Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Peter John Olivi" by Robert Pasnau and Juhana Toivanen
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Primary Sources
A comprehensive list of critical editions of Olivi’s works has
been published in König-Pralong, Ribordy, and Suarez-Nani (eds.),
2010, 463–71. The list below contains works cited in the present
entry, as well as a selection of his philosophically most important
- “De perlegendis philosophorum libris,” ed. F. Delorme,
Antonianum 16 (1941): 37–44. (Scholar)
- “Epistola ad fratrem R.,” ed. S. Piron et al.,
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 91 (1998): 33–64.
[Correspondence related to the 1283 condemnation.] (Scholar)
- “Impugnatio quorundam articulorum Arnaldi Galliardi, art.
19,” ed. S. Piron, in Pierre de Jean Olivi—Philosophe
et théologien (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010),
453–62. (Scholar)
- Lectura super Apocalypsim, ed. W. Lewis (St. Bonaventure:
Franciscan Institute, 2016).
- Lectura super Proverbia et Lectura super Ecclesiasten,
ed. J. Schlageter (Grottaferrata: Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae,
- Peter of John Olivi on Genesis, ed. D. Flood (St.
Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 2007). [Latin edition.]
- Peter of John Olivi on the Acts of the Apostles, ed. D.
Flood (St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 2001). [Latin
- Peter of John Olivi on the Bible, ed. D. Flood & G.
Gál (St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 1997). [Latin
- “Petri Iohannis Olivi Tractatus de verbo,” ed. R.
Pasnau, Franciscan Studies (Essays in Honor of Fr. Gedeon
Gál) 53 (1993) 121–53. [Excerpt from the Commentary
on the Gospel of John. Published in 1997.] (Scholar)
- Quaestio de usu paupere and Tractatus de usu paupere, ed.
D. Burr (Florence: Olschki, 1992). [Olivi’s strict and therefore
controversial views on how to understand the Franciscan vow of
- Quaestiones de incarnatione et redemptione. Quaestiones de
virtutibus, ed. A. Emmen and E. Stadter (Grottaferrata: Editiones
Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1981). [Latin edition of Summa Bk.
III.] (Scholar)
- Quaestiones de novissimis ex Summa super IV sententiarum,
ed. P. Maranesi (Grottaferrata: Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae,
2004). [Latin edition of some questions from Summa Bk.
IV.] (Scholar)
- Quaestiones de perfectione evangelica q. 8: “An
status altissimae paupertatis sit simpliciter melior omni statu
divitiarum,” ed. J. Schlageter, Das Heil der Armen und das
Verderben der Reichen: Petrus Johannis Olivi OFM: Die Frage nach der
höchsten Armut, 73–210 (Werl: Dietrich-Coelde, 1989).
[= QPE] (Scholar)
- Quaestiones in primum librum Sententiarum, in
Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum (Volume 3,
Appendix), ed. B. Jansen (Quaracchi: Collegium S. Bonaventurae, 1926).
[= Summa I] (Scholar)
- Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum (Bibliotheca
Franciscana Scholastica 4–6), ed. B. Jansen (Quaracchi:
Collegium S. Bonaventurae, 1922–26). [= Summa II]
[Latin edition of Summa Bk. II. Includes selected questions
from Bk. I.] (Scholar)
- Quaestiones logicales, ed. S. Brown, Traditio 42
(1986) 335–88.
- Quid ponat ius vel dominium, ed. F. Delorme and S. Piron,
Oliviana 5 (2016),
available online
[= Summa IV q. 1] (Scholar)
- Quodlibeta quinque, ed. S. Defraia (Grottaferrata:
Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas, 2002).
- Tractatus de contractibus, in Pierre de Jean Olivi,
Traité des contrats, ed. & trans. S. Piron.
Bibliothèque scolastique 5 (Paris, Les Belles-Lettres,
- “Tria scripta apologetica,” ed. D. Laberge,
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 28 (1935) 115–55,
374–407. [Edits Olivi’s responses to the charges brought
against him in 1283.] (Scholar)
- Commentary on the Gospel of Mark, trans. R.J. Karris (St.
Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 2011).
- “De perlegendis philosophorum libris,” trans. C.
