. (Scholar)