Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Philip the Chancellor" by Colleen McCluskey and Anthony Celano
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Primary Sources
- Albertus Magnus, De homine, Editio Coloniensis, Volume
27/2, Bonn: Institutum Alberti Magni, 1951–2017.
- Augustine of Hippo, De libero arbitrio, Corpus
Christianorum, Series Latina, Volume 29, Turnholt: Brepols, 1970.
- Augustine of Hippo, On Free Choice of the Will, T.
Williams (trans.), Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Co.,
- Peter Lombard, Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, I.
Brady (ed.), Grottaferrata: Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad
Claras Aquas, 1971–81.
- Philip the Chancellor, Philippi Cancellarii Summa de
bono, N. Wicki (ed.), Berne: Francke, 1985.
- William of Auxerre, Summa aurea, Jean Ribaillier (ed.),
Rome: Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras
References and Further Reading
- Aersten, Jan A., 1995, “The Beginning of the Doctrine of the
Transcendentals in Philip the Chancellor,” Mediaevalia,
Textos e Estudos, 7–8: 269– 286. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, Medieval Philosophy as
Transcendental Thought: From Philip the Chancellor (Ca. 1225) to
Francisco Suarez, Leiden: E.J. Brill. (Scholar)
- Berndt, Rainer, 1994, “La Théologie comme
système du monde: Sur L’évolution des sommes
théoloquiques de Hugues de Saint-Victor à Saint Thomas
d’Aquin,” Revue des Sciences philosophiques et
théologiques, 78: 555–572. (Scholar)
- Bertola, Ermenegildo, 1970, “Alano di Lilla, Filippo il
Cancelliere ed una inedita ‘Quaestio’
sull’immortalita dell’anima umana,” Rivista de
Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, 62: 245–271. (Scholar)
- Bazan, Bernardo C., 1969, “Pluralisme de formes ou dualisme de substances?” Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 67: 30–73. (Scholar)
- Bieniak, Magdalena, 2013, The Soul-Body Problem at Paris ca.
1200-1250: Hugh of St-Cher and His Contemporaries, tr. R.
Ronarati, Leuven: Leuven University Press. (Scholar)
- Callus, D. A., O.P., 1941–43, “Philip the Chancellor
and the De anima ascribed to Robert Grosseteste,”
Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1: 105–127. (Scholar)
- Celano, Anthony, 2013, “The Foundation of Moral Reasoning: The Development of the Doctrine of Universal Moral Principles in the Works of Thomas Aquinas and His Predecessors,” Diametros, 38: 1–61. (Scholar)
- Corso de Estrada, Laura E., 2014, “Finalismo racionalidad de
la naturaleza en las primeras ‘Summae’ del siglo XIII. La
tradición del ‘ius naturale’ en Guillermo de
Auxerre y en Felipe Canciller,” Patristica et
Mediaevalia, 35: 43–60. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Natura y ratio en la especulación sobre el cosmos: Guillermo de Auxerre y Felipe el Canciller,” Anuario Filosofico, 41: 69–82. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “Unidad y jerarquía
cosmológica en la ‘Summa de bono’ de Felipe el
Canciller,” Anuario Filosofico, 44: 75–94. (Scholar)
- Crowe, M.B., 1977, “Natural Law Terminology in the Late 12th and Early 13th Centuries,” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 39: 409–420. (Scholar)
- Dales, Richard C., 1990, Medieval Discussions of the Eternity of the World, Leiden: E.J. Brill. (Scholar)
- Dronke, Peter, 1987, “The Lyrical Compositions of Philip the
Chancellor,” Studi Medievali, 28: 563– 592. (Scholar)
- Gracia, Jorge J.E., 1992, “The Transcendentals in the Middle Ages: An Introduction,” Topoi, 11: 113– 120. (Scholar)
- Houser, R.E., 2004, The Cardinal Virtues: Aquinas, Albert, and
Philip the Chancellor, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, “Philip the Chancellor.” A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, Jorge J.E. Gracia (ed.), Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 534–535. (Scholar)
- Keeler, Leo W., 1937, “The Dependence of R.
Grosseteste’s De Anima on the Summa of Philip
the Chancellor,” New Scholasticism, 11:
197–219. (Scholar)
- Kent, Bonnie, 1995, Virtues of the Will: The Transformation of Ethics in the Late Thirteenth Century, Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. (Scholar)
- Korolec, J.B., 1982, “Free will and free choice.” The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy, Kretzmann et al. (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 629–641. (Scholar)
- Lottin, Odon, 1957, Psychologie et morale aux XIIe et XIIIe
siècles, Gembloux, Belgium: J. Duculot, S.A. Editeur. (Scholar)
- MacDonald, Scott, 1991, Being and Goodness: The Concept of the Good in Metaphysics and Philosophical Theology, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1992, “Goodness as Transcendental: The Early Thirteenth-Century Recovery of an Aristotelian Idea,” Topoi, 11: 173–186. (Scholar)
- McCluskey, Colleen, 2001, “The Roots of Ethical Voluntarism,” Vivarium, 39: 185–208. (Scholar)
- Novo, Violeta Cervera, 2016, “Acerca de la
‘prudentia’ en los primeros comentarios a la ‘Ethica
vetus’. La ‘Lectura abrincensis in ethicam veterem’
(ca.1230),” Patristica et Mediaevalia, 37:
15–35. (Scholar)
- Payne, Thomas Blackburn II, 1991, Poetry, Politics, and
Polyphony: Philip the Chancellor’s Contribution to the Music of
the Notre Dame School (Volume 1, Chapter 1), “The Life of
Philip the Chancellor,” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of
Chicago. (Scholar)
- Potts, Timothy, 1980, Conscience in Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Pouillon, (Dom) Henri, O.S.B., 1939, “Le premier
traité de propriétés transcendentales. La
‘Summa de bono’ du Chancelier Philippe,” Revue
Néoscolastique de Philosophie, 42: 40–77. (Scholar)
- Principe, W., 1975, Philip the Chancellor’s Theology of
the Hypostatic Union, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies. (Scholar)
- –––, 1962, “The Theology of the Hypostatic Union in the Early Thirteenth Century: the Doctrines of William of Auxerre, Alexander of Hales, Hugh of Saint-Cher and Philip the Chancellor,” Mediaeval Studies, 24: 392–394. (Scholar)
- Traill, David A., 2003, “Philip the Chancellor and F10:
Expanding the Canon,” Filologia mediolatina, 10:
219–248. (Scholar)
- Torrell, Jean–Pierre, O.P., 1975, “La Summa
Duacensis et Philippe le Chancelier,” Revue
Thomiste, 75: 67–94. (Scholar)
- Trottmann, Christian, 2000,“Scintilla synderesis. Pour une
auto-critique mediévale de la raison la plus pure en son usage
practique,” Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 27
(Geistesleben im 13. Jahrhundert): 116–130. (Scholar)
- Vorreux, Damien, O.F.M., 1975, “Un sermon de Philippe le
Chancelier en faveur des Frères Mineurs de Vauvert (Paris) 1
septembre 1228,” Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 68:
3–22. (Scholar)
- Wicki, Niklaus, 1989, “Die intellectus agens
– Lehre Philipps des Kanzlers,” Theologische
Zeitschrift, 45: 160–174. (Scholar)
- –––, 1985, Philippi Cancellarii Summa de
bono (Volume 1, Chapter 1), “Vie de Philippe le
Chancelier,” Berne: Francke. (Scholar)
- Yarbrough, Joseph, 2015, “Philip the Chancellor on the Beginning of Time” Vivarium, 53: 1–25. (Scholar)