Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Ramon Llull" by Ernesto Priani
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Cited Primary Literature
- Desconhort, in [ORL] XIX (1936), 217–254 pp.
- De vita coaetanea, in [MOG] (1721) I Int. i, 1–12
(35–46). English translation Anthony Bonner, Ramon Llull: A
Contemporary Life. (Scholar)
- Arbor Scientiae, in [ORL] XI-XIII (1917, 1923, 1926), xxi
+ LVI + 335, 451 i 521 pp.
- Ars Brevis, in [ROL] XII / CCCM 38 (1984), 171–255.
English translation SW 569–646 pp.
- Ars compendiosa inveniendi veritatem, in [MOG] I (1721),
Int. vii, 1–41 (433–473) [+31]. (Scholar)
- Ars demonstrativa, in [MOG] III (1722), Int.iii
(93–204), and [ROL] XXXII / CCCM 213 (2007), lxxx + 343 pp.
English translation SW 305–568. (Scholar)
- Ars inventiva veritatis, in [MOG] V (1729), Int. i
(1–211) and [ROL] XXXVII / CCCM 265 (2014), cxxii + 513 pp. (Scholar)
- Ars generalis ultima, in [ROL] XIV / CCCM 75 (1986),
4–527 pp. English translation Mnemonic Arts of Blessed
Raymond Lull (see Other Internet Resources)
- Liber de ascensu et descensu intellectus, in [ROL] IX /
CCCM 35 (1981), 1–199 pp
- Liber de homine, in [ORL] XXI (1950), 1–159
- Liber de passagio, in [ROL] XXVIII / CCCM 182 (2003),
255–353 pp.
- Libre dels proverbis de Ramon, in [MOG] VI (1737), Int.
vi (283–413). Spanish translation Garcías Palou,
Sebastián. Proverbis de Ramon. (Scholar)
- Quomodo terra sancta recuperari potest, Manuscript Palma,
Vivot, 4. (XVIII). 207–209v; 211–212v
Primary Literature Collections
In Latin, Catalan, Spanish
- [MOG] 1721–1742, Raymundi Lulli Opera omnia, Ivo
Salzinger et al. (eds), 8 vols. Mainz (Reprinted Frankfur am Main
1965). (Scholar)
- [ROL] 1959–1967, 1975–, Raimundi Lulli Opera
Latina, I–V (Palma) and VI– Turnholt, Belgium:
Brepols. (Scholar)
- [CCCM], Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis. This is a
reference to the series by the publisher Brepols in which [ROL]
- [NEORL] 1990, Nova Edició de les Obres de Ramon
Llull, Palma de Mallorca. (Scholar)
- [OE] 1957–1960, Obras essencials, Joaquín
Carreras y Artau et al. (eds), 2 Vol., Barcelona. (Scholar)
- [OL] 1948, Obras literarias, Miquel Batllori and Miguel
Caldentey (eds), Madrid. (Scholar)
- [ORL] 1906–1950, Obres de Ramon Llull, Salvador
Galmés et al. (eds), 21 vols., Palma de Mallorca. (Scholar)
Translations (English, Spanish, French)
- [SW] Bonner, Anthony (ed. and trans.), 1985, Selected Works of
Ramon Llull, 2 vols., Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Includes translations of Ars demonstrativa and Ars
brevis. (Scholar)
- Johnston, Mark D. (ed. and trans.), 1996, The Book of the
Lover and the Beloved, Warminster: Aris & Phillips. (Scholar)
- Bonner, Anthony (ed. and trans.), 2010, Ramon Llull: A
Contemporary Life, New York: Tamesis. Translation of De Vita
Coetanea (Scholar)
- Fallows, Noel (trans.), 2013, The Book of the Order of
Chivalry, Suffolk: The Boydell Press. (Scholar)
- Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio (ed. and trans.), 2015, The Book
of the Order of Chivalry = Llibre de l’Ordre de Cavalleria =
Libro de la Orden de Caballeria, Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Publishing Company. (original Catalan with modern Spanish and English
