Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Salomon Maimon" by Peter Thielke and Yitzhak Y. Melamed
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Original editions of Maimon’s main Works
- Versuch über die Transcendentalphilosophie
[VT], Berlin: Christian Friedrich Voss und Sohn,
- Gibeath Hamore (The Hill of the Guide), Berlin:
- Philosophisches Wörterbuch, oder Beleuchtung der
wichtigsten Gegenstände der Philosophie, in alphabetischer
Ordnung [PW], Berlin: Johann Friedrich Unger,
- Salomon Maimon‘s Lebensgeschichte. Von ihm selbst
geschrieben und herausgegeben von K. P. Moritz
[LB], Berlin: Friedrich Vieweg, 1792–3. (Scholar)
- Ankündigung und Aufforderung zu einer allgemeinen
Revision der Wissenschaften: Einer königl. Akademie der
Wissenschaften zu Berlin vorgelegt von Salomon Maimon, Berlin:
Johann Georg Langhoff, 1792.
- Bacons von Verulam neues Organon, edited with notes by
Maimon, 2 volumes, Berlin: Gottfried Carl Nauck, 1793.
- Über die Progressen der Philosophie (veranlat durch die
Preisfrage der königl. Akademie zu Berlin für das Jahr 1792:
Was hat die Metaphisik seit Leibniz und Wolf für Progressen
gemacht?), Berlin: Wilhelm Vieweg, 1793. (Scholar)
- Salomon Maimon‘s Streifereien im Gebiete der
Philosophie, Berlin: Wilhelm Vieweg, 1793. (Scholar)
- Die Kathegorien des Aristoteles. Mit Anmerkungen
erläutert und als Propädeutik zu einer neuen Theorie des
Denkens dargestellt von Salomon Maimon. (“Aristotle’s
Categories, with notes and as a propaedeutic to a new theory of
thinking”), Berlin: Ernst Felisch, 1794. (Scholar)
- Anfangsgründe der Newtonischen Philosophie von Dr.
Pemberton. (translated from the English with introduction and
notes by Maimon), First Part, Berlin: Friedrich Maurer, 1793.
- Versuch einer neuen Logik oder Theorie des Denkens. Nebst
angehängten Briefen des Philaletes an Änesidemus
[VnL], Berlin: Ernst Felisch, 1794.
- Kritische Untersuchungen über den menschlichen Geist oder
das höhere Erkenntniss und Willensvermögen
[KU], Leipzig: Gerhard Fleischer, 1797.
Modern Editions and Translations of Maimon’s Works
- Maimon, Salomon. Gesamtausgabe, Chief editor: Ives
Radrizzani, 10 volumes, Stuttgart-Bad Constatt: Frommann-Holzboog,
2023 - [A critical edition of Maimon’s works (7 volumes of
German writings, and 3 volumes of the Hebrew writings). The first
volume - Aufsätze 1789-1790; Versuch über die
Transcendental Philosophie, eds. Maria Caterina Marinelli and Ives
Radrizzani - appeared in 2023]. (Scholar)
- –––. Gesammelte Werke
[GW], edited by Valerio Verra, 7 volumes, Hildsheim:
Olms, 1965–1976.
- –––. Salomon Maimons Lebensgeschichte,
edited by Zwi Batscha, Frankfurt a. M: Insel Verlag, 1984.
- –––. Versuch über die
Transzendentalphilosophie, edited by Florian Ehrensperger,
Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag Verlag, 2004. [An excellent new edition
of one of Maimon’s major works.]
- –––. Essay on Transcendental
Philosophy, translated and edited by Alistair Welchman, Henry
Somers-Hall, Merten Reglitz, and Nick Midgley, London: Continuum,
2010. [An outstanding complete translation of one of Maimon’s
major works.]
- –––. Apiqoros: The Last Essays of Salomon
Maimon, translated and edited by Timothy Sean Quinn, Cincinnati:
Hebrew Union College Press, 2021.
- –––. Giva’at ha-Moreh, edited by
S.H. Bergmann and N. Rotherstreich, Jerusalem: Israeli Academy of
Science, 1965; reprinted 2000. [Maimon’s Hebrew commentary on
the first part of Maimonides’ Guide of the
Perplexed.] (Scholar)
- –––. Letters of Philaletes to
Aenesidemus, trans. by George di Giovanni in di Giovanni and H.S.
Harris (eds.), in Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development
of Post-Kantian Idealism, Indianapolis: Hackett, 2001. [The only
available English translation of any of Maimon’s philosophical
- –––. The Autobiography of Solomon
Maimon, translated by J. Clark Murray, Urbana and Chicago:
University of Illinois Press, 2001. [An incomplete translation of
Maimon’s Lebensgeschichte.]
