Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Imaginative Resistance" by Emine Hande Tuna
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Barnes, Jennifer and Jessica E. Black, 2016, “Impossible or
Improbable: The Difficulty of Imagining Morally Deviant Worlds”,
Imagination, Cognition and Personality: Consciousness in Theory,
Research, and Clinical Practice, 36(1): 27–40.
doi:10.1177/0276236616643268 (Scholar)
- Black, Jessica E. and Jennifer Barnes, 2017, “Measuring the Unimaginable: Imaginative Resistance to Fiction and Related Constructs”, Personality and Individual Differences, 111: 71–79. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.01.055 (Scholar)
- Black, Jessica E., Stephanie C. Capps, and Jennifer L. Barnes,
2018, “Fiction, Genre Exposure, and Moral Reality”,
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12(3):
328–340. doi:10.1037/aca0000116 (Scholar)
- Brock, Stuart, 2012, “The Puzzle of Imaginative Failure”, The Philosophical Quarterly, 62(248): 443–463. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9213.2012.00058.x (Scholar)
- Camp, Elizabeth, 2017, “Perspectives in Imaginative Engagement with Fiction”, Philosophical Perspectives, 31: 73–102. doi:10.1111/phpe.12102 (Scholar)
- Campbell, Dylan, William Kidder, Jason D’Cruz & Brendan
Gaesser, 2021, “Emotion in Imaginative Resistance”,
Philosophical Psychology, 34(7): 895–937,
doi:10.1080/09515089.2021.1932786 (Scholar)
- Carroll, Noël, 2000, “Art and Ethical Criticism: An Overview of Recent Directions of Research”, Ethics, 110(2): 350–387. (Scholar)
- Carroll, Noël and John Gibson (eds.), 2016, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature, New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315708935 (Scholar)
- Clavel-Vazquez, Adriana, 2018, “Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice: What Rough Heroines Tell Us about Imaginative Resistance”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 76(2): 201–212. doi:10.1111/jaac.12440 (Scholar)
- Connolly, Niall, 2022, “Fictional Resistance and Real Feelings”, Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 11(2): 106–113. doi:10.5840/tht202322810 (Scholar)
- Currie, Gregory, 2002, “Desire in Imagination”, in Gendler and Hawthorne 2002: 200–21. (Scholar)
- Currie, Gregory and Ian Ravenscroft, 2002, Recreative Minds: Imagination in Philosophy and Psychology, New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198238089.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Dadlez, Eva M., 2002, “The Vicious Habits of Entirely Fictitious People: Hume on the Moral Evaluation of Art”, Philosophy and Literature, 26(1): 143–156. doi:10.1353/phl.2002.0006 (Scholar)
- Dain, Edmund, 2021, “Sympathy for the Devil: The Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance, the Role of Fiction in Moral Thought, and the Limits of the Imagination”. Philosophy, 96(2): 253–275. doi:10.1017/s0031819120000431 (Scholar)
- De Sousa, Ronald, 2010, “The Mind’s Bermuda Triangle:
Philosophy of Emotions and Empirical Science”, in The Oxford
Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion, Peter Goldie (ed.), New York:
Oxford University Press, 95–117. (Scholar)
- Dorsch, Fabian, 2016, “Hume”, in Kind 2016: 40–54. (Scholar)
- Driver, Julia, 2008, “Imaginative Resistance and Psychological Necessity”, Social Philosophy and Policy, 25(1): 301–313. (Scholar)
- Eaton, A. W., 2012, “Robust Immoralism”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 70(3): 281–292. 10.1111/jaac.2012.70.issue-3 (Scholar)
- –––, 2016, “Literature and
Morality”, in Carroll and Gibson 2016: 433–450. (Scholar)
- Franzén, Nils, 2021, “A Sensibilist Explanation of Imaginative Resistance”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 51(3): 159–174. doi:10.1017/can.2021.10 (Scholar)
- Gendler, Tamar Szabó, 2000, “The Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance”, The Journal of Philosophy, 97(2): 55–81. doi:10.2307/2678446 (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “Imaginative Resistance Revisited”, in Nichols 2006b: 149–173. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008a, “Alief and Belief”, The Journal of Philosophy, 105(10): 634–663. doi:10.5840/jphil20081051025 (Scholar)
- –––, 2008b, “Alief in Action (and Reaction)”, Mind and Language, 23(5): 552–585. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2008.00352.x (Scholar)
- Gendler, Tamar Szabó and John Hawthorne (eds.), 2002, Conceivability and Possibility, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Gendler, Tamar Szabó and Shen-yi Liao, 2016, “The
Problem of Imaginative Resistance”, in Carroll and Gibson 2016:
405–418. (Scholar)
- Green, Adam, 2024, “Moral Dumbfounding and Imaginative Resistance”, Philosophical Psychology, first online 10 January 2024. doi:10.1080/09515089.2023.2299374 (Scholar)
- Goffin, Kris and Stacie Friend, 2022, “Learning Implicit Biases from Fiction”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 80(2):129–139, doi:10.1093/jaac/kpab078 (Scholar)
- Goldie, Peter, 2003, “Narrative, Emotion, and Perspective”, in Kieran and Lopes 2003: 55–69. (Scholar)
- Hume, David, 1757 [1875], “Of the Standard of Taste”.
