Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Experimental Philosophy" by Joshua Knobe and Shaun Nichols
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- Adams, Fred & Annie Steadman, 2004, “Intentional Action in Ordinary Language: Core Concept or Pragmatic Understanding?”, Analysis, 64(282): 173–181. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8284.2004.00480.x (Scholar)
- Adleberg, Toni, Morgan Thompson, & Eddy Nahmias, 2015, “Do men and women have different philosophical intuitions? Further data”, Philosophical Psychology, 28(5): 615–641. doi:10.1080/09515089.2013.878834 (Scholar)
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- Andow, James & Florian Cova, 2016, “Why Compatibilist Intuitions Are Not Mistaken: A reply to Feltz and Millan” Philosophical Psychology, 29(4): 550–566. doi:10.1080/09515089.2015.1082542 (Scholar)
- Anstey, Peter R. & Alberto Vanzo, 2016, “Early Modern Experimental Philosophy”, Sytsma & Buckwalter 2016: 87–102. doi:10.1002/9781118661666.ch6">10.1002/9781118661666.ch6 (Scholar)
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- Beebe, James R., & Joseph Shea, 2013, “Gettierized Knobe Effects”, Episteme, 10(3): 219–240. doi:10.1017/epi.2013.23 (Scholar)
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- Brown, Jessica, 2013a, “Experimental-Philosophy, Contextualism and Subject-Sensitive Invariantism”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 86(2): 233–494. doi:10.1111/j.1933-1592.2010.00461.x (Scholar)
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- Buckwalter, Wesley, 2010, “Knowledge isn’t Closed on Saturday: A Study in Ordinary Language”, Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1(3): 395–406. doi:10.1007/s13164-010-0030-3 (Scholar)
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- Buckwalter, Wesley & Jonathan Schaffer, 2015, “Knowledge, Stakes, and Mistakes”, Noûs, 49(2): 201–234. doi:10.1111/nous.12017 (Scholar)
- Buckwalter, Wesley, David Rose, & John Turri, 2015, “Belief Through Thick and Thin”, Noûs, 49(4): 748–775. doi:10.1111/nous.12048 (Scholar)
- Buckwalter, Wesley, & Stephen Stich, 2014, “Gender and Philosophical Intuition”, in Experimental Philosophy, volume 2, edited by Joshua Knobe and Shaun Nichols, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 307–346. doi:10.1093/acprof:osobl/9780199927418.003.0013 (Scholar)
- Cameron, C. Daryl, B. Keith Payne, & John M. Doris, 2013,
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- Cappelen, Herman, 2012, Philosophy Without Intuitions, Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199644865.001.0001 (Scholar)
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- Chalmers, David J., 2014, “Intuitions in Philosophy: a Minimal Defense”, Philosophical Studies, 171(3): 535–544. doi:10.1007/s11098-014-0288-x (Scholar)
- Clark, Cory J., Jamie B. Luguri, Peter H. Ditto, Joshua Knobe,
Azim F. Shariff, & Roy F. Baumeister, 2014, “Free to Punish:
a Motivated Account of Free Will Belief”, Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 106(4): 501–513.
doi:10.1037/a0035880 (Scholar)
- Colaço, David, Wesley Buckwalter, Stephen Stich, & Edouard Machery, 2014, “Epistemic Intuitions in Fake-Barn Thought Experiments”, Episteme, 11(2): 199–212. doi:10.1017/epi.2014.7 (Scholar)
- Cova, Florian, 2016, “The Folk Concept of Intentional Action: Empirical Approaches”, Sytsma & Buckwalter 2016: 117–141. doi:10.1002/9781118661666.ch8 (Scholar)
- Cushman, Fiery, Liane Young, & Marc Hauser, 2006, “The Role of Conscious Reasoning and Intuition in Moral Judgment: Testing Three Principles of Harm”, Psychological Science, 17(12): 1082–1089. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2006.01834.x (Scholar)
- De Cruz, Helen & Johan De Smedt, 2016, “How Do
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Ryan Nichols (eds), London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp.
