Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Pythagoreanism" by Carl Huffman
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- Aelian, 1997, Historical Miscellany, N. G. Wilson (ed.),
Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Aëtius — see Diels 1958.
- Albertson, D., 2022, ‘Latin Christian Neopythagorean
Theology. A Speculative Summa’, in Caiazzo, Macris and Robert
(eds.), 373–414. (Scholar)
- Allen, M. J. B., 2014, ‘Pythagoras in the Early
Renaissance’, in Huffman (ed.), 435–453. (Scholar)
- Álvarez Salas, Omar, 2021, ‘Aristotle’s Outlook
on Pythagoras and the (So-Called) Pythagoreans’, in C. C. Harry
and J. Habash (eds.), Brill’s Companion to the Reception of
Presocratic Natural Philosophy in Later Classical Thought, Leiden
and Boston: Brill, 221–260. (Scholar)
- Aristotle, 1933, Metaphysics, Hugh Tredennick (trans.),
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1935, The Nicomachean Ethics, H. Rackham (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1957, Physics, 2 volumes, Philip H. Wicksteed and Francis M. Cornford (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- ––‘, 1984, Fragments, Jonathan Barnes
and Gavin Lawrence (trs.), in The Complete Works of Aristotle
(Volume 2), Jonathan Barnes (ed.), Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2384–2462.
- Arnott, W. Geoffrey, 1996, Alexis: The Fragments. A
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- Athenaeus, 2006–2012, The Deipnosophists, 8
volumes, S. D. Olson (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
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- Baltes, Matthias, 1972, Timaios Lokros: Über die Natur des Kosmos und der Seele, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Barker, A. D., 1989, Greek Musical Writings (Volume II:
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University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, The Science of Harmonics in Classical Greece, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, ‘Pythagorean Harmonics’,
in Huffman (ed.), 185–203. (Scholar)
- Barnes, Jonathan, 1982, The Presocratic Philosophers, London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Benson, H., 2006, A Companion to Plato, Oxford: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Betegh, Gábor, 2014a, ‘Pythagoreanism, Orphism and
Greek Religion’, in Huffman (ed.), 274–295. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014b, ‘Pythagoreans and the Derveni
Papyrus’, in The Routledge Companion to Ancient
Philosophy, J. Warren and F. Sheffield (eds.), New York and
London: Routledge, 79–93. (Scholar)
- Boethius, 1867, De institutione arithmetica, Gottfried
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- –––, 1867, De institutione musica,
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- –––, 1983, Boethian Number Theory: A
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- –––, 1989, Fundamentals of Music,
Calvin M. Bower (trans.), New Haven: Yale University Press. (Scholar)
- Bonazzi, M., 2013, ‘Eudorus of Alexandria and the
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McKirahan and Macris (eds.), 385–404. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023, Platonism: A Concise History from the Early Academy to Late Antiquity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Bonazzi, M., Lévy, C. and Steel, C., 2007, A Platonic
Pythagoras: Platonism and Pythagoreanism in the Imperial Age,
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- Borgo, M. and Costa, I., 2022, ‘Pythagoras Latinus.
Aquinas’ Interpretation of Pythagoreanism in His Aristotetlian
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350–372. (Scholar)
- Brach, J.-P., 2022, ‘Pythagorean Number Mysticism in the
Renaisance: An Overview’, in Caiazzo, Macris and Robert (eds.),
457–488. (Scholar)
- Brentjes, S., 2022, ‘Nicomachean Number Theory in Arabic and
Persian Scholarly Literature’, in Caiazzo, Macris and Robert
(eds.), 111–140. (Scholar)
- Brodersen, K., 2014, review of Pomeroy 2013, Bryn Mawr
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available online. (Scholar)
- Burkert, W., 1960, ‘Platon oder Pythagoras? Zum Ursprung des Wortes “Philosophia”’, Hermes, 88: 159–77. (Scholar)
- –––, 1961, ‘Hellenistische Pseudopythagorica’, Philologus, 