Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite" by Kevin Corrigan and L. Michael Harrington
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Text and Translations
- Patrologia Graeca, v. 3–4, ed. J. P. Migne, Paris
- Corpus Dionysiacum I (DN), ed. B. R. Suchla,
Berlin: De Gruyter, 1990.
- Corpus Dionysiacum II (CH, EH, MT, Letters),
eds. G. Heil and A. M. Ritter, Berlin: De Gruyter, 1991.
- Dionysius the Areopagite: The Divine Names and Mystical
Theology, trans. C. E. Rolt, London: Society for the Propagation
of Christian Knowledge, 1920.
- Pseudo-Dionysius: The Complete Works, trans. C. Luibheid
and P. Rorem, London: Society for the Promotion of Christian
Knowledge, 1987.
- Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite. Oeuvres
complètes. Traduction, préface et note, Paris:
Aubier, 1980. (Scholar)
- Pseudo-Dionysius: The Divine Names and Mystical Theology,
trans. J. Jones, Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 1980.
- Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. Die Namen Gottes, trans. B.
R. Suchla, Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1988.
- Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. Uber die himmlische Hierarchie.
Uber die Kirchliche Hierarchie, trans. G. Heil, Stuttgart:
Hiersemann, 1986.
- Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. Uber die mystische Theologie und
Briefe, Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1994.
- The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite, trans. J. Parker,
London: Parker, 1897.
Patristic and medieval commentaries
- John of Scythopolis et al., c. 530, Scholia, ed. P.
Corderius, Patrologia Cursus Completus, Series Graeca 4, Paris: Migne
1857–91. (Annotations from the Patristic period)
- Johannes Scottus Eriugena, c. 860–70, Expositiones in
Ierarchiam coelestem (Commentaries on CH), ed. J.
Barbet, Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis 31, Turnhout:
Brepols, 1975.
- Hugh of St. Victor, c.1120–30, Commentariorum in
Hierarchiam coelestem Sancti Dionysii Areopagitae (Commentary on
CH), Patrologia Cursus Completus, Series Latinus 175, Paris: Migne,
1844–80. (Scholar)
- Gallus, Thomas, 1242, Thomas Gallus: Grand commentaire sur la
Théologie Mystique (Commentary on MT), ed. G.
Thery, Paris: Haloua, 1934. (Scholar)
- Grosseteste, Robert, c. 1240–3, Mystical Theology: The
Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste on
“De Mystica Theologia”, ed. J. McEvoy, Leuven:
Peeters, 2003. (Scholar)
- Albert the Great, c. 1250–60, Super Dionysium de divinis
nominibus (Commentary on DN), ed. P. Simon in Opera
omnia, vol. 37, part 1, Munster: Aschendorff, 1972. (Scholar)
- Aquinas, Thomas, c. 1265–8, In librum beati Dionysii De
divinis nominibus expositio (Commentary on DN), ed. C.
Pera, Turin: Marietti, 1950. (Scholar)
- Chevallier, P. (ed.), 1937–50, Dionysiaca: Receuil
donnant l’ensemble des traditions latines des ouvrages
attribués au Denys de l’Aréopagrite, Bruges:
Desclée de Brouwer, 2 vols: repr. Stuttgart, 1989 (with
translations by Hilduin, Eriugena, John Sarracenus, Grosseteste,
Ficino and others.) (Scholar)
Secondary sources
- de Andia, Y., 1996, L’union à Dieu chez Denys
l’Aréopagite, Leiden: E. J. Brill.
- Beggiani, S. J., 1996, “Theology at the Service of
Mysticism: Method in Pseudo-Dionysius,” Theological
Studies, 57: 201–223 (Scholar)
- Brons, B., 1976, Gott und die Seienden. Untersuchungen zum
Verhaltnis von neuplatonischer Metaphysik and christlicher Tradition
bei Dionysius Areopagita (God and Beings: An Examination of the
Relationship between Neoplatonist Metaphysics and Christian Tradition
in Dionysius the Areopagite), Gottingen: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht. (Scholar)
- Corrigan, K., 1996, “‘Solitary’ mysticism in
Plotinus, Proclus, Gregory of Nyssa, and Pseudo-Dionysius,”
The Journal of Religion, 75(1): 28–42. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, Reading Plotinus: A Practical
Introduction to Neoplatonism, Indiana: Purdue University
Press (Scholar)
- Edwards, M.; Pallas, D.; and Steiris, G. (eds.), 2022, The
Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite, Oxford: Oxford
University Press. (Scholar)
- Finan, T. and Twomey, V. (eds.), 1992, The Relationship
Between Neoplatonism and Christianity, Dublin: Four Courts
Press. (Scholar)
- Gersh, S., 1978, From Iamblichus to Eriugena: An Investigation of the Prehistory and Evolution of the Pseudo-Dionysian Tradition, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar) (Scholar)
