Linked bibliography for the SEP article "The Problem of the Many" by Brian Weatherson
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The numbers after each entry refer to the sections to which that book
or article is relevant.
- Armstrong, D. M., 1978, Universals and Scientific Realism. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [6] (Scholar)
- Barnes, Elizabeth, 2010, “Ontic Vagueness: A Guide for the Perplexed,” Noûs, 44: 601–627. [8] (Scholar)
- Dummett, Michael, 1975, “Wang’s Paradox,”
Synthese, 30: 301–324. [8] (Scholar)
- Eklund, Matti, 2002, “Inconsistent Languages,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 64: 251–275. [2, 7] (Scholar)
- Fine, Kit, 1975, “Vagueness, Truth and Logic,” Synthese, 30: 265–300. [7] (Scholar)
- Fodor, Jerry, 1987, Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [7] (Scholar)
- Geach, P. T., 1980, Reference and Generality. 3rd edn., Ithaca: Cornell University Press. [1, 5] (Scholar)
- Horgan, Terrence, 1993, “On What There Isn’t,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 53: 693–700. [4] (Scholar)
- Hudson, Hud, 2001, A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person, Ithaca: Cornell University Press [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] (Scholar)
- Johnston, Mark, 1992, “Constitution is Not Identity,” Mind, 101: 89–105. [6, 8] (Scholar)
- Jones, Nicholas J., 2010, Too Many Cats: The Problem of the
Many and the Metaphysics of Vagueness, Ph.D. Dissertation,
Birkbeck College, University of London.[7] (Scholar)
- Jones, Nicholas J., 2015, “Multiple Constitution“, in
Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 9, Karen Bennett and Dean W.
Zimmerman (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 217–261.
[8] (Scholar)
- Keefe, Rosanna, 2000, Theories of Vagueness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [7] (Scholar)
- Kripke, Saul, 1982, Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [7] (Scholar)
- Lewis, David, 1983, “New Work for a Theory of Universals,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 61: 343–77. [7] (Scholar)
- Lewis, David, 1984, “Putnam’s Paradox,”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 62: 221–36.
[7] (Scholar)
- Lewis, David, 1993, “Many, but Almost One,” in Ontology, Causality and Mind: Essays in Honour of D M Armstrong, John Bacon (ed.), New York: Cambridge University Press. [3, 6, 7, 8] (Scholar)
- Liebesman, David, 2020, “Double-counting and the problem of the many,” Philosophical Studies, first online 13 February 2020; doi:10.1007/s11098-020-01428-9 [6] (Scholar)
- López de Sa, Dan, 2014, “Lewis vs Lewis on the Problem of the Many,” Synthese, 191: 1105–1117. [6] (Scholar)
- Lowe, E. J., 1982, “The Paradox of the 1,001 Cats,” Analysis, 42: 27–30. [8] (Scholar)
- Lowe, E. J., 1995, “The Problem of the Many and the Vagueness of Constitution,” Analysis, 55: 179–82. [8] (Scholar)
- Marksonian, Ned, 1998, “Brutal Composition,”
Philosophical Studies, 92: 211–49. [4] (Scholar)
- McGee, Vann and Brian McLaughlin, 2000, “The Lessons of the Many,” Philosophical Topics, 28: 129–51. [7] (Scholar)
- McKinnon, Neil, 2002, “Supervaluations and the Problem of the Many,” Philosophical Quarterly, 52: 320–39. [7] (Scholar)
- Openshaw, James, 2021, “Thinking about many,” Synthese, 199: 2863–2882. [3] (Scholar)
- Putnam, Hilary, 1981, Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [7] (Scholar)
- Quine, W. V. O., 1960, Word and Object, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [6, 7] (Scholar)
- Rettler, Bradley, 2018, “Mereological Nihilism and Puzzles About Material Objects,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 99: 842–868. [2] (Scholar)
- Russell, Bertrand, 1923, “Vagueness,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy and Psychology, 1: 84–92. [8] (Scholar)
- Sandgren, Alexander, forthcoming, “Thought and Talk in a Generous World,” Ergo. [3] (Scholar)
- Sattig, Thomas, 2013, “Vague Objects and the Problem of the Many,” Metaphysica, 14: 211–223. [7] (Scholar)
- Schiffer, Stephen, 1998, “Two Issues of Vagueness,” The Monist, 81: 193–214. [7] (Scholar)
- Sorensen, Roy, 2001, Vagueness and Contradiction, Oxford: Oxford University Press. [2, 7] (Scholar)
- Sorensen, Roy, 2013, “Vagueness,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2013 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <Vagueness/">>. (Scholar)
- Sutton, C.S., 2015, “Almost One, Overlap and Function,” Analysis, 75: 45–52. [6] (Scholar)
- Unger, Peter, 1980, “The Problem of the Many,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 5: 411–67. [1, 2, 7] (Scholar)
- van Inwagen, Peter, 1990, Material Beings, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. [4, 8] (Scholar)
- Williams, J. Robert G., 2006, “An Argument for the Many,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 106: 411–419. [7] (Scholar)
- Weatherson, Brian, 2003a, “Epistemicism, Parasites and Vague Names” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 81(2): 276–279. [7] (Scholar)
- Weatherson, Brian, 2003b, “Many Many Problems,” Philosophical Quarterly, 53(213): 481–501. [7] (Scholar)