Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Joane Petrizi" by Tengiz Iremadze
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
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1. Petrizi’s Works
- Joane Petrizi, Interpretation of the “Elementatio
theologica” of Proclus, ed. and with a study by Sh.
Nutsubidze and S. Kaukhchishvili (Opera II), Tbilisi 1937 (in Old
Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, The “Elementatio
theologica” of the Platonic Philosopher Proclus, trans.
from the Greek, ed. and with a study and a vocabulary by S.
Kaukhchishvili, with an introduction by M. Gogiberidze (Opera I),
Tbilisi 1940 (in Old Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, Rassmotrenie platonovskoi filosofii i
Prokla diadokha. Perevod c drevnegruzinskogo jazyka I. D.
Pantskhavy. Redaktori toma G. V. Tevzadze, N. R. Natadze.
Vstupitelnaja statia i primechanija G. V. Tevzadze, Moskva 1984 (in
Russian). (Scholar)
- –––, Kommentare zur “Elementatio
theologica” des Proklos. Selected Texts, translated from
Old Georgian into German, introduction and annotations by L. Alexidze,
in Orthodoxes Forum, Munich 9 (1995), pp. 141–171. (Scholar)
- –––, Interpretation of the
“Elementatio theologica” of Proclus Diadochus, trans.
into modern Georgian, with an introduction and annotations by D.
Melikishvili, Tbilisi 1999. (Scholar)
- –––, Kommentar zur “Elementatio
theologica” des Proclos, Übersetzung aus dem
Altgeorgischen, Anmerkungen, Indices und Einleitung von L. Alexidze
und L. Bergemann, Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2009. (Scholar)
- Nemesius of Emesa, On the Nature of Man, trans. into Old
Georgian by Joane Petrizi, ed. with an introduction and vocabulary by
S. Gorgadze, Tbilisi 1914.
2. Other Authors
- Anton I. (= Bagrationi), 1991, Spekali, ed., with a study
and vocabulary by G. Dedabrishvili, Tbilisi (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Joane Bagrationi, 1974, Kalmasoba. Philosophical
Part, ed. by G. Dedabrishvili (Studies on the History of Georgian
Philosophical Thought, vol. III), Tbilisi (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Dodds, E.R. (ed.), 1963, Proclus: The Elements of
Theology, a revised text with translation, introduction and
commentary by E. R. Dodds, Oxford, 2nd edition. (Scholar)
- Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani, 1991, Georgian Dictionary, 2
vols., ed., with a study and vocabulary by I. Abuladze, Tbilisi (in
Georgian). (Scholar)
- Alexidze, L., 1997, “Griechische Philosophie in den
‘Kommentaren’ des Joane Petrizi zur ‘Elementatio
Theologica’ des Proklos,” in Oriens Christianus. Hefte
für die Kunde des christlichen Orients, 81:
148–168. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, Ioane Petritsi and Ancient
Philosophy, Tbilisi (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Dodashvili, S., 2001, “Brief Discussion of Georgian
Literature”, in S. Dodashvili, Works, ed. and with a
preface by T. Kukava, Tbilisi 2001, pp. 214–220 (in
Georgian). (Scholar)
- Gigineishvili, L., 2007, The Platonic Theology of Ioane Petritsi, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Ioane Petritsi and his
philosophical-theological project,” in The Kartvelologist.
Journal of Georgian Studies, 19(4): 137–164. (Scholar)
- Gogiberidze, M., 1961, Rustaveli, Petrizi, Preludes, ed.
by I. Megrelidze, Tbilisi (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Iremadze, T., 2004a, Konzeptionen des Denkens im
Neuplatonismus. Zur Rezeption der Proklischen Philosophie im deutschen
und georgischen Mittelalter: Dietrich von Freiberg—Berthold von
Moosburg—Joane Petrizi, Amsterdam/Philadelphia. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004b, “Der intellekttheoretische
Ansatz der Selbstreflexivität des Denkens gemäß
Kapitel 168 der ‘Elementatio theologica’ des Proklos und
seine Deutung sowie Entfaltung im ‘Proklos-Kommentar’
Bertholds von Moosburg,” in W. Geerlings / C. Schulze (eds.),
Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter, Bd. 2: Neue
Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung (Clavis Commentariorum
Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi 3), Leiden/Boston, pp. 237–253. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, “Die Philosophie der
Selbstreflexivität”, in
Philosophy—Theology—Culture. Problems and
Perspectives: Jubilee volume dedicated to the 75th
anniversary of Guram Tevzadze, ed. T. Iremadze, T. Tskhadadze, G.
Kheoshvili, Tbilisi, pp. 66–78. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009, “Joane Petrizi ”, in Philosophenlexikon, ed. S. Jordan, B. Mojsisch, Philipp Reclam Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 285–286. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011a, “Seiendes versus
Sein. Zu einer neuen Interpretation der Gattungslehre von Joane
Petrizi”, in Philosophy in Global Change: Jubilee volume
dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Burkhard
Mojsisch, ed. T. Iremadze (in collaboration with H. Schneider and
K. J. Schmidt), Tbilisi, pp. 133–139. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011b, “Zur Rezeption und
Transformation der Aristotelischen und Proklischen Ursachenmodelle bei
Joane Petrizi”, in Archiv für mittelalterliche
Philosophie und Kultur (Heft XVII), Sofia, pp. 96–111. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Die erkennende Seele des Menschen und ihre Funktion im Proklos-Kommentar von Joane Petrizi”, in Quaestio (Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics), 15. [The Pleasure of Knowledge, ed. by P. Porro and L. Sturlese], Brepols: Turnhout, pp. 201–209.] (Scholar)
- –––, 2016, “The Pythagorean Doctrine in
the Caucasus”, in Pythagorean Knowledge from the Ancient to
the Modern World: Askesis, Religion, Science, ed. by A.–B.
Renger and A. Stavru (Episteme in Bewegung. Beiträge zu einer
transdisziplinären Wissensgeschichte, Bd. 4), Wiesbaden, pp.
411–422. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018, “Philosophy and theology in medieval Georgian thought? (Anonymous author, Ephrem Mtsire, Ioane Petritsi)”, in Veritas et subtilitas. Truth and Subtlety in the History of Philosophy. Essays in memory of Burkhard Mojsisch (1944–2015), ed. by T. Iremadze and U. R. Jeck, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 127–134. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, Medieval Georgian Philosophy. A
Systematic Outline to Understand its Specifics, Tbilisi (in
Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, 2021, “Die Elementatio
theologica des Proklos im Kontext der kaukasischen
Philosophie,” in Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes
(Volume 2: Translations and Acculturations), edited by D. Calma,
Leiden/Boston, pp. 139–53. (Scholar)
- –––, 2021, Ioane Petritsi’s
Philosophy, Tbilisi (in Georgian), English summary, pp.
69–74. (Scholar)
- –––, 2022, Medieval Philosophy.
Historical-Systematic Problems, Tbilisi, pp. 120–139 (in
Georgian). (Scholar)
- Jeck, U. R., 2010, Erläuterungen zur georgischen
Philosophie, Tbilisi (in German and Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Europa entdeckt die mittelalterliche byzantinisch-georgische Philosophie. Klaproth, Sjögren, Brosset und Creuzer über Ioane Petrizi,” in Byzantine Perspectives of Neoplatonism, ed. by S. Mariev, Boston/Berlin, pp. 243–270. (Scholar)
- Kekelidze, K., 1960, History of Georgian Literature
(Volume 1: Old Georgian Literature), Tbilisi (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Khidasheli, Sh., 1956, Joane Petrizi, Tbilisi (in
Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, 1988, History of Georgian
Philosophy, Tbilisi, p. 170–197 (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Marr, N., 1909, Joane Petrizi—the Georgian Neo-Platonist
of the XIth–XIIth Century, St.
Petersburg (in Russian). (Scholar)
- Melikishvili, D., 1975, The Language and Style of Joane
Petrizi’s Philosophical Works, Tbilisi (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, 2022, The Language and Style of Ioane
Petritsi, Tbilisi (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Mojsisch, B., 2002, “Die Theorie des Intellekts bei Berthold
von Moosburg. Zur Proklosrezeption im Mittelalter”, in Th.
Kobusch, B. Mojsisch, O. F. Summerell (eds.),
Selbst—Singularität—Subjektivität. Vom
Neuplatonismus zum Deutschen Idealismus, Amsterdam/Philadelphia,
pp. 175–184. (Scholar)
- Mschedlishvili, L., 1997, “On the Interpretation of a
Passage in Joane Petrizi’s ‘Interpretation’,”
in Matsne, Philosophical Series 1 (Tbilisi), pp. 62–67
(in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Nutsubidze, Sh., 1988, History of Georgian Philosophy
(Collected Works in six volumes, vol. 5), Tbilisi (in Russian). (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, History of Medieval
Philosophy, Tbilisi, pp. 95–109 (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Pirtskhalava, N., 2022, Ioane Petritsi and Georgian Aesthetic
Musical Thought. Collection of Articles, Tbilisi (in Georgian and
English). (Scholar)
- Tavadze, G., 2013, The Power of Maps. Gelati and the Concept
of Caucasian Philosophy in the Context of Intercultural
Philosophy, Tbilisi (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Tevzadze, G., 1981, “The Principle of Analogy in Joane
Petrizi’s Philosophy,” in G. Tevzadze (ed.), Problems
of the History of Medieval Philosophy, vol. 1, Tbilisi, pp.
227–241 (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, 1982, “Johannes Petrizi,” in E.
Lange, D. Alexander (eds.), Philosophen-Lexikon, Berlin, p.
447. (Scholar)
- –––, 1993, “Joane Petrizi on the
Determination of Man,” in Iweria. Journal of the
Georgian-European Institute 3 (Tbilisi and Brussels), pp. 83–98
(in Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, 1996, “The Philosophy of Joane
Petrizi,” in Sh. Khidasheli, M. Makharadze (eds.), History
of Georgian Philosophical Thought (Volume 1), Tbilisi, pp.
181–249 (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, “Die Kategorie der
Subjektivität in Joane Petrizis Kommentar zu Proklos,” in
Th. Kobusch, B. Mojsisch, O. F. Summerell (Hrsg.),
Selbst—Singularität—Subjektivität. Vom
Neuplatonismus zum Deutschen Idealismus, Amsterdam/Philadelphia,
pp. 131–154. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, Joane Petrizi, Tbilisi (in
Georgian). (Scholar)
- Tschelidze, E., 1994, “Life and Work of Joane
Petrizi,” Part I in Religia [Religion]
3–4–5 (Tbilisi), pp. 113–126 (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- –––, 1995, “Life and Work of Joane
Petrizi,” Part II in Religia [Religion]
1–2–3 (Tbilisi), pp. 76–89 (in Georgian). (Scholar)
- Zakaradze, L., 2011, “Proclus in the Georgian and Latin
Middle Ages (Ioane Petritsi and Berthold of Moosburg),” in
Philosophy in Global Change: Jubilee volume dedicated to the
65th anniversary of Burkhard Mojsisch, ed. T. Iremadze
(in collaboration with H. Schneider and K. J. Schmidt), Tbilisi, pp.
125–132. (Scholar)