König-Pralong, O. Ribordy & T. Suarez-Nani, in Pierre de
Jean Olivi—Philosophe et théologien (Berlin: De
Gruyter, 2010), 409–50. (Scholar)
- La matière, trans. T. Suarez-Nani et al. (Paris:
Vrin, 2009). [French translation of Summa II, qq.
16–21.] (Scholar)
- Quelle réalite construit le droit ou le pouvoir?
Trans. S. Piron, Oliviana 2016. [French translation of
Quid ponat ius.]
- Questions sur la foi: Traduction des questions VIII et IX de
virtutibus, trans. N. Faucher (Paris: Vrin, 2021). [French
translation of selected questions from Summa III.]
- “The Mental Word” (= Tractatus de verbo), in
R. Pasnau (tr.) Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical
Texts. Volume 3: Mind and Knowledge (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2002) 136–51.
- “The Sum of Questions on The Sentences [of Peter
Lombard],” trans. D. Flood & O. Bychkov, Franciscan
Studies, 66 (2008), pp. 83–99. [English translation of
Summa I q. 1.] (Scholar)
- Treatise on Contracts, trans. R. Thornton & M. Cusato
(St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2016).
[English translation of Tractatus de contractibus.]
- “Why the Human Soul Cannot Be the Form of the Body” (=
Summa II q. 51), in Basic Issues in Medieval
Philosophy, ed. R. N. Bosley & M. M. Tweedale (Peterborough:
Broadview Press, 2006).
Secondary Sources
- Adriaenssen, Han Thomas, 2011. “Peter Olivi on Perceptual Representation,” Vivarium, 49(4): 324–352. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014. “Peter John Olivi and Peter Auriol on Conceptual Thought,” in Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 2: 67–97. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017. Representation and Scepticism from Aquinas to Descartes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Bettoni, Efrem, 1959. Le dottrina filosofiche di Pier di
Giovanni Olivi, Milan: Vita e Pensiero. (Scholar)
- Blythe, James, 1992. Ideal Government and the Mixed Constitution in the Middle Ages, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Bobillier, Stève, 2020. L’ethique de la
personne, Paris: Vrin.
- Boureau, Alain, 1993. “Pierre de Jean Olivi et le
semi-dormeur: Une élaboration médiévale de
l’activité inconsciente,” Nouvelle Revue de
Psychanalyse, 48: 231–38. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999. “Le concept de relation chez
Pierre de Jean Olivi,” in Pierre de Jean Olivi
(1248–1298): Pensée scolastique, dissidence spirituelle
et société, ed. A. Boureau & S. Piron, Paris:
Vrin, pp. 42–55. (Scholar)
- Boureau, Alain & Piron, Sylvain (eds.), 1999. Pierre de
Jean Olivi (1248–1298): Pensée scolastique, dissidence
spirituelle et société, Paris: Vrin. (Scholar)
- Brower-Toland, Susan, 2013. “Olivi on Consciousness and Self-Knowledge: The Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Epistemology of Mind’s Reflexivity,” in Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 1: 136–71. (Scholar)
- Burr, David, 1971. “Peter John Olivi and the
Philosophers,” Franciscan Studies, 31:
41–71. (Scholar)
- –––, 1976. “The Persecution of Peter
Olivi,” Transactions of the American Philosophical
Society, 66: 3–98. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989. Olivi and Franciscan Poverty: The
Origins of the Usus Pauper Controversy, Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1993. Olivi’s Peaceable Kingdom:
A Reading of the Apocalypse Commentary, Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001. The Spiritual Franciscans: From Protest to Persecution in the Century After Saint Francis, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press. (Scholar)
- Caldera, Federica, 2010. “Intelligere verum creatum in veritate aeterna: la théorie de l’illumination intellectuelle chez Richard de Mediavilla et Pierre de Jean Olivi,” in C. König-Pralong, O. Ribordy & T. Suarez-Nani (eds.), 2010, pp. 229–52. (Scholar)
- Coren, Daniel, 2019. “Freedom, Gratitude, and Resentment: Olivi and Strawson,” Res Philosophica, 96(3): 1–21. (Scholar)
- Cross, Richard, 2002. “Absolute Time: Peter John Olivi and the Bonaventurean Tradition,” Medioevo, 27: 261–300. (Scholar)
