Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Origen" by Mark J. Edwards
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Epiphanius, circa 374, Ancoratus and Panarion,
ed. K. Holl, 3 vols, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1915–1933.
- Eusebius, circa 320, Ecclesiastical History (Church
History), ed. & trans. K. Lake, 2 vols, Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1926.
- Gregory Thaumaturgus, Remerciement à
Origène (Panegyric), ed. H. Crouzel, Paris: Cerf,
- Irenaeus of Lyons, Contre les Heresies, ed. J. Rouseeau and H.
Doutrelaeau, 10 vols., Paris: Cerf, 1972–1982.
- Methodius, circa 300, Werke, ed. N. Bonwetsch, Leipzig:
Böhme, 1899.
- Origen, De Principiis (First Principles;
Princ.), ed. P. Koetschau, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1913; translation
G.W. Buttwerworth, London: SPCK 1936; reprinted Gloucester, Mass.:
Peter Smith, 1973.
- Origen, Entretien avec Héraclide (Dialogue
with Heraclides), ed. J. Scherer, Paris: Cerf, 1960; translation,
R.J. Daly, Westminster: Paulist Press, 1982.
- Origen, Gegen Celsus (Against Celsus), with
Von Gebet (On Prayer) and Ermahunung zum
Martyrium (Exhortation to Martyrdom), ed. P. Koetschau,
2 vols, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1899; translation of Against
Celsus, Henry Chadwick, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1953; translations of Exhortation to the Martyrs and On
Prayer, R. Greer, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988. (Scholar)
- Origen, Homilien zum Buch Genesis (Genesis
Homilies), ed. P. Habermehl, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012;
translation, R. Heine, Washington: Catholic University of America,
- Origen, Die Kommentierung des Buches Genesis, ed. K. Metzler,
Berlin: De Gruyter 2010.
- Origen, Homilien/Kommentar zum Hohelied (Homilies on
the Song of Songs), ed. W. Baehrens, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1925;
translation, J. Lawson, Westminster: Paulist Press, 1957.
- Origen, Johanneskommentar (Commentary on John)
[CommJohn], ed. E. Preuschen, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1903; translation, R.
Heine, 2 vols., Washington: Catholic University of America, 1993.
- Origen, Philocalie (Philokalia), 2 vols, ed. E.
Junod and M. Harl, Paris: Cerf, 1976 and 1983; translation, G. Lewis,
London: T. and T. Clark, 1911.
- Origen, Römerbriefkommentar (Commentary on
Romans), ed. C. Hammond Bammel, 3 vols, Freiburg: Herder, 1996,
reprinted Paris: Cerf, 2009–2012; translation, T.P. Scheck, 2
vols., Washington: Catholic University of America, 2001–2. (Scholar)
- Pamphilus/Eusebius, circa 305, Apologia pro Origene
(Apology), ed. G. Röwekamp, Turhout: Brepols, 2005.
- Philo of Alexandria, ed. and trans. by various hands, 14 vols.,
Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
- Armstrong, A.H., 1960, “The Background of the Doctrine that
‘the Intelligibles are not outside the Intellect’”,
Entretiens Hardt 5: Les Sources de Plotin,
Vandoeuvres/Geneva: Fondation Hardt, 393–413. (Scholar)
- Bammel, C.P., 1989, “Adam in Origen”, in R.D. Williams
(ed.), The Making of Orthodoxy: Essays in Honour of Henry
Chadwick, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
62–93. (Scholar)
- Bendinelli, G., 1997, Commentario a Matteo di Origene,
Rome: Augustinian Pontifical Institute. (Scholar)
- Bergjan, S.-P., 2001, “Celsus the Epicurean? The
Interpretation of an Argument in Origen, Contra Celsum”,
Harvard Theological Review, 94: 179–204. (Scholar)
- Blosser, B., 2012, Become like the Angels: Origen’s
Doctrine of the Soul, Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of
America. (Scholar)
- Böhm, T., 2002, “Origenes, Theologe und
(Neu)Platöniker?”, Adamantius, 8: 6–23. (Scholar)
- Chadwick, H., 1959, “Rufinus and the Tura papyrus of
Origen’s Commentary on Romans”, Journal of
Theological Studies, 10: 10–42. (Scholar)
- Clark, E., 1992, The Origenist Controversy, Princeton:
Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Crouzel, H., 1972, “L’exégèse
origénienne de I Cor 3, 11–15 et la purification
eschatologique”, in J. Fontanier and C. Kannengiesser (eds),
Epektasis. Mélanges offerts au Cardinal Jean
Daniélou, Paris: Beauchesne, 273–283.
