Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Emmanuel Levinas" by Bettina Bergo
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Cited Works by Levinas
- 1930, “La Théorie de l’intuition
dans la Phénoménologie de Husserl”, Doctoral
dissertation, published, 1963, Paris: J. Vrin.
- [TOI] The Theory of Intuition in Husserl’s
Phenomenology, André Orianne (trans.), Evanston, IL:
Northwestern University Press, 1975; second edition, 1995. (Scholar)
- 1934, “Quelques réflexions sur la
philosophie de l’hitlérisme”, Esprit,
November, 199–208. Reprinted 1997, Miguel Abensour (ed.), Paris:
[Levinas 1934 available online]
- 1935, De l’évasion, Notes by
Jacques Rolland, Montpellier: Fata Morgana, 1982.
- [OE] On Escape / De l’évasion, Bettina Bergo
(trans.), Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2003.
- 1947, De l’existence à
l’existant, second edition, Paris: Vrin, 1986.
- [EE] Existence and Existents, Alphonso Lingis (trans.),
The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1978.
- 1947, “Le temps et l’autre”, in
Le choix, le monde, l’existence, Jean Wahl (ed.),
Grenoble: Arthaud. Reprinted Montpellier: Fata Morgana, 1979.
- [TO] Time and the Other, Richard A. Cohen (trans.),
Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1987.
- [EDE] 1949, En découvrant
l’existence avec Husserl et Heidegger, Reprinted with new
essays. Paris: Vrin, 1982.
- [DEH] Discovering Existence with Husserl,
Richard A. Cohen and Michael B. Smith (trans.), Evanston: Northwestern
University Press, 1998.
- 1961, Totalité et Infini: Essais sur
l’Extériorité, Phænomenologica 8. The
Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
- [TI] Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority,
Alphonso Lingis (trans.), Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press,
- 1963, Difficile liberté: Essais sur le
judaïsme, Third Edition revised. Paris: Éditions
Albin Michel, 1976.
- [DF] Difficult Freedom: Essays on Judaism, Seán
Hand (trans.), London: Athlone, 1991.
- 1968, Quatre lectures talmudiques, Paris: Les
Éditions de Minuit.
- 1977, Du sacré au saint: cinq nouvelles
lectures talmudiques. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
- [NTR] Nine Talmudic Readings, Annette Aronowicz (trans.),
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. This translation regroups
readings between 1968 and 1977. (Scholar)
- 1974, Autrement qu’être ou
au-delà de l’essence, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
- [OBBE] Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence, Alphonso
Lingis (trans.), (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1978).
- 1982, L’au-delà du verset: lectures
et discours talmudiques, Paris: Éditions de Minuit.
- [BTV] Beyond the Verse: Talmudic Readings and Lectures,
Gary D. Mole (trans.), Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
- 1982, De Dieu qui vient à
l’idée, Second edition corrected and enlarged.
Paris: Vrin, 1986.
- [OGCM] Of God Who Comes To Mind, Bettina Bergo (trans.),
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.
- 1982, Éthique et infini: Dialogues avec
Philippe Nemo, Paris: France Culture Radio broadcast, 1982.
Paris: Livre de Poche, 1982.
- [EI] Ethics and Infinity: Conversations with Philippe
Nemo, Richard A. Cohen (trans.), Pittsburgh: Duquesne University
Press, 1985.
- [TeI] 1984, Transcendance et
intelligibilité, Geneva: Éditions Labor et Fides.
- “Transcendence and Intelligibility”, in col-BPW:
- 1988, À l’heure des nations,
Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit.
- [ITN] In the Time of the Nations, Michael B. Smith
(trans.), Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
- 1993, Entre Nous: Essais sur le
penser-à-l’autre, Paris: Éditions Bernard
Grasset, Collection Figures.
- [EN] Entre Nous: On Thinking-of-the-Other, Barbara
Harshav and Michael B. Smith (trans.), New York: Columbia University
Press, 2000.
- 1995, Altérité et
transcendance, Montpellier: Fata Morgana.
- [AT] Alterity and Transcendence, Michael B. Smith
(trans.), New York: Columbia University Press, 1999.
- [LO1] 2009a, Œuvres 1: Carnets de
Captivité et Autres Écrits, Rodolphe Calin and
Catherine Chalier (eds.), Paris: Bernard Grasset.
