Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Jacques Maritain" by William Sweet
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Primary Literature: Maritain’s Principal Works
A French-language edition of the works of Maritain is available under
the title Oeuvres complètes de Jacques et Raïssa
Maritain, 16 vols., Fribourg (Switzerland): Éditions
universitaires, 1986–2000. Volumes 14 and 15 contain the
writings of Raïssa Maritain, and Volume 16 includes previously
unpublished work. The publication of a 20 volume set, in English, of
The Collected Works of Jacques Maritain (under the general
editorship of Ralph McInerny) is currently underway under auspices of
the University of Notre Dame Press. Summaries (in Italian) of
Maritain’s major books are found in Jacques Maritain:
Dizionario delle Opere, by Piero Viotto, Rome: Città
Nuova, 2003.
Maritain’s principal works are listed below in chronological
order: (Except where indicated otherwise, place of publication is
Paris. English-language editions are noted as well.)
- 1910, “La science moderne et la raison”, Revue de
Philosophie, XVI/6 (1910), pp. 575–603. Reprinted
in Antimoderne, Éditions de la Revue des Jeunes,
1922. (Scholar)
- 1914, La Philosophie bergsonienne: études
critiques, Marcel Rivière et Cie. [Bergsonian
Philosophy and Thomism, New York: Philosophical Library,
- 1920, Art et scolastique, Librairie de l’Art
Catholique. (The 1927 edition contains “Frontières de la
poésie” and important notes.) [Art and Scholasticism
and The Frontiers of Poetry, Joseph W. Evans (trans.), New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1962.] (Scholar)
- 1920, Éléments de Philosophie I: Introduction
générale à la philosophie, Téqui.
[An Introduction to Philosophy, E. I. Watkin (trans.),
London: Sheed and Ward, 1944.]
- 1921, Théonas ou les entretiens d’un sage et deux
philosophes sur diverses matières inégalement
actuelles, First publication in the Revue Universelle,
April 1920 to April 1921, 1st edition, Nouvelle Librairie Nationale,
1921; 2nd edition, corrected, 1925. [Theonas:
Conversations of a Sage, F.J. Sheed (trans.), London: Sheed and
Ward, 1933.]
- 1922, Antimoderne, Éditions de la Revue des
- 1922, De la vie d’oraison, 1st edition privately
printed, Saint-Maurice d’Augaune; 2nd edition
revised, l’Art Catholique, 1925. [with Raïssa Maritain]
[Prayer and intelligence, New York: P. J. Kennedy,
- 1923, Éléments de philosophie II: L’ordre
des concepts, I — Petite logique (Logique formelle).
Téqui. [An Introduction to Logic, New York: Sheed and
Ward, 1937a; Formal Logic, Imelda Choquette (trans.), New
York: Sheed and Ward, 1937b.] (Scholar)
- 1924, Réflexions sur l’intelligence
et sur sa vie propre, Bibliothèque français de
philosophie, Nouvelle Librairie Nationale; Desclée, 1938.
- 1925, Trois Réformateurs: Luther, Descartes,
Rousseau, Librairie Plon. [Three Reformers: Luther,
Descartes, Rousseau, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
- 1926, Georges Rouault, peintre et lithographe,
Éditions Polyglotte, Frapier. [Georges Rouault, New
York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., in association with Pocket Books, Inc.,
- 1926, Reponse à Jean Cocteau, Librairie Stock.
[Art and Faith: Letters between Jacques Maritain and Jean
Cocteau, New York: Philosophical Library, 1948.]
- 1926, Une opinion sur Charles Maurras et le devoir des
catholiques, Plon.
- 1927, Primauté du spirituel, Plon. [The Things
That Are Not Caesar’s, J.F. Scanlan (trans.), New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1930.]
- 1927, Quelques pages sur Léon Bloy. Cahiers de la
Quinzaine, 10e de la 18 serie, á l’Action du
Livre. (Scholar)
- 1929, Clairvoyance de Rome par les auteurs du ‘Pourquoi
Rome a parlé’. (J. Maritain et D. Lallement),
Éditions Spes. (Scholar)
- 1930, Le Docteur angélique, Desclée de
Brouwer. [St. Thomas Aquinas: Angels of the Schools, J.F.