- Demange, Dominique, and Yael Kedar, 2020. “Physical Action, Species, and Matter: The Debate between Roger Bacon and Peter John Olivi,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 58(1): 49–69. (Scholar)
- Denzinger, H., 1965. Enchiridion symbolorum, Herder:
Freiburg. (Scholar)
- Douie, Decima, 1932. The Nature and Effect of the Heresy of
the Fraticelli, Manchester: Manchester University Press. (Scholar)
- Dumont, Stephen, 1995. “The Origin of Scotus’s Theory
of Synchronic Contingency,” Modern Schoolman, 72(2-3):
149–67. (Scholar)
- Franciscan Studies 74, 2016. [A special issue on
- Frost, Gloria, 2014. “Peter Olivi’s Rejection of
God’s Concurrence with Created Causes,” British
Journal for the History of Philosophy, 22(4): 655–79. (Scholar)
- Gieben, S., 1968. “Bibliographia Oliviana
(1885–1967),” Collectanea Franciscana, 38:
167–95. (Scholar)
- Jansen, Bernhard, 1921. Die Erkenntnislehre Olivis,
Berlin: Duemmlers. (Scholar)
- Kaye, Joel, 1998. Economy and Nature in the Fourteenth Century: Money, Market Exchange, and the Emergence of Scientific Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014. A History of Balance 1250–1375: The Emergence of a New Model of Equilibrium and its Impact on Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Kaye, Sharon, 2004. “Why the Liberty of Indifference Is Worth Wanting: Buridan’s Ass, Friendship, and Peter John Olivi,” History of Philosophy Quarterly, 21(1): 21–42. (Scholar)
- Kent, Bonnie, 1984. Aristotle and the Franciscans. Gerald
Odonis’ Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics, Ph.D.
Dissertation, Columbia University. (Scholar)
- –––, 1995. Virtues of the Will: The Transformation of Ethics in the Late Thirteenth Century, Washington: The Catholic University of America Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017. “Our Inalienable Ability to Sin:
Peter Olivi’s Rejection of Asymmetrical Freedom,”
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 25(6):
1073–92. (Scholar)
- König-Pralong, C., Ribordy, O. & Suarez-Nani, T. (eds.), 2010. Pierre de Jean Olivi—Philosophe et théologien, Berlin: De Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Kirshner, Julius, and Kimberly Lo Prete, 1984. “Peter John
Olivi’s Treatises on Contracts of Sale, Usury and Restitution:
Minorite Economics or Minor Works?” Quaderni
Fiorentini, 13: 233–84. (Scholar)
- Langholm, Odd, 1992. Economics in the Medieval Schools: Wealth, Exchange, Value, Money & Usury According to the Paris Theological Tradition, 1200–1350. Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998. The Legacy of Scholasticism in Economic Thought: Antecedents of Choice and Power, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Martin, Christopher, 2007. “Self-Knowledge and Cognitive
Ascent: Thomas Aquinas and Peter Olivi on the KK-Thesis,” in
Forming the Mind: Essays on the Internal Senses and the Mind/Body
Problem from Avicenna to the Medical Enlightenment, ed. H.
Lagerlund, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 93–108. (Scholar)
- Mauro, Vincento, 1997. “La disputa de anima tra Vitale du
Four e Pietro di Giovanni Olivi,” Studi medievali,
38(1): 89–138. (Scholar)
- Mora-Márquez, Ana María, 2011. “Pragmatics in
Peter John Olivi’s Account of Signification of Common
Names,” Vivarium, 49(1-3): 150–64. (Scholar)
- Normore, Calvin, 2004, “Abelard’s Stoicism and Its
Consequences,” in Stoicism. Traditions and
Transformations, ed. S. Strange & J. Zupko, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 132–47. (Scholar)
- Pasnau, Robert, 1993. “Petri Iohannis Olivi Tractatus de verbo” in Franciscan Studies (Essays in Honor of Fr. Gedeon Gál), 53: 121–53. [Published in 1997.] (Scholar)
- –––, 1997a. Theories of Cognition in the Later Middle Ages, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997b. “Olivi on the Metaphysics of Soul,” Medieval Philosophy and Theology, 6(2): 109–32. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999. “Olivi on Human Freedom”
in Pierre De Jean Olivi (1248–1298), Paris: Vrin, pp.
