Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Francisco Sanches" by Rolando Pérez
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Works by Sanches
There are various editions of Sanches’s philosophical
oevre—in the original Latin with translations into either
Portuguese (Carvalho (ed.) 1955; Moreira de Sá (ed.) 1955) or
into Italian (Buccolini & Lojacono 2011). To date the only one of
his philosophical works that has been published in either English or
Spanish translations are Que nada se sabe (Menéndez y
Pelayo 1944; Palacios 1991) and Limbrick and Thomson’s That
Nothing is Known (1988). In 1940, Joaquin Iriarte discovered a
letter from Sanches to Vatican mathematician, Christopher Clavius
(1538–1612) in the archives of the Gregorian Pontifical
University of Rome. The letter, which was originally published by
Iriarte in the journal Gregorianum (1940: 413–451), is
also included in Carvalho’s Opera philosophica (in
Latin/Portuguese, 1955); in the journal, Cuadernos Salmantinos de
Filosofía (1978): with a translation into Spanish, a
prologue and notes by Carlos Mellizo and David R. Cunningham (1978:
387–406); and in Buccolini’s and Lojacono’s
Latin/Italian Tutte le opere filosofiche (2011); but not in
Morerira de Sá’s, Vasconcelos and Meneses Tratados
filosóficos (1955). Moreira de Sá, as the editor of
the volume, adhered to the initial choice made by Sanches’s
offspring of relegating the Clavius letter to his mathematical
writings, and the Carmen de cometa to the medical works (both
published separately in 1948).
- Sanchez, Franciscus, 1578. Carmen de cometa anni
M.D.LXXVII, Lugduni: apud Antonium Gryphium. (Scholar)
- –––, 1581, Quod nihil scitur, Lugduni:
apud Antonium Gryphium.
Sanchez 1581 available online. (Scholar)
- Sanches, Francisco, 1955, Opera philosophica, Joaquim de Carvalho (ed.), Coimbra: Revista de Universidade de Coimbra. (Scholar)
Bilingual Editions
- [LC] Sanches, Francisco, Uma carta de Francisco Sanches a
Cristóvão Clávio. Revista Portuguesa de
Filosofia, July–September 1945, 294–305.
- –––, Tratados filosóficos, Artur
Moreira de Sá (Preface and notes), Basilio de Vasconcelos and
Miguel Pinto de Meneses (trans.), Lisbon: Instituto de Alta Cultura,
1955, Prefàcio, iii–x. (Scholar)
- –––, Il n’est science de rien = (Quod
nihil scitur), éd. critique latin-français,
Andrée Comparot (trans.), André Mandouze (preface),
Paris: Klincksieck, 1984. (Scholar)
- [TNK] –––, That Nothing is Known
(Quod Nihil Sciture), Elaine Limbrick (Introduction, notes,
and bibliography), Douglas F.S. Thomson (trans., and annotations),
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
- [CC] Sánchez, Francisco, La canción del cometa
del 1577/Carmen de cometa anni M.D. LXXVII, Juan de Churruca and
Joaquín Iriarte (eds.), Bilbao, Spain. Universidad de Deusto,
1996. (Scholar)
- Sanchez, Francisco, Francisco Sanchez: Tutte le opera
filosofiche, testo latino afronte, Ettore Lojacono and Claudia
Montuschi (eds.), Ettore Lojacono (Prologue), Claudio Buccolini
(Intro.), Milan: Bompiani, 2011, Prologue, vii–l, Intro.,
liii–c. (Scholar)
- Sanches, Francisco, Idearium Antologia do pensamento
portugués: Francisco Sanches, Artur Moreira de Sá
(ed., pref., selection), Lisbon: Edições SIN, 1948.
- Sánchez, Francisco, Que nada se sabe por el Doctor
Francisco Sánchez, Médico y filósofo. Marcelino
Menéndez y Pelayo (prologue), Jaime Torrubiano (trans.),
Madrid: Gil-Blas Renacimiento/Buenos Aires: Editorial Nova, 1944.
- –––, Que nada se sabe, Fernando A.
Palacios (Intro., trans.), Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1991.
