Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Pietro Pomponazzi" by Craig Martin
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For extensive bibliographies, including lists of manuscripts and
editions of university lectures and short works, see Lohr 1988; Pietro
Pomponazzi, [1567] 2004; Pietro Pomponazzi, [1525] 2013:
Primary Sources: Pietro Pomponazzi
- 1514, Tractatus utilissimus in quo disputatur penes quid
intensio et remissio formarum (On the Intension and Remission of
Forms), Bologna; reprinted in Tractatus acutissimi, 1525.
[Tractatus utilissimus… available online] (Scholar)
- 1515, Tractatus de reactione (On Reaction), Bologna;
reprinted in Tractatus acutissimi, 1525.
[Tractatus de reactione available online] (Scholar)
- 1516, Tractatus de immortalitate animae (Treatise on the
Immortality of the Soul), Bologna;
- reprinted in Tractatus acutissimi, 1525;
- Abhandlung über die Unsterblichkeit der Seele,
edited and translated (German) by Burkhard Mojsisch, Hamburg: Meiner,
- On the Immortality of the Soul, translated (English) by
William Henry Hay II and John Herman Randall, Jr., in The
Renaissance Philosophy of Man, edited by Ernst Cassirer, Paul
Oskar Kristeller, and John Herman Randall, Jr., Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1956;
- Trattato sull’immortalità dell’anima,
translated (Italian) by Vittoria Perrone Compagni, Florence:
Olschki, 1999;
- Traité de l’immortalité de l’âme.
Tractatus de immortalitate animae, edited and translated (French)
by Thierry Gontier, Paris: Les Belle Lettres, 2012.
- [Tractatus de immortalitate animae available online]
- 1518, Apologia (Apology), Bologna;
- reprinted in Tractatus acutissimi, 1525;
- Apologia, translated (Italian) by Vittoria Perrone
Compagni, Florence: Olschki, 2011.
- [Apologia available online]
- 1519, Defensorium (Defense), Bologna; reprinted in
Tractatus acutissimi, 1525.
[Defensorium available online] (Scholar)
- 1521, Tractatus de nutritione et augmentatione (On Growth
and Nutrition), Bologna; reprinted in Tractatus acutissimi,
[Tractatus de nutritione … available online] (Scholar)
- 1525 [Tractatus acutissimi], Tractatus acutissimi, utillimi et
mere peripatetici, Venice;
- Tutti i trattati peripatetici, edited and translated
(Italian) by Francesco Paolo Raimondi and José Manuel
García Valverde, Milan: Bompiani, 2013.
[Tractatus acutissimi available online]
- 1556 [On Incantations], De naturalium effectuum causis sive de
incantationibus (On the Causes of Marvelous Natural Effects
or On Incantations), Basel;
- reprinted 1567 and in Opera, 1567;
- De incantationibus, edited by Vittoria Perrone
Compagni, Florence: Olschki, 2011;
- Les causes des merveilles de la nature, ou Les
enchantements, translated (French) by Henri Busson, Paris:
Rieder, 1930 [partial];
- Gli incantesimi, translated (Italian) by
Cristiana Innocenti, Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1997.
[De naturalium effectuum causis… available online]
- 1563, Dubitationes in quartum Meteorologicorum Aristotelis
librum (Doubts on Meteorologica IV), Venice.
[Dubitationes… available online]
- 1567 [On Fate], De fato, libero arbitrio, praedestinatione,
providentia Dei libri V (On Fate, Free Will, On
Predestination), in Opera, Basel;
- Libri quinque de fato, libero arbitrio et
praedestinatione, edited by Richard Lemany, Lugano: Thesaurus
Mundi, 1957;
- Il fato, il libero arbitrio e la predestinazione,
translated (Italian) by Vittoria Perrone Compagni, Turin: Nino
Aragno, 2004.
[De fato… available online]
- 1966–1970, Corsi inediti dell’insegnamento
padovano, 2 volumes, edited by Antonino Poppi, Padua: Antenore,
volume 1 (1966), volume 2 (1970).
- 2004, Expositio super primo et secundo de partibus
animalium, edited by Stefano Perfetti, Florence: Olschki.
- 2018, Expositio super I De anima Aristotelis et
Commentatoris 1503 riportata da Antonio Surian, edited by
Massimiliano Chianese, Rome: Storia e Letteratura. (Scholar)
Other Primary Sources
- Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Fate, edited and translated
by R. W. Sharples, London: Duckworth, 1983.
- Aristotle,
- De anima
- De generatione et corruptione
- De motu animalium
- De partibus animalium
- Metaphysics
- Meteorologica
- Parva naturalia
in The Complete Works of Aristotle (The Revised Oxford
Translations), Jonathan Barnes (ed.), Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1984
- Averroes, De substantia orbis (On the Substance of
the Orbs), Venice: Giunta, 1560.