- –––. Solomon Maimon’s
Autobiography, translated by Paul Reitter. Edited and introduced
by Yitzhak Y. Melamed and Abraham P. Socher (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2019 [The first complete English translation of
Maimon’s autobiography]). (Scholar)
- –––.“Salomon Maimon’s ‘First
Grounds of Natural Right,’” translated by Jason Yonover
and Michael Nance. British Journal of the History of
Philosophy, 29(1) (2021). (Scholar)
- –––. Commentaires de Maïmonide,
edited and translated into French by Maurice-Ruben Hayoun, Paris:
Cerf, 1999. [A French translation of two major texts of Maimon dealing
with Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed: Maimon’s
Hebrew commentary on the first part of the Guide,
Giva’at ha-Moreh, and chapters 1–10 of the second
part of Maimon’s Lebensgeschichte.]
Unpublished Manuscripts
- Hesheq Shelomo (Solomon’s Desire), Posen
1778. Currently held by the National and University Library, Jerusalem
(MS 806426). [This 300 pages long manuscript is comprised of five
— rather independent — works. The first text —
Ma’ase Nissim — is a commentary on the homiletic
book of the medieval talmudist, Nissim of Gerondi. The second text
— Eved Avraham — is a super-commentary on Avraham
Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Pentateuch and Psalms. The third
text — Ma’ase Livnat ha-Sapir — is an
attempt to harmonize some main Kabbalistic doctrines with the
teachings of Maimonides. The fourth section — Ma’ase
Hoshev — is a 108-page algebra textbook. The fifth and last
section — Avarchecha Bahya — is a short
exposition of the biblical commentary by Bahya ben Asher ibn Halawa
(~1255–134) of Saragossa.] (Scholar)
- Ta’alumoth Hochma (Mysteries of Wisdom),
Breslau 1786. Currently held by the Bodleian Library, Oxford (MS
Mich.186) [A Hebrew treatise on Newtonian physics.] (Scholar)
Missing Manuscripts
Throughout his wanderings Maimon kept manuscripts of several works
which he never published. After his death, Maimon’s patron, Graf
Adolf Kalkreuth, gave the manuscripts to Benjamin Fraenkel from the
nearby Jewish community in Glogau. During the 19th century
Maimon’s manuscripts and letters were dispersed and held by
several prominent Jewish scholars and bibliophiles such as Abraham
Geiger, Leopold Zunz and Heimann Michael. The collection of the latter
— which included Maimon’s Ta’alumoth Hochma
— was purchased by the Bodleian library in 1848. Several other
manuscripts found different ways to the collection of the Berlin
Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums where they
were held till World War II. Before and during the war the
Hochschule’s collection was smuggled out of Germany.
The most important Maimonian MS held by the Hochschule
arrived, in the 1980s, at the National and University Library in
Jerusalem. Other manuscripts of Maimon, held before the war by various
individuals and institutions, are still missing. The authors of this
entry participate in the search after these missing manuscripts (and
letters), the most important of which are:
- The Early Commentary on Maimonides’ Guide. [A text which
Maimon wrote before his first arrival in Berlin]. (Scholar)
- Maimon’s Hebrew translation of Mendelssohn’s
Morgenstunden. (Scholar)
- Parts two and three of Giva’ath ha-Moreh. [In his
Autobiography Maimon writes that these parts were ready to
print and were supposed to be published soon thereafter. Apparently,
the publishers were not interested in the work due to its lack of
popular appeal]. (Scholar)
- A fragmentary commentary on Aristotle’s Ethics. (Scholar)
- Die Mysterien der Philosophie (“The Mysteries of
Philosophy”). [Apparently, a complete book, ready for
print.] (Scholar)
- Über Logik (“On Logic”). [Mainly remarks
on Kiesewetter’s book on logic]. (Scholar)
Selected Secondary Literature
- Atlas, Samuel, 1964. From Critical to Speculative Idealism: The Philosophy of Solomon Maimon, The Hague: Nijhoff. (Scholar)
- Baumgardt, David, 1963. “The Ethics of Salomon Maimon,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1: 199–210. (Scholar)
- Beiser, Fredrick C., 1987. The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 285–323. (Scholar)
- Bergman, Shmuel Hugo, 1967. The Philosophy of Solomon Maimon, translated from the Hebrew by Noah J. Jacobs, Jerusalem: Magnes Press. (Scholar)
- Bransen, Jan, 1991. The Antinomy of Thought: Maimonian
Skepticism and the Relation between Thoughts and Objects,
Dordrecht: Kluwer. (Scholar)
- Breazeale, Daniel, 2017. “Philosophy and the ‘Method
of Fictions’: Maimon’s Proposal and its Critics,”
European Journal of Philosophy, 26: 702–16. (Scholar)
- Buzaglo, Meir, 2002. Solomon Maimon: Monism, Skepticism and Mathematics, Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press. (Scholar)
- Chikurel, Idit, 2020. Salomon Maimon’s Theory of
Invention: Scientific Genius, Analysis and Euclidean Geometry,
Berlin: De Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Duffy, Simon, 2014. “Maimon’s Theory of Differentials
as the Elements of Intuitio,” International Journal of
Philosophical Studies, 22: 1–20. (Scholar)
- Elon, Daniel, 2021. Die Philosophie Salomon Maimons zwischen Spinoza und Kant. Akosmismus und Intellektkonzeption, Hamburg: Meiner. (Scholar)
- Engstler, Achim, 1990. Untersuchungen zum Idealismus Salomon Maimons, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Fromann-Holzboog. (Scholar)
- Franks, Paul W., 2005. All or Nothing: Systematicity, Transcendental Arguments, and Skepticism in German Idealism, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Freudenthal, Gideon (ed.), 2003. Salomon Maimon: Rational Dogmatist, Empirical Skeptic, Dordrecht: Kluwer. [A recent collection of essays on Maimon’s philosophy.] (Scholar)
- Freudenthal, Gideon, 2006. Definition and Construction.