- –––, Que nada se sabe, Carlos Mellizo
(trans., prologue), Buenos Aires: Aguilar Argentina S.A. Ediciones,
1977, Intro., 9–31. (Scholar)
- –––, “Francisco Sánchez: Carta a Cristóbal Clavio”, Carlos Mellizo and David R. Cunningham (trans., Prologue), Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía, 1978, 5: 387–406. [Sánchez 1978 available online] (Scholar)
- –––, Sobre la duración y brevedad de
la vida, Carlos Mellizo (trans., prologue, notes), Tuy: Imprenta
Guardesa—La Guardia, 1982.
Other Primary Sources
- Aristotle, Posterior Analytics, translated by G.R.G. Mure
in The Basic Works of Aristotle, Richard McKeon (ed.), New
York, Random House, 1941, 108–186.
- –––, Meteorologica, H. D. P. Lee
(trans.), T.E. Page (ed.), (Aristotle VII, Loeb Classical Library
397), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1952.
- Bacon, Francis, 1620 [1902], Novum Organum, Joseph Devey
(ed.), New York: P.F. Collier & Son. (Scholar)
- Bayle, Pierre, 1697 [1820], Dictionnaire historique et
critique de Pierre Bayle, Tome Treizième, Paris: Desoer,
Librarie. (Scholar)
- Cicero, De natura deorum, Academica, H. Rackham (trans.),
(Cicero XIX, Loeb Classical Library 268), Cambridge MA: Harvard
University Press, 1933.
[Cicero available online]
- Descartes, René, 1637, Discours de la Méthode pour hien conduire sa raison, et chercher la vérité dans les sciences. Plus la Dioptrique, les Météores et la Géométrie qui sont des essais de cette Méthode, (Discourse on the Method), Leiden. Translated as “Discourses and Essays”, in Descartes [PWD]: 109–176. (Scholar)
- –––, 1644, Principia Philosophiae. Translated as “Principles of Philosophy” in Descartes 1985: 177–292. (Scholar)
- –––, [PWD], The Philosophical Writings of
Descartes, Vol. I, John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, and Dugald
Murdoch (trans.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- –––, [DM], Discourse on Method, Richard
Kennington (trans.), Pamela Kraus and Frank Hunt (eds.), Indianapolis,
IN: Hackett Publishing, 2007.
- [GAL1] Galen, Three Treatises on the Nature of Science: On
Sects for Beginners, An Outline of Empiricism, On Medical
Experience, Richard Walzer and Michael Frede (eds.), Michael
Frede (Intro.), Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1985.
- [GAL2] –––, Galen: Selected Works, P.
N. Singer (trans.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 199.
- Hegel, G. W. F., 1801 [1985], “Relationship of Skepticism to
Philosophy: Exposition of its Different Modifications and Comparison
to the Latest Form with the Ancient One”, H.S. Harris (trans.
notes), in Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of
Post-Kantian Idealism, George di Giovanni and H.S. Harris (eds.,
trans.) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press,
311–362. (Scholar)
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, [1702] 1970, “Letter to
Varignon, with a Note on the ‘Justification of the Infinitesimal
Calculus by That of Ordinary Algebra’”, translated in
Philosophical Papers and Letters, Leroy E. Loemker
(ed./trans.), Dordrecht: Kluwer, 542–546.
