Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Miracles" by Timothy McGrew and Robert Larmer
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- Ahmed, Arif, 2015, “Hume and the Independent Witnesses,” Mind, 124: 1013–1044. (Scholar)
- Aquinas, St. Thomas, Summa Contra Gentiles
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- Allison, Dale, 1985, The End of the Ages Has Come: An Early
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- Babbage, Charles, 1837, The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise,
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- Basinger, David, 2018, Miracles, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Basinger, David, and Basinger, Randall, 1986, Philosophy and Miracle: The Contemporary Debate, Lewiston, ID: Edwin Mellen Press. (Scholar)
- Beard, John Relly, 1845, Voices of the Church, London:
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- Bradley, Francis Herbert, 1874, “The Presuppositions of
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- Brown, Colin, 1984, Miracles and the Critical Mind, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. (Scholar)
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- Butler, Joseph, 1736, The Analogy of Religion, Hartford: Samuel G. Goodrich, 1819. (Scholar)
- Campbell, George, 1762, A Dissertation on Miracles,
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- Chryssides, George, 1977, “Miracles and Agents,” Religious Studies, 13: 319–327. (Scholar)
- Clarke, Samuel, 1719, A Discourse Concerning the Being and
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- Coleman, Dorothy P., 1988, “Hume, Miracles and Lotteries,” Hume Studies, 14: 328–346. (Scholar)
- Cooper, Thomas, 1876, The Verity and Value of the Miracles of
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- Dawes, Gregory, 2001, The Historical Jesus Question,
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- Farmer, Hugh, 1771, A Dissertation on Miracles, London:
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- Flew, Antony, 1961, Hume’s Philosophy of Belief,
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- –––, 1967, “Miracles,” Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Volume 5), New York: Macmillan and Free Press, pp. 346–353. (Scholar)
- Fogelin, Robert, 2003, A Defense of Hume on Miracles, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Garrett, Don, 2002, “Hume on Testimony Concerning Miracles,” in Peter Millican (ed.), Reading Hume on Human Understanding: Essays on the First Enquiry, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 301–334. (Scholar)
- George, Alexander, 2016, The Everlasting Check: Hume on Miracles, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Greenleaf, Simon, 1847, An Examination of the Testimony of the
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- Habermas, Gary, 1996, The Historical Jesus, Joplin:
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- Habermas, Gary, 2024, On the Resurrection (Volume 1:
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- Hájek, Alan, 1995, “In Defense of Hume’s
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- –––, 2008, “Are Miracles Chimerical?” In Jonathan Kvanvig, ed., Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion (Volume 1), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 82–104. (Scholar)
- Helm, Paul, 1991, “The Miraculous,” in Science and
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- Hesse, Mary, 1965, “Miracles and the Laws of Nature,”
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- Holder, Rodney, 1998, “Hume on Miracles: Bayesian Interpretation, Multiple Testimony, and the Existence of God,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 49: 49–65. (Scholar)
- Houston, Joseph, 1994, Reported Miracles: A Critique of Hume, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Hudson, Charles, 1857, Doubts Concerning the Battle of
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- Hume, David, 1748 et seq., An Enquiry Concerning
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- Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1894, Hume: with Helps to the Study of Berkeley, London: Macmillan and Co. (Scholar)
- Jenkin, Robert, 1708, The Reasonableness and Certainty of the
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- Johnson, David A., 1999, Hume, Holism, and Miracles, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
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- Joyce, George Hayward, 1914, The Question of Miracles,
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- Keener, Craig, 2011, Miracles: The Credibility of the New
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- Koperski, Jeffrey, 2020, Divine Action, Determinism, and the Laws of Nature, New York: Routledge, 2020. (Scholar)
- Kruskal, William, 1988, “Miracles and Statistics: the Casual
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Statistical Association, 83: 929–940. (Scholar)
- Langtry, Bruce, 1985, “Miracles and Principles of Relative Likelihood,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 18: 123–131. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990, “Hume, Probability, Lotteries and Miracles,” Hume Studies, 16: 67–74. (Scholar)
- Larmer, Robert, 1988, Water Into Wine? An Investigation of the Concept of Miracle, Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “Miracles and Overall: An Apology for Atheism?” Dialogue, 43: 555–568. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, The Legitimacy of Miracle, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. (Scholar)
- –––, 2022, “Locke’s Miracle
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- Leland, John, 1755, A View of the Principal Deistical
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- Leslie, Charles, 1697, A Short and Easy Method with the
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- Less, Gottfried, 1773, Wahrheit der christlichen
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- Levine, Michael, 1989, Hume and the Problem of Miracles: A Solution, Dordrecht: Kluwer Publishers. (Scholar)
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- Lewis, C. S., 1947, Miracles, New York: Macmillan. (Scholar)
- Lias, John James, 1883, Are Miracles Credible?, London:
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- Locke, John, 1706, A Discourse of Miracles, In Ian T.
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- Mackie, J. L., 1982, The Miracle of Theism, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- McGrew, Timothy, 2005, “Review of Robert Fogelin, A
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- McGrew, Timothy & Lydia, 2009, “The Argument from Miracles,” in William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland, eds., The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology, New York: Blackwell, pp. 593–662. (Scholar)
- Millican, Peter, 2002, Reading Hume on Human
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- Montgomery, John Warwick, 1978, “Science, Theology, and the
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- Morgan, Thomas, 1739, The Moral Philosopher (Volume 2),
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- Mozely, James Bowling, 1865, Eight Lectures on Miracles,
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- Owen, David, 1987, “Hume versus Price on Miracles and Prior Probabilities: Testimony and the Bayesian Calculation,” Philosophical Quarterly, 37: 187–202. (Scholar)
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