Scanlan (trans.), London: Sheed and Ward, 1931; Translation revised by
Peter O’ Reilly and Joseph W. Evans, New York: Meridian Books,
1958.] (Scholar)
- 1930, Religion et culture. dition originale: premier
numéro de la collection des questions disputées,
Desclée de Brouwer. 2nd edition, with a preface,
1946. [Religion and Culture, London: Sheed and Ward,
1931.] (Scholar)
- 1932, Distinguer pour unir; ou, les degrés du
savoir, Desclée de Brouwer. Eighth edition, 1963.
[Distinguish to Unite: or, The Degrees of Knowledge,
Translated under the supervision of G.B. Phelan. New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1959.] (Scholar)
- 1932, Le songe de Descartes, Correa. [The Dream of
Descartes, Mabelle L. Andison (trans.), New York: Philosophical
Library, 1944.]
- 1933, Du regime temporel et de la liberté,
Desclée de Brouwer. [Freedom in the modern world,
Richard O’Sullivan (trans.), London: Sheed & Ward,
1935.] (Scholar)
- 1933, De la philosophie chrétienne,
[“Questions disputées”, Vol. IX], Desclée de
Brouwer. [An Essay on Christian Philosophy, Edward H.
Flannery (trans.), New York, Philosophical Library, 1955.] (Scholar)
- 1934, Sept leçons sur l’être et les
premiers principes de la raison spéculative, Téqui.
[A Preface to Metaphysics: Seven Lectures on Being, New York
and London: Sheed and Ward, 1939.]
- 1935, Frontières de la poésie, Louis Rouart
et fils. [Art and Poetry, E. de P. Matthews (trans.), New
York: Philosophical Library, 1943.]
- 1935, Science et sagesse, suivi
d’éclaircissements sur ses frontières et son
objet, “Cours et documents de Philosophie”,
Téqui. [Science and Wisdom, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1940.]
- 1935, Lettre sur l’indépendance,
Desclée de Brouwer.
- 1935, La philosophie de la nature, essai critique sur ses
frontières et son objet, Téqui. [Philosophy of
Nature, Imelda C. Byrne (trans.), New York: Philosophical
Library, 1951]
- 1936, Humanisme intégral: problemes temporels et
spirituals d’une nouvelle chrétienté, Fernand
Aubier. Two translations: True humanism, M.R. Adamson
(trans.), London: Bles, 1938; Integral Humanism: Temporal and
Spiritual Problems of a New Christendom, Joseph W. Evans
(trans.), New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1968.]
- 1938, Situation de la poésie, Desclée de
Brouwer. [with Raïssa Maritain] [The Situation of
Poetry, Marshall Suther (trans.), New York: Philosophical
Library, 1955.]
- 1938, Les Juifs parmi les nations, Éditions du
Cerf. [A Christian Look at the Jewish Question, New York:
Longmans, Green, 1939.]
- 1938, Questions de conscience, [“Questions
disputées”, Vol. XXI] 2nd edition. Desclée de
Brouwer. (Scholar)
- 1939, Quatre essais sur l’esprit dans sa condition
charnelle, Bibliothèque français de philosophie,
Desclée de Brouwer. Nouvelle Édition revue, Alsatia,
- 1939, Antisemitism, London, G. Bles.
- 1940, De la justice politique, notes sur la presente
guerre, Collection “Presences”, Plon. (Scholar)
- 1940, Scholasticism and Politics, New York: The Macmillan
Company. [with Mortimer Jerome Adler]
- 1941, A travers le désastre, New York:
Éditions de la Maison française. [France, My
Country, Through the Disaster, New York: Longmans, Green,
- 1941, La pensée de Saint Paul, textes choisis et
présentés, New York: Éditions de la Maison
française. [The Living Thoughts of Saint Paul, Harry
Lorin Binsse (trans.), New York: Longmans, Green, 1941.]
- 1941, Ransoming the Time, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, Harry Lorin Binsse (trans.) [A translation of
essays written in French, but not collected in a single volume.] (Scholar)
- 1941, Confession de foi, New York: Éditions de la
Maison française. [French translation of an essay published in
I Believe, Clifton Fadiman (ed.), London: Allen and Unwin,
- 1941, Le Crépuscule de la civilisation,
Montréal: Éditions de l’Arbre. [The Twilight
of Civilization, London: Sheed and Ward, 1946.] (Scholar)
- 1941, “The immortality of man”, The Review of
Politics, 3(4): 411. Reprinted in Man’s destiny in
eternity, Boston: Beacon Press, chapter 2, 1949.
doi:10.1017/s0034670500002023 (Scholar)
- 1942, Les droits de l’homme et la loi naturelle,
New York: Éditions de la Maison française. [The
Rights of Man and Natural Law, Doris C. Anson (trans.), New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1943.]
