Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Lorenzo Valla" by Lodi Nauta
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The 1962 reprint of Valla’s Opera omnia, contains his
most important writings. A new critical edition of his complete works
was launched in 2007: “Edizione Nazionale delle opere di Lorenzo
Valla” (Florence: Polistampa). Several volumes have now
- Opera omnia, Basel 1540; repr. with a second volume,
Turin: Bottega d’Erasmo, 1962.
- Repastinatio dialectice et philosophie, G. Zippel (ed.),
2 vols., Padua: Antenore, 1982. [vol. 1 contains the third version;
vol. 2 the first.]
- Dialectical Disputations, B. Copenhaver and L. Nauta (ed.
and trans.), 2 vols. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
- Elegantiae linguae Latinae, S. López Moreda (ed.),
Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura, 1999.
- “Dialogue on Free Will”, C. Trinkaus (trans.), in
The Renaissance Philosophy of Man, E. Cassirer et al. (eds.),
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948. (Scholar)
- De vero falsoque bono, M. de Panizza Lorch (ed.), Bari,
1970; A. K. Hieatt and M. Lorch (trans.), New York: Abaris Books
- Collatio Novi Testamenti, A. Perosa (ed.), Florence:
Sansoni, 1970.
- “In Praise of Saint Thomas Aquinas”, M. E. Hanley
(trans.), in Renaissance Philosophy, L. A. Kennedy (ed.),
Mouton: The Hague, 1973. (Scholar)
- De falso credita et ementita Constantini donatione, W.
Setz (ed.), Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1976; repr.
Leipzig: Teubner, 1994; C. B. Coleman (trans.), Toronto: Toronto
University Press, 1993; G. W. Bowersock, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press 2007.
- Epistole, O. Besomi and M. Regoliosi (ed.), Padua:
Antenore, 1984.
- Le Postille all’Instituto oratoria di
Quintiliano, L. Cesarini Martinelli and A. Perosa (ed.), Padua:
Antenore, 1996. (Scholar)
- Correspondence, Brendan Cook (ed. and trans. ),
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014.
- Camporeale, S., 1972. Lorenzo Valla: Umanesimo e
teologia, Florence: Nella sede dell’Istituto Palazzo
Strozzi. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002. Lorenzo Valla: Umanesimo,
riforma, e Controriforma, Rome: Edizioni di storia e
letteratura. (Scholar)
- Celenza, C., 2005. “Lorenzo Valla and the Traditions and Transmissions of Philosophy,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 66: 483–506. (Scholar)
- Celenza, C., 2018. The Intellectual World of the Italian Renaissance: Language, Philosophy, and the Search for Meaning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Copenhaver, B. P., 2005. “Valla Our Contemporary: Philosophy and Philology,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 66: 507–525. (Scholar)
- Copenhaver, B. P. and C. B. Schmitt, 1992. Renaissance Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Fois, M., 1969. Il pensiero cristiano di Lorenzo Valla nel
quadro storico-culturale del suo ambiente, Rome: Libreria
editrice dell’Univ. Gregoriana. (Scholar)
- Fubini, R., 1999. “Contributo per l’interpretazione
della Dialectica di Lorenzo Valla,” in G. F. Vescovini,
ed., Filosofia e scienza classica, arabo-latina medievale e
l’età moderna, Louvain-la-Neuve:
Fédération Internationale des Instituts
d’Études Médiévales, 289–316. (Scholar)
- Gavinelli, S., 1991. “Teorie grammaticali nelle
Elegantie e la tradizione scolastica del tardo
umanesimo,” Rinascimento, 31: 155–181 (Scholar)
- Gerl, H.-B., 1974. Rhetorik als Philosophie. Lorenzo
Valla, Munich: Fink. (Scholar)
- Gray, H., 1965. “Valla’s Encomium of St. Thomas
Aquinas and the Humanist Conception of Christian
Antiquity,” in H. Bluhm (ed.), Essays in History and
Literature presented by Fellows of the Newberry Library to Stanley
Pargellis, Chicago: Newberry Library, 37–51. (Scholar)
- Izbicki, T. M., 1993. “Lorenzo Valla: The Scholarship in
English Through 1992,” in J. W. O’Malley et al. (eds.),
Humanity and Divinity in Renaissance and Reformation: Essays in
Honor of Charles Trinkaus, Leiden: Brill, 287–301.
[Bibliography on Valla scholarship in English.] (Scholar)
- Jong, Jan de, 2015. “De Sepulcro Laurentii Valae quid
veri habeat: Tracing the Tomb Monument of Lorenzo Valla in
St. John Lateran, Rome,” Quellen und Forschungen aus
italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 94: 94–128. (Scholar)
- Kessler, E., 1988. “Die Transformation des aristotelischen
Organon durch Lorenzo Valla,” in E. Kessler et al. (eds.),
Aristotelismus und Renaissance. In memoriam Charles B.
