Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Medieval Mereology" by Andrew Arlig
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Ancient and Medieval Texts Cited
- Albertus Magnus, Commentarii in librum Boethii de
Divisione, P. M. von Loe (ed.), Bonn: P. Hanstein, 1913.
- Albert of Saxony, Sophismata, Paris: George Vuolf,
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- Aquinas, Opera Omnia. Iussu impensaque LeonisXIII, P.M.
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- –––, Dialectica, 2nd ed., L.
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- Peter of Spain, Tractatus [= Summule Logicales],
L. M. de Rijk (ed.), Assen: Van Gorcum and Company, 1972. For a
slightly revised Latin text with English translation see Peter of
Spain 2014. (Scholar)
- –––, Summaries of Logic, B. P.
Copenhaver with C. Normore and T. Parsons (trans.), Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2014.
- Porphyry, Isagoge, A. Busse (ed.), Commentaria in
Aristotelem Graeca, no. 4, pt. 1, Berlin: George Reimer, 1887.
- Pseudo-Joscelin, De generibus et speciebus, P. King (ed.
and trans.), Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 2 (2014):
- Quaestiones super Sophisticos Elenchos, S. Ebbesen (ed.),
Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi 7, Hauniae: Librarium G. E.
C. Gad, 1977.
- Radulphus Brito, Quaestiones super libro Topicorum, N. J.
Green-Pedersen (ed.), Cahiers du l’Institut du Moyen-age
Grec et Latin 26 (1978): 1–92. (Scholar)
- Siger of Brabant (?), Questions sur la physique
d’Aristote, P. Delhaye (ed.), Les Philosophes Belges:
Textes et Etudes 15, Louvain: Editions de l’Institut Superieur
de Philosophie, 1941. (Scholar)
- Walter Burley, De toto et parte, H. Shapiro and F. Scott
(eds.), Archives d’Histoire doctrinale et Litteraire du
Moyen Age, 33 (1966): 299–303. (Scholar)
- William of Ockham, Opera Philosophica, 7 vols., St.
Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 1974–88.
- William of Sherwood, Syncategoremata, R. O’Donnell
(ed.), Mediaeval Studies, 3 (1941): 46–93. (Scholar)
Select Secondary Sources
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- Arlig, A., 2005, A Study in Early Medieval Mereology:
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- –––, 2007, “Abelard’s Assault on
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- –––, 2011c, “Mereology”, in Springer Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, H. Lagerlund (ed.), 763–71, Dordrecht: Springer. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Parts, Wholes and Identity”, in The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy, J. Marenbon (ed.), 445–67, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Some Twelfth-Century Reflections on Mereological Essentialism”, Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 1: 83–112. (Scholar)
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