Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Richard FitzRalph" by Michael W. Dunne
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
Primary Sources
- R. FitzRalph, Lectura in Sententias (selected questions),,
accessed March 18, 2024.
- –––, Quaestiones ordinariae, ed.
Schabel (2023a).
- –––, Summa de Quaestionibus Armenorum,
Johannis Sudoris (ed.), Paris 1511; Book XVI in James Gorman
“Richard FitzRalph : Summa de Questionibus Armenorum Book XVI.
An edition and translation with introduction” (unpublished MLitt
thesis, Trinity College Dublin, 1999) (Scholar)
- –––, De Pauperie Salvatoris, Books
I–IV, R. L. Poole (ed.), in J. Wycliff, De dominio
divino, London 1890, 257–476; Books V, VI and VII in R.
Brock, An Edition of Richard Fitzralph’s De Pauperie Salvatoris
Books V, VI and VII (unpublished PhD dissertation, University of
Colorado: 1954); Book VIII in B. Riley, Christ’s Poverty in
Antimendicant Debate: Book VIII of De pauperie Salvatoris by Richard
FitzRalph, and William Woodford’s Defensorium (unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of Reading: 2019). (Scholar)
- –––, Defensio curatorum in Melchior
Goldast, ed., Monarchia s. Romani imperii (Frankfurt: 1612), ii.
1393–1410 and Edward Brown, ed., Fasciculus rerum expetendarum
ac fugiendarum (London: 1690), ii: 466–86.
- –––, Propositio Unusquisque in L.L.
Hammerich, “The Beginning of the Strife between Richard
FitzRalph and the Mendicants, with an Autobiographical Prayer and his
Proposition Unusquisque,” in Det kon: Danskes videnskabernes
selskab: historisk-filologiske meddelelser, 26.3 (Copenhagen: 1938):
3–85, 18–22. (Scholar)
- –––, Trevisa, J. Dialogus inter militem et
clericum ; Richard FitzRalph’s sermon “Defensio
curatorum” ; and, Methodius : “þe bygynnyng
of þe world and þe ende of worldes” (London:
Published for the Early English Text Society by H. Milford, Oxford
University Press, 1925).
Secondary Literature
- Courtenay, William J., 1987, Schools & Scholars in
Fourteenth-Century England, Princeton: Princeton University
Press. (Scholar)
- Duba, William O., 2013, “Conversion, Vision and Faith in the
Life and Works of Richard FitzRalph”, in M. Dunne and S. Nolan
(eds.), Richard FitzRalph: His Life, Thought and Times,
Dublin: Four Courts Press, 103–127. (Scholar)
- Dunne, Michael W. and Simon Nolan (eds.), 2013a, Richard FitzRalph: His Life, Thought and Times, Dublin: Four Courts Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023, A Companion to Richard FitzRalph:
Fourteenth-Century Scholar, Archbishop and Polemicist, Leiden:
Brill (Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition 105). (Scholar)
- Dunne, M. W., 2024, “Richard FitzRalph on Contradictory
Appetites (Appetitus Contrarii): An Unfinished Debate,”
in Calculating Ethics in the Fourteenth Century, E. A.
Lukács and M. Michałowska (eds.), 44–68, Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023a “Mind as a Trinity of
Intellect, Memory and Will,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan (eds.),
A Companion to Richard FitzRalph, 62–100, Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023b, “Hybernicus contra Thomam.
Richard FitzRalph on the Will and His Critique of Aquinas on the
Primacy of the Intellect over the Will,” in Willing and
Understanding: Late Medieval Debates on the Will, the Intellect and
Practical Knowledge, M. Michałowska and R. Ferdriga (eds.),
191–209, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 2022a, “Richard FitzRalph on the Religious Other: Avignonian Intersections between Christians, Muslims and Tatars”, in Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought, N. Faucher and V. Mäkinen (eds.), 41–54, Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter. (Scholar)
- –––, 2022b, “Richard
FitzRalph on Toleration,” in Tolerance and Concepts of
Otherness in Medieval Philosophy, M. W. Dunne and Susan
Gottloeber (eds.), Turnhout: Brepols. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, “Richard FitzRalph: New Perspectives,” in Philosophy in Ireland. Past Actualities and Present Challenges, S. Gottloeber (ed.), Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “John Foxholes OFM Armachanus
(†1474): A Note on his Logical Treatises Formerly Attributed to
FitzRalph”, in M. Dunne and S. Nolan (eds.), Richard
FitzRalph: His Life, Thought and Times, Dublin: Four Courts
Press, 199–203. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Richard FitzRalph on the human
mind as a trinity of memory, understanding and will”, in
Universalità della Ragione. Pluralità delle
Filosofie nel Medioevo Universalité de la Raison.