Reprinted in Essays: Moral and Political and Literary,
London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1875. (Scholar)
- Kieran, Matthew and Dominic M. Lopes (eds.), 2003, Imagination, Philosophy, and the Arts, New York: Routledge, (Scholar)
- Kim, Hanna, Markus Kneer, and Michael T. Stuart, 2019, “The
Content-Dependence of Imaginative Resistance”, in Advances
in Experimental Philosophy of Aesthetics, Florian Cova and
Sébastien Réhault (eds.), New York: Bloomsbury,
143–165. (Scholar)
- Kind, Amy (ed.), 2016, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Levin, Janet, 2012, “Imaginability, Possibility, and the
Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance”, Canadian Journal of
Philosophy, 41(3): 391–422. doi:10.1353/cjp.2011.0027 (Scholar)
- Levy, Neil, 2005, “Imaginative Resistance and the Moral/Conventional Distinction”, Philosophical Psychology, 18(2): 231–241. doi:10.1080/09515080500169660 (Scholar)
- Liao, Shen-yi, 2016, “Imaginative Resistance, Narrative Engagement, Genre”, Res Philosophica, 93(2): 461–482. doi:10.11612/resphil.2016.2.93.3 (Scholar)
- Liao, Shen-yi, Nina Strohminger, and Chandra Sekhar Sripada, 2014, “Empirically Investigating Imaginative Resistance”, British Journal of Aesthetics, 54(3): 339–355. doi:10.1093/aesthj/ayu027 (Scholar)
- Mahtani, Anna, 2012, “Imaginative Resistance without Conflict”, Philosophical Studies, 158: 415–429. doi:10.1007/s11098-010-9678-x (Scholar)
- Matravers, Derek, 2003, “Fictional Assent and the
(So-Called) ‘Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance’”, in
Kieran and Lopes 2003: 90–105. (Scholar)
- Miyazono, Kengo and Shen-yi Liao, 2016, “The Cognitive Architecture of Imaginative Resistance”, in Kind 2016: 233–246. (Scholar)
- Moran, Richard, 1994, “The Expression of Feeling in Imagination”, The Philosophical Review, 103(1): 75–106. doi:10.2307/2185873 (Scholar)
- Mothersill, Mary, 2003, “Make-Believe Morality and Fictional
Worlds”, in Arts and Morality, José Luis
Bermúdez and Sebastian Gardner (eds.), New York: Routledge,
74–94. (Scholar)
- Nanay, Bence, 2010, “Imaginative Resistance and Conversational Implicatures”, The Philosophical Quarterly, 60(240): 586–600. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9213.2009.625.x (Scholar)
- Nichols, Shaun, 2004, “Imagining and Believing: The Promise of a Single Code”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 62(2): 129–139. doi:10.1111/j.1540-594x.2004.00146.x (Scholar)
- –––, 2006a, “Just the Imagination: Why Imagining Doesn’t Behave Like Believing”, Mind and Language, 21(4): 459–474. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2006.00286.x (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2006b, The Architecture of the Imagination: New Essays on Pretense, Possibility, and Fiction, New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199275731.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Nichols, Shaun and Stephen P. Stich, 2000, “A Cognitive Theory of Pretense”, Cognition, 74(2): 115–147. doi:10.1016/s0010-0277(99)00070-0 (Scholar)
- –––, 2003a, “How to Read Your Own Mind: A
Cognitive Theory of Self-Consciousness”, in Consciousness:
New Philosophical Essays, Quentin Smith and Aleksandar Jokic
(eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 157–200. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003b, Mindreading: An Integrated Account of Pretense, Self-Awareness and Understanding Other Minds, New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/0198236107.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Nolan, Daniel, 2020, “Imaginative Resistance and Modal Knowledge”, Res Philosophica, 97(4): 661–85. doi:10.11612/resphil.1922 (Scholar)
- Peterson, Eric, 2019, “Imaginative Resistance and Variation”, British Journal of Aesthetics, 59(1): 67–80. (Scholar)
- Priest, Graham, 1997, “Sylvan’s Box: A Short Story and Ten Morals”, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 38(4): 573–582. doi:10.1305/ndjfl/1039540770 (Scholar)
- Richardson, Henry S., “Moral Reasoning”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>. (Scholar)
- Rouillé, Louis, 2024, “Ludic Resistance: A New Solution to the Gamer’s Paradox”, Ethics and Information Technology, 26(32), first online 09 May 2024. doi:10.1007/s10676-024-09772-8 (Scholar)