- Ficino, Marsilius, Platonic Theology, 6 volumes, edited
and translated by Michael J.B. Allen and James Hankins,
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001–06.
Secondary Works Cited
- Ardigò, Roberto, 1869, Pietro Pomponazzi, Mantua:
Soave. (Scholar)
- Bakker, Paul J.J.M., 2007, “Natural Philosophy, Metaphysics,
or Something in Between? Agostino Nifo, Pietro Pomponazzi, and
Marcantonio Genua on the Nature and Place of Science of the
Soul”, in Bakker and Thijssen 2007: 151–77. (Scholar)
- Bakker, Paul J.J.M. and Johannes M.M.H. Thijssen (eds.), 2007, Mind, Cognition and Representation: The Tradition of Commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima, (Ashgate studies in medieval philosophy), Aldershot: Ashgate. (Scholar)
- Baldini, Ugo and Leen Spruit (eds.), 2009, Catholic Church and
Modern Science: Documents from the Archives of the Roman Congregations
of the Holy Office and the Index: Volume I: Sixteenth-Century
Documents, Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana. (Scholar)
- Bayle, Pierre, 1744, Dictionnaire historique et critique, fifth edition, Amsterdam. (Scholar)
- Bianchi, Luca, 2008, Pour une histoire de la “double
vérité”, Paris: Vrin. (Scholar)
- Biard, Joël, 2009, “Pomponazzi et la ‘nouvelle
physique’: la question du minimum”, in Biard and Gontier
2009: 47–64. (Scholar)
- Biard, Joël and Thierry Gontier (eds.), 2009, Pietro Pomponazzi entre traditions et innovations, Amsterdam: Grüner. (Scholar)
- Blum, Paul Richard, 2007, “The Immortality of the Soul”, in The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy, James Hankins (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 211–33. doi:10.1017/ccol052184648x.011 (Scholar)
- Brenet, Jean-Baptiste, 2009, “Corps-sujet, corps-objet. Sur
Averroès et Thomas d’Aquin dans le De immortalitate
animae de Pomponazzi”, in Biard and Gontier 2009:
11–28. (Scholar)
- Busson, Henri, 1957, Le rationalisme dans la littérature française de la Renaissance (1533–1601), second edition, Paris: Vrin. (Scholar)
- Casini, Lorenzo, 2007, “The Renaissance Debate on the
Immortality of the Soul: Pietro Pomponazzi and the Plurality of
Substantial Forms”, in Bakker and Thijssen 2007:
127–50. (Scholar)
- Charbonnel, J.-Roger, 1919, La pensée italienne au XVIe siècle et le courant libertin, Paris: Champion. [Carbonnel 1919 available online] (Scholar)
- Copenhaver, Brian P., 2015, Magic in Western Culture: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Cuttini, Elisa, 2012, “From the Nature of the Soul to
Practical Action in the Thought of Pietro Pomponazzi”, in
Psychology and the Other Disciplines: A Case of Cross-Disciplinary
Interaction (1250–1750), Paul J.J.M. Bakker, Sander W. de
Boer, and Cees Leijenhorst (eds.), Leiden: Brill, 61–79. (Scholar)
- Daston, Lorraine, 2000, “Preternatural Philosophy”, in
Biographies of Scientific Objects, Lorraine Daston (ed.),
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 15–41. (Scholar)
- de Boer, Sander W., 2018, “Imagination, Images, and
(Im)Mortality”, in Image, Imagination, and Cognition,
Christoph Lüthy, Claudia Swan, Paul Bakker and
Claus Zittlel (eds.), Leiden: Brill, 11–31. (Scholar)
- Del Soldato, Eva, 2010, Simone Porzio: Un aristotelico tra natura e grazia, Roma: Storia e letteratura. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Immagini di Pomponazzi e
Lutero”, Sgarbi 2010: 365–84. (Scholar)
- Di Napoli, Giovanni, 1970,“Libertà e fato in Pietro
Pomponazzi”, in Studi in onore di Antonio Corsano,
Ada Lamachia (ed.), Manduria: Lacaita, 176–220. (Scholar)
- Graiff, Franco, 1976, “I prodigi e l’astrologia nei
commenti di Pietro Pomponazzi al De caelo alla
Meteora e al De generatione”,
Medioevo, 2: 331–61.
- Giglioni, Guido, 2010, “Il cielo sopra l’Aquila.