- [LO2] 2009b, Œuvres 2: Parole et Silence et
Autres Conférences Inédites Au Collège
Philosophique, Rodolphe Calin (ed.), Paris: Bernard Grasset.
Other Works by Levinas
Other Philosophical Works by Levinas
- 1976, Sur Maurice Blanchot, Montpellier: Fata Morgana.
Translated in Proper Names, Michael B. Smith (trans.),
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997.
- 2013, Levinas Œuvres III: Éros, littérature
et philosophie, Jean-Luc Nancy et Danielle Cohen-Levinas (eds.),
Paris: Grasset.
Collections of Philosophical Essays and Lectures
- 1972, Humanisme de l’autre homme, Montpellier: Fata
- 2003, Humanism of the Other, Nidra Poller (trans.),
introduction by Richard A. Cohen, Urbana, IL: Illinois University
- 1976, “Jean Wahl sans avoir ni être” in Xavier
Tilliette and Paul Ricœur (eds and co-authors), Jean Wahl et
Gabriel Marcel, Paris: Beauchesne. (Scholar)
- 1976, Noms propres: Agnon, Buber, Celan, Delhomme, Derrida,
Jabès, Kierkegaard, Lacroix, Laporte, Picard, Proust, Van
Breda, Wahl. Montpellier: Fata Morgana.
- 1997, Proper Names, Michael B. Smith (trans.), Stanford,
CA: Stanford University Press. (Scholar)
- 1987, Hors sujet, Montpellier: Fata Morgana.
- 1993, Outside the Subject, Michael B. Smith (trans.),
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. (Scholar)
- 1990, De l’oblitération: Entretien avec
Françoise Armengaud, Paris: Éditions de la
Différence. Republished in 1998.
- 2019, On Obliteration: An Interview with Françoise
Armengaud Concerning the Work of Sacha Sosno, Richard A. Cohen
(trans.), Zurich: Diaphanes. (Scholar)
- 1991, La mort et le temps, Jacques Rolland (ed.), Paris:
Éditions de l’Herne. Lectures presented
1975–76. (Scholar)
- 1993, Dieu, la mort et le temps, Jacques Rolland (ed. and
notes), Paris: Éditions Bernard Grasset.
- 2000, God, Death, and Time, Bettina Bergo (trans.),
preface by Jacques Rolland, Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press. (Scholar)
- 1994, Les imprévus de l’histoire, preface by
Pierre Hayat, Montpellier: Fata Morgana.
- 2003, Unforeseen History, Nidra Poller (trans.),
introduction by Richard A. Cohen, foreword by Don Ihde, Urbana, IL:
Illinois University Press.
- 1994, Liberté et commandement, preface by Pierre
Hayat, Montpellier: Fata Morgana.
- 1998, Éthique comme philosophie première,
Jacques Rolland (ed.), Paris: Rivages.
Other Talmudic Writings and Studies on Judaism by Levinas
- 1995, Nouvelles lectures talmudiques, Paris: Les
Éditions de Minuit.
- 1999, New Talmudic Readings, Richard A. Cohen (trans.),
Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne Press. (Scholar)
Other Collections of Works by Levinas in English
- 1989, The Levinas Reader: Emmanuel Levinas, Seán
Hand (ed.), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- 1987, Collected Philosophical Papers of Emmanuel Levinas,
Alphonso Lingis (trans.), (Phænomenologica 100), The Hague:
Martinus Nijhoff.
- [col-BPW] 1996, Emmanuel Levinas: Basic
Philosophical Writings, Adriaan Peperzak, Simon Critchley, and
Robert Bernasconi (eds.), Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
- 2001, Is it Righteous to Be? Interviews with Emmanuel
Levinas, Jill Robbins (ed.), Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Secondary Literature
Bibliographies and Concordance
- Burggraeve, Roger, 1990, Emmanuel Levinas: Une bibliographie
primaire et secondaire, Leuven: Éditions Peeters. (A
comprehensive bibliography of works on Levinas from 1929 to 1989 in
several languages.) (Scholar)
- Ciocan, Cristian and Georges Hansel (eds.), 2005, Levinas Concordance, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/1-4020-4125-x (Scholar)
- Nordquist, Joan, 1997, Emmanuel Levinas: A Bibliography, Santa Cruz, CA: Reference and Research Services. (Scholar)
Articles and Books
- Aeschlimann, Jean-Christophe, 1989, Répondre
d’autrui. Emmanuel Lévinas, Boudry- Neuchâtel:
Les Éditions de la Baconnière.