Pluralité des Philosophies au Moyen Âge Universality of
Reason. Plurality of Philosophies in the Middle Ages. XII
Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia Medievale. Palermo, 17–22
settembre 2007 a cura di Alessandro Musco e di Carla Compagno –
Salvatore D’Agostino – Giuliana Musotto, Volume II.1,
443–450. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Richard FitzRalph’s Lectura on the Sentences”, in P. Rosemann (ed.), Mediaeval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Leiden: Brill, Volume 2, 405–438. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Richard FitzRalph on Time,
Motion and Infinity”, Mediaevalia Philosophica
Polonorum, 37: 1–12. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “Richard FitzRalph of Dundalk
(c. 1300–1360) and the New World”, Archivium
Hibernicum, 58: 243–58. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, “A fourteenth-century example
of an Introitus Sententiarum at Oxford: Richard
FitzRalph’s Inaugural Speech in praise of the Sentences
of Peter Lombard”, Medieval Studies, 63:
1–29. (Scholar)
- Genest, J.-F., 1991, “Contingence et
révélation des futurs: La Quaestio biblica de
Richard FitzRalph”, in J. Jolivet (ed.), Lectionum
varietates: hommage à Paul Vignaux, Paris: Vrin,
199–246. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023, “Richard FitzRalph and Future
Contingents”, in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan (eds.), A Companion to
Richard FitzRalph, 272–292, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Gwynn, A., 1933, “Richard FitzRalph, Archbishop of
Armagh”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, 25(97):
81–96. (Scholar)
- Hammerich, L. L., 1938, “The Beginning of the Strife between
Richard FitzRalph and the Mendicants, with an edition of his
autobiographical prayer and his proposition
Unusquisque”, Det Kgl. Danske Viderskabernes
Selskab. Hist.-filologiske Meddelelser, 26: 3–85. (Scholar)
- Haren, M. J., 2023, “Richard FitzRalph and the Friars:
Emergence and Course of the Conflict,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan
(eds.), A Companion to Richard FitzRalph, 323–351, Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, “Richard FitzRalph and the
Friars: The Intellectual Itinerary of a Curial
Controversialist”, in J. Hamesse (ed.), Roma, Magistra
Mundi. Itineraria Culturae Medievalis. Mélanges
offerts au P. L.E. Boyle, Turnhout: Brepols, Volume 1,
349–367. (Scholar)
- Jung, E., 2023, “Controversy and Infinity between Richard
FitzRalph and Richard Kilvington,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan
(eds.), A Companion to Richard FitzRalph, 121–153, Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- Lahey, Stephen E., 2003, Philosophy and Politics in the
Thought of John Wyclif, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023, “Dominium – FitzRalph at
Basel,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan (eds.), A Companion to Richard
FitzRalph, 383–404, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Leff, G., 1963, Richard FitzRalph: Commentator of the
Sentences. A Study in Theological Orthodoxy, Manchester:
Manchester University Press. (Scholar)
- Maier, A., 1959, Aus der Grenze von Scholastik und
Naturwissenschaft, Rome: Edizione di Storia e Letteratura. (Scholar)
- Michałowska, M., 2023, “FitzRalph on the Activity of
the Will,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan (eds.), A Companion to
Richard FitzRalph, 101–120, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Nolan, S., 2023, “Views from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth
Centuries,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan (eds.), A Companion to
Richard FitzRalph, 427–463, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Riley, B., 2023, “Wyclif, the Lollards and the Middle
English Tradition – Incorporations and Rejections of
FitzRalph’s Views,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan (eds.), A
Companion to Richard FitzRalph, 352–382, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Schabel, C., 2023a, “Richard FitzRalph vs William Skelton,
1331–1332: The Attribution of the ”Determinationes“
in a Florence Manuscript,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan (eds.), A
Companion to Richard FitzRalph, 208–271, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023b, “The Continental Reception of
FitzRalph’s Philosophical Theology until the Council of
Florence,” in M. W. Dunne, S. Nolan (eds.), A Companion to
Richard FitzRalph, 405–426, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Tachau, Katherine H., 2013, “Adam Wodeham and Robert Holcot
as Witnesses to FitzRalph’s Thought”, in M. Dunne and S.
Nolan (eds.), Richard FitzRalph: His Life, Thought and Times,
Dublin: Four Courts Press, 79–95. (Scholar)
- –––, 1982, “The Problem of the Species
in Medio at Oxford in the Generation after Ockham”,
Mediaeval Studies, 44: 394–443. (Scholar)
- Walsh, K., 1981, A Fourteenth-Century Scholar and Primate:
Richard FitzRalph in Oxford, Avignon and Armagh, Oxford:
Clarendon Press. (Scholar)