- –––, 1973, “A letter from Origen ‘to
friends in Alexandria’”, in D. Neiman and M. Schatkin
(eds), The Heritage of the Early Church: Essays in Honour of
George Vasilievich Florovsky, Rome: Pontifico Istituto Orientale:
135–150. (Scholar)
- –––, 1980, “La doctrine origénienne
du corps resusscité”, Bulletin de Littérature
Ecclésiastique, 81: 175–200 and 241–266. (Scholar)
- Dawson, D., 1992 Allegorical Readers and Cultural Revision in
Ancient Alexandria, Berkeley: University of California
Press. (Scholar)
- Dechow, J., 1977, Dogma and Mysticism in Early
Christianity, Macon, GA: Mercer University Press. (Scholar)
- Dillon, J., 1982, “Origen’s Doctrine of the Trinity
and some later Neoplatonic Theories”, in D.J. O’Meara
(ed., Neoplatonism and Early Christian Thought, Norfolk,
Virginia: International Society for Neoplatonic Studies,
19–23. (Scholar)
- Dorival, G., 2013, “Origen”, in J. Carleton-Paget
(ed.), The New Cambridge History of the Bible, vol. 1,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 605–628. (Scholar)
- Edwards, M.J., 1993, “Ammonius, Teacher of Origen”,
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 44: 169–181. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997, “Precursors of Origen’s
Hermeneutic Theory”, Studia Patristica, 29:
232–237. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, “Did Origen Apply the Word
Homoousios to the Son?”, Journal of Theological
Studies, 49: 658–670. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, “Clement of Alexandria and his
Doctrine of the Logos”, Vigiliae Christianae, 54:
159–177. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “Nicene Theology and the Second
God”, Studia Patristica, 40: 191–195. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “The Fate of the Devil in
Origen”, Ephemerides Theologicae Louvanienses, 86:
163–170. (Scholar)
- –––, 2021, “Origen, Plato and the Afterlife”, International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 15: 160–183. (Scholar)
- Harl, M., 1987, “La pre-existence des âmes dans
l’oeuvre d’Origène”, Origeniana
Quarta, ed. by L. Lies, Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag,
238–258. (Scholar)
- Heidl, G., 2003, Origen’s Influence on the Young
Augustine, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press. (Scholar)
- King, C., 2005, Origen on the Song of Songs as the Soul of
Scripture, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Layton, R., 2004, Didymus the Blind and his Circle in late
Antique Alexandria, Urbana IL: Illinois University Press. (Scholar)
- Louth, A.W., 2000, Origins of the Christian Mystical
Tradition. From Plato to Denys, Oxford: Oxford University
Press. (Scholar)
- Markschies, C., 2007, Origenes und seine Erbe: Gesammelte
Studien, Berlin: De Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Martens, P., 2012, Origen and Scripture, New York: Oxford
University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, “Origen’s Doctrine of
Pre-Existence and the Opening Chapters of Genesis”,
Zeitschrift fur Antikes Christentum, 16: 516–549. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Embodiment, Heresy and the
Hellenization of Christianity”, Harvard Theological
Review, 108: 594–620. (Scholar)
- McLynn, N., 2004, “What was the Philocalia of
Origen?”, Meddelanden frân Collegium Patristicum Lundense
19: 32–43. (Scholar)
- Neuschäfer, B., 1987, Origenes als Philologe, Basel:
Reinhardt. (Scholar)
- Nygren, A., 1953, Agape and Eros, London: SPCK. (Scholar)
- Orbe, A., 1991, “Origenes y los monarquianos”, Gregorianum, 72: 39–73. (Scholar)
- Osborn, E., 2008, Clement of Alexandria, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Osborne, C., 1994, Eros Unveiled, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Pace, N., 1990, Ricerche sulla traduzione di Rufino del
‘De Principiis’ di Origene, Pisa: Florence: Nuova
Italiana Editrice. (Scholar)
- Rahner, K., 1979, “The Spiritual Senses according to
Origen”, in Rahner, Theological Investigations 16,
London: Darton, Longman and Todd: 81–103. (Scholar)
- Ramelli, I., 2009, “Origen, Patristic Philosophy and
Christian Platonism: rethinking the Christanization of
Hellenism”, Vigiliae Christianae, 63:
217–263. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, The Christian Doctrine of
Apokatasis, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Rankin, D., 2017, The Early Church and the Afterlife,
London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Rist, J.M., 1964, Eros and Psyche, Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Scholar)
- Rizzi, M., 2002, Gregorio il Taumaturgo, Encomio di
Origene, Milan: Paoline. (Scholar)
- Schibli, H.S., 1992, “Origen, Didymus and the Vehicle of the
Soul”, Origeniana Quinta, ed. by R.J. Daly, Leuven:
Uitgeverij Peeters and Leuven University Press, 381–394. (Scholar)
- Scott, A.B., 1994, Origen and the Life of the Stars,
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Scott, M.S., 2012, Journey Back to God: Origen on the Problem
of Evil, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Smith. A.W., 2012, “Origen (2)”, in S. Hornblower and
A. Spawforth (eds), Oxford Classical Dictionary,
4th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1048b. (Scholar)
- Tzamalikos, P., 2006, Origen: Cosmology and Ontology of Time, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, Origen: Philosophy of History and Eschatology, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Whittaker, J., 1969,
ΟΥΣΙΑΣ”, Vigiliae
Christianae, 23: 91–104.