Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Molecular Biology" by Tudor Baetu, Monika Piotrowska and James Tabery
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- Bechtel, William and Adele Abrahamsen, 2005, “Explanation: A Mechanistic Alternative”, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biology and the Biomedical Sciences, 36: 421–441. (Scholar)
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- Bechtel, William and Andrew Bollhagen, 2021, “Active Biological Mechanisms: Transforming Energy into Motion in Molecular Motors”, Synthese, 199(5–6): 12705–12729. (Scholar)
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- Boem, Federico, Emanuele Ratti, Mattia Andreoletti, and Giovanni
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Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 57:
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- Bogen, James, 2005, “Regularities and Causality; Generalizations and Causal Explanations”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 36: 397–420. (Scholar)
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- Bolinska, Agnes, 2022, “A Monist Proposal: Against Integrative Pluralism About Protein Structure”, Erkenntnis, first online 11 August 2022. doi:10.1007/s10670-022-00601-2 (Scholar)
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- Boniolo, Giovanni and Raffaella Campaner, 2018, “Molecular pathways and the contextual explanation of molecular functions”, Biology and Philosophy, 33: 24. (Scholar)
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- Braillard, Pierre-Alain, 2010, “Systems Biology and the Mechanistic Framework”, History and Philosophy of Life Sciences, 32: 43–62. (Scholar)
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- Brigandt, Ingo, 2013, “Systems Biology and the Integration of Mechanistic Explanation and Mathematical Explanation”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 44(4): 477–92. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018, “Explanation of Molecular Processes without Tracking Mechanism Operation”, Philosophy of Science 85: 984–997. (Scholar)
- Brigandt, Ingo, Sara Green and Maureen O’Malley, 2017,
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- Brock, Thomas D., 1990, The Emergence of Bacterial Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. (Scholar)
- Brown, Andrew, 2003, In the Beginning Was the Worm: Finding
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- Burian, Richard M., 1993a, “Technique, Task Definition, and the Transition from Genetics to Molecular Genetics: Aspects of the Work on Protein Synthesis in the Laboratories of J. Monod and P. Zamecnik”, Journal of the History of Biology, 26: 387–407. (Note: This issue has a Special Section: Building Molecular Biology.) (Scholar)
- –––, 1993b, “How the Choice of Experimental Organism Matters: Epistemological Reflections on an Aspect of Biological Practice”, Journal of the History of Biology, 26: 351–367. (Scholar)
- Cairns, John, Gunther S. Stent; and James D. Watson (eds.), 1966, Phage and the Origins of Molecular Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. (Scholar)
- Calcott, Brett, 2009, “Lineage Explanations: Explaining How Biological Mechanisms Change”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 60: 51–78. (Scholar)
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- –––, 2002, “Strategies for Discovering Mechanisms: Schema Instantiation, Modular Subassembly, Forward/Backward Chaining”, Philosophy of Science, 69 (Supplement): S354–S365. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005, “Relations Among Fields: Mendelian, Cytological and Molecular Mechanisms”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 36: 349–371. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006a, Reasoning in Biological Discoveries: Essays on Mechanisms, Interfield Relations, and Anomaly Resolution, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
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