- Ajzenstat, Oona, 2001, Driven back to the Text: the Premodern
Sources of Levinas’s Postmodernism, Pittsburgh, PA:
Duquesne University Press. (Scholar)
- Alford, C. Fred, 2002, Levinas, the Frankfurt School and Psychoanalysis, Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. (Scholar)
- Allen, Sarah, 2009, The Philosophical Sense of Transcendence:
Levinas and Plato on Loving beyond Being, Pittsburgh, PA:
Duquesne University Press. (Scholar)
- Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, second revised edition,
Terence Irwin (trans.), Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing,
- Arnett, Ronald C., 2017, Levinas’s Rhetorical Demand:
The Unending Obligation of Communication Ethics, Carbondale, IL:
Southern Illinois University Press. (Scholar)
- Atterton, Peter, Matthew Calarco, and Maurice Friedman (eds),
2004, Levinas and Buber: Dialogue and Difference, Pittsburgh,
PA: Duquesne University Press. (Scholar)
- Atterton, Peter and Matthew Calarco (eds), 2010, Radicalizing Levinas, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Awerkamp, Don, 1977, Emmanuel Levinas: Ethics and Politics, New York: Revisionist Press. (Scholar)
- Bailhache, Gérard, 1994, Le sujet chez Emmanuel Levinas: fragilité et subjectivité, Paris: Presses de France. (Scholar)
- Banon, David, 1987, La lecture infinie: Les voies de
l’interprétation midrachique (préface
d’Emmanuel Levinas), Paris: Le Seuil. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, Entrelacs: La lettre et le sens
dans l’exégèse juive, Paris: Éditions
du Cerf. (Scholar)
- Batnitzky, Leora, 2006, Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas: Philosophy and the Politics of Revelation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511499050 (Scholar)
- Basterra, Gabriela, 2015, The Subject of Freedom: Kant,
Levinas, New York: Fordham University Press.
doi:10.5422/fordham/9780823265145.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Bauman, Zygmunt, 1993, Postmodern Ethics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. (Scholar)
- Benso, Silvia, 2000, The Face of Things: A Different Side of Ethics, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Bensussan, Gérard, 2008, Éthique et
expérience: Levinas politique, Strasbourg: La
Phocide. (Scholar)
- Bergo, Bettina, 1999, Levinas between Ethics and Politics. For the Beauty that Adorns the Earth, Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press. (Scholar)
- Bergson, Henri, 1910, Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience, Paris: Quadrige—Presses universitaires de France, 2011. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, Time and Free Will: An Essay on
the Immediate Data of Consciousness, Oxfordshire: Routledge. (Scholar)
- –––, 1968, Durée et
simultanéité: À propos de la théorie
d’Einstein, Paris: Quadrige—Presses universitaires de
France, 2019. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999, Duration and Simultaneity:
Bergson and the Einsteinian Universe, Manchester, UK: Clinamen
Press. (Scholar)
- Bernasconi, Robert, 1982, “Levinas Face to Face—with Hegel”, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 13(3): 267–276. doi:10.1080/00071773.1982.11007593 (Scholar)
- –––, 1986, “Hegel and Levinas: The
Possibility of Reconciliation and Forgiveness”, in
Intersoggettività Socialità Religione, Marco M.
Olivetti and Antonio Rosmini (eds), (Archivio di Filosofia,
54), Padua: CEDAM, 325–346. (Scholar)
- –––, 1987, “Deconstruction and the Possibility of Ethics”, in Deconstruction and Philosophy, John Sallis (ed.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 122–139. (Scholar)
- –––, 1988, “The Silent Anarchic World of
the Evil Genius”, in The Collegium Phænomenologicum:
The First Ten Years, John C. Sallis, Giuseppina Chiara Moneta,
and Jacques Taminiaux (eds.), (Phaenomenologica 105), Dordrecht:
Kluwer. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, “What Is the Question to Which
‘substitution’ Is the Answer?”, in Critchley and
Bernasconi 2002: 234–251. doi:10.1017/ccol0521662060.011">10.1017/ccol0521662060.011 (Scholar)
- –––, 1988, “Levinas: Philosophy and Beyond”, in Philosophy and Non-Philosophy Since Merleau-Ponty, Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), (Continental Philosophy, 1), New York: Routledge: 232-258. (Scholar)
- Bernasconi, Robert and David Wood (eds), 1988, The Provocation of Levinas: Rethinking the Other, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Scholar)
- Bernasconi, Robert and Simon Critchley (eds), 1991, Re-Reading Levinas, (Studies in Continental Thought), Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (Scholar)
- Bernet, Rudolf, 2002, “Levinas’s Critique of
Husserl”, in Critchley and Bernasconi 2002: 82–99.