- Skow, Bradford, 2021, “Questioning Imaginative Resistance and Resistant Reading”, The British Journal of Aesthetics, 61(4): 575–587. doi:10.1093/aesthj/ayab015 (Scholar)
- Skow, Bradford, 2022, “When (Imagined) Evidence Explains Fictionality”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 80(4): 464–476. doi:10.1093/jaac/kpac039 (Scholar)
- Sodoma, Katharina Anna, 2024, “Why Severe Moral Transgressions Are Often Difficult to Understand”, Philosophical Explorations, 27(2): 144–156, doi:10.1080/13869795.2024.2344974 (Scholar)
- Stear, Nils-Hennes, 2015, “Imaginative and Fictionality Failure: A Normative Approach”, Philosophers’ Imprint, 15(34): 1–18. [Stear 2015 available online] (Scholar)
- Stock, Kathleen, 2005, “Resisting Imaginative Resistance”, Philosophical Quarterly, 55(221): 607–624. doi:10.1111/j.0031-8094.2005.00419.x (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Imagining and Fiction: Some Issues”, Philosophy Compass, 8(10): 887–896. doi:10.1111/phc3.12068 (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, Only Imagine: Fiction, Interpretation, and Imagination, New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198798347.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Stokes, Dustin R., 2006, “The Evaluative Character of Imaginative Resistance”, British Journal of Aesthetics, 46(4): 347–405. doi:10.1093/aesthj/ayl022 (Scholar)
- Szanto, Thomas, 2020, “Imaginative Resistance and Empathic Resistance”, Topoi, 39: 791–802. doi:10.1007/s11245-019-09642-9 (Scholar)
- Tanner, Michael, 1994, “Morals in Fiction and Fictional Morality”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes, 68: 51–66. doi:10.1093/aristoteliansupp/68.1.27">10.1093/aristoteliansupp/68.1.27 (Scholar)
- Todd, Cain Samuel, 2009, “Imaginability, Morality, and Fictional Truth: Dissolving the Puzzle of ‘Imaginative Resistance’”, Philosophical Studies, 143(2): 187–211. doi:10.1007/s11098-007-9198-5 (Scholar)
- Tooming, Uku, 2018, “Imaginative Resistance as Imagistic
Resistance”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 48(5):
684–706. doi:10.1080/00455091.2017.1378534 (Scholar)
- Traynor, Michael, 2021, “Beyond the Limits of Imagination: Abductive Inferences from Imagined Phenomena”, Synthese, 199: 14293–14315. doi:10.1007/s11229-021-03421-z (Scholar)
- Tuna, Emine Hande, 2024, “Hume and Kant on Imaginative Resistance”, European Journal of Philosophy, 32(2): 342–352. doi:10.1111/ejop.12935 (Scholar)
- –––, forthcoming, “Recovering Fictional Content and Emotional Engagements with Fiction”, Analysis. (Scholar)
- Voltolini, Alberto and Carola Barbero, 2024, “How One Cannot Participatively Imagine What One Could Cognitively Imagine”, Philosophia, first online 18 June 2024. doi:10.1007/s11406-024-00753-1 (Scholar)
- Walton, Kendall L., 1990, Mimesis as Make-Believe, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994, “Morals in Fiction and Fictional Morality”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes, 68: 27–50. doi:10.1093/aristoteliansupp/68.1.27 (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “On the (So-called) Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance”, in Nichols 2006b: 137–148. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Fictionality and
Imagination—Mind the Gap”, In Other Shoes: Music,
Metaphor, Empathy, Existence, New York: Oxford University Press.
17–35. (Scholar)
- Weatherson, Brian, 2004, “Morality, Fiction, and Possibility”, Philosophers’ Imprint, 4(3): 1–27. [Weatherson 2004 available online] (Scholar)
- Weinberg, Jonathan M., 2008, “Configuring the Cognitive Imagination”, in New Waves in Aesthetics, Kathleen Stock and Katherine Thomson-Jones (eds.), London: Palgrave Macmillan, 203–223. doi:10.1057/9780230227453_11 (Scholar)
- Weinberg, Jonathan M. and Aaron Meskin, 2006, “Puzzling Over the Imagination: Philosophical Problems, Architectural Solutions”, in Nichols 2006b: 175–202. (Scholar)
- Xhignesse, Michel-Antoine, 2021, “Imagining Fictional
Contradictions”, Synthese, 199:
3169–3188. doi:10.1007/s11229-020-02929-0 (Scholar)
- Yablo, Stephen, 2002, “Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda”, in Gendler and Hawthorne 2002: 441–492. (Scholar)