Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Martin Luther" by Robert Stern
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Abbreviations for references to Luther’s works
- [WA] D. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe, 65
vols in 127. Weimar: Hermann Böhlau, 1883–1929, Abteilung
1: Schriften vols 1–56. (Scholar)
- [WA TR] D. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe,
65 vols in 127. Weimar: Hermann Böhlau, 1883–1929,
Abteilung 2: Tischreden vols 1–6. (Scholar)
- [WA DB] D. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe,
65 vols in 127. Weimar: Hermann Böhlau, 1883–1929.
Abteilung 3: Die Deutsche Bibel vols 1–12. (Scholar)
- [LW] Luther’s Works, American edition, 55 vols. St
Louis and Philadephia: Concordia and Fortress Press,
1958–86; new series, vols 56–75, 2009–. (Scholar)
Other Works by Luther
- The Sermons of Martin Luther, edited by John Lenker, 8
vols (Reprint: Grand Rapids: Baker, 1989).
- The Book of Concord, edited by Robert Kolb and Timothy J.
Wengert, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2000.
- Only the Decalogue Is Eternal: Martin Luther’s Complete
Antinomian Theses and Disputations, edited and translated by
Holger Sonntag, Minneapolis, MN: Lutheran Press, 2008. (Scholar)
- Martin Luther, the Bible, and the Jewish People: A
Reader, Brooks Schramm and Kirsi Stjerna (eds.), Minneapolis:
Fortress Press, 2012.
- A Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistles to the Galatians,
Based on Lectures Delivered at the University of Wittenberg, in the
Year 1531, 1531/1575 [1953], Philip S. Watson (ed.), London:
James Clark. A revised and completed translation based on the
“Middleton” edition of the English version of 1575. (Scholar)
Useful collections of some of Luther’s main writings
- Martin Luther: Selections from his Writings, edited by
John Dillenberger, Garden City: Anchor Books, 1961.
- The Ninety-Five Theses and Other Writings, William
Russell (trans.), Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2017.
- The Annotated Luther, edited by Timothy J. Wengert et
al., 6 vols., Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2015–17.
Translations have been modified where necessary.
Luther’s Life and Work
Primary texts
- Luther, Martin, 1545, “Preface to the Complete Edition of
Luther’s Latin Writings” (WA 54:179–87/LW
34:323–38). (Scholar)
Secondary texts
- Brecht, Martin, 1981 [1985], Martin Luther: sein Weg zur
Reformation, 1483–1521, Stuttgart: Calwer. Translated as
Martin Luther: His Road to Reformation, 1483–1521,
James L. Schaaf (trans.), Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1985. (Scholar)
- –––, 1986 [1990], Martin Luther: Zweiter
Band: Ordnung und Abgrenzung der Reformation, 1521–1532,
Stuttgart: Calwer. Translated as Martin Luther: Shaping and
Defining the Reformation, 1521–1532, James L. Schaaf
(trans.), Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1990. (Scholar)
- –––, 1987 [1993], Martin Luther : Dritter
Band : Die Erhaltung der Kirche, 1532–1546, Stuttgart:
Calwer. Translated as Martin Luther: The Preservation of the
Church, 1532–1546, James L. Schaaf (trans.), Minneapolis,
MN: Fortress Press, 1993. (Scholar)
- Carlyle, Thomas, 1841, On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic
in History, London: James Fraser. Reprinted 1983, New York:
Chelsea House. (Scholar)
- Ebeling, Gerhard, 1964 [1970], Einführung in sein
Denken, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr. Translated as Luther: An
Introduction to his Thought, R. A. Wilson (trans.), Philadelphia,
PA: Fortress Press, 1970. (Scholar)
- Erikson, Erik H., 1958, Young Man Luther: A Study in
Psychoanalysis and History, New York: Norton. (Scholar)
- Helmer, Christine, 2019, How Luther Became the Reformer, Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. (Scholar)
- Hendrix, Scott H., 2015, Martin Luther: Visionary Reformer, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. (Scholar)
- Leppin, Volker, 2010 [2017a], Martin Luther: vom Mönch
zum Feind des Papstes Darmstadt: WBG. Translated as Martin
Luther: A Late Medieval Life, Rhys Bezzant and Karen Roe
(trans.), Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2017. (Scholar)
- Melanchthon, Philip, 1546 [1834–60], “Oratio in
funere D. Martini Lutheri”. Reprinted in Corpus
Reformatorum, Carolus Gottlieb Bretschneider (ed.), Halix
Saxonum: C. A. Schwetschke, 1834–60, vol 11, 726–734.