- 1942, Saint Thomas and the problem of evil, Mrs. Gordon
Andison [Mabelle L. Andison] (trans.), Milwaukee: Marquette University
- 1943, Christianisme et Démocratie, New York:
Éditions de la Maison française. [Christianity and
Democracy, . Doris C. Anson (trans.), New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1944.]
- 1943, Sort de l’homme, Neuchâtel:
Éditions de La Baconnière.
- 1943, Education at the Crossroads, New Haven: Yale
University Press. [L’éducation à la
croisée des chemins, Egloff, 1947; republished, with
additional material, as Pour une philosophie de
l’education, Arthème Fayard, 1959. Nouvelle
édition, 1969.]
- 1944, Principes d’une politique humaniste, New
York: Éditions de la maison française.
- 1944, De Bergson à Thomas d’Aquin, essais de
métaphysique et de morale, New York: Éditions de la
Maison française. Hartmann, 1947. (Scholar)
- 1945, A travers la victoire, Hartmann.
- 1945, Messages 1941–1944, New York: Éditions
de la Maison française; Hartmann.
- 1945, Pour la justice, New York: Éditions de la
Maison française.
- 1947, Court traité de l’existence et de
l’existant, Hartmann. [Existence and the Existent,
Lewis Galantière and Gerald B. Phelan (trans.), New York:
Pantheon Books, 1948.]
- 1947, La personne et le bien commun, Desclée de
Brouwer. [The Person and the Common Good, John J. Fitzgerald
(trans.), New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1947.]
- 1948, Art and faith, New York, Philosophical Library.
[see Réponse a Jean Cocteau, 1933.]
- 1948, Raison et raisons, essais détachés,
Egloff. [The Range of Reason, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1952.]
- 1949, La signification de l’athéisme
contemporain, Collection “Courier de Iles”,
Desclée de Brouwer.
- 1949, Etienne Gilson, philosophe de la
chrétienté, Cerf.
- 1951, Man and the State, Chicago: University of Chicago
Press. [L’Homme et L’État, Translated into
French by Robert and France Duval, Presses Universitaires de France,
1953.] (Scholar)
- 1951, Lettres inédites sur l’inquiétude
moderne, Éditions universelles. [with René
- 1951, Neuf leçons sur les notions premières de
la philosophie morale, “Cours et documents de
philosophie”, Téqui. [An Introduction to Basic
Problems of Moral Philosophy, Albany, N.Y.: Magi Books,
1990.] (Scholar)
- 1953, Approches de Dieu, Collection “Sagesse et
cultures”, Alsatia; in Oeuvres complètes de Jacques
et Raïssa Maritain, Vol. X, Fribourg: Editions
Universitaires; Paris: Editions Saint-Paul, 1985); [Approaches to
God, Peter O’Reilly (trans.), New York: Harper and
Brothers, 1954.] (Scholar)
- 1953, Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry, New York:
Pantheon Books. [L’Intuition créatrice dans
l’art et dans la poésie, Desclée de Brouwer,
1966.] (Scholar)
- 1957, On the Philosophy of History, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons. [Pour une philosophie de
l’histoire, Mgr Charles Journet (trans.), Éditions
du Seuil, 1959.] (Scholar)
- 1958, Reflections on America, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons. [Réflexions sur
l’Amérique, Fayard, 1959.] (Scholar)
- 1959, Pour une philosophie de l’éducation,
- 1960, Liturgy and contemplation, London: G. Chapman.
[with Raïssa Maritain]
- 1960, The Responsibility of the Artist, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons. [La responsabilité de
l’artiste, Georges and Christianne Brazzola (trans.),
Fayard, 1961.] (Scholar)
- 1960, Le philosophe dans la cité, Alsatia.
- 1960, La philosophie morale. I. Examen historique et critique
des grands systemes, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de
Idées. [Moral Philosophy, Joseph W. Evans (ed.),
London: G. Bles, 1964.]
- 1961, On the use of philosophy; three essays, Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press.
- 1963, Dieu et la permission du mal, Desclée de
Brouwer. [God and the Permission of Evil, Milwaukee: The
Bruce Publishing Co., 1966.]
- 1965, Carnet de notes, Desclée de Brouwer.
[Notebooks, Joseph W. Evans (trans.), Albany: Magi Books/
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1984.]
- 1965, Le mystère d’Israël et autres
essais, Desclée de Brouwer. (Scholar)
- 1967, The Education of Man, Donald and Idella Gallagher
(eds), New York: Doubleday and Co.