15–25. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011. Metaphysical Themes 1274–1671, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Perler, Dominik, 2002. Theorien der Intentionalität im Mittelalter, Frankfurt: Klostermann. [French translation, Paris: Vrin, 2003.] (Scholar)
- –––, 2020. Eine Person sein. Philosophische Debatten im Spätmittelalter, Frankfurt am Main: Klosterman. (Scholar)
- Pini, Giorgio, 2005. “Scotus’s Realist Conception of
the Categories: His Legacy to Late Medieval Debates,”
Vivarium, 43(1): 63–110. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008. “Reading Aristotle’s
Categories as an Introduction to Logic: Later Medieval Discussions
about Its Place in the Aristotelian Corpus,” in Medieval
Commentaries on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. L. A. Newton,
Leiden: Brill, pp. 145–81. (Scholar)
- Piron, Sylvain, 1996. “Vœu et contrat chez Pierre de
Jean Olivi,” Les Cahiers du Centre de Recherches
Historiques, 16.
Piron 1996 available online (Scholar)
- –––, 1998. “Les oeuvres perdues
d’Olivi: essai de reconstruction,” Archivum
Franciscanum Historicum, 91(3-4): 357–94. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999. Parcours d’un intellectuel
franciscain. D’une théologie vers une pensée
sociale: l’oeuvre de Pierre de Jean Olivi (ca. 1248–1298)
et son traité ‘De contractibus’, Paris: Ecole
des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Ph.D. dissertation. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006a. “Censures et condamnation de
Pierre de Jean Olivi: enquête dans les marges du Vatican”
Mélanges de l’Ecole française de
Rome—Moyen Age, 118(2): 313–73. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006b. “Olivi et les averroïstes,” Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 53(1): 251–309. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007. “Léxpérience
subjective selon Pierre de Jean Olivi,” in
Généalogies du sujet: De Saint Anselme à
Malebranche, ed. O. Boulnois, Paris: Vrin, pp. 43–54. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012. “Avant-propos –
Présentation,” in Pierre de Jean Olivi, Traité
des contrats, ed. & trans. S. Piron, Paris: Les
Belles-Lettres, pp. 11–71. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016. “La question Quid ponat
ius?” Oliviana, 5.
Piron 2016 available online (Scholar)
- –––, 2020a. “Chronologie des écrits
de Pierre de Jean Olivi,” Oliviana, 6.
Piron 2020a available online (Scholar)
- –––, 2020b. “La liberté divine et
la destruction des idées chez Olivi,” Oliviana,
Piron 2020b available online (Scholar)
- Putallaz, François-Xavier, 1991. La connaissance de soi
au XIIIe siècle. De Matthieu d’Aquasparta à
Thierry de Freiberg, Paris: Vrin. (Scholar)
- –––, 1995. Insolente liberté. Controverses et condamnations au XIIIe siècle, Paris: Cerf. (Scholar)
- Ribordy, Olivier, 2010. “Materia spiritualis: Implications anthropologiques de la doctrine de la matière développé par Pierre de Jean Olivi,” in C. König-Pralong, O. Ribordy & T. Suarez-Nani (eds.), 2010, pp. 181–227. (Scholar)
- Rode, Christian, 2014. “Olivis Ontologie des Rechts und des Sozialen,” in Das Gesetz – The Law – La Loi, ed. A. Speer & G. Guldentops, Miscellanea Mediaevalia (Volume 37), Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 371–82. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016. “Die Geburt des Kapitalismus
aus dem Geist der franziskanischen Armutsbewegung: Der Kapitalbegriff
bei Petrus Johannis Olivi,” in Geistige und körperliche
Arbeit im Mittelalter, ed. G. Mensching, Würzburg:
Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 107–22. (Scholar)
- Rodolfi, Anna, 2010. “Pietro di Giovanni Olivi e il
dibattito sull’attualità della materia,” in C.
König-Pralong, O. Ribordy & T. Suarez-Nani (eds.), 2010, pp.