- Metaxas, Eric, 2017, Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered
God and Changed the World, New York: Viking. (Scholar)
- Oberman, Heiko Augustinus, 1977 [1981], Werden und Wertung der
Reformation, J. C. B. Mohl: Tübingen. Revised, abridged, and
translated as Masters of the Reformation: The Emergence of a New
Intellectual Climate in Europe, Dennis Martin (trans.),
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
doi:10.1017/CBO9780511897399 (Scholar)
- –––, 1982 [1989], Luther: Mensch zwischen
Gott und Teufel, Berlin: Severin und Seidler. Translated as
Luther: Man Between God and the Devil, Eileen
Walliser-Schwarzbart (trans.), New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press. (Scholar)
- Rex, Richard, 2017a, The Making of Martin Luther,
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University. (Scholar)
- Roper, Lyndal, 2016, Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet,
London: Bodley Head. (Scholar)
- Schilling, Heinz, 2012 [2017], Martin Luther: Rebell in einer
Zeit des Umbruchs, München: C. H. Beck. Translated as
Martin Luther: Rebel in an Age of Upheaval, Rona Johnston
(trans.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. (Scholar)
Theology and Philosophy
Primary texts
- Luther, Martin, 1518, The Heidelberg Disputation (WA
1:353–74/LW 31:35–70). (Scholar)
- –––, 1536, Disputation Concerning Man
(WA 39.1:175–80/LW 34:133–44). (Scholar)
- –––, 1539, Disputation Concerning the
Passage: “The Word Was Made Flesh” (John 1:14) (WA
39.2:3–30/LW 38:235–77). (Scholar)
Secondary texts
- Barone, Marco, 2017, Luther’s Augustinian Theology of
the Cross, Eugene, OR: Resource Publications. (Scholar)
- Becker, Sigbert W., 1999, The Foolishness of God: The Place of
Reason in the Theology of Martin Luther, second edition,
Milwaukee, WI: Wisconsin Publishing House. (Scholar)
- Bielfeldt, Dennis, 1990, “Luther, Metaphor, and Theological Language”, Modern Theology, 6(2): 121–135. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0025.1990.tb00211.x (Scholar)
- –––, 2002a, “Luther on Language”,
Lutheran Quarterly, 16: 195–220. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002b, “Luther and the Strange
Language of Theology: How ‘New’ is the Nova
Lingua?”, in Caritas et Reformatio: Essays on Church and
Society in Honor of Carter Lindberg, Carter Lindberg and David
Mark Whitford (eds.), St Louis, MI: Concordia Publishing House, pp.
221–244. (Scholar)
- Bielfeldt, Dennis D., Mickey Leland Mattox, and Paul R. Hinlicky,
2008, The Substance of the Faith: Luther’s Doctrinal
Theology for Today, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. (Scholar)
- Bianchi, Luca, 2008, Pour une histoire de la “double
verité”, Paris: Vrin. (Scholar)
- Blanshard, Brand, 1974, Reason and Belief, London: George Allen & Unwin, Chapter 5 (“Reason and Faith in Luther”). [Blanshard 1974 available online] (Scholar)
- Bornkamm, Heinrich, 1959, “Faith and Reason in the Thought
of Erasmus and Luther”, in Religion and Culture: Essays in
Honor of Paul Tillich, Walter Leibrecht (ed.), New York: Harper,
pp. 133–139. (Scholar)
- Büttgen, Philippe, 2011, Luther et la Philosophie,
Paris: Vrin. (Scholar)
- Dalferth, Ingolf U., 1988, Theology and Philosophy, Oxford: Blackwell, Chapter 7 (“The Law-Gospel Method”), pp. 76–88. (Scholar)
- Dieter, Theodor, 2009, “Martin Luther”, in Early
Modern Philosophy of Religion, Graham Oppy and N. N. Trakakis
(eds.), London: Routledge, pp. 33–46. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “Martin Luther’s
Understanding of ‘Reason’”, Lutheran
Quarterly, 25: 249–78 (Scholar)
- Ebeling, Gerhard, 1977, Disputatio de homine: Erster Teil:
Text und Traditionshintergrund, Tübingen: Mohr. (Scholar)
- –––, 1982, Disputatio de homine: Zweiter Teil: Die
