Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Many-Valued Logic" by Siegfried Gottwald
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Ackermann, R., 1967, An Introduction to Many-Valued Logics, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. (Scholar)
- Bolc, L. and Borowik, P., 1992,
Many-Valued Logics (1. Theoretical Foundations), Berlin:
Springer. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003,
Many-Valued Logics (2. Automated Reasoning and Practical
Applications), Berlin: Springer. (Scholar)
- Cignoli, R., d’Ottaviano, I. and Mundici, D., 2000, Algebraic
Foundations of Many-Valued Reasoning, Dordrecht: Kluwer. (Scholar)
- Cintula, P. and Hájek, P., 2010, Triangular norm based
predicate fuzzy logics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 161 (3):
311–346. (Scholar)
- Cintula, P., Hájek, P. and Noguera Ch. (eds.), 2011,
Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (Studies in Logic,
Volumes 37–38), College Publications: London. (Scholar)
- Epstein G., 1993, Multiple-Valued Logic Design, Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing. (Scholar)
- Fitting, M. and Orlowska, E. (eds.), 2003, Beyond Two,
Heidelberg: Physica Verlag. (Scholar)
- Gottwald, S., 1999, Many-valued logic and fuzzy set theory, in
U. Höhle, S.E. Rodabaugh (eds.)
Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets: Logic, Topology, and Measure
Theory (The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets Series), Boston: Kluwer, 5–89. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, A Treatise on Many-Valued Logics (Studies in Logic and Computation, vol. 9), Baldock: Research Studies Press Ltd.. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, Many-valued logics, in D. Jacquette (ed.)
Philosophy of Logic (Handbook of the Philosophy of Science Series),
Amsterdam: North-Holland, 675–722. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, Mathematical fuzzy logics, Bulletin
Symbolic Logic, 14: 210–239. (Scholar)
- Gottwald, S. and Hájek, P., 2005, T-norm based mathematical
fuzzy logics, in E.-P. Klement, R. Mesiar (eds.), Logical,
Algebraic, Analytic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Triangular
Norms, Dordrecht: Elsevier, 275–299.
- Hähnle, R., 1993, Automated Deduction in Multiple-Valued Logics, Oxford : Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999, Tableaux for many-valued logics, in
M. d’Agostino et al. (eds.) Handbook of Tableau
Methods, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 529–580. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, Advanced many-valued logics, in D. Gabbay,
F. Guenthner (eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic (Volume
2), 2nd ed., Dordrecht: Kluwer, 297–395. (Scholar)
- Hájek, P., 1998, Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic, Dordrecht: Kluwer. (Scholar)
- Karpenko, A.S., 1997, Mnogoznacnye Logiki (Logika i Kompjuter, vol. 4), Moscow: Nauka. (Scholar)
- Malinowski, G., 1993, Many-Valued Logics, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Metcalfe, G., Olivetti, N. and Gabbay, D., 2009, Proof Theory for Fuzzy Logics, New York: Springer. (Scholar)
- Montagna, F. (ed.), 2015,
Petr Hájek on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
(Outstanding Contributions to Logic, vol. 6), Cham etc.:Springer. (Scholar)
- Novák, V., Perfilieva, I. and Močkoř, J.,
1999, Mathematical Principles of Fuzzy Logic, Boston:
Kluwer. (Scholar)
- Panti, G., 1998, Multi-valued logics, in P. Smets (ed.)
Quantified Representation of Uncertainty and Imprecision
(Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management
Systems, Vol. 1), Dordrecht: Kluwer, 25–74. (Scholar)
- Rescher, N., 1969, Many-Valued Logic, New York: McGraw Hill. (Scholar)
- Rine, D.C. (ed.), 1977, Computer Science and Multiple Valued Logic, Amsterdam : North-Holland [2nd rev. ed. 1984]. (Scholar)
- Rosser, J.B. and Turquette, A.R., 1952, Many-Valued Logics, Amsterdam: North-Holland. (Scholar)
- Shramko, Y. and Wansing H., 2011, Truth and Falsehood. An Inquiry into Generalized Logical Values (Trends in Logic: Volume 36), Dordrecht etc.: Springer. (Scholar)
- Urquhart, A., 2001, Basic many-valued logic, in D. Gabbay,
F. Guenthner (eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Vol. 2
(2d edition), Dordrecht: Kluwer, 249–295. (Scholar)
- Wojcicki, R. and Malinowski, G. (eds.), 1977, Selected Papers
on Łukasiewicz Sentential Calculi, Wroclaw: Ossolineum. (Scholar)
- Wolf, R.G., 1977, A survey of many-valued logic (1966–1974), in
J.M. Dunn, G. Epstein (eds.),
Modern Uses of Multiple-Valued Logic, Dordrecht: Reidel,
- Zinovev, A.A., 1963, Philosophical Problems of Many-Valued Logic, Dordrecht: Reidel. (Scholar)
- Belluce, L.P. and Chang, C.C., 1963, A weak completeness theorem
for infinite valued first-order logic,
Journal Symbolic Logic, 28: 43–50. (Scholar)
- Belnap, N.D., 1977, How a computer should think, in G. Ryle
(ed.), Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy, Stockfield: Oriel
Press, 30–56. (Scholar)
- –––, 1977, A useful four-valued logic, in J.M. Dunn,
G. Epstein (eds.), Modern Uses of Multiple-Valued Logic,
Dordrecht: Reidel, 8–37.