Pietro Pomponazzi su immaginazione e devozione popolare”, Sgarbi
2010: 271–283. (Scholar)
- Gilson, Étienne, 1961, “Autour de Pomponazzi. Problèmatique de l’immortalité de l’âme en Italie au début du XVIe siècle”, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 28: 163–279. (Scholar)
- Hasse, Dag Nikolaus, 2016, Success and Suppression: Arabic Sciences and Philosophy in the Renaissance, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Kessler, Eckhard, 2011, “Alexander of Aphrodisias and his Doctrine of the Soul: 1400 Years of Lasting Significance”, Early Science and Medicine, 16(1): 1–93. doi:10.1163/157338211x548859 (Scholar)
- Kraye, Jill, 2010, “Pietro Pomponazzi (1462–1525): Secular Aristotelianism in the Renaissance”, in Philosophers of the Renaissance, Paul Richard Blum (ed.), Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 92–115. (Scholar)
- Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 1944, “Ficino and Pomponazzi on the Place of Man in the Universe”, Journal of the History of Ideas, 5(2): 220–26. doi:10.2307/2707386 (Scholar)
- –––, 1993, Studies in Renaissance Thought
and Letters, Rome: Storia e Letteratura. (Scholar)
- Lohr, Charles H., 1988, Renaissance Authors, vol. 2 of
Latin Aristotle Commentaries, Florence: Olschki. (Scholar)
- Maclean, Ian, 2005, “Heterodoxy in Natural Philosophy and Medicine: Pietro Pomponazzi, Guglielmo Gratarolo, Girolamo Cardano”, in Heterodoxy in Early Modern Science and Religion, John Brooke and Ian Maclean (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1–29. (Scholar)
- Martin, Craig, 2002, “Francisco Vallés and the Renaissance Reinterpretation of Aristotle’s Meteorologica IV as a Medical Text”. Early Science and Medicine, 7(1): 1–30. doi:10.1163/157338202x00018 (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, Renaissance Meteorology:
Pomponazzi to Descartes, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, Subverting Aristotle: Religion, History, and Philosophy in Early Modern Science, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. (Scholar)
- Nardi, Bruno, 1965, Studi su Pomponazzi, Florence: Le
Monnier. (Scholar)
- Oliva, Cesare, 1926, “Note sull’insegnamento di Pietro
Pomponazzi”, Giornale critico della filosofia italiana,
7: 83–103, 179–90, 254–75. (Scholar)
- Ossa-Richardson, Anthony, 2010, “Pietro Pomponazzi and the Rôle of Nature in Oracular Divination”, Intellectual History Review, 20(4): 435–55. doi:10.1080/17496977.2010.525903 (Scholar)
- Park, Katharine, 2006, Secrets of Women: Gender, Generation, and the Origins of Human Dissection, New York: Zone Books. (Scholar)
- Perfetti, Stefano, 1999, “Docebo vos dubitare. Il commento di Pietro Pomponazzi al De partibus animalium (Bologna 1521–24)”, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale, 10: 439–66. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “Introduzione”, in
Expositio super primo et secundo de partibus animalium,
Stefano Perfetti (ed.), Florence: Olschki, vii–lxxxiv. (Scholar)
- Perrone Compagni, Vittoria, 1999, “Introduzione”, in
Trattato sull’immortalità dell’anima,
translated by Vittoria Perrone Compagni, Florence: Olschki,
v-ci. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “Critica e riforma del
cristianesimo nel De fato di Pomponazzi”, in Pomponazzi
[1567] 2004: ix–clviii. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “Introduzione, la fondazione
‘scientifica’ della magia nel De
incantationibus”, in Pomponazzi [1556] 2011: xi–lxxi,
Florence: Olschki. (Scholar)
- Pine, Martin L., 1986, Pietro Pomponazzi: Radical Philosopher of the Renaissance, Padua: Antenore. (Scholar)
- Poppi, Antonino, 1970, Saggi sul pensiero inedito di Pietro Pomponazzi, Padua: Antenore. (Scholar)
- –––, 1988, “Fate, Fortune, Providence and Human Freedom”, in The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, Charles B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, and Jill Kraye, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 641–67. (Scholar)
- Ramberti, Rita, 2007, Il problema del libero arbitrio nel pensiero di Pietro Pomponazzi, Florence: Olschki. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Esegesi del testo aristotelico
e naturalismo nel De nutritione et augumentatione”,
Sgarbi 2010: 314–45. (Scholar)
- Regnicoli, Laura, 2010, “Produzione e circolazione dei
testimoni manoscritti del De incantationibus”, Sgarbi
2010: 131–80. (Scholar)
- Renan, Ernest, 1852, Averroès et
l’averroïsme: essai historique, Paris, A. Durand.
[Renan 1852 available online] (Scholar)
- Schmitt, Charles B., 1984, “Alberto Pio and the Aristotelian
Studies of his Time”, in The Aristotelian Tradition and
Renaissance Universities, London: Variorum, article VI. (Scholar)
- Sellars, John, 2016, “Pomponazzi Contra Averroes on the Intellect”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24(1): 45–66. doi:10.1080/09608788.2015.1063979 (Scholar)
- Sgarbi, Marco (ed.), 2010, Pietro Pomponazzi: Tradizione e
dissenso, Florence: Olschki. (Scholar)