philosophische Definition des Menschen, Tübingen: Mohr. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989, Disputatio de homine: Dritter
Teil: Die theologische Definition des Menschen, Tübingen:
Mohr. (Scholar)
- Forde, Gerhard O., 1997, On Being a Theologian of the
Cross: Reflections on Luther’s Heidelberg Disputations,
1518, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. (Scholar)
- Grosshans, Hans-Peter, 2017, “Reason and Philosophy in
Martin Luther’s Thought”, in Oxford Research
Encyclopedia of Religion, John Barton (ed.), Oxford: Oxford
University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.343 (Scholar)
- Gerrish, B. A., 1962, Grace and Reason: A Study in the
Theology of Luther, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Hamm, Berndt, 2010 [2014], Der frühe Luther: Etappen
reformatorischer Neuorientierung, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Translated as The Early Luther: Stages in Reformation
Reorientation, Martin J. Lohrmann (trans.), Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans, 2014. (Scholar)
- Heine, Heinrich, 1835 [2007], Zur Geschichte der Religion und
Philosophie in Deutschland. Translated as On the History of
Religion and Philosophy in Germany, Howard Pollack-Milgate
(trans.), in On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany
and Other Writings, Terry Pinkard (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2007, pp. 3–120 (Scholar)
- Hockenbery Dragseth, Jennifer (ed), 2011, The Devil’s
Whore: Reason and Philosophy in the Lutheran Tradition,
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. (Scholar)
- Kellerman, James A., 2008, “A Pure Critique of Reason:
Reason within the Limits of Sound Theology Alone”,
Logia, 17(4): 31–38. (Scholar)
- Kolb, Robert, 2002, “Luther on the Theology of the
Cross”, Lutheran Quarterly, 16: 443–466. (Scholar)
- Leppin, Volker, 2017b, “Luther’s Mystical
Roots”, in Melloni 2017: 157–171.
doi:10.1515/9783110499025-010">10.1515/9783110499025-010 (Scholar)
- Lohse, Bernhard, 1958, Ratio und Fides: Eine Untersuchung
über die ratio in der Theologie Luthers, Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (Scholar)
- Luy, David, 2017, “Martin Luther’s Disputations”, in Oxford Research
Encyclopedia of Religion, John Barton (ed.), Oxford: Oxford
University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.285 (Scholar)
- Malter, Rudolf, 1980, Das reformatorische Denken und die
Philosophie: Luthers Entwurf einer transzendental-praktischen
Metaphysik, Bonn: Bouvier. (Scholar)
- Marshall, Bruce D., 1999, “Faith and Reason Reconsidered: Aquinas and Luther on Deciding What Is True”, The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 63(1): 1–48. doi:10.1353/tho.1999.0041 (Scholar)
- Mattes, Mark, 2013, “Luther’s Use of
Philosophy”, Lutherjahrbuch, 80: 110–141. (Scholar)
- McGrath, Alister E., 1989, Iustitia Dei: A History of the
Christian Doctrine of Justification, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press; second edition, 1998; third edition, 2005; fourth
edition, 2020. doi:10.1017/9781108560702 (Scholar)
- Popkin, Richard H., 1979, The History of Scepticism from
Erasmus to Spinoza, Berkeley: University of California
Press. (Scholar)
- Rex, Richard, 2017b, “Luther Among the Humanists”, in
Melloni 2017: 203–220. doi:10.1515/9783110499025-013 (Scholar)
- Steinmetz, David C., 1980, Luther and Staupitz: An Essay on the Intellectual Origins of the Protestant Reformation, Durham, NC: Duke University Press. (Scholar)
- Vercruysse, Joseph E., 1981, “Gesetz und Leibe: die Struktur
der ‘Heidelberger Disputation’ Luthers”,
Lutherjahrbuch, 68: 7–43. (Scholar)
- Zur Mühlen, Karl-Heinz, 1984, “Luthers Kritik der
Vernunft im Mittelalterlichen und Neuzeitlichen Kontext”, in
Lutheriana: zum 500. Geburtstag Martin Luthers, pp.