- Blau, U., 1978, Die dreiwertige Logik der Sprache: ihre Syntax, Semantik und Anwendung in der Sprachanalyse, Berlin: de Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Bochvar, D.A., 1938, Ob odnom trechznacnom iscislenii i ego
primenenii k analizu paradoksov klassiceskogo rassirennogo
funkcional’nogo iscislenija,
Matematiceskij Sbornik, 4 (46): 287–308. [English translation:
Bochvar, D.A., On a three-valued logical calculus and its application
to the analysis of the paradoxes of the classical extended functional
calculus, History and Philosophy of Logic, 2: 87–112.] (Scholar)
- Chang, C.C., 1958, Algebraic analysis of many valued
logics, Transactions American Mathematical Society, 88:
476–490. (Scholar)
- –––, 1959, A new proof of the completeness of the
Łukasiewicz axioms, Transactions American Mathematical
Society, 93: 74–80. (Scholar)
- Cignoli, R., Esteva, F., Godo, L. and Torrens, A., 2000, Basic
Fuzzy Logic is the logic of continuous t-norms and their
residua, Soft Computing, 4: 106–112. (Scholar)
- Dummett, M., 1959, A propositional calculus with denumerable
matrix, Journal Symbolic Logic, 24: 97–106. (Scholar)
- Dunn, J.M., 1976, Intuitive semantics for first-degree entailments
and ‘coupled trees’,
Philosophical Studies, 29: 149–168. (Scholar)
- Esteva, F. and Godo, L., 2001, Monoidal t-norm based logic:
towards a logic for left-continuous t-norms,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 124: 271–288. (Scholar)
- Esteva, F., Godo, L. and Montagna, F., 2004, Equational
characterization of the subvarieties of BL generated by t-norm
Studia Logica, 76: 161–200. (Scholar)
- Fermüller, C.G., 2008, Dialogue games for many-valued
logics–an overview, Studia Logica, 90:
43–68. (Scholar)
- Fermüller, C.G. and Metcalfe, G., 2009, Giles’s game
and the proof theory of Łukasiewicz logic, Studia Logica, 92:
27–61. (Scholar)
- Fermüller, C.G. and Roschger, C., 2014, From games to truth functions: a generalization of Giles’s game, Studia Logica, 102: 389–410. (Scholar)
- Fitting, M.C., 1991/92, Many-valued modal logics (I,II),
Fundamenta Informaticae, 15: 235–254; 17:
55–73. (Scholar)
- Giles, R., 1974, A non-classical logic for physics, Studia
Logica, 33: 397–415. (Scholar)
- –––, 1975. Łukasiewicz logic and fuzzy set theory.
In: Proceedings 1975 Internat. Symposium Multiple-Valued
Logic (Indiana Univ., Bloomington/IN)}, Long Beach/CA: IEEE
Computer Soc., 197–211.
- –––, 1976, Łukasiewicz logic and fuzzy set theory.
Internat. Journ. Man-Machine Studies, 8: 313–327.
- –––, 1979, A formal system for fuzzy reasoning.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2: 233–257.
