Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Informed Consent" by Nir Eyal
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Archard, David, 2008. Informed Consent: Autonomy and Self-Ownership. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 25(1): 19–34. (Scholar)
- Alexander, Larry, 2014. The ontology of consent. Analytic Philosophy, 55(1): 102–113. (Scholar)
- Beauchamp, Tom L., 2010. Autonomy and consent. In The Ethics
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Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Beauchamp, Tom L., and James F. Childress, 2008. Principles of
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Press. (Scholar)
- Berg, Jessica W., Paul S. Appelbaum, Charles W. Lidz, and Alan
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Practice (2nd edition), New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Bok, Sissela, 1995. Shading the Truth in Seeking Informed Consent for Research Purposes. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 5(1): 1–17. (Scholar)
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- Dworkin, Gerald, 1988. The Theory and Practice of Autonomy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
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- Eyal, Nir, 2014. Using Informed Consent to Save Trust. Journal of Medical Ethics, 40: 437–444. (Scholar)
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- Faden, Ruth R., and Tom L. Beauchamp, 1986. A History and
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- Feinberg, Joel, 1986. Harm to Self, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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- Gunderson, Martin, 1990. Justifying a Principle of Informed Consent: A Case Study in Autonomy-Based Ethics. Public Affairs Quarterly, 4: 249–265. (Scholar)
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- Hill, Thomas E., Jr. 1991. Autonomy and Self-Respect, New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
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- Jackson, Jennifer, 1991. Telling the truth. Journal of Medical Ethics, 17: 5–9. (Scholar)
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- Joffe, Steven, and Robert D. Truog. 2010. Consent to medical care:
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- McConnell, Terrance, 2018. When Is Consent Required? In The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Consent, A. Muller and P Schaber (eds.), Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Mill, John Stuart, 1990. On Liberty. In Utilitarianism/On
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- Miller, Franklin G., 2010. Consent to clinical research. In
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- Miller, Franklin G., and Alan Wertheimer, 2010. Preface to a
theory of consent transactions: beyond valid consent. In The
Ethics of Consent, F. G. Miller and A. Wertheimer (eds.), New
York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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- Radin, Margaret Jane, 1983. Property and Personhood. Stanford
Law Review, 34 (957): 971–990. (Scholar)
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- Scanlon, Thomas M., 1988. The Significance of Choice. In The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, S. M. McMurrin (ed.), Salt Lake City: Utah University Press. (Scholar)
- Schneider, Carl E., 1998. The Practice of Autonomy, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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- Wilkinson, Stephen, 2003. Bodies for Sale: Ethics and Exploitation in the Human Body Trade, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)