3–15. (Scholar)
Luther, Aristotle, and Nominalism
Primary texts
- Luther, Martin, 1517, Disputation Against Scholastic
Theology (WA 1:224–8/LW 31:3–16). (Scholar)
- –––, 1522, “Preface to the Epistle of St
Paul to the Romans” (WA DB 7:2–27/LW 35:365–80). (Scholar)
- –––, 1526, The Disputation Concerning
Justification (WA 39.1/LW 34:145–96). (Scholar)
Secondary texts
- Andreatta, Eugenio, 1996, Lutero e Aristotele, Padova: Nuova Vita. (Scholar)
- Balserak, Jon, 2017, “The Medieval Heritage of Martin
Luther”, in Melloni 2017: 141–156.
doi:10.1515/9783110499025-009 (Scholar)
- Bielfeldt, Dennis, 2016, “Martin Luther and Ontology”,
in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion, John Barton
(ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.351 (Scholar)
- Braaten, Carl and Robert Jenson (eds.), 1998, Union with
Christ: The New Finnish Interpretation, Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans. (Scholar)
- Carlisle, Clare, 2013, “The Question of Habit in Theology and Philosophy: From Hexis to Plasticity”, Body & Society, 19(2–3): 30–57. doi:10.1177/1357034x12474475 (Scholar)
- Dieter, Theodor, 2001, Der junge Luther und Aristotles,
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “Luther as Late Medieval
Theologian: His Positive and Negative Use of Nominalism and
Realism”, in The Oxford Handbook to Martin Luther’s
Theology, Robert Kolb, Irene Dingel and L’Ubomír
Bakta (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 31–48 (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Scholasticisms in Martin
Luther’s Thought”, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of
Religion, John Barton (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.265 (Scholar)
- Eckermann, Willigis, 1978, “Die Aristoteleskritik Luthers:
ihre Bedeutung für seine Theologie”, Catholica,
32: 114–30. (Scholar)
- Ghiselli, Anja, Kari Kopperi, and Rainer Vinke (eds.), 1993,
Luther und Ontologie, Helsinki: Luther-Agricola Society. (Scholar)
- Grane, Leif, 1962, Contra Gabrielem: Luthers
Auseinandersetzung mit Gabriel Biel in der Disputatio contra
scholasticam theologiam 1517, Copenhagen: Gyldendal. (Scholar)
- –––, 1969, “Luthers Kritik an Thomas von
Aquin in De Captivitate Babylonica”, Zeitschrift für
Kirchengeschichte, 80: 1–13. (Scholar)
- –––, 1970, “Die Anfänge von Luthers
Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thomismus”, Theologische
Literaturzeitung, 95: 241–250. (Scholar)
- Hägglund, Bengt, 1955, Theologie und Philosophie bei Luther und in der occamistischen Tradition, Lund: C W K Gleerup. (Scholar)
- –––, 1957, “Was Luther a
Nominalist?”, Concordia Theological Monthly, 28(6):
441–452. (Scholar)
- Hampson, Daphne, 2001, Christian Contradictions: The
Structures of Lutheran and Catholic Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511487743 (Scholar)
- Janz, Denis R., 1983, Luther and Late Medieval Thomism,
Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989, Luther on Thomas Aquinas, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. (Scholar)
- Joest, Wilfried, 1967, Ontologie der Person bei Luther,
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (Scholar)
- Juntunen, Sammeli, 1998, “Luther and Metaphysics”, in
Union with Christ: The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther,
Carl Braaten and Robert Jenson (eds.), Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, pp.
129–160. (Scholar)
- Kärkkäinen, Pekka, 2017, “Nominalism and the Via
Moderna in Luther’s Theological Work”, in Oxford
Research Encyclopedia of Religion, John Barton (ed.), Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.266 (Scholar)
- Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti, 2006, “Salvation as
Justification and Theosis: The Contribution of the New Finnish Luther
Interpretation to Our Ecumenical Future1”, Dialog: A Journal
of Theology, 45(1): 74–82.
doi:10.1111/j.0012-2033.2006.00296.x (Scholar)
- Kirjavainen, Heikki, 1984, “Luther und Aristoteles: Die
Frage der zweierlei Gerechtigkeit im Lichte der transitiven vs.