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- Demaree-Cotton, Joanna, 2016, “Do Framing Effects Make Moral Intuitions Unreliable?”, Philosophical Psychology, 29(1): 1–22. doi:10.1080/09515089.2014.989967 (Scholar)
- Deery, Oisin, Taylor Davis, & Jasmine Carey, 2015, “The Free-Will Intuitions Scale and the Question of Natural Compatibilism”, Philosophical Psychology, 28(6): 776–801. doi:10.1080/09515089.2014.893868 (Scholar)
- DeRose, Keith, 1992, “Contextualism and Knowledge Attributions”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 52(4): 913–929. doi:10.2307/2107917 (Scholar)
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- Deutsch, Max Emil, 2009, “Experimental Philosophy and the Theory of Reference”, Mind & Language, 24(4): 445–466. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2009.01370.x (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Intuitions, Counter-Examples, and Experimental Philosophy”, Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1(3): 447–460. doi:10.1007/s13164-010-0033-0 (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, The Myth of the Intuitive: Experimental Philosophy and Philosophical Method, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262028950.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Devitt, Michael, 2015, “Relying on Intuitions: Where Cappelen and Deutsch Go Wrong”, Inquiry, 58(7–8): 669–699. doi:10.1080/0020174x.2015.1084824 (Scholar)
- Egré, Paul & Florian Cova, 2015, “Moral Asymmetries and the Semantics of Many”, Semantics and Pragmatics, 8: 13–1. doi:10.3765/sp.8.13 (Scholar)
- Fantl, Jeremy & Matthew McGrath, 2009, Knowledge in an Uncertain World, Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199550623.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Feldman, Gilad & Subramanya Prasad Chandrashekar, forthcoming,
“Laypersons’ Beliefs and Intuitions About Free Will and
Determinism: New Insights Linking the Social Psychology and
Experimental Philosophy Paradigms”, Social Psychological and
Personality Science, first published 25 July 2017.
doi:10.1177/1948550617713254 (Scholar)
- Feltz, Adam & Edward T. Cokely, 2009. “Do Judgments About Freedom and Responsibility Depend on Who You Are? Personality Differences in Intuitions About Compatibilism and Incompatibilism”, Consciousness and Cognition, 18(1): 342–350. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2008.08.001 (Scholar)
- Feltz, Adam & Florian Cova, 2014, “Moral Responsibility and Free Will: A Meta-Analysis”, Consciousness and Cognition, 30: 234–246. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2014.08.012 (Scholar)
- Feltz, Adam & Melissa Millan, 2015, “An Error Theory for Compatibilist Intuitions”, Philosophical Psychology, 28(4): 529–555. doi:10.1080/09515089.2013.865513 (Scholar)
- Feltz, Adam & Chris Zarpentine, 2010, “Do You Know More When it Matters Less?”, Philosophical Psychology, 23(5): 683–706. doi:10.1080/09515089.2010.514572 (Scholar)
- Fisher, Justin C., 2015, “Pragmatic Experimental Philosophy”, Philosophical Psychology, 28(3): 412–433. doi:10.1080/09515089.2013.870546 (Scholar)
- Friedman, Ori & John Turri, 2015, “Is Probabilistic Evidence a Source of Knowledge?”, Cognitive Science, 39(5): 1062–1080. doi:10.1111/cogs.12182 (Scholar)
- Friesdorf, Rebecca, Paul Conway, & Bertram Gawronski, 2015,
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- Gerken, Mikkel, 2017, On Folk Epistemology: How we Think and Talk about Knowledge, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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- Greene, Joshua D., 2008, “The Secret Joke of Kant’s
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- Greene, Joshua D., R. Brian Sommerville, Leigh E. Nystrom, John M.
Darley, & John D. Cohen, 2001, “An fMRI Investigation of
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- Hawthorne, John, 2004, Knowledge and Lotteries, Oxford:
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- Hitchcock, Christopher & Joshua Knobe, 2009, “Cause and Norm”, The Journal of Philosophy, 106(11): 587–612. doi:10.5840/jphil20091061128 (Scholar)
- Horne, Zachary & Jonathan Livengood, 2017, “Ordering Effects, Updating Effects, and the Specter of Global Skepticism”, Synthese, 194(4): 1189–1218. doi:10.1007/s11229-015-0985-9 (Scholar)
- Icard, Thomas F., Jonathan F. Kominsky, & Joshua Knobe, 2017, “Normality and Actual Causal Strength”, Cognition, 161: 80–93. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2017.01.010 (Scholar)
- Ichikawa, Jonathan Jenkins, 2012, “Experimentalist Pressure Against Traditional Methodology”, Philosophical Psychology, 25(5): 743–765. doi:10.1080/09515089.2011.625118 (Scholar)
- Jackson, Frank, 1998, From Metaphysics to Ethics: A Defence of Conceptual Analysis, Oxford: Clarendon Press. doi:10.1093/0198250614.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Kahane, Guy & Nicholas Shackel, 2008, “Do Abnormal Responses Show Utilitarian Bias?”, Nature, 452(7185): 908–911. doi:10.1038/nature06785 (Scholar)