translations) (Scholar)
- Peers, Allison E. (trans.), 1926, Blanquerna: A Thirteenth
Century Romance, London: Jarrolds. (Scholar)
- Peers, Allison E. (trans.), 1978, The Book of the Beasts,
Westport: Hyperion Press. (Scholar)
- Llull, Ramon, Llibre de Les Bèsties,
Col·lecció L’Aljub, núm. 2. Alicante:
Editorial Aguaclara, 1990. (Catalan) (Scholar)
- Garcías Palou, Sebastián (ed. and trans.), 1978,
Proverbis de Ramon, Madrid: Editora Nacional. (Spanish) (Scholar)
- Gustà, Marina (ed.), 1980, Llibre de Meravelles,
Barcelona: Edicions 62. (Catalan) (Scholar)
- Butinyà i Jiménez, Júlia (ed. and trans.),
2015, Libro de la orden de caballeria, Madrid: Centro de
Lingüística Aplicada ATENEA. (Spanish) (Scholar)
- Moga Bayona, Eduardo (trans.), 2006, Libro de Amigo y
Amada, Barcelona: DVD Ediciones. (Spanish) (Scholar)
- Rubio Albarracín, Josep-Enric (ed and trans.), 2004,
Arte breve, Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
(Spanish) (Scholar)
- Llinarès, Armand (trans.), 1988, Traité
d’astrologie Raymond Lulle, Paris: Stock. (French) (Scholar)
Secondary Literature
- Badia [Pàmies], Lola, Joan Santanach [Suñol], and
Albert Soler [Llopart], 2016, Ramon Llull as a Vernacular Writer:
Communicating a New Kind of Knowledge, Woodbridge: Tamesis. (Scholar)
- Badia [Pàmies], Lola and Albert Soler [Llopart] (eds),
1991, Robert Pring-Mill Estudis sobre Ramon Llull, Barcelona:
Curial—Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat. (Scholar)
- Bonillo Hoyos, Xavier, 2005, “L’estructura dels
llibres del Paradís i de l’Infern al
Fèlix de Ramon Llull”, in Ripoll Perelló
2005: 217–233.
- Bonner, Anthony, 1993, “L’Art lul·liana com a
autoritat alternativa”, Studia Lulliana, 33:
- –––, 2002, “A Background to the
Desconhort, Tree of Science, and Apostrophe”, Religion,
Text, and Society in Medieval Spain and Northern Europe. Essays in
honor of J.N. Hillgarth, Thomas E. Burman, Mark D. Meyerson, and
Leah Shopkow (eds), Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, 122–133. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003a, “Estadístiques sobre la
recepció de l’obra de Ramon Llull”, Studia
Lulliana, 43: 83–92. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003b, “Les estructures de
l’Art durant l’etapa quaternària”, Studia
Lulliana, 43: 57–82. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, The Art and Logic of Ramon Llull:
A User’s Guide, Studien Und Texte Zur Geistesgeschichte Des
Mittelalters, Leiden, Boston: Brill. (Scholar)
- Bonner, Anthony and Lola Badia [Pàmies], 1988, Ramon
Llull. Vida, pensament i obra literària, Barcelona:
Empúries. (Scholar)
- Bonner, Anthony and Maria Isabel Ripoll Perelló, 2002,
Diccionari de defnicions lul·lianes/Dictionary of Lullian
Defnitions, Palma/Barcelona: Universitat de les Illes
Balears/Universitat de Barcelona. (Scholar)
- Bordoy Fernández, Antoni, 2012, Raimundo Lulio y la
filosofía del siglo XIII, Madrid: Liceus. (Scholar)
- Butiñá Jiménez, Julia (ed.), 2012, Los
mundos de Ramón Llull en las lenguas de hoy, Madrid:
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. (Scholar)
- Carreras y Artau, Tomás and Joaquín, 1939–43,
Historia de la filosofía española, 2 vols.
