Linked bibliography for the SEP article "The Pure Theory of Law" by Andrei Marmor
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Kelsen’s academic publications span over almost seven decades in which
he published dozens of books and hundreds of articles. Only about a
third of this vast literature has been translated to English.
Kelsen’s two most important books on the pure theory of law are the
first edition of his Reine Rechtslehre, published in 1934 and
recently (2002) translated. The second edition, which Kelson published
in 1960 (translated in 1967) is a considerably extended version of the
first edition. In addition, most of the themes in these two books also
appear in Kelsen’s General Theory of Law and State. These
three works are cited in text as follows:
[PT1] |
1934/2002. Introduction to
the Problems of Legal Theory, B.L. Paulson and S.L. Paulson
(trans.), Oxford: Clarendon Press. |
[PT2] |
1960/1967. Pure Theory of Law,
M. Knight (trans.), Berkeley: University of California Press. |
[GT] |
1945/1961. General Theory of Law and State, A. Wedberg
(trans.), New York: Russell & Russell. |
Other relevant publications in English include:
- 1957, What is Justice?, Berkeley: University of
California Press.
- 1941, ‘The Pure Theory of Law and Analytical Jurisprudence’,
Harvard Law Review, 55: 44–70. (Scholar)
- 1965, ‘Professor Stone and the Pure Theory of Law: A
Reply’, Stanford Law Rev, 17(6): 1128–1157. (Scholar)
- 1966, ‘On the Pure Theory of Law’, Israel Law
Review, 1(1): 1–7. (Scholar)
For a complete list of Kelsen’s publications that have appeared
in English see the Appendix to H. Kelsen, General Theory of
Norms, M. Hartney (trans.), Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1991, pp. 440–454.
- Green, S.M., 2016, “Marmor’s Kelsen”, in
D.A. Jeremy Telman (ed.), Hans Kelsen in America, Dordrecht:
Springer Verlag. (Scholar)
- Harris, J.W., 1980, Legal Philosophies (Chapter 6),
London: Butterworths. (Scholar)
- Hart, H.L.A., 1961, The Concept of Law (Chapter 3), Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1970, “Kelsen’s Doctrine of the Unity
of Law”, in H.E. Kiefer and M.K. Munitz (eds.), Ethics and
Social Justice, New York: State University of
New York Press, pp. 171–199. (Scholar)
- Marmor, A., 2001, Objective Law and Positive Values,
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, Philosophy of Law, The Princeton Series in the Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy (S. Soames ed.), Chapter 1, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Paulson, S., 2002, Introduction to Kelsen’s Introduction to
the Problems of Legal Theory, Oxford: Clarendon
Press, p. xvii. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012. “A ‘Justified
Normativity’ Thesis in Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law?
Rejoinders to Robert Alexy and Joseph Raz”, in Matthias Klatt
(ed.), Institutionalized Reason: The Jurisprudence of Robert
Alexy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 61–111.
- –––, 2013. “The Great Puzzle:
Kelsen’s Basic Norm”, in Luis Duarte d’Almeida, John
Gardner, and Leslie Green (eds.), Kelsen Revisited: New Essays on
the Pure Theory of Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing,
pp. 43–62. (Scholar)
- Raz, J., 1980, The Concept of a Legal System, 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1979, ‘Kelsen’s Theory of the
Basic Norm’, in J. Raz, The Authority of Law,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 122–145. (Scholar)
- Tur, R.H. & W. Twining (eds.), 1986, Essays on Kelsen, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Bix, B., 2018, “Kelsen, Hart, and Legal Normativity”, Revus, 34: 1–17, doi:10.4000/revus.3984 (Scholar)
- Gragl, P., 2017, “In Defence of Kelsenian Monism: Countering Hart and Raz”, Jurisprudence, 8(2): 287–318. (Scholar)
- Green, S. M., 2021, “Hans Kelsen’s Non-Reductive
Positivism”, in T. Spaak & P. Mindus (eds.), The
Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 272–300. (Scholar)
- Guastini, R., 2016, “Kelsen on Validity (Once More)”, Ratio Juris, 29: 402–409. (Scholar)
- Langford, P., Bryan, I., & McGarry, J. (eds.), 2017, Kelsenian Legal Science and the Nature of Law, Cham: Springer. (Scholar)
- Orakhelashvili, A., 2019, Domesticating Kelsen: Towards the Pure Theory of English Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (Scholar)
- Pavlakos, G., 2018, “Non-naturalism, Normativity and the Meaning of Ought: Some Lessons from Kelsen”, in K. E. Himma, M. Jovanovic & B. Spaic (eds.), Unpacking Normativity Conceptual, Normative, and Descriptive Issues, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 77–94. (Scholar)
- Paulson, S. L., 2019, “Hans Kelsen on Legal Interpretation, Legal Cognition, and Legal Science”, Jurisprudence, 10(2): 188–221. (Scholar)
- –––2017, “Metamorphosis in Hans
Kelsen’s Legal Philosophy”, Moderna Law Review,
80(5): 860–894. (Scholar)
- –––2018, “The Purity Thesis”, Ratio Juris, 31(3): 276–306. (Scholar)
- Spaak, T., 2018, “A Challenge to Bix’s Interpretation of
Kelsen and Hart’s Views on the Normativity of Law”,
Revus, 37: 75–82, doi:10.4000/revus.4561 (Scholar)