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- Kim, Minsun, & Yuan Yuan, 2015, “No Cross-Cultural Differences in the Gettier Car Case Intuition: a Replication Study of Weinberg et al. 2001”, Episteme, 12(03): 355–361. doi:10.1017/epi.2015.17 (Scholar)
- Knobe, Joshua, 2003, “Intentional Action and Side Effects in
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doi:10.1111/1467-8284.00419 (Scholar)
- Knobe, Joshua, Tania Lombrozo, & Shaun Nichols (eds), 2014,
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- Kornblith, Hilary, 2002, Knowledge and Its Place in Nature, Oxford: Clarendon. doi:10.1093/0199246319.001.0001 (Scholar)
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- Leslie, Sarah-Jane, 2013, “Essence and Natural Kinds: When Science Meets Preschooler Intuition”, in Tamar Szabó & John Hawthorne, Oxford Studies in Epistemology, volume 4, Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 108–165. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199672707.003.0005 (Scholar)
- Liao, Shen-yi & Aaron Meskin, 2017, “Aesthetic Adjectives: Experimental Semantics and Context-Sensitivity”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 94(2): 371–398. doi:10.1111/phpr.12217 (Scholar)
- Liao, Shen-yi, Nina Strohminger, & Chandra Sekhar Sripada, 2014, “Empirically Investigating Imaginative Resistance”, British Journal of Aesthetics, 54(3): 339–355. doi:10.1093/aesthj/ayu027 (Scholar)
- Livengood, Jonathan & David Rose, 2016, “Experimental Philosophy and Causal Attribution”, Sytsma & Buckwalter 2016: 434–449. doi:10.1002/9781118661666.ch30 (Scholar)
- Ludwig, Kirk, 2007, “The Epistemology of Thought Experiments: First Person Versus Third Person Approaches”, Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 31(1): 128–159. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4975.2007.00160.x (Scholar)
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- Machery, Edouard, Ron Mallon, Shaun Nichols, & Stephen P. Stich, 2004, “Semantics, Cross-Cultural Style”, Cognition, 92(3): B1–B12. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2003.10.003 (Scholar)
- Machery, Edouard, Stephen Stich, David Rose, Amita Chatterjee, Kaori Karasawa, Noel Struchiner, Smita Sirker, Naoki Usui, & Takaaki Hashimoto, 2015, “Gettier Across Cultures”, Noûs, 51(3): 645–664. doi:10.1111/nous.12110 (Scholar)
- May, Joshua, 2014, “Does Disgust Influence Moral Judgment?”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 92(1): 125–141. doi:10.1080/00048402.2013.797476 (Scholar)
- May, Joshua & Richard Holton, 2012, “What in the World is Weakness of Will?”, Philosophical Studies, 157(3): 341–360. doi:10.1007/s11098-010-9651-8 (Scholar)
- May, Joshua, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Jay G. Hull, & Aaron Zimmerman, 2010, “Practical Interests, Relevant Alternatives, and Knowledge Attributions: An Empirical Study”, Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1(2): 265–273. doi:10.1007/s13164-009-0014-3 (Scholar)
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- Millikan, Ruth Garrett, 2000, On Clear and Confused Ideas: An Essay about Substance Concepts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511613296 (Scholar)
- Murray, Dylan & Eddy Nahmias, 2014, “Explaining Away Incompatibilist Intuitions”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 88(2): 434–467. doi:10.1111/j.1933-1592.2012.00609.x (Scholar)
- Murray, Dylan, Justin Sytsma, & Jonathan Livengood, 2013, “God Knows (But Does God Believe?)”, Philosophical Studies, 166(1): 83–107. doi:10.1007/s11098-012-0022-5 (Scholar)
- Myers-Schulz, Blake & Eric Schwitzgebel, 2013, “Knowing that P Without Believing that P”, Noûs, 47(2): 371–384. doi:10.1111/nous.12022 (Scholar)
- Nadelhoffer, Thomas, Jason Shepard, Eddy Nahmias, Chandra Sripada, & Lisa Thomson Ross, 2014, “The Free Will Inventory: Measuring Beliefs About Agency and Responsibility”, Consciousness and Cognition, 25: 27–41. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2014.01.006 (Scholar)
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- Nahmias, Eddy, Stephen G. Morris, Thomas Nadelhoffer, & Jason Turner, 2006, “Is Incompatibilism Intuitive?”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 73(1): 28–53. doi:10.1111/j.1933-1592.2006.tb00603.x (Scholar)
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- Nichols, Shaun & Joshua Knobe, 2007, “Moral Responsibility and Determinism: the Cognitive Science of Folk Intuitions”, Nous, 41(4): 663–685. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0068.2007.00666.x (Scholar)
- Nichols, Shaun & Joseph Ulatowski, 2007, “Intuitions and Individual Differences: the Knobe Effect Revisited”, Mind & Language, 22(4): 346–365. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2007.00312.x (Scholar)
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- Phillips, Jonathan, James B. Luguri, & Joshua Knobe, 2015, “Unifying Morality’s Influence on Non-Moral Judgments: the Relevance of Alternative Possibilities”, Cognition, 145: 30–42. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2015.08.001 (Scholar)
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