doi:10.1007/978-94-010-1426-7_57 (Scholar)
- Mersenne, Marin, 1967, Correspondance du P. Marin Mersenne,
religieux minime. X, Du 6 août 1640 à fin décembre
1641, Cornelis de Waard (ed.), Paris: Éd. du CNRS. (Scholar)
- Sextus Empiricus, 1949, Against Professors, R. G. Bury
(trans.), (Sextus Empircus IV, Loeb Classical Library 383), Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- [SE-OS] –––, 2000, Outlines of
Scepticism, second edition, Julia Annas and Jonathan Barnes
(eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
Secondary Sources
- Ariew, Roger, John Cottingham, and Tom Sorell (eds.), 1998, Descartes’ Meditations: Background Source Materials, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139172844 (Scholar)
- Azevedo, António, 2006, Da epistemología e
metodología de Francisco Sanches: seguido de “Que nada se
sabe”, Lisbon: Instituto Piaget. (Scholar)
- Bett, Richard (ed.), 2010, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/ccol9780521874762 (Scholar)
- Braga, Teophilo, 1881, “O portuguez Sanches, precursor do
positivismo”, in T. Braga: Questões de litteratura e
arte portuguesa, Lisbon: Imprenta de J.G. de Sousa Neves,
274–281. (Scholar)
- Bullón y Fernández, Eloy, 1905, Los precursores
españoles de Bacon y Descartes, Salamanca: Imprenta de
Calatrava. (Scholar)
- Burnyeat, M.F., 1987, “The Sceptic in his Place and
Time”, in Popkin and Schmitt 1987: 13–44. (Scholar)
- Caluori, Damian, 2007, “The Scepticism of Francisco Sanchez”, Archiv Für Geschichte Der Philosophie, 89(1): 30–46. doi:10.1515/agph.2007.002 (Scholar)
- Carvalho, Joaquim de, 1955, “Introduction”, to
Opera philosophica by Francisco Sanches, Coimbra: Revista de
Universidade de Coimbra, v–liv. (Scholar)
- Casini, Lorenzo, 2009, “Self-Knowledge, Scepticism and the
Quest for A New Method: Juan Luis Vives on Cognition and the
Impossibility of Perfect Knowledge”, in Paganini and Neto 2009:
33–60. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-8518-5_3">10.1007/978-1-4020-8518-5_3 (Scholar)
- Cazac, H.-P., 1903, “Le lieu d’origine et les dates de
naissance et de mort du philosophe Francisco Sánchez”,
Bulletin Hispanique, 5(4): 326–348.
doi:10.3406/hispa.1903.1373 (Scholar)
- –––, 1904, “El lugar de origen y las
fechas de nacimiento y de defunción del filósofo
Francisco Sánchez”, Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas
y Museos (Historia y Ciencias auxiliares), VII:
159–176. (Scholar)
- Copleston, Frederick C., 1953, History of Philosophy, Volume
III: Ockham to Suarez, Westminster: The Newman Press. (Scholar)
- Cottingham, John, 1998, “Francisco Sanches, That Nothing
is Known”, in Ariew, Cottingham, and Sorell 1998:
8–23. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139172844.004 (Scholar)
- De Olaso, Ezequiel, 1987, “Leibniz and scepticism”, in
Popkin and Schmitt 1987: 122–167. (Scholar)
- Dear, Peter, 1995, “Mersenne’s Suggestion: Cartesian
Meditation and the Mathematical Model of Knowledge in the Seventeenth
Century”, in Descartes and His Contemporaries, Roger
Ariew and Marjorie Green (eds.), Chicago/London: The University of
Chicago. 44–61. (Scholar)
- Dumont, Jean-Paul, 1972, Le scepticisme et le
phénomène: essai sur la signification et les origenes du
pryrrhonisme, Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. (Scholar)
- Ferrater Mora, José, 1964, Diccionario de
filosofía, Vol. II, L-A. Quinta Edición, Buenos
Aires: Editorial Sudamericana. (Scholar)
- Fogelin, Robert J., 1981, “Wittgenstein and Classical Scepticism”:, International Philosophical Quarterly, 21(1): 3–15. doi:10.5840/ipq19812118 (Scholar)
- Gilson, Étienne (ed.), 1925, Discours de la
méthode: Texte et commentaire (Text and Commentary on
René Descartes), Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. (Scholar)
- Gouhier, Henri, 1979, Les premières pensées de
Descartes: contribution à l’histoire de l’Anti-
Renaissance, Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. (Scholar)
- Iriarte, J., 1940, “Francisco Sánchez, el
escéptico disfrazado de Carneades en discusión epistolar
con Cristóbal Clavio”, Gregorianum, 21(2/4):
413–451. (Scholar)
- Kraus, Pamela, 2007. “Introduction”, in [DM]:
1–14. (Scholar)
- Limbrick, Elaine, 1988, “Introduction”, to That
Nothing is Known, by Francisco Sanches (Franciscus Sanchez),
Elaine Limbrick (notes and bibliography), Douglas F.S. Thomson
(trans., and annotations), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1–88. (Scholar)
- Lupoli, Agostino, 2009, “Humanus Animus Nusquam Consistit:
Doctor Sanchez’s Diagnosis of the Incurable Human Unrest and
Ignorance”, in Paganini and Neto 2009: 149–181.
doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-8518-5_8 (Scholar)
- Maclelan, Ian, 2002, Logic, Signs and Nature in the Renaissance: The Case of Learned Medicine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Mellizo, Carlos, 1975, “La preocupación pedagógica de Francisco Sanchez”, Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía, 2: 217–229. (Scholar)
- –––, 1982, Nueva Introducción a
Francisco Sánchez “El escéptico”,
Madrid: Ediciones Monte Casino. (Scholar)
- Menéndez y Pelayo, Marcelino, 1918, “De los
orígenes del criticismo y del escepticismo y especialmente de
los precursores españoles de Kant” (On the origins of
critique and scepticism and especially in the Spanish precursors of
Kant), in Ensayos de crítica filosófica,
Madrid: Librería General de Victoriano Suárez,
178–206. (Scholar)
- Moreau, Joseph, 1960, “Doute et Savoir chez Francisco
Sanches”, in Aufsätze zur Portugiesischen,
Kulturgeschicte Hans Flasche (ed.) (Kulturgeische
Portugiesische Forschungen des Görresgesellschaft, Series 1,
Volume I), Müntser: Aschendorff Verlag, 24–50. (Scholar)
- Mullin, Amy, 2000, “Descartes and the Community of Inquirers”, History of Philosophy Quarterly, 17(1): 1–27. (Scholar)
- Ong, Walter J., 1958 [1983], Ramus: Method, and the Decay of Dialogue: From the Art of Discourse to the Art of Reason, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Orden Jiménez, Rafael V., 2003, “La teoría de la causalidad natural de Francisco Sánchez el Escéptico”, Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 20: 247–267. (Scholar)
- Owen, John, 1893, The Skeptics of the French Renaissance, London: Swan Sonnenschein. [Owen 1893 available online] (Scholar)
- Paganini, Gianni, 2009, “Descartes and Renaissance Skepticism: The Sanches Case”, in Skepticism in the Modern Age: Building on the Work of Richard Popkin, José R. Maia Nieto, Gianni Paganini, and John Christian Laursen (eds.), Leiden: Brill, 249–267. doi:10.1163/ej.9789004177840.i-390.57 (Scholar)
- Paganini, Gianni and José R. Maia Neto (eds.), 2009,
Renaissance Scepticisms, (International Archives of the
History of Ideas 199), Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-8518-5 (Scholar)
- Palacios, Fernando A., 1991, “Introducción”, in
Que nada se sabe, by Francisco Sánchez, Fernando A.
Palacios (trans.), Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 9–38. (Scholar)
- Popkin, Richard H., 1963, “Preface”, in The
Problem of Certainty in English Thought, 1630–1690, Henry.
G. Van Leeuwen, The Hague: Martinus Nijhof, v–x. (Scholar)
- –––, 1964, The History of Scepticism from
Erasmus to Descartes, New York: The Humanities Press. (Scholar)
- Popkin, Richard H. and Charles B. Schmitt (eds.), 1987, Scepticism from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen 35), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Scholar)
- Reulos, Michel, 1976, “L’enseigment d’Aristote
dans les collèges au XVIème siècle”, in
Platon et Aristote à la Renaissance, J. C. Margolin
(ed.), Paris. Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 147–154.
- Sasaki, Chikara, 2003, Descartes’s Medical Thought,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
doi:10.1007/978-94-017-1225-5 (Scholar)
- Sarasohn, Lisa T, 1996, Gassendi’s Ethics: Freedom in a
Mechanistic Universe, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- Singer, P. N., 1997, “Introduction”, in GAL2:
vii-xlii. (Scholar)
- Striker, Gisela, 1996, “On the difference between the
Pyrrhonists and the Academics”, in Essays on Hellenistic
Epistemology and Ethics, New York: Cambridge University Press,
135–149. (Scholar)
- Woodward, William Harrison, 1906, Studies in Education during
the Age of the Renaissance, 1400–1600, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
[Woodward 1906 available online] (Scholar)
- Yrjönsuuri, Mikko, 2000, “Self-Knowledge and the Renaissance Sceptics”, in Ancient Scepticism and the Sceptical Tradition, Juha Sohvola (ed.), (Acta Philosophica Fennica, 66), Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica, 225–253. (Scholar)