- 1967, Le paysan de la Garonne: Une vieux laïc
s’interroge à propos du temps présent,
Desclée de Brouwer. [The Peasant of the Garonne: An Old
Layman Questions Himself about the Present Time, Micheal Cuddihy
and Elizabeth Hughes (trans.), New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,
- 1967, De la grâce et de l’humanité de
Jésus, Bruges: Desclée de Brouwer. [On the
Grace and Humanity of Jesus, Joseph W. Evans (trans.), New York:
Herder and Herder, 1969.]
- 1970, De l’église du Christ, la personne de
l’Église et son personnel, Desclée de
Brouwer. [On the Church of Christ: The Person of the Church and
Her Personnel, Joseph W. Evans (trans.), Notre Dame, IN:
University of Notre Dame Press, 1973.] (Scholar)
- 1973, Approches sans entraves, Librairie Arthème
- 1973, Jacques Maritain, Emmanuel Mounier (1929–1939):
[Correspondance], Desclée de Brouwer. (Scholar)
- 1979, Une grande amitié: correspondance,
1926–1972 / Julien Green et Jacques Maritain,
Présentée et annotée par Jean-Pierre Piriou.
Précédée de Jacques Maritain vivant de
Julien Green. Plon. [The story of two souls: the correspondence of
Jacques Maritain and Julien Green, Henry Bars and Eric Jourdan
(eds), translated with an introduction and revised notes by Bernard
Doering, New York: Fordham University Press, 1988.] (Scholar)
- 1986, La loi naturelle ou loi non écrite: texte
inédit, établi par Georges Brazzola, Fribourg,
Suisse: Éditions universitaires. [Lectures on Natural
Law, William Sweet (trans.), in The Collected Works of
Jacques Maritain, vol. 6, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre
Dame Press, (forthcoming).]
- 1992, Exiles and fugitives: the letters of Jacques and
Raïssa Maritain, Allen Tate, and Caroline Gordon, John M.
Dunaway (ed.), Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
- 1993, L’Europe et l’idée
fédérale: textes publiés par le Cercle
d’études Jacques et Raïssa Maritain. Mame. (Scholar)
- 2001, Natural Law: reflections on theory and practice
(edited with Introductions and notes, by William Sweet), South Bend,
IN: St Augustine’s Press [distributed by University of Chicago
Press]; Second printing, corrected, 2003.
Secondary Literature
Though now dated, the most comprehensive list of studies of
Maritain’s work is found in Jean-Louis Allard and Pierre
Germain, Répertoire bibliographique sur la vie et
l’oeuvre de Jacques et Raïssa Maritain, Ottawa, 1994,
232 p.
- Acevedo, Alma, 2012, “Personalist Business Ethics and Humanistic Management: Insights from Jacques Maritain”, Journal of Business Ethics, 105(2): 197–219. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-0959-x (Scholar)
- Allard, Jean-Louis, 1978, L’éducation à la
liberté ou la philosophie de l’éducation de
Jacques Maritain, Ottawa: Éditions de
l’Université d’Ottawa.
- –––, 1982, Education for Freedom: The
Philosophy of Education of Jacques Maritain, Notre Dame, IN:
University of Notre Dame Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1985, Jacques Maritain, Philosophe dans
la cité/ A Philosopher in the World, Ottawa: University of
Ottawa Press. (Scholar)
- American Maritain Association, 1981, Selected Papers from the
Conference-Seminar on Jacques Maritain’s The Degrees of
Knowledge, St. Louis, MO: American Maritain Association. (Scholar)
- Armour, Leslie, 2005, “Escaping Determinate Being: The Political Metaphysics of Jacques Maritain and Charles de Koninck”, Études Maritainiennes—Maritain Studies, 21: 61–96. (Scholar)
- Arraj, James, 2006, “Maritain’s Lost Sequel to The
Degrees of Knowledge and the Future of Thomism”,
Gregorianum, 87(3): 544–556. (Scholar)
- Barré, Jean-Luc, 1996 [2005], Jacques et Raïssa
Maritain, les Mendiants du Ciel, Paris: Stock. English
translation: Jacques & Raïssa Maritain: Beggars for
Heaven, Bernard E. Doering (trans.), Notre Dame: University of
Notre Dame Press, 2005. (Scholar)
- Barreira, Marcelo Martins, 2008, “A função do Entendimento e da Vontade na Contemplação Mística: Sobre o paralelismo entre João da Cruz e Tomás de Aquino”, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 64(1): 545–557. (Scholar)