Madrid. (Scholar)
- Colom Mateu, Miquel, 1982–5, Glossari general lul·lià, 5 vols. Palma de Mallorca: Editorial Moll. (Scholar)
- Colomer [Pous], Eusebi, 1975, De la Edad Media al
Renacimiento: Ramón Llull—Nicolás de
Cusa—Juan Pico della Mirandola, Barcelona: Herder. (Scholar)
- –––, 1986, “El pensament de Ramon Llull i
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de la relació fe-cultura”, Fe i cultura en Ramon
Llull, Publicacions del Centre d’Estudis Teològics
de Mallorca II. Palma de Mallorca: 9–29. (Scholar)
- Cruz Hernández, Miguel, 1977, El pensamiento de Ramon
Llull, Madrid: Fundación Juan March-Editorial
Castalia. (Scholar)
- Díaz Marcilla, Francisco José, José Huiguera
Rubio, 2017. En torno a Ramón Llull. Presencia y
transmisión de su obra, Vila Nova de Famalicão:
Edições Húmus. (Scholar)
- Domínguez Reboiras, Fernando, 2016, Ramon Llull: El Mejor Libro Del Mundo, Barcelona: Arpa Editores. (Scholar)
- Domínguez Reboiras, Fernando, Viola Tenge-Wolf, Peter
Walter, and Raimundus-Lullus-Institut (eds.), 2011, Gottes Schau
und Weltbetrachtung: Interpretationen zum “Liber
contemplationis” des Raimundus Lullus: Akten des internationalen
Kongresses aus Anlass des 50-jährigen Bestehens des
Raimundus-Lullus-Instituts der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Freiburg, 25.–28. November 2007, Turnhout: Brepols. (Scholar)
- Domínguez Reboiras, Fernando and Jordi Gayá, 2008,
“Life”, in Fidora and Rubio 2008: 3–124. (Scholar)
- Drton, M., G. Hägele, D. Haneberg, F. Pukelsheim, and W.
Reif, 2004, “A Rediscovered Llull Tract and the Augsburg Web
Edition of Llull’s Electoral Writings”, Le
Médiéviste et l’ordinateur, 43.
Drton et al. 2004 available online (Scholar)
- Ensenyat Pujol, Gabriel. “Ramón Llull y la
época. Genesis historica del pensamiento luliano”, in
Díaz and Higuera 2017: 35–51. (Scholar)
- Fidora, Alexander, 2003, “Ramón Llull frente a la crítica actual al diálogo interreligioso: el arte luliana como propuesta para una ‘Flosofía de las religiones’”, Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, 10: 227–243. (Scholar)
- Fidora, Alexander and José G. Higuera [Rubio] (eds.), 2001,
Ramón Llull, caballero de la fe: el arte luliana y su
proyección en la edad media Pamplona, Anuario
Filosófico 17, España: Universidad de Navarra. (Scholar)
- Fidora, Alexander and Josep E. Rubio [Albarracín] (eds.),
2008, Raimundus Lullus: An Introduction to His Life, Works and
Thought, Turnhout: Brepols. (Scholar)
- Gardner, Martin, 1982, The Ars Magna of Ramon Lull. Logic
Machines and Diagrams, New York: McGraw-Hill. (Scholar)
- Gayà Estelrich, Jordi, 1980, “Sobre algunes
estructures literàries del Libre de Meravelles”,
Randa, 10: 63–69. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989, “Honori d’Autun i Ramon
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des de l’Edat Mitjana fins al segle XX. Homenatge al Pare Miquel
Batllori. Estudis Balèarics, 29/30: 19–24. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, Raimondo Lullo. Una teologia per
la missione, Milan: Jaca Book. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “The Divine Realm”, in
Fidora and Rubio 2008: 462–515 (Scholar)
- Giles, Rayan D., 2020, “The Problem of Interreligious
Peacmaking in the Works of Ramon Llull”, Religions,
206. doi:10.3390/rel11040206 (Scholar)
- Hames, Harvey, 2003, “The Language of Conversion: Ramon
Llull’s Art as a Vernacular”, The Vulgar Tongue.