intransitiven Willenstheorie”, in Luther in Finnland,
Mikka Ruokanen (ed.), Helsinki: Schriften der
Luther-Agricola-Gesellschaft, pp. 111–129. (Scholar)
- Kohls, Ernst-Wilhelm, 1975, “Luthers Verhältnis zu
Aristoteles, Thomas und Erasmus”, Theologische
Zeitschrift, 31: 289–301. (Scholar)
- Kusukawa, Sachiko, 1995, “Law and Gospel: The Reforms of
Luther and Melanchthon”, in The Transformation of Natural
Philosophy: The Case of Philip Melanchthon, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 27–74. (Scholar)
- McGrath, Alister E., 1985, Luther’s Theology of the
Cross, Oxford: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Oberman, Heiko A., 1992, The Dawn of the Reformation: Essays
in Late Medieval and Early Reformation Thought, Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans. (Scholar)
- –––, 1963 [2000], The Harvest of Medieval
Theology: Gabriel Biel and Late Medieval Nominalism, Harvard:
Harvard University Press; reprinted Grand Rapids, MI: Baker,
2000. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, “Luther and the Via Moderna:
The Philosophical Backdrop of the Reformation Breakthrough”,
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 54(4): 641–670.
doi:10.1017/s0022046903008005 (Scholar)
- Oehlschläger, Gerhard, 2003, “Der junge Luther und
Aristoteles”, LutherJahrbuch, 70: 93–125. (Scholar)
- Oliva, Adriano, 2012, “Luther et la philosophie: Sur un ouvrage récent”, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 96(2): 293–312. doi:10.3917/rspt.962.0293 (Scholar)
- Osborne, Thomas, 2002, “Faith, Philosophy, and the Nominalist Background to Luther’s Defense of the Real Presence”, Journal of the History of Ideas, 63(1): 63–82. doi:10.1353/jhi.2002.0006 (Scholar)
- Pesch, Otto Hermann, 1967, Theologie der Rechtfertigung bei Martin Luther und Thomas von Aquin: Versuch eines systematisch-theologischen Dialogs, Mainz: Grünwald. (Scholar)
- Vignaux, Paul, 1971, “On Luther and Ockham”, in
The Reformation in Medieval Perspective, Steven E. Ozment
(ed.), Chicago: Quadrangle Books, pp. 107–118. (Scholar)
- White, Graham, 1994, Luther as Nominalist: A Study of the Logical Methods Used in Martin Luther’s Disputations in the Light of their Medieval Background, Helsinki: Luther-Agricola-Society. (Scholar)
- Wicks, Jared, 2007, “Luther and ‘This Damned,
Conceited, Rascally Heathen’ Aristotle: An Encounter More
Complicated than Many Think”, Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of
Catholic and Evangelical Theology, 16(1): 90–104.
doi:10.1177/106385120701600108 (Scholar)
- Zur Mühlen, Karl-Heinz, 1981, “Luthers Kritik am
scholastischen Aristotelismus in der 25. These der ‘Heidelberger
Disputation’ von 1518”, Lutherjahrbuch, 48:
54–79. (Scholar)
Luther on Free Will
Primary texts
- Luther, Martin, 1525, The Bondage of the Will (WA 18:
600–787/LW 33:3–295). (Scholar)
- Erasmus, Desiderius, 1524 [1969], On the Freedom of the
Will, E. Gordon Rupp and A. N. Marlow (trans.), in Luther and
Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation, Philadelphia, PA: The
Westminster Press, 1969, pp. 35–100. Also translated by Peter
Macardle in Erasmus 1999: vol 76, pp. 4–90. (Scholar)
- –––, 1526, Hyperaspistes diatribae adversus
servum arbitrium M. Lutheri, translated by Clarence H. Miller as
A Warrior Shielding A Discussion of Free Will Against the Enslaved
Will by Martin Luther, book one, in Erasmus 1999: vol 76, pp.
91–298. (Scholar)
- –––, 1527, Hyperaspistes diatribae adversus
servum arbitrium M. Lutheri, translated by Clarence H. Miller as
A Warrior Shielding A Discussion of Free Will Against the Enslaved
Will by Martin Luther, book two, in Erasmus 1999: vol 77, pp.
