Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Hume’s Newtonianism and Anti-Newtonianism" by Eric Schliesser and Tamás Demeter
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Primary Sources
- [THN] 1739–40, A Treatise of Human Nature, David
Fate Norton and Mary J. Norton (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2000. Citations by paragraph. (Scholar)
- [EHU] 1748, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Tom
L. Beauchamp (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Citations
by paragraph. (Scholar)
- [EPM] 1751, An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of
Morals, Tom L. Beauchamp (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1998. Citations by paragraph. (Scholar)
- [HE] 1754–61, The History of England from the Invasion
of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688, foreword by William
B. Todd, 6 vols. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1983. Citations by volume
and page number.
[HE available online] (Scholar)
- [NHR] 1757, The Natural History of Religion, Tom L. Beauchamp (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Citations by paragraph. (Scholar)
- [EMPL] 1758, Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary,
edited and with a foreword, notes, and glossary by Eugene F. Miller.
Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1985, revised edition. Citations by
[EMPL available online] (Scholar)
- [Dialogues] 1779, Dialogues Concerning Natural
Religion, edited with an introduction and notes by Martin Bell,
London: Penguin Books, 1990. Citations by section. (Scholar)
- [Letters] The Letters of David Hume, 2 vols.,
J.Y.T. Greig (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1932.
Secondary Sources
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