Medieval and Postmedieval Vernacularity, Fiona Somerset and
Nicholas Watson (eds), University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State
University Press, 43–56. (Scholar)
- Higuera Rubio, José G. and International Society for the
Study of Medieval Philosophy (eds.), 2015, Knowledge,
Contemplation and Lullism: Contributions to the Lullian Session at the
SIEPM Congress—Freising, August 20–25, 2012,
Turnhout: Brepols. (Scholar)
- Hillgarth, J.N., 1971, Ramon Lull and Lullism in Fourteenth-Century France, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Jankélévitch, Vladimir, 1974, La philosophie de
l’amour chez Raymond Lulle, Paris: Mouton. (Scholar)
- Jaulent, Esteve 2010, “El Ars Generalis ultima de
Ramon Llull: Presupuestos metafísicos y éticos”,
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 27:
87–113 (Scholar)
- Johnston, Mark D., 1987, The Spiritual Logic of Ramon Llull, Oxford/New York: Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1996, The Evangelical Rhetoric of Ramon Llull: Lay Learning and Piety in the Christian West around 1300, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Libera, Alain de, 1991, Penser au Moyen Âge, Paris: Seuil. (Scholar)
- Lohr, Charles, 1986, “Ramon Llull: ‘Christianus
arabicus’”, Randa, 19: 7–34. (Scholar)
- –––, 1987, “Les fondements de la logique
nouvelle de Raymond Lulle”, Raymond Lulle et le Pays
d’Oc, Cahiers de Fanjeaux 22. Toulouse: Privat,
233–248. (Scholar)
- López Alcalde, Celia, 2016, “Ontology of the Soul and
Faculties of Knowledge. Soul, Body and Knowledge in Ramon
Llull’s psychological work”, Anuario
filosófico, 49(1): 73–95. (Scholar)
- Mayer, Annemarie C., 2016, “Llull y los atributos divinos en
el contexto del siglo XIII”, Anuario filosófico,
49(1): 139–154. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Ramon Llull and the
Indispensable Dialogue”, Quaderns de la
Mediterrània, 14: 53–59. (Scholar)
- Musco, Alessandro, and Fernando Domínguez Reboiras (eds.),
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- Peers, E. Allison, 1929, Ramon Lull: A Biography, London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge. (Scholar)
- Pereira, Michela, 2012, “Comunicare la verità:
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vernacularització, Barcelona: Publicacions de
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- Platzeck, Erhard-Wolfram, 1953–4, “La Figura
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9–10: 19–34. (Scholar)
- Pring-Mill, Robert D.F., 1955–6, “The Trinitarian
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7: 229–256. (Scholar)
- –––, 1961, El microcosmos lul·lià, Palma de Mallorca: Editorial Moll. (Scholar)
- –––, 1962–7, “Entorn de la unitat
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- Ripoll Perelló, Maria Isabel (ed.), 2005, Actes de les
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Barcelona. (Scholar)
- Rocha da Silveria, Augusto Leandro, 2019, “Aspectos
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Autonomia da Ética Luliana”, Revista Chilemna de
Estudios Medievales, 16: 46–51. (Scholar)
- Romano, Marta M.M. and Oscar de la Cruz, 2008, “The Human
Realm”, in Fidora and Rubio 2008: 263–459 (Scholar)
- Rossi, Paolo, 1960, Clavis universalis. Arti mnemoniche e logica combinatoria da Lullo a Leibniz, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1983 (second edition). Translated, 2000, Logic and the Art of Memory. The Quest for a Universal Language, Stephen Clucas (trans.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press; London, The Athlone Press. (Scholar)
- Rubio y Albarracín, Josep Enrico, 1993, “Les raons
necessàries segons l’Art Demostrativa”,
Studia Lulliana, 33: 3–14. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997, Les bases del pensament de Ramon
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Valencia and Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de
Montserrat. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, “Com és la vertadera
Figura X de l’Ars compendiosa inveniendi veritatem”,
Studia Lulliana, 40: 47–80. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, “L’evolució de les
figures A, S, T de l’Art quaternària en el trànsit
cap a l’Art ternària”, Taula, 37:
- –––, 2008a, “Thought: The Art”, in
Fidora and Rubio 2008: 243–310 (Scholar)
- –––, 2008b, “Natural Realm”, in
Fidora and Rubio 2008: 211–362. (Scholar)
- Ruiz Simón, Josep Maria 1986, “De la naturalesa com a
mescla a l’art de mesclar (sobre la fonamentació
cosmològica de les arts lul·lianes)”,
Randa, 19: 69–99. (Scholar)
- –––, 1993, “‘Quomodo est haec ars
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escolàstica)”, Studia Lulliana, 33:
77–98. (Scholar)
- –––, 1996, “Ramon Llull y las
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Jaime de Salas. Constantes y fragmentos del pensamiento luliano:
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- Sala-Molins, Louis, 1974, La philosophie de l’amour chez
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- Saranyana, Josep-Ignasi, 2000, “Le vocabulaire philosophique
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