- Bars, Henry, 1959, Maritain en notre temps, Paris: Bernard Grasset. (Scholar)
- Bellusci, David, 2013, “Jacques Maritain and Poetic Intuition”, Maritain Studies / Etudes maritainiennes, 29: 40–52. (Scholar)
- Boas, George, 1952, “Review of The Philosophy of Nature”, The Journal of Philosophy, 49(7): 247–252. doi:10.2307/2021495 (Scholar)
- Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, St., 1259 [1938, 2002], Itinerarium
Mentis in Deum [Tria opuscula Seraphici Doctoris
S. Bonaventurae. Breviloquium, Itinerarium mentis in Deum, et De
reductione artium ad theologiam, The Fathers of the Collegii
S. Bonaventura (eds.), Florence: Quaracchi, 1938; Journey of the
Soul into God, Zachary Hayes, OFM, and Philotheus Boehner, OFM
(trans.), St. Bonaventure, NY, Franciscan Institute Publications,
2002. (Scholar)
- Caldera, Rafael-Tomás, 1980, Le jugement par
inclination chez Saint Thomas d’Aquin, Paris: Vrin. (Scholar)
- Callaghan, Morley, 1963, That Summer in Paris; Memories of
Tangled Friendships with Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Some Others,
New York,: Coward-McCann. Toronto: Exile Editions, 2006. (Scholar)
- Campana, Gilberto, 2002, “Un testo di Maritain su
Spinoza”, Aquinas, 45(1): 105–133. (Scholar)
- Carlson, John W., 2012, Understanding Our Being,
Washington: Catholic University of America Press. (Scholar)
- Chenaux, Philippe, 1999, Entre Maurras et Maritain, Une
génération intellectuelle catholique
(1920–1930), Paris: Cerf. (Scholar)
- Chenet, François, 2012, “Métaphysique et
poésie: une admirable concordia discors?”,
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger,
202(1): 15–28.
- Clark, Meghan J., 2012, “Reasoned Agreement versus Practical Reasonableness: Grounding Human Rights in Maritain and Rawls”, Heythrop Journal, 53(4): 637–648. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2265.2009.00557.x (Scholar)
- Contat, Alain, 2008, “Le figure della differenza ontologica
nel tomismo del Novecento (seconda parte)”, Alpha Omega:
Rivista di Filosofia e Teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina
Apostolorum , 11(2): 213–250. (Scholar)
- Compagnon, Olivier, 2003, Jacques Maritain et
l’Amérique du Sud. Le modèle malgré
lui, Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses universitaires du
Septentrion. (Scholar)
- Coulter, Gregory J., 2012, “Maritain on tolerance and
religion”, Science et esprit, 64(2):
217–227. (Scholar)
- Croteau, Jacques, 1950, Les fondements thomistes du
personnalisme de Maritain, Ottawa: Éditions de
l’Université d’Ottawa. (Scholar)
- D’Souza, Mario, 2000, “Intellectual Unity, Intellectual Virtues, and Intellectual Culture”, Études Maritainiennes—Maritain Studies, 16: 59–70. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “The Person, Natural Law, and
the Good of Pluralist Societies: Some Thoughts from Maritain’s
Political Philosophy”, Maritain Studies / Etudes
maritainiennes, 24: 3–18. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “Being, Becoming, and the Philosophical Transformation of the Self”, Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions, 7: 51–61. (Scholar)
- Daly, Mary F., 1966, Natural Knowledge of God in the
Philosophy of Jacques Maritain, Rome: Officium Libri
Catholici-Catholic Book Agency. (Scholar)
- Daujat, Jean, 1978, Maritain: Un maître pour notre temps, Paris: Téqui. (Scholar)
- De Tavernier, Johan, 2009, “The Historical Roots of Personalism: From Renouvier’s Le Personnalisme, Mounier’s Manifeste au service du personnalisme and Maritain’s Humanisme intégral to Janssens’ Personne et Société”, Ethical Perspectives: Journal of the European Ethics Network, 16(3): 361–392. (Scholar)
- Deely, John, 1997, “Quid Sit Postmodernismus?”,, in
Postmodernism and Christian Philosophy, Roman T. Ciapalo
(ed.), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press/American
Maritain Association, pp. 68–96. (Scholar)
- Delfino, Robert A., 2002, “Mystical Theology in Aquinas and
Maritain” in Ollivant 2002: 253–268.