Salomon Maimon’s Philosophy of Geometry (Preprint 317),
Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. (Scholar)
- Hoiznman, Aharon, 1962. Yalkut Divrei Aharon, Jerusalem:
Erez Press. (Scholar)
- Gueroult, Martial, 1930. La philosophie transcendentale de Salomon Maimon, Paris: Societe d’edition. (Scholar)
- Jacobs, Noah J., 1966. “Schrifttum über Salomon Maimon:
Eine Bibliographie mit Anmerkungen,” in Wolfenbütteler
Studien zur Aufklärung, 4 (Wolfenbüttel: 1977),
353–395. [A comprehensive bibliography of Maimon’s
writings and secondary literature. Originally appeared in the Hebrew
journal Kiryat Sefer, 41 (1966). For an updated bibliography
of Maimon’s works, see Freudenthal 2003, 263–272.] (Scholar)
- Kunze, Friedrich, 1912. Die Philosophie Salomon Maimons, Heidelberg: Carl Winter. (Scholar)
- Lachterman, David, 1992. “Mathematical Construction, Symbolic Cognition and the Infinite Intellect: Reflections on Maimon and Maimonides,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 30: 497–522. (Scholar)
- Look, Brandon, 2017. “Maimon and Kant on the Nature of
Mind,” in Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (eds.), Kant and
his German Contemporaries, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
94–110. (Scholar)
- Melamed, Yitzhak Y., 2004. “Salomon Maimon and the Rise of Spinozism in German Idealism,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 42: 67–96. (Scholar)
- Melamed, Yitzhak Y., 2018. “Spinozism, Acosmism and
Hassidism: A Closed Circle” in Amit Kravitz and Jörg Noller
(eds.), The Concept of Judaism in German Idealism, Suhrkapm
Verlag, 75–85. (Scholar)
- Melamed, Yitzhak Y., 2021. “Maimon’s ‘Law of
Determinability’ and the Impossibility of Shared
Attributes,” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale,
109: 49–62. (Scholar)
- Nisenbaum, Karin, 2016. “The Legacy of Salomon Maimon: Philosophy as a System Actualized in Freedom,” Journal of Philosophical Research, 41: 453–498. (Scholar)
- Pollock, Bejamin, 2020. “Practical Reason? Salomon Maimon and the Problem of Moral Representation,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 58: 727–753 (Scholar)
- Quinn, Timothy, 2018. “Salomon Maimon’s Attempt at
a New Presentation of the Principle of Morality and a New Deduction of
its Reality,” British Journal for the History of
Philosophy, 27(1): 155–182. (Scholar)
- Rosenstock, Bruce, 2014. “God…has sent me to Germany: Salomon Maimon, Friedrich Jacobi, and the Spinoza Quarrel,” Southern Journal of Philosophy, 52: 287–315. (Scholar)
- Schechter, Oded, 2003. “The Logic of Speculative Philosophy
and Skepticism in Maimon’s Philosophy: Satz der
Bestimmbarkeit and the Role of Synthesis,” in Freudenthal
2003, 18–53. (Scholar)
- Schmid, Jelscha, 2021. “Fictions of Systematicity: Maimon’s Quest for Scientific Method in Philosophy,” Philosophers’ Imprint, 21(36). [Schmid 2021 available online (Scholar)
- Socher, Abraham P., 2006. The Radical Enlihtenment of Solomon Maimon: Judaism, Heresy, and philosophy, Stanford: Stanford University Press. (Scholar)
- Thielke, Peter, 2001. “Getting Maimon’s Goad:
Discursivity, Skepticism, and Fichte’s Idealism,”
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 39(1):
101–134. (Scholar)
- Thielke, Peter, 2014. “Rationalism, Empiricism, and
Skepticism: The Curious Case of Maimon’s
Coalition-System,” in Matthew Altman (ed.), The Palgrave
Handbook of German Idealism, New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
222–242. (Scholar)
- Ware, Owen, 2019. “Freedom Immediately After Kant,” European Journal of Philosophy, 27(4): 865–881. (Scholar)
- Yonover, Jason, 2018. “Goethe, Maimon, and Spinoza’s
Third Kind of Cognition,” Goethe Yearbook, 25:
267–288. (Scholar)
- Zac, Sylvain, 1988. Salomon Maimon — Critique de Kant, Paris: Cerf. (Scholar)