- Giles, R., 1988, The concept of grade of membership.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 25: 297–323. (Scholar)
- Gödel, K., 1932, Zum intuitionistischen
Aussagenkalkül, Anzeiger Akademie der Wissenschaften
Wien (Math.-naturwiss. Klasse), 69: 65–66; – reprinted:
(1933), Ergebnisse eines mathematischen Kolloquiums, 4:
40. (Scholar)
- Goguen, J.A., 1968–69, The logic of inexact
concepts, Synthese, 19: 325–373. (Scholar)
- Hájek, P., 2005, Making fuzzy description logic more
general, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 154: 1–15. (Scholar)
- Hájek, P. and Zach, R., 1994, Review of Many-Valued
Logics 1: Theoretical Foundations, by Leonard Bolc and Piotr
Borowik, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 4 (2):
215–220. (Scholar)
- Hay, L.S., 1963, Axiomatization of the infinite-valued predicate
calculus, Journal Symbolic Logic, 28: 77–86. (Scholar)
- Jaskowski, S., 1936, Recherches sur le système de la
logique intuitioniste, in Actes du Congrès Internationale
de Philosophie Scientifique 1936, vol. 6, Paris,
58–61. [English translation: Studia Logica, 34 (1975):
117–120.] (Scholar)
- Jenei, S., 2004, How to construct left-continuous triangular norms
– state of the art, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 143:
27–45. (Scholar)
- Jenei, S. and Montagna, F., 2002, A proof of standard completeness
of Esteva and Godo’s logic MTL,
Studia Logica, 70: 183–192. (Scholar)
- Kleene, S.C., 1938, On notation for ordinal numbers, Journal
Symbolic Logic, 3: 150–155. (Scholar)
- Kripke, S.A., 1975, Outline of a theory of truth, Journal of
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- Łukasiewicz, J., 1920, O logice trojwartosciowej, Ruch
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- –––, 1970, Selected Works, L. Borkowski (ed.), Amsterdam: North-Holland and Warsaw: PWN. (Scholar)
- McNaughton, R., 1951, A theorem about infinite-valued sentential
logic, Journal Symbolic Logic, 16: 1–13. (Scholar)
- Mundici, D., 1986, Interpretation of AF C*-algebras in
Łukasiewicz sentential calculus, J. Functional Analysis,
65: 15–63. (Scholar)
- –––, 1992, The logic of Ulam’s game with lies, in:
C. Bicchieri and M.L. dalla Chiara (eds.) Knowledge, belief, and
strategic interaction, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,
275–284. (Scholar)
- Novák, V., 2008, A formal theory of intermediate
quantifiers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 159:
1229–1246. (Scholar)
- Odintsov, S.P., 2009, On axiomatizing Shramko-Wansing’s
Logic, Studia Logica, 91: 407–428. (Scholar)
- Post, E. L., 1920, Determination of all closed systems of truth
tables, Bulletin American Mathematical Society, 26: 437. (Scholar)
- –––, 1921, Introduction to a general theory of elementary
propositions, American Journal Mathematics, 43:
163–185. (Scholar)
- Ragaz, M., 1983, Die Unentscheidbarkeit der einstelligen
unendlichwertigen Prädikatenlogik, Archiv mathematische Logik
Grundlagenforschung, 23: 129–139. (Scholar)
- Rose, A. and Rosser, J.B., 1958, Fragments of many-valued
statement calculi, Transactions American Mathematical
Society, 87: 1–53. (Scholar)
- Scarpellini, B., 1962, Die Nichtaxiomatisierbarkeit des
unendlichwertigen Prädikatenkalküls von
Łukasiewicz, Journal Symbolic Logic, 27:
159–170. (Scholar)
- Shramko, Y. and Wansing H., 2005, Some useful 16-valued
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Journal Philosophical Logic, 34: 121–153. (Scholar)
- Skolem, Th., 1957, Bemerkungen zum
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Mathematik, 3: 1–17. (Scholar)
- Stoilos, G. Stamou, G., Pan, J.Z., Tzouvaras, V., and Horrocks,
I., 2007, Reasoning with very expressive fuzzy description
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- Straccia, U. (2001), Reasoning within fuzzy description
logics, J. Artificial Intelligence Res, 14:
137–166. (Scholar)
- White, R.B., 1979, The consistency of the axiom of comprehension in the infinite-valued predicate logic of Łukasiewicz, J. Philosophical Logic, 8: 509–534. (Scholar)
- Wronski, A., 1987, Remarks on a survey article on many valued logic by A. Urquhart, Studia Logica, 46: 275–278. (Scholar)
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Information and Control, 8: 338–353. (Scholar)
- –––, 1975, Fuzzy logic and approximate
reasoning, Synthese, 30: 407–428. (Scholar)
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for a theory of possibility, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1: 3–28. (Scholar)
- –––, 1979, A theory of approximate reasoning, in J.E.
Hayes, D. Michie, L.I. Mikulich (eds.), Machine Intelligence
9. New York: Halstead Press, 149–194.