- Golitzin, A., 1999 [2003], “Dionysius Areopagita: A
Christian Mysticism,” Pro Ecclesia, XII/2 (2003):
161–212. (Scholar)
- Harrington, L. M., 2004, A Thirteenth-Century Textbook of Mystical Theology at the University of Paris, Leuven: Peeters. (Scholar) (Scholar)
- –––., 2004, Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism, New York: Palgrave. (Scholar)
- Hathaway, R., 1969, Hierarchy and the Definition of Order in the Letters of Pseudo-Dionysius, The Hague. (Scholar)
- Koch, J., 1956–7, “Augustinischer und Dionysischer Neuplatonismus und das Mittelalter” (Augustinian and Dionysian Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages), Kantstudien 48: 117–33; repr. in W. Beierwaltes, Platonismus in der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1969, 317–42. (Scholar)
- Lankila, T., 2011, “The Corpus Areopagiticum as a
Crypto-Pagan Project,” Journal for Late Antique Religion and
Culture, 5: 14–40. (Scholar)
- Louth, A., 1989, Denys, the Areopagite, Wilton, CT:
Morehouse-Barlow (Scholar)
- McGinn, B., 1994, The Foundations of Mysticism. Origins to the
Fifth Century, New York: Crossroads, 157–82. (and also see
appendixes) (Scholar)
- O’Daly, G., 1981, “Dionysius Areopagita”,
Theologische Realenzyklopadie, 8: 772–80 (Scholar)
- Perl, E. D., 2008, Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite, Albany: SUNY. (Scholar)
- O’Rourke, F., 1992, Pseudo-Dionysius and the Metaphysics
of Aquinas, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Roques, R., 1954, L’univers Dionysien. Stucture
hierarchique du monde selon le Pseudo-Denys (The Dionysian
Universe: The Hierarchical Structure of the World According to
Pseudo-Dionysius), Paris: Aubier; repr. Paris: Editions du Cerf,
- Roques, R. et al., 1954, “Denys l’Areopagite (le
Pseudo-)”, Dictionnaire de spiritualite ascetique et
mystique doctrine et histoire (Volume 3), 244–429. (Scholar)
- Rorem, P., 1993, Pseudo-Dionysius: A Commentary on the Texts
and an Introduction to their Influence, Oxford: Oxford University
Press. (Scholar)
- Sheldon-Williams, I. P., 1970, “The Pseudo-Dionysius”,
in A. H. Armstong (ed.) The Cambridge History of Later Greek and
Early Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. (Scholar)
- Stang, C., 2012, Apophasis and Pseudonymity in Dionysius the
Areopagite: ‘No Longer I’, Oxford: Oxford University
Press. (Scholar)
- Turner, Denys, 1995, The Darkness of God. Negativity in Christian Mysticism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19–49. (Scholar) (Scholar)
- Vanneste, J., 1959, Le mystère de Dieu, Brussels:
Desclée de Brouwer. (Scholar)
- Völker, W., 1958, Kontemplation und Ekstase bei
Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita, Wiesbaden: F. Steiner. (Scholar)
- Wallis, R. T., 1972, Neoplatonism, 2nd edition with a
foreward and bibliography by Lloyd P. Gerson (1995) London, UK;
Indianapolis: Duckworth, Hackett. (Scholar)
- Wear, S. K. and Dillon, J., 2007, Dionysius the Areopagite and
the Neoplatonist Tradition: Despoiling the Hellenes, Aldershot:
Ashgate. (Scholar)
Suggestions for further reading
On the Celestial Hierarchy
- Battisti, G. S., 1983, “Strutture e figure retoriche nel
‘de Caelesti Hierarchia’ dello Pseudo-Dionigi: Un mezzo di
espressione dell’ ontologia Neoplatonica,” Archivio di
Filosofia, 51: 293–319. (Scholar)
- Duclow, D. F., 1994, “Isaiah meets the seraph: Breaking
ranks in Dionysius and Eriugena?” Eriugena: East and
West, Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 233–52. (Scholar)
- Lilla, S., 1986, “Note sulla Gerarchia Celeste dello Ps. Dionigi l’Areopagita,” Augustinianum, 26: 519–73. (Scholar)
- Sheldon-Williams, I. P., 1972, “Henads and Angels: Proclus
and the Pseudo-Dionysius,” Studia Patristica, 11:
65–71. (Scholar)
Dionysian Sources: Neoplatonic or Christian?
- Golitzin, A., 1993, “The Mysticism of Dionysius Areopagita:
Platonist or Christian?” Mystics Quarterly, 19:
98–114. (Scholar)
- Louth, A., 1986, “Pagan Theurgy and Christian Sacramentalism
in Denys the Areopagite,” Journal of Theological
Studies 37: 432–8. (Scholar)
- Rist, J., 1992, “Pseudo-Dionysius, Neoplatonism and the
Weakness of the Soul,” in H. J. Van Westra (ed.) From Athens
to Chartres: Neoplatonism and Medieval Thought, Leiden: E. J.
Brill. (Scholar)
- Saffrey H. D., 1982, ‘New Objective Links between the
Pseudo-Dionysius and Proclus’, in D. J. O’Meara (ed.)
Neoplatonism and Christian Thought, Norfolk, VA:
International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, 65–74. (Scholar)
- Shaw, G., 1999, “Neoplatonic Theurgy and Dionysius the
Areopagite,” Journal of Early Christian Studies, 7:
573–99. (Scholar)
On the Divine Names
- Corsini, E., 1962, Il trattato ‘De divinis
nominibus’ dello Pseudo-Dionigi e i commenti neoplatonici al
Parmenide, Torino. (Scholar)
- Janowitz, N., 1991, “Theories of Divine Names in Origen and
Pseudo-Dionysius,” History of Religions, 30 May:
359–372. (Scholar)
- Suchla, B. R., 1996, “Wahrheit über jeder Wahrheit: Zur
philosophischen Absicht der Schrift ‘De Divinis Nominibus’
des Dionysius Areopagita,” Theologische Quartalschrift
176: 205–17. (Scholar)
Ecclesiastical Hierarchy
- Golitzin, A., 1994, Et Introibo ad Altare Dei,
Thessalonica: Patriarchikon Idruma Paterikon Meleton; George
Dedousis. (Scholar)
- Harrington, L. M., 2004, Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism, New York: Palgrave. (Scholar)
- Perl, E., 1994, “Hierarchy and Participation in Dionysius the Areopagite and Greek Neoplatonism,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 68: 15–30. (Scholar)
- Wesche, P., 1989, “Christological Doctrine and Liturgical
Interpretation in Pseudo-Dionysius,” St. Vladimir’s
Theological Quarterly, 33: 53–73. (Scholar)
Influence on Medieval Philosophy
- de Andia, Y., 1997, Denys l’aréopagite et sa
postérité en Orient et en Occident, Paris: Institut
d’Études Augustiniennes. (Scholar)
- Boiadjiev, T.; Kapriev, G.; and Speer, A. (eds.), 2000, Die
Dionysius-Rezeption im Mittelalter, Turnhout: Brepols. (Scholar)
- Coakley, S. and Stang, C. M. (eds.), 2009, Re-thinking
Dionysius the Areopagite, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Dondaine, H. F., 1953, Le corpus dionysien de
l’université de Paris au XIIIe siècle, Rome:
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. (Scholar)
- Harrington, L. M., 2004, A Thirteenth-Century Textbook of Mystical Theology at the University of Paris, Leuven: Peeters. (Scholar)
- Rorem, P. and Lamoreaux, J., 1998, John of Scythopolis and the Dionysian Corpus: Annotating the Areopagite, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Bader, G., 1989, “Gott nennen: Von Götternamen zu
göttlichen Namen: Zur Vorgeschichte der Lehre von den
göttlichen Eigenschaften,” Zeitschrift für
Theologie und Kirche, 86: 306–54. (Scholar)
- Breton, S., 1994, “Superlatif et négation: Comment dire la Transcendance?” Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 78: 193–202. (Scholar)
- Gersh, S., 1978, From Iamblichus to Eriugena: An Investigation of the Prehistory and Evolution of the Pseudo-Dionysian Tradition, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Scazzoso, P., 1967, Ricerche sulla Struttura del Linguaggio
dello Pseudo-Dionigi Areopagita, Milan: Società Editrice
Vita e Pensiero. (Scholar)
- Turner, Denys, 1995, The Darkness of God. Negativity in Christian Mysticism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19–49. (Scholar)
- Osborne, C., 1994, Eros Unveiled, Oxford: Clarendon. (Scholar)
- Rist, J., 1966, “A Note on Eros and Agape in the
Pseudo-Dionysius,” Vigiliae christianae, 20:
235–43. (Scholar)
- de Vogel, C. J., 1981, “Greek Cosmic Love and the Christian
Love of God,” Vigiliae christianae, 35:
57–84. (Scholar)
Mystical Theology
- Carabine, D., 1995, The Unknown God: Negative Theology in the
Platonic Tradition: Plato to Eriugena, Louvain: Peeters. (Scholar)
- Lossky, V., 1939, “La théologie négative dans
la doctrine de Denys l’Aréopagite,” Revue des
sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 28:
204–21. (Scholar)
- Rist, J., 1964, “Mysticism and Transcendence in Later Neoplatonism,” Hermes, 92: 213–25. (Scholar)
- Williams, J., 1999, “The Apophatic Theology of Dionysius the
Pseudo-Areopagite,” Downside Review, 117:
157–172. (Scholar)
Postmodern Dionysians
- Derrida, J., 1987, “Comment ne pas parler:
Dénégations,” Psyché: Inventions de
l’autre, Galilée: 584–95. (Scholar)
- Marion, J.-L., 1977, L’idole et la distance, Paris:
Editions Bernard Grasset.
- –––, 1982, Dieu sans l’être:
Hors-texte, Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard. (Scholar)
Symbolic Theology
- Roques, R., 1957, “Symbolisme et theologie negative chez le
Pseudo-Denys,” Bulletin de l’association Guillaume
Budé. (Scholar)
- Rorem, P., 1984, Biblical and Liturgical Symbols within the Pseudo-Dionysian Synthesis, Toronto. (Scholar)
- Schmemann, A., 1981, “Symbols and Symbolism in the Orthodox
Liturgy,” Orthodox Theology and Diakonia, Brookline,
Massachusetts: Hellenic College Press. (Scholar)