Schmitt, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 53–74. (Scholar)
- Kraye, J., 2001. “Lorenzo Valla and Changing Perceptions of
Renaissance Humanism,” Comparative Criticism, 23:
37–55. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004. “Pagan Virtue in Pursuit of
Christian Happiness: Renaissance Humanists and the Revival of
Classical Ethics,” in G. Althoff (ed.) Zeichen –
Rituale – Werte: Internationales Kolloquium des
Sonderforschungsbereichs 496 an der Westfälischen
Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster: Rhema,
55–68. (Scholar)
- Laffranchi, M., 1999. Dialettica e filosofia in Lorenzo Valla, Milan: Vita e Pensiero. (Scholar)
- Mack, P., 1993. Renaissance Argument. Valla and Agricola in
the Traditions of Rhetoric and Dialectic, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Mancini, G., 1891. Vita di Lorenzo Valla, Florence:
Sansoni. (Scholar)
- Marsico, C. 2013. Per l’edizione delle Elegantie di
Lorenzo Valla: studio sul V libro, Florence: Firenze University
Press. (Scholar)
- Marsh, D., 1979. “Grammar, Method, and Polemic in Lorenzo
Valla’s Elegantiae,” Rinascimento, 19:
91–116. (Scholar)
- Monfasani, J., 1989. “Was Lorenzo Valla an Ordinary Language Philosopher?” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 50: 309–323; repr. in J. Monfasani, Language and Learning in Renaissance Italy. Selected Articles, Aldershot: Variorum, 1994. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990. “Lorenzo Valla and Rudolph Agricola,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 28: 181–200; repr. in J. Monfasani, Language and Learning in Renaissance Italy. Selected Articles, Aldershot: Variorum, 1994. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000. “The Theology of Lorenzo Valla,” in J. Kraye and M. W. F. Stone (eds.), Humanism and Early Modern Philosophy, London: Routledge, 1–23; repr. in J. Monfasani, Greeks and Latins in Renaissance Italy. Studies on Humanism and Philosophy in the 15th Century, Aldershot: Variorum, 2004. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001. “Disputationes
Vallianae,” in F. Mariani Zini (ed.), Penser entre les
lignes: Philologie et Philosophie au Quattrocento, Lille: Presses
Universitaires du Septentrion, 229–250; repr. in J. Monfasani,
Greeks and Latins in Renaissance Italy: Studies on Humanism and
Philosophy in the 15th Century, Aldershot: Variorum,
2004. (Scholar)
- Moss, A., 2003. Renaissance Truth and the Latin Language
Turn, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Nauta, L., 2003. “William of Ockham and Lorenzo Valla: False
Friends. Semantics and Ontological Reduction,” Renaissance
Quarterly, 56: 613–651. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003. “Lorenzo Valla’s Critique
of Aristotelian Psychology,” Vivarium, 41:
120–143. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006. “Lorenzo Valla and Quattrocento Scepticism,” Vivarium, 44: 375–395 (Scholar)
- –––, 2007. “Lorenzo Valla and the Rise of
Humanist Dialectic,” in J. Hankins (ed.), The Cambridge
Companion to Renaissance Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 193–210. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009. In Defense of Common Sense.
Lorenzo Valla’s Humanist Critique of Scholastic Philosophy,
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press (Scholar)
- –––, 2018. “Latin as a Common Language:
The Coherence of Lorenzo Valla’s Humanist Program,”
Renaissance Quarterly, 71: 1–32. (Scholar)
- –––, 2021. Philosophy and the Language of the People. The Claims of Common Speech from Petrarch to Locke, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Paganini, G., 2003. “Hobbes, Valla and the Trinity,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 11: 183–218. (Scholar)
- Pagliaroli, S., 2006. “Una proposta per il giovane Valla:
Quintiliani Tulliique examen,” Studi medievali e
umanistici, Volume 4, Messina : Centro interdipartimentale di
studi umanistici, Università degli studi di Messina. (Scholar)
- Panizza, L. A., 1978. “Lorenzo Valla’s De vero
falsoque bono, Lactantius and Oratorical Scepticism,”
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 41:
76–107. (Scholar)
- Perreiah, A. R., 1982. “Humanist Critiques of Scholastic
Dialectic,” Sixteenth-Century Journal, 13:
3–22. (Scholar)
- Regoliosi, M. and Marsico, C. (eds), 2013. La diffusione
europea del pensiero del Valla: atti del convegno del Comitato
nazionale VI centenario della nascita di Lorenzo Valla, Prato,
3–6 dicembre 2008, 2 vols., Florence: Polistampa. (Scholar)
- Regoliosi, M. (ed.), 2010. Lorenzo Valla: la riforma della
lingua e della logica. Atti del convegno del Comitato Nazionale VI
centenario della nascita di Lorenzo Valla, Prato, 4–7 giugno
2008, 2 vols., Florence: Polistampa. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000. “Le Elegantie del
Valla come ‘grammatica’ antinormativa,” Studi di
grammatica italiana,w 19: 315–336. (Scholar)
- Rizzo, S., 2002. Ricerche sul latino umanistico, Rome:
Studi di Storia e letteratura. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 1994. Lorenzo Valla, Orazione per
l’inaugurazione dell’anno accademico 1455–1456: Atti
di un seminario di filologia umanistica, Rome: Roma nel
Rinascimento. (Scholar)
- Tavoni, M., 1984. Latino, grammatica, volgare: Storia di una
questione umanistica, Padua: Antenore. (Scholar)
- Trinkaus, C., 1970. In Our Image and Likeness: Humanity and Divinity in Italian Humanist Thought, 2 vols., Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1988. “Italian Humanism and
Scholastic Theology,” in A. Rabil, Jr. (ed.), Renaissance
Humanism: Foundations, Forms and Legacy (Volume 3), Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 327–348; repr. in Trinkaus
1999. (Scholar)
- –––, 1993. “Lorenzo Valla’s
Anti-Aristotelian Natural Philosophy,” I Tatti Studies.
Essays in the Renaissance, 5: 279–325; repr. in C.
Trinkaus, Renaissance Transformation of Late Medieval
Thought, Aldershot: Variorum, 1999. (Scholar)
- –––, 1996. “Lorenzo Valla on the Problem of Speaking about the Trinity,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 57: 27–53; repr. in C. Trinkaus, Renaissance Transformation of Late Medieval Thought, Aldershot: Variorum, 1999. (Scholar)
- Vasoli, C., 1968. La dialettica e la retorica
dell’Umanesimo. Invenzione e metodo nella cultura del XV e XVI
secolo, Milan: Feltrinelli. (Scholar)