253–93. (Scholar)
- Schmutz, Jacob, 2001. “La doctrine médiévale des causes et la théologie de la nature pure (XIIIe-XVIIe siècles),” Revue Thomiste, 101(1-2): 217–64. (Scholar)
- Silva, José Filipe & Toivanen, Juhana, 2010. “The Active Nature of the Soul in Sense Perception: Robert Kilwardby and Peter Olivi,” Vivarium, 48(3-4): 245–78. (Scholar)
- Suarez-Nani, Tiziana, 2009. “Introduction,” in Peter
Olivi, La matière, trans. T. Suarez-Nani et al., pp.
7–48. (Scholar)
- Szlachta, Michael, 2018. “Peter John Olivi, Free Will, and
the Threefold Aspectus,” Recherches de Theologie et
Philosopie Médiévales, 85(2): 285–307. (Scholar)
- Tachau, Katherine, 1988. Vision and Certitude in the Age of Ockham: Optics, Epistemology and the Foundations of Semantics 1250–1345, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Todeschini, Giacomo, 2009. Franciscan Wealth: From Voluntary
Poverty to Market Society, St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan
Institute Publications. (Scholar)
- Toivanen, Juhana, 2007. “Peter Olivi on Internal Senses,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 15(3): 427–54. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011. “Peter of John Olivi on the Psychology of Animal Action,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 49(4): 413–38. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012. “Peter Olivi on Practical Reasoning,” in Universality of Reason, Plurality of Philosophies in the Middle Ages, vol. II-2, ed. A. Musco et al., Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali, pp. 1033–45. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013a. Perception and the Internal Senses: Peter of John Olivi on the Cognitive Functions of the Sensitive Soul, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013b. “Perceptual Self-Awareness in Seneca, Augustine, and Peter Olivi,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 51(3): 355–82. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015. “The Fate of the Flying Man: Medieval Reception of Avicenna’s Thought Experiment,” in Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 3: 64–98. [Includes an extensive section on Olivi.] (Scholar)
- –––, 2016a. “Peter Olivi on Political Power, Will, and Human Agency,” Vivarium, 54(1): 22–45. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016b. “Voluntarist Anthropology in
Peter of John Olivi’s De contractibus,” Franciscan
Studies, 74: 41–65. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018. “Cognitive Dispositions in the Psychology of Peter John Olivi,” in The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (habitus) in Medieval Philosophy, ed. N. Faucher & M. Roques, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 185–204. (Scholar)
- Van Duffel, Siegfried, 2010. “From Objective Right to Subjective Rights: The Franciscans and the Interest and Will Conceptions of Rights,” in The Nature of Rights: Moral and Political Aspects of Rights in Late Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, ed. V. Mäkinen, Helsinki: Societas philosophica Fennica, pp. 65–93. (Scholar)
- Whitehouse, Dominic, 2012. “Peter Olivi’s Dialogue
with Aristotle on the Emotions,” Franciscan Studies,
70: 189–245. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014. “Peter Olivi on Human Self-Knowledge: a Reassessment,” Franciscan Studies, 72: 173–224. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016. “Peter of John Olivi’s
Allusions to the Condemnation of 7 March 1277 in Question 57 of His
Quaestiones in Secundum Librum Sententiarum,”
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 109(1-2): 47–98. (Scholar)
- Wood, Rega, 1997. Ockham on the Virtues, West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. (Scholar)
- Yrjönsuuri, Mikko, 2002. “Free Will and Self-Control in Peter Olivi,” in Emotions and Choice from Boethius to Descartes, ed. H. Lagerlund & M. Yrjönsuuri, Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 99–128. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007. “The Soul as an Entity: Dante,
Aquinas, and Olivi,” in Forming the Mind: Essays on the
Internal Senses and the Mind/Body Problem from Avicenna to the Medical
Enlightenment, ed. H. Lagerlund, Dordrecht: Springer, pp.
59–92. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008a. “Perceiving One’s Own
Body,” in Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early
Modern Philosophy, ed. S. Knuuttila & P.
Kärkkäinen, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 101–16. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008b. “Locating the Self Within the Soul: Thirteenth Century Discussions,” in Ancient Philosophy of the Self, ed. P. Remes & J. Sihvola, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 225–41. (Scholar)