Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Temporal Logic" by Valentin Goranko and Antje Rumberg
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- Baier, C., and J.P. Katoen, 2008, Principles of Model
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- Balbiani, P., V. Goranko, and G. Sciavicco, 2011,
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- Blackburn, P., P. Hasle, and P. Øhrstrøm (eds.), 2019, Logic and Philosophy of Time: Further Themes from Prior (Volume 2), Aalborg: Aalborg University Press. (Scholar)
- Blackburn, P., and K. Jørgensen , 2016, “Reichenbach, Prior, and Hybrid Tense Logic”, Synthese, 193(11): 3677–3689. (Scholar)
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- Bresolin, D., V. Goranko, A. Montanari, and G. Sciavicco, 2009, “Propositional Interval Neighborhood Logics: Expressiveness, Decidability, and Undecidable Extensions”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 161(3): 289–304. (Scholar)
- Bresolin, D., D. Della Monica, V. Goranko, A. Montanari, and G.
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- –––, 1982b, “Axioms for Tense Logic II:
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- –––, 1984, “Basic Tense Logic”, in
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- Burgess, J., and Y. Gurevich, 1985, “The Decision Problem
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- Della Monica, D., V. Goranko, A. Montanari, and G. Sciavicco,
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of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science,
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- Demri, S., V. Goranko, and M. Lange, 2016, Temporal Logics in
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- Emerson, E.A., 1990, “Temporal and Modal Logics”, in
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- Emerson, E.A., and E.C. Clarke, 1982, “Using Branching Time
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- Finger, M., D.M. Gabbay, and M. Reynolds, 2002, “Advanced
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- Fisher, M., D.M. Gabbay, and L. Vila, 2005, Handbook of
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