[Delfino 2002 available online (pdf)] (Scholar)
- Dennehy, Raymond 2003, “Maritain’s Reply to
Gilson’s Rejection of Critical Realism”, in A
Thomistic Tapestry: Essays in Memory of Etienne Gilson, Peter A.
Redpath (ed.), New York: Rodopi, pp. 57–80. (Scholar)
- Dewan, Lawrence, 2009, “St. Thomas and the Perennial Need for Renewal in Metaphysics”, Science et esprit, 61(1): 5–17. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “The Foundations of Human
Rights”, Science et esprit, 62(2–3):
227–236. (Scholar)
- DiJoseph, John, 1996, Jacques Maritain and the Moral
Foundation of Democracy, Lanham, MD: Rowman &
Littlefield. (Scholar)
- Doering, Bernard, 1983, Jacques Maritain and the French
Catholic Intellectuals, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame
Press. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 1994, The Philosopher and the
Provocateur: The Correspondence of Jacques Maritain and Saul
Alinsky, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. (Scholar)
- Dougherty, Jude P., 2003, Jacques Maritain: An Intellectual
Profile, Washington DC, Catholic University of America
Press. (Scholar)
- Doyle, Dominic, 2009, “Retrieving the Hope of Christian Humanism: A Thomistic Reflection on Charles Taylor and Nicholas Boyle”, Gregorianum, 90(4): 699–722. (Scholar)
- Dunaway, John M., 1978, Jacques Maritain, Boston: Twayne Publishers. (Scholar)
- Eco, Umberto, 1961, Storiografia Medievale ed Estetica Teorica
Appunti Metodologici su Jacques Maritain, Turin: Edizioni di
“Filosofia”. (Scholar)
- Evans, Joseph W. (ed.), 1963, Jacques Maritain: The Man and
His Achievement, New York: Sheed and Ward. (Scholar)
- –––, 1973, “Jacques Maritain
(1882–1973): A Biographical Memoir”, Proceedings of
the National Academy of Education, 5: 92–127. (Scholar)
- Fallon, Robert, 2002, “Composing Subjectivity:
Maritain’s Poetic Knowledge in Stravinsky and Messiaen”,
in Ollivant 2002: 284–302.
[Fallon 2002 available online (pdf)] (Scholar)
- Fecher, Charles A., 1953, The Philosophy of Jacques Maritain, Westminster, MD: Newman Press. (Scholar)
- FitzGerald, Desmond J. “Maritain and Gilson on
Painting”, in Beauty, Art, and the Polis, Alice Ramos
(ed.), Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2000, pp.
190–199. (Scholar)
- Floucat, Yves, 1983, Pour une philosophie chrétienne:
éléments d’un débat fondamental,
Paris: Téqui. (Scholar)
- –––, 1996, Jacques Maritain ou la
fidélité à l’éternel, Paris:
FAC Editions. (Scholar)
- Fornasier, Roberto, 2010, Jacques Maritain ambasciatore. La
Francia, la Santa Sede e i problemi del dopoguerra, Roma:
Edizioni Studium. (Scholar)
- Gallagher, Donald and Idella Gallager, 1962, The Achievement
of Jacques and Raissa Maritain: A Bibliography, New York:
Doubleday and Co.. (Scholar)
- Goedert, Georges, 2010, “Die Idee einer politischen Welteinheit: ein philosophisches Projekt von Jacques Maritain”, Perspektiven der Philosophie, Neues Jahrbuch, 36: 277–304. (Scholar)
- Gwozdz, Thomas L., 2010, “Young and Restless: Jacques Maritain and Henri Bergson”, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 84(3): 549–564. doi:10.5840/acpq201084336 (Scholar)
- Hubert, Bernard and Yves Floucat (eds), 1991, Jacques Maritain
et ses contemporains, Paris: Desclée. (Scholar)
- Hudson, Deal W. and Matthew J. Mancini (eds), 1987, Understanding Maritain: Philosopher and Friend, Macon, GA: Mercer University Press. (Scholar)
- Institut International Jacques Maritain, 1984, Droits des
peuples, Droits de l’homme, Paris: Éditions du
Centurion. (Scholar)
- Jimenez Berguecio, Julio, S.J., 1948, La ortodoxia de Jacques
Maritain, ante un ataque recente, Talca, Chile: Libreria
Cervantes. (Scholar)
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journals as
Études Maritainiennes—Maritain Studies,
Cahiers Jacques et Raïssa Maritain, and Notes et
documents: pour une recherche personnaliste.