Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Desiderius Erasmus" by Erika Rummel and Eric MacPhail
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Erasmus’ Works
For a repertory of individual works and their early editions, see
Ferdinand Van der Haeghen, Bibliotheca Erasmiana:
Répertoire des oeuvres d’Erasme (first published
1897, most recent reprinted Würzburg: Osthoff, 2005).
Erasmus’ Opera Omnia were first published in Basel:
Froben, 1540. The arrangement of works adopted there has become the
model for later editions. An authoritative critical edition (ASD) and
an English translation (CWE) of his works are ongoing.
- [Allen] Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, 12
vols., edited by P.S. Allen and others, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1906–1958. doi:10.1093/actrade/
- [ASD] Opera Omnia Des. Erasmi Roterodami, (no primary
editor), Amsterdam: North Holland Press, 1969–. In 9
ordines or categories, each of which has multiple
- [CWE] The Collected Works of Erasmus, (no primary
editor), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974–.
- [LB] Opera Omnia Des. Erasmi Roterodami, 10 vols. Leiden:
Peter van der Aa, 1703–1706.
Texts not (or not yet) included in these editions:
- Ferguson, Wallace K. (ed.), Erasmi Opuscula. A Supplement to
the Opera Omnia, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1933.
- [Holborn] Holborn, Hajo and Annemarie Holborn (eds.),
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus: Ausgewählte Werke,
Munich: Beck, 1933.
Other Primary Works
- Beda, Noël, 1526, “A Scholastic Response to Biblical
Humanism: Noël Beda Against Lefèvre D’Etaples and
Erasmus (1526)”, Mark Crane (trans.), Humanistica
Lovaniensia, 59: 55–81, 2010. (Scholar)
- Dilthey, Wilhelm, [GS II], Gesammelte Schriften II:
Weltanschauung und Analyse des Menschen seit Renaissance und
Reformation, (World-intuition and the Analysis of Humanity
Since the Renaissance and Reformation), Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner
Verlagsgesellschaft, 1957.
- Kessler, Johan, 1523–1539, Johannes Kesslers
Sabbata, Emil Egli & Rudolf Schoch (eds.), St. Gallen:
Vormals Huber & Co., 1902. (Scholar)
- Pico della Mirandola, 1496, On the Dignity of Man, A.
Robert Caponigri (trans.), Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing,
1996. (Scholar)
- Titelmans, Frans, 1530, Epistola apologetica … pro
opere Collationum, Antwerp: Grapheus. (Scholar)
- Augustijn, Cornelis, 1991, Erasmus: His Life, Works, and
Influence (Erasmus von Rotterdam: Leben, Werk, Wirkung),
J.C. Grayson (trans.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press;
originally published in 1986. (Scholar)
- Christ von Wedel, Christine, 2013, Erasmus of Rotterdam: Advocate of a New Christianity (Erasmus von Rotterdam: Anwalt eines neuzeitlichen Christentums), Toronto: University of Toronto Press; originally published in 2003. (Scholar)
- Halkin, Léon-Ernest, 1993, Erasmus: A Critical
Biography (Erasme parmi nous), John Tonkin (trans.),
Oxford: Blackwell; originally published 1987. (Scholar)
- Huizinga, Johan, 1912 [1957], Erasmus and the Age of
Reformation, F. Hopman (trans.), New York: Harper. (Scholar)
- Margolin, Jean-Claude, 1995, Érasme précepteur
de l’Europe, Paris: Julliard.
- McConica, James K., 1991, Erasmus, Oxford: Oxford
University Press. (Scholar)
- Rummel, Erika, 2004, Erasmus, London: Continuum
Press. (Scholar)
- Schoeck, Richard J., 1990–1993, Erasmus of Europe, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- 1990, Vol. 1: The Making of a Humanist, 1467–1500 (Scholar)
- 1993, Vol. 2: The Prince of Humanists,
- Tracy, James D., 1972, Erasmus: The Growth of a Mind, (Travaux d’humanisme et Renaissance, 126), Geneva: Droz. (Scholar)
Secondary Works
- Bejczy, Istvan, 2001, Erasmus and the Middle Ages: The Historical Consciousness of a Christian Humanist, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Béné, Charles, 1969, Érasme et Saint
Augustin, ou Influence de Saint Augustin sur l’humanisme
d’Érasme, Geneva: Droz,
- Bentley, Jerry H., 1983, Humanists and Holy Writ: New
Testament Scholarship in the Renaissance, Princeton: Princeton
University Press. (Scholar)
- Bierlaire, Franz, 1978, Les colloques d’Erasme:
réforme des études, réforme des moeurs et
réforme de l’Eglise au XVIe siècle, Paris:
Les Belles Lettres. (Scholar)
- Bietenholz, Peter, 2009, Encounters With a Radical Erasmus:
Erasmus’ Work as a Source of Radical Thought in Early Modern
Europe, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Boyle, Marjorie O’Rourke, 1977, Erasmus on Language and
Method in Theology, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1981, Christening Pagan Mysteries: Erasmus in Pursuit of Wisdom, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1983, Rhetoric and Reform: Erasmus’ Civil Dispute with Luther, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Chomarat, Jacques, 1981, Grammaire et rhétorique chez
Érasme, Paris: Les Belles Lettres. (Scholar)
- Christ von Wedel, Christine, 1981, Das Nichtwissen bei Erasmus von Rotterdam: Zum philosophischen und theologischen Erkennen in der geistigen Entwicklung eines christlichen Humanisten, Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhan. (Scholar)
- Coppens, Joseph (ed.), 1969, Scrinium Erasmianum, 2 volumes, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Cummings, Brian, 2013, “Erasmus and the Invention of
Literature”, Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook, 33:
22–54. (Scholar)
- Cytowska, Maria, 1976, “Erasme et la philosophie
antique”, Ziva Antika / Antiquité vivante, 26:
453–462. (Scholar)
- Dahrendorf, Ralf, “Erasmus-Menschen”, Merkur,
Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken 53:
1063–1071. (Scholar)
- Dealy, Ross, 2017, The Stoic Origins of Erasmus’
Philosophy of Christ, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- De Molen, Richard, 1987, The Spirituality of Erasmus,
Nieuwkoop: De Graaf. (Scholar)
- Dodds, Gregory , 2009, Exploiting Erasmus: The Erasmian Legacy
and Religious Change in Early Modern England, Toronto: University
of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Dolfen, Christian, 1936, Die Stellung des Erasmus von
Rotterdam zur scholastischen Methode, Osnabrück: Meinders
& Elstermann. (Scholar)
- Eden, Kathy, 2001, Friends Hold All Things in Common: Tradition, Intellectual Property, and the Adages of Erasmus, New Haven: Yale University Press. (Scholar)
- Godin, André, 1982, Érasme lecteur
d’Origène, Geneva: Droz.
- Gordon, Walter M., 1990, Humanist Play and Belief: The
Seriocomic Art of Desiderius Erasmus, Toronto: University of
Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Herwaarden, Jan van, 2003, Between Saint James and Erasmus.
Studies in late-medieval religious life: Devotion and Pilgrimage in
the Netherlands, (Studies in medieval and Reformation thought,
97), Wendie Schaffter and Donald Gardner (trans.), Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Hoffmann, Manfred, 1994, Rhetoric and Theology: The Hermeneutic of Erasmus, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Jardine, Lisa, 1993, Erasmus, Man of Letters: The Construction
of Charisma in Print, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Jonge, Henk Jan de, 1984, “Novum Testamentum a nobis versum:
The Essence of Erasmus’ Edition of the New Testament”,
Journal of Theological Studies, 35: 394–413. (Scholar)
- Kerlen, Dietrich, 1976, Assertio: Die Entwicklung von Luthers
theologischem Anspruch und der Streit mit Erasmus von Rotterdam,
Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner. (Scholar)
- Koerber, Eberhard von, 1967, Die Staatstheorie des Erasmus von Rotterdam, Berlin: Duncker & Humbolt. (Scholar)
- Kohls, Ernst–Wilhelm, 1966, Die Theologie des
Erasmus, 2 vols., Basel: F. Reinhardt. (Scholar)
- Mansfield, Bruce, 1992, Man on his Own: Interpretations of
Erasmus c. 1750–1920, Toronto: University of Toronto
Press. (Scholar)
- Monfasani, John, 2012, “Erasmus and the Philosophers”,
Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook (now Erasmus
Studies), 32: 47–68. doi:10.1163/18749275-00000005 (Scholar)
- Nauert, Charles G., 2006, Humanism and the Culture of
Renaissance Europe, 2nd edition, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. (Scholar)
- Pabel, M. Hilmar (ed.), 1995, Erasmus’ Vision of the
Church, Kirksville: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers. (Scholar)
- Popkin, Richard, 1964, The History of Scepticism from Erasmus
to Descartes, New York: Harper & Row. (Scholar)
- Rabil, Albert, 1972, Erasmus and the New Testament: The Mind of a Christian Humanist, San Antonio: Trinity University Press. (Scholar)
- Remer, Gary, 1996, Humanism and the Rhetoric of Toleration, University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. (Scholar)
- Rummel, Erika, 1995, The Humanist-Scholastic Debate in the
Renaissance and Reformation, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, The Confessionalization of Humanism in Reformation Germany, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Ryle, Stephen (ed.), 2014, Erasmus and the Renaissance
Republic of Letters, Turnhout: Brepols. (Scholar)
- Steel, Carlos, 2008, “Erasmus and Aristotle”,
Erasmo da Rotterdam e la cultura europea / Erasmus of Rotterdam
and European Culture. Atti dell’incontro di Studi nel V
Centenario della Laurea di Erasmo all’Università di
Torino, Florence: Sismel, 149–174. (Scholar)
- Tracy, James D., 1978, The Politics of Erasmus: A Pacifist
Intellectual and His Political Milieu, Toronto: University of
Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Trapman, Hans, Jan van Herwaarden and Adrie van der Laan (eds.),
2010, Erasmus Politicus: Erasmus and Political Thought,
Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Vanautgaerden, Alexandre, 2012, Érasme typographe: Humanisme et imprimerie au début du XVIe siècle, Geneva: Droz. (Scholar)
- Vessey, Mark (ed.), 2021, Erasmus on Literature. His Ratio or
‘System’ of 1518/1519, Toronto: University of Toronto
Press. (Scholar)
- Walter, Peter, 1991, Theologie aus dem Geist der Rhetorik zur Schriftauslegung des Erasmus von Rotterdam, Mainz: Mathias-Grünewald-Verlag. (Scholar)
- Woodward, William, 1904 [1971], . Desiderius Erasmus
Concerning the Aim and Method of Education; reprinted, New York:
B. Franklin.