334–749. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999, Collected Works of Erasmus,
Charles Trinkaus (ed.), Peter Macardle and Clarence H. Miller
(trans.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
Secondary texts
- Alfsvåg, Knut, 2015, “Luther on Necessity”,
Harvard Theological Review, 108(1): 52–69.
doi:10.1017/s0017816015000036 (Scholar)
- Boisset, Jean, 1962, Érasmus et Luther: Libre ou serf-arbitre?, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. (Scholar)
- Boyle, Marjorie O’Rourke, 1982, “Stoic Luther: Paradoxical Sin and Necessity”, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, 73: 69–93. (Scholar)
- Forde, Gerhard O., 2005, The Captivation of the Will: Luther
vs Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage, Grand Rapids, MI: William B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company. (Scholar)
- Fromm, Erich, 2001, The Fear of Freedom, second edition,
Abingdon: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Gaebler, Mary, 2013, The Courage of Faith: Martin Luther and
the Theonomous Self, Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. (Scholar)
- Hodgson, Peter C., 2009, “Luther and Freedom”, in
The Global Luther: A Theologian For Our Times, Christine
Helmer (ed.), Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, pp. 32–48. (Scholar)
- Jenson, Robert W., 1994, “An Ontology of Freedom in the De Servo Arbitrio of Luther”, Modern Theology, 10(3): 247–252. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0025.1994.tb00039.x (Scholar)
- Kolb, Robert, 2005, Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg
Theological Method: From Martin Luther to the Formula of Concord,
Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. (Scholar)
- Lodone, Michele, 2017, “Erasmus and Luther: Free and Bound
Will”, in Melloni 2017: 281–294.
doi:10.1515/9783110499025-017 (Scholar)
- Martin, Wayne, 2009, “Ought but Cannot”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 109(1pt2): 103–128. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9264.2009.00260.x (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “The Judgement of Adam: Self-Consciousness and Normative Orientation in Lucas Cranach’s Eden”, in Art and Phenomenology, Joseph D. Parry (ed.), London: Routledge, pp. 105–37. (Scholar)
- McSorely, H. J., 1969, Luther: Right or Wrong? An
Ecumenical-Theological Study of Luther’s Major Work, The Bondage
of the Will, Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House. (Scholar)
- Massing, Michael, 2018, Fatal Discord: Erasmus, Luther, and
the Fight for the Western Mind, New York: HarperOne. (Scholar)
- Pigden, Charles R., 1990, “Ought-implies-can: Erasmus, Luther and R. M. Hare”, Sophia, 29: 2–30. (Scholar)
- Saarinen, Risto, 2011, “The Lutheran Reformation”, in
his Weakness of Will in Renaissance and Reformation Thought,
Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 3. (Scholar)
- Smith, John H., 2011, Dialogues Between Faith and Reason: The Death and Return of God in Modern German Thought, Cornell, NY: Cornell University Press, Chapter 1 (“Erasmus vs. Luther: Philo-logos vs. Faith”), pp. 23–44. (Scholar)
- Trinkaus, Charles, 1999, “Introduction” to Erasmus
1999: vol 76, pp. xi–cvi. (Scholar)
- Urban, Linwood, 1971, “Was Luther a Thoroughgoing
Determinist?”, The Journal of Theological Studies,
22(1): 113–139. doi:10.1093/jts/xxii.i.113 (Scholar)
Luther’s Ethics and Social Philosophy
Primary texts
- Luther, Martin, 1519, Two Kinds of Righteousness (WA
2:145–52/LW 31:293–306). (Scholar)
- –––, 1520, The Babylonian Captivity of the
Church (WA 6:497–573/LW 36:3–126). (Scholar)
- –––, 1520, The Freedom of the Christian
(WA 7: 1–38;42–73/LW 31:327–77). (Scholar)
- –––, 1520, To the Christian Nobility
(WA 6:404–69/LW 44:15–114). (Scholar)
- –––, 1522, A Sincere Admonition by Martin
Luther to All Christians to Guard Against Insurrection and
Rebellion (WA 7:676–87/LW 45:51–74). (Scholar)
- –––, 1522, Invocavit (Eight Wittenberg) Sermons
(WA 10.3:1–64/LW 51:70–100). (Scholar)
- –––, 1523, Temporal Authority: To What
Extent It Should Be Obeyed (WA 11:245–80/LW
45:75–129). (Scholar)
- –––, 1525, Admonition to Peace (WA
18:281–334/LW 46:3–43). (Scholar)
- –––, 1525, Against the Robbing and Murdering
Hordes of Peasants (WA 18:291–334/LW 46:45–55). (Scholar)
- –––, 1525, An Open Letter on the Harsh Book
Against the Peasants (WA 18:357–61/LW 46:47–85). (Scholar)
- –––, 1526, Whether Soldiers Too Can be
Saved (WA 19.2:623–62/LW 46:87–137). (Scholar)
- –––, 1529, On War Against the Turk (WA
30.2:107–48/LW 46:155–205). (Scholar)
- –––, 1535, A Commentary on St Paul’s
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