doi:10.1017/ccol0521662060.004 (Scholar)
- Bloechl, Jeffrey, 2000a, Liturgy of the Neighbor: Emmanuel Levinas and the Religion of Responsibility, Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2000b, The Face of the Other and the Trace of God. Essays on the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, New York: Fordham University Press. (Scholar)
- Botwinick, Aryeh, 2014, Emmanuel Levinas and the Limits to Ethics: A Critique and a Re-Appropriation, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Brezis, David, 2012, Levinas et le tournant sacrificiel,
Paris: Hermann, 2012. (Scholar)
- Broch, Hermann, 2008, Théorie de la folie des
masses, Pierre Rusch and Didier Renault (trans.), Paris:
Éditions de l’Éclat. (Scholar)
- Burggraeve, Roger, 1985, From Self-Development to Solidarity:
An Ethical Reading of Human Desire in its Socio-Political Relevance
According to Emmanuel Levinas, Leuven: Centre for Metaphysics and
Philosophy of God. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990 [2002], Lévinas over vrede
en mensenrechten: met vier essays van Emmanuel Levinas vertaald door
Gertrude Schellens, Leuven: Acco. Translated as The Wisdom of
Love in the Service of Love: Emmanuel Levinas on Justice, Peace and
Human Rights, Jeffrey Bloechl (trans.), Milwaukee, WI: Marquette
University Press. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2008, The Awakening to the Other: A Provocative Dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas, Leuven: Peeters. (Scholar)
- Butler, Judith, 2005, Giving an Account of Oneself, New
York: Fordham University Press.
doi:10.5422/fso/9780823225033.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Cahiers
d’études lévinassiennes, 2002–2018.
Arcueil: Institut d’études lévinassiennes.
- Calin, Rudolphe and François-David Sebbah, 2002, Le vocabulaire de Levinas, Paris: Ellipses. (Scholar)
- Caputo, John D., 1993, Against Ethics: Contributions to a Poetics of Obligation with Constant Reference to Deconstruction, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (Scholar)
- Caygill, Howard, 2002, Levinas and the Political, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Cederberg, Carl, 2010, Resaying the Human: Levinas beyond Humanism and Antihumanism, Sodertörn (Sweden): Södertörn University. (Scholar)
- Chalier, Catherine, 1982, Judaïsme et
Altérité, Lagrasse: Verdier. (Scholar)
- –––, 1987, La persévérance du
mal, Paris: Le Cerf. (Scholar)
- –––, 1993, Lévinas: L’utopie de
l’humain, Paris: Éditions Albin Michel.
- –––, 1998 [2002], Pour une morale
au-delà du savoir. Kant et Levinas, Paris: Albin Michel.
Translated as What Ought I to Do? Morality in Kant and
Levinas, Jane Marie Todd (trans.), Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Press, 2002. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, La trace de l’infini:
Emmanuel Levinas et la source hébraïque, Paris: Le
Cerf. (Scholar)
- Chalier, Catherine and Miguel Abensour (eds), 1991, Cahier de
L’Herne: Emmanuel Lévinas, Paris: Éditions de
l’Herne. (Scholar)
- Champagne, Roland A., 1998, The Ethics of Reading According to Emmanuel Lévinas, Amsterdam: Rodopi. (Scholar)
- Chanter, Tina (ed.), 2001a, Feminist Interpretations of Emmanuel Levinas, University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001b, Time, Death and the Feminine: Levinas with Heidegger, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. (Scholar)
- Ciaramelli, Fabio, 1989, Transcendance et éthique:
essai sur Lévinas, Brussels: Éditions Ousia. (Scholar)
- Coe, Cynthia D., 2018, Levinas and the Trauma of Responsibility: The Ethical Significance of Time, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (Scholar)
- Cohen, Hermann, 1915, Der Begriff der Religion im System der Philosophie, Giessen: Alfred Töpelmann. (Scholar)
- Cohen, Richard A. (ed.), 1985, Face to Face with Levinas, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994, Elevations: The Height of the Good in Rosenzweig and Levinas, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, Ethics, Exegesis and Philosophy: Interpretation after Levinas, New York: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511488238 (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2009,
“Levinas-Rosenzweig”, Cahiers d’études
lévinassiennes, Vol. 8, Arcueil: Institut
d’études lévinassiennes. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, Out of Control: Confrontations between Spinoza and Levinas, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Cohen-Levinas, Danielle (ed.), 1998, Emmanuel Levinas (Rue Descartes 19), Paris: Collège International de Philosophie, Presses Universitaires de France. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2006, Emmanuel Levinas: pour une
philosophie de l’hétéronomie, Paris:
Bayard. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2010, Emmanuel Levinas et le
souci de l’art, Paris: Manucius. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2011, Lire Totalité et
Infini, Études et interprétations, Paris:
Hermann. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2015, Une percée de
l’humain, suivi d’un texte par Emmanuel Levinas
“Être juif”, Paris: Payot/Rivages poche. (Scholar)
- Cohen-Lévinas, Danielle and Marc Crépon (eds.),
2014, Lévinas, Derrida: Lire Ensemble, (Collection
“Rue de La Sorbonne”), Paris: Hermann. (Scholar)
- Cohen-Levinas, Danielle and Alexander Schnell (eds.), 2015,
Relire “Totalité et infini” d’Emmanuel
Levinas, (Problemes & controverses), Paris: Librairie
Philosophique Vrin. (Scholar)
- ––– (eds), 2016, Relire Autrement
qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence, Paris:
Vrin. (Scholar)
- Cohen-Levinas, Danielle and Shmuel Trigano (eds), 2002,
Emmanuel Levinas: philosophie et judaïsme, Paris: In
Press Éditions. (Scholar)
- ––– (eds), 2007, Emmanuel Levinas et les
théologies, Paris: Éditions In Press. (Scholar)
- Craig, Megan, 2010, Levinas and James: Toward a Pragmatic Phenomenology, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. (Scholar)
- Critchley, Simon, 1992, The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derrida
and Levinas, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Third Edition 2014,
Edinburgh University Library. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999a, Ethics Politics Subjectivity:
Essays on Derrida, Levinas and Contemporary French Thought,
London: Verso. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999b, “The Original Traumatism:
Levinas and Psychoanalysis”, in his Ethics Politics
Subjectivity: Essays on Derrida, Levinas and Contemporary French
Thought, London: Verso, 183–216. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, Infinitely Demanding: Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance, London: Verso. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, The Problem with Levinas, Alexis Dianda (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198738763.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Critchley, Simon and Robert Bernasconi (eds.), 2002, The Cambridge Companion to Levinas, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CCOL0521662060 (Scholar)
- Crowell, Steven, 2015, “Why Is Ethics First Philosophy? Levinas in Phenomenological Context: Why Is Ethics First Philosophy?”, European Journal of Philosophy, 23(3): 564–588. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0378.2012.00550.x (Scholar)
- Davis, Colin, 1997, Levinas: An Introduction, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. (Scholar)
- De Bauw, Christine, 1997, L’envers du sujet: Lire
autrement Emmanuel Levinas, Paris: Vrin, Éditions
- De Boer, Theodore, 1997, The Rationality of Transcendence:
Studies in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, Amsterdam: J. C.
Gieben. (Scholar)
- De Vries, Hent, 1998, “Levinas”, in A Companion to Continental Philosophy, Simon Critchley and William R. Schroeder (eds), Oxford: Blackwell: 245–255. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005, Minimal Theology: Critiques of Secular Reason in Adorno and Levinas, Geoffrey Hale (trans.), Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. (Scholar)
- Derrida, Jacques, 1964 [1978], “Violence et
métaphysique: essai sur la pensée d’Emmanuel
Levinas”, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale,
two parts, 69(3): 322–354 and 69(4): 425–473. Collected in
L’écriture et la différence, Paris:
Éditions du Seuil, 1967. Translated as “Violence and
Metaphysics: An Essay on the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas”, in
Writing and Difference, Alan Bass (trans.), New York:
Routledge Press, 1978. (Scholar)
- –––, 1980 [1991], “En ce moment même
dans cet ouvrage me voici”, in Laruelle (ed.) 1980:
21–60. Translated as “At This Very Moment in this Work
Here I Am”, Ruben Berezdivin (trans.), in Bernasconi and
Critchley 1991: 11–49. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997 [1999], Adieu à Emmanuel Levinas, Paris: Editions Galilée. Translated as Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas, Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas (trans.), Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1999. (Scholar)
- Descartes, René, 1641 [1911], “Meditation V”,
translated in The Philosophical Works of Descartes, Elizabeth
S. Haldane and G.R.T. Ross (trans), Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1911: 22–32. (Scholar)
- Desmond, William, 1994, “Philosophies of Religion: Marcel,
Jaspers, Levinas” in Twentieth-Century Continental
Philosophy, (The Routledge History of Philosophy, 8),
Richard Kearney (ed.), London: Routledge, 131–174. (Scholar)
- Dimitrova, Maria (ed.), 2011, In Levinas’ Trace,
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (Scholar)
- Diprose, Rosalyn, 2002, Corporeal Generosity: On Giving with Nietzsche, Merleau-Ponty and Levinas, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Doyon, Maxime and Timo Breyer (eds), 2015, Normativity in
Perception, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
doi:10.1057/9781137377920 (Scholar)
- Drabinski, John E., 2001, Sensibility and Singularity: The Problem of Phenomenology in Levinas, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, Levinas and the Postcolonial: Race, Nation, Other, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (Scholar)
- Drabinski, John and Eric Nelson (eds), 2014, Between Levinas and Heidegger, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Dudiak, Jeffrey, 2001, The Intrigue of Ethics: A Reading of
the Idea of Discourse in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas, New
York: Fordham University Press.
doi:10.5422/fso/9780823220922.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Dupuis, Michel (ed.), 1994, Levinas en contrastes, Brussels: De Boeck. (Scholar)
- Duncan, Diane Moira, 2001, The Pre-text of Ethics: On Derrida
and Levinas, New York: Peter Lang. (Scholar)
- Eaglestone, Robert, 2000, Ethical Criticism: Reading after
Levinas, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1997. (Scholar)
- Edelglass, William and James Hatley (eds), 2012, Facing
Nature: Levinas and Environmental Thought, Pittsburgh, PA:
Duquesne University Press. (Scholar)
- Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn, Gary A. Phillips, and David Jobling (eds),
2003, Levinas and Biblical Studies, Atlanta, GA: Society of
Biblical Literature. (Scholar)
- Eskin, Michael, 2000, Ethics and Dialogue: In the Works of Levinas, Bakhtin, Mandel’shtam, and Celan, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Fagenblat, Michael, 2015, “‘The Passion of Israel’: The True Israel According to Levinas, or Judaism ‘as a Category of Being’”, Sophia, 54(3): 297–320. doi:10.1007/s11841-015-0463-3 (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, A Covenant of Creatures: Levinas’s Philosophy of Judaism, Stanford: Stanford University Press. (Scholar)
- Faulconer, James, 2004, “Emmanuel Lévinas
(1906–1995)”, in Twentieth Century European Cultural
Theorists, Paul Hansom (ed.), (Dictionary of Literary
Biography, 296), Detroit, MI: Gale, 285–295. (Scholar)
- Feron, Étienne, 1990, “Avant-Propos”, Études Phénoménologiques, 6(12): 3–9. doi:10.5840/etudphen19906121 (Scholar)
- –––, 1992, De l’idée de
transcendance à la question du langage.
L’itinéraire philosophique d’Emmanuel Levinas,
Grenoble: Éditions Jérôme Millon. (Scholar)
- Finkielkraut, Alain, 1984, La sagesse de l’amour,
Paris: Gallimard. (Scholar)
- Forthomme, Bernard, 1979, Une philosophie de la transcendance:
La métaphysique d’Emmanuel Lévinas, Paris:
Vrin. (Scholar)
- Forthomme, Bernard and Jad Hatem, 1996, Affectivité et
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