Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Isaac Israeli" by Leonard Levin, R. David Walker and Shalom Sadik
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Altmann, Alexander, 1957. “Isaac Israeli’s Book of
Definitions: Some Fragments of a Second Hebrew Translation,”
Journal of Semitic Studies, 2(3): 232–242. (Scholar)
- Altmann, Alexander, 1956. “Isaac Israeli’s
‘Chapter on the Elements’ (MS Mantua),” Journal
of Jewish Studies, 7 (1–2): 31–57. (Scholar)
- Altmann, Alexander and S.M. Stern, 1958. Isaac Israeli: A Neoplatonic Philosopher of the Early Tenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Fried, Salomon, 1884. Das Buch uber die Elemente,
Leipzig: W. Drugulin. (Scholar)
- Freudenthal, Gad, and Samuel M Stern. 2017. “The Hebrew
Versions of Isaac Israeli’s Book of Definitions and Book on
Spirit and Soul: Critical Editions (Posthumous
Publication).” Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and
Judaism 17: 11–75. Stern’s article is
complemented by three Appendices: Appendix A: Andrei
Iakovlevič Borisov, “Some New Fragments of Isaak
Israeli’s Works” (1935); Appendix B: Y. Tzvi
Langermann, “The Arabic Fragment from Israeli’s The Book
on Spirit and Soul” (88-89); Appendix C: Gad
Freudenthal,” Complementary Notes to S.M. Stern’s Study of
Isaac Israeli’s Book of Definitions.”
(90–93) (Scholar)
- Hirschfield, Hartwig, 1896. Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag
Moritz Steinschneiders., Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, pp.
131–42. (Scholar)
- Hirschfield, Hartwig, 1902. “The Arabic Portion of the Cairo
Genizah at Cambridge,” Jewish Quarterly Review, 15:
689–93. (Scholar)
- Muckle, Joseph Thomas, 1937–8. “Isaac Israeli, Liber de Definicionibus,” Archives d’histoire doctrinale et litteraire du moyen age, 12: 299–340. (Scholar)
- Stern, Samuel Miklos, 2017. “The Hebrew versions of Isaac
Israeli’s ‘Book of Definitions’ and ‘Book on
Spirit and Soul’: critical editions (posthumous
publication)”, Aleph 17(1): 11–93. (Scholar)
- –––, 1956. “The Fragments of Isaac
Israeli’s Book of Substances,” Journal of Jewish
Studies, 7 (1–2): 13–29. (Scholar)
- –––, 1955. “Isaac Israeli’s Book of
Substances,” Journal of Jewish Studies, 6 (3):
133–145. (Scholar)
- Adamson, P., 2002, The Arabic Plotinus: a Philosophical
Study of the “Theology of Aristotle”, London:
Duckworth. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, Al-Kindi, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Altmann, Alexander, 1979. “Creation and Emanation in Isaac Israeli: A Reappraisal,” in Isadore Twersky (ed.), Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Vol. 1, pp. 1–15. (Scholar)
- Blachere, Regis, 1935. Kitab tabakat al-uman (Livre
des categories des nations), Traducion avec notes et
indices, Paris: Larose. (Scholar)
- D’Ancona, C., 1991, “Per un Profilo Filosofico
dell’Autore della ‘Theologia di
Aristotele,’” Medioevo, 17:
82–134. (Scholar)
- Ferre, Dolores, 2015. “Arabic into Hebrew, a case study:
Isaac Israeli’s ‘Book on Fevers’”,
Medieval Encounters, 21(1): 50–80. (Scholar)
- Husik, Isaac, 1930. A History of Mediaeval Jewish
Philosophy, New York: MacMillan, 1930. (Scholar)
- Ivry, Alfred, 1974. Al-Kindi’s Metaphysics, Albany,
NY: SUNY Press. (Scholar)
- Langermann, Y. Tzvi, 2017. “From my notebooks Isaac Israeli
(the Elder): some interesting remarks on the ‘Posterior
Analytics’ in his ‘Book on Fevers’”,
Aleph, 17(1): 157–166. (Scholar)
- Muckle, Joseph Thomas, 1933. “Isaac Israeli’s
Definition of Truth,” Archives d’histoire Doctrinale
et litteraire du moyen age, 8: 5–8. (Scholar)
- Pessin, Sarah, 2003. “Jewish Neoplatonism: Being above Being
and Divine Emanation in Solomon Ibn Gabirol and Isaac Israeli,”
in Daniel Frank (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish
Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
91–110. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015. “Neoplatonic Time in Isaac
Israeli: On the Beginning of the End of Love [as the Beginning of the
Beginning of Love].” Studies in Jewish History and
Culture 48: 53–65. (Scholar)
- Rudavsky, Tamar, 1997. “Medieval Jewish Neoplatonism,” in Oliver Leaman and Daniel Frank (eds.), History of Jewish Philosophy, London: Routledge, pp. 149–187. (Scholar)
- Sadik, Shalom, 2013. “Décision humaine et animale dans la pensée de Rabbi Isaac Israeli”, Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy, 21(2): 143–160. (Scholar)
- Sirat, Collette, 1985. A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Stern, S.M., 1960. “Ibn Hasday’s Neoplatonist,”
Oriens, (13–14): 58–120. (Scholar)
- –––, 1957. “Isaac Israeli and Moses Ibn
Ezra,” Journal of Jewish Studies, 8 (1–2):
83–89. (Scholar)
- Stitskin, Leon, 1965–66. “Isaac ben Solomon Israeli:
Philosophy as Self-Knowledge,” Tradition, 7–8:
89–94. (Scholar)
- Teicher, Jacob Leon, 1956. “The Latin-Hebrew School of
Translators in Spain in the twelfth century,” in Homenaje a
Millas-Vallicrosa, Volume 2, Barcelona: Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Cientificas, pp. 416–22. (Scholar)
- Wolfson, Harry Austryn, 1959. “Meaning of Ex Nihilo in Isaac
Israeli,” Jewish Quarterly Review, 50: 1–12. (Scholar)
- –––, 1961. “Notes on Isaac Israeli’s
Internal Senses,” Jewish Quarterly Review, 51:
275–287. (Scholar)
- Zimmerman, Fritz, 1986. “The Origins of the So Called
Theology of Aristotle,” in J. Kraye, C.B. Schmitt, and W. F.
Ryan, Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages, London: Warburg
Institute, pp. 110–240. (Scholar)