Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Lady Damaris Masham" by Sarah Hutton
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Astell, Mary, 1705, The Christian Religion as Professed by a
Daughter of the Church, London: R. Wilkin. (Scholar)
- Ballard, George, 1752, Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great
Britain, who have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the
learned languages, arts, and sciences, Oxford: W. Jackson,
pp. 379–388. (Scholar)
- Bayle, Pierre, 1697, “Rorarius”, in Dictionnaire
Historique et Critique, Amsterdam: Reinier Leers, vol. 2, part 2,
955–967. (Scholar)
- Bibliothèque choisie, pour servir de suite à la
Bibliothèque universelle, Jean Le Clerc (ed.), Amsterdam:
Henry Schelte.
- Broad, Jacqueline (ed.), 2020, “Damaris Cudworth Masham
(1659–1708)”, in Women Philosophers of
Seventeenth-Century England. Selected Correspondence, Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 114–228.
doi:10.1093/oso/9780190673321.003.0004 (Scholar)
- Cudworth, Ralph, 1678, True Intellectual System of the
Universe. The first part wherein all the reason and philosophy of
atheism is confuted and its impossibility demonstrated, London:
Richard Royston. (Scholar)
- Le Clerc, Jean, 1705, “Eloge de feu Mr. Locke”, in
his Bibliothèque choisie, 6: 342–411; for a
shortened version of this, see the entry “Locke (Jean)” in
the 1728 edition of Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique
(nouvelle edition), started by Louis Moréri, Paris,
vol. 3, s.v.; in the 1759 edition this is volume 6,
pp. 351–353. (Scholar)
- Leibniz, G.W., 1875–90, Die Philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 7 volumes, C. I. Gerhardt (ed.), Volumes 3, 372, Berlin. (Letters to Leibniz) (Scholar)
- Locke, John, 1689, Epistola de tolerantia (A Letter
Concerning Toleration), English version, London: Awnsham Churchill,
1689. (Scholar)
- –––, 1693, Some Thoughts Concerning
Education, London: A. and J. Churchill. (Scholar)
- –––, 1976–1989, The Correspondence of John Locke, E.S. de Beer (ed.), 8 volumes, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Correspondence with Locke) (Scholar)
- Masham, Damaris, 1696 [1705], A Discourse Concerning the Love of God, London: Awsnsham and John Churchill, 1696. French translation, Discours sur l’Amour Divin, Pierre Coste (trans.), Amsterdam: Pierre de Coup, 1705. (Scholar)
- –––, 1705 [1747], Occasional Thoughts in
Reference to a Vertuous or Christian Life, London: A. and
J. Churchil, 1705. Second printing, misattributed to Locke, with
title, Thoughts on a Christian Life, London, T. Waller,
1747. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, The Philosophical Works of
Damaris, Lady Masham. Introduction by James
G. Buickerood. Bristol: Thoemmes Press. (Scholar)
- –––, ms, Three letters to Philip van Limborch,
Amsterdam University Library, MS M31c.
- –––, ms, Letters to Shaftesbury, London, Public
Record Office, PRO 30/24/20, fols. 266–7 &
- –––, ms, Memoir of Locke, Amsterdam University
Library, Remonstrants MSS J. 57a. Forms the basis of Jean Le
Clerc’s “Eloge de feu Mr. Locke” (1705).
- Norris, John, 1690, Cursory Reflections upon a Book
Call’d Essay Concerning Human Understanding, London:
S. Manship. (Scholar)
- –––, 1690, Reflections on the Conduct of
Human Life, in a letter to the excellent lady, the Lady Masham,
London: S. Manship. (Scholar)
- –––, 1691, Practical Discourses Upon Several
Divine Subjects, London: Samuel Manship. (Scholar)
- Norris, John and Mary Astell, 1695, Letters Concerning the
Love of God, London: Samuel Manship and Richard Wilkin. (Scholar)
- Acworth, Richard, 2006, “Cursory Reflections upon an Article
Entitled ‘What is it with Damaris, Lady Masham?’”,
Locke Studies, 6: 189–197. (Scholar)
- Broad, Jacqueline, 2002, Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 5. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, “Adversaries or Allies? Occasional Thoughts on the Masham-Astell Exchange”, Eighteenth Century Thought, 1: 123–49. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “A Woman’s Influence? John
Locke and Damaris Masham on Moral Accountability”, Journal
of the History of Ideas, 67: 489–510. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, “Damaris Masham on Women and Liberty of Conscience”, in A Feminist History of Philosophy, Eileen O’Neill and Mary Lascano (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 319–36. (Scholar)
- Buickerood, James G., 2005. “What Is it With Damaris, Lady
Masham? The Historiography of One Early Modern Woman
Philosopherspecial-character”, Locke Studies, 5:
179–214. (Scholar)
- Frankel, Lois, 1989, “Damaris Cudworth Masham, a Seventeenth-Century Feminist Philosopher”, Hypatia, 4: 80–90. (Scholar)
- –––, 1991, “Damaris Cudworth Masham”, in A History of Women Philosophers: Modern Women Philosophers, 1600–1900 (Volume 3), Mary Ellen Waithe (ed.), Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 73–85. (Scholar)
- Goldie, Mark, 2004, John Locke and the Mashams at Oates, Churchill College: University of Cambridge. (Scholar)
- Hammou, Philippe, 2008, “Enthousiasme et nature humaine: à propos d’une lettre de Locke à Damaris Cudworth”, Revue de Métaphysique et Morale, 3: 337–350. (Scholar)
- Hutton, Sarah, 1993, “Damaris Cudworth, Lady Masham: between Platonism and Enlightenment”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 1: 29–54. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Damaris Masham”, The Continuum Companion to Locke, P. Schuurman and S.-J. Savonius Wroth (eds.), London & New York: Continuum, pp. 72–6. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Religion, Philosophy and Women’s
Letters: Anne Conway and Damaris Masham”, Debating the Faith
Religion and Letter-Writing in Great Britain, 1550-1800, Anne
Dunan-Page and Clotilde Prunier (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “Religion and Sociability in the Correspondence of Damaris Masham (1658–1708)”, in Women and Religion, Sarah Apetrei and Hannah Smith (eds.), Farnham: Ashgate, 117–30. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018, “Liberty of Mind: Women Philosophers and the Freedom to Philosophize”, in Women and Liberty, 1600–1800 Philosophical Essays, Jacqueline Broad and Karen Detlefsen (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 123–37. (Scholar)
- Lascano, Marcy B., 2011, “Damaris Masham and The Law of
Reason or Nature”, The Modern Schoolman, 88(3–4):
245–265. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018, “‘Heads Cast in Metahysical
Moulds’. Damaris Masham on the Method and Nature of
Metaphysics”, in Early Modern Women on Metaphysics,
Emily Thomas (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1–27. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, “Women Philosophers and the
Cosmological Argument: A Case Study in Feminist History of
Philosophy”, in A Feminist History of Philosophy,
Eileen O’Neill and Mary Lascano (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer,
23–47. (Scholar)
- Laslett, Peter, 1953, “Masham of Oates”, History
Today, 3: 535–43. (Scholar)
- Myers, Joanne E., 2013, “Enthusiastic Improvement: Mary Astell and Damaris Masham on Sociability”, Hypatia, 28(3): 533–550. (Scholar)
- Penaluna, Regan, 2007, “The Social and Political Thought of Damaris Cudworth Masham”, in Virtue, Liberty, and Toleration: Political Ideas of European Women, 1400–1800, Jacqueline Broad and Karen Green (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 111–122. (Scholar)
- Phemister, Pauline, 2007, “‘All the time and
everywhere everything’s the same as here’: the Principle
of Uniformity in the Correspondence between Leibniz and Lady
Masham”, in Paul Lodge (ed.), Leibniz and his
Correspondents, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Phemister, Pauline, and Justin Smith, 2007, “Leibniz and the Cambridge Platonists and the Debate over Plastic Natures”, in Pauline Phemister and Stuart Brown (eds.), Leibniz’s Philosophy and the English-Speaking World, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 95–110. (Scholar)
- Ready, Kathryn, 2002, “Damaris Cudworth Masham, Catharine
Trotter Cockburn, and the Feminist Legacy of Locke’s Theory of
Personal Identity”, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 35:
563–76. (Scholar)
- Simonutti, Luisa, 1987, “Damaris Cudworth Masham: una Lady della Repubblica delle Lettere”, Scritti in Onore di Eugenio Garin, Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore, pp. 141–165. (Scholar)
- Sleigh, Robert C., 2005, “Reflections on the Masham-Leibniz
Correspondence”, in Early Modern Philosophy: Mind, Matter,
and Metaphysics, Christia Mercer and Eileen O’Neill (eds.).
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Widmaier, Rita, 1986, “Korrespondenten von G. W. Leibniz: 8. Damaris Masham, geb. Cudworth geb. 18. Januar 1658 in Cambridge – gest. 20. April 1708 in Oates”, Studia Leibnitiana, 18: 211–227. (Scholar)
- Woolhouse, Roger, 2003, “Lady Masham’s Account of
Locke”, Locke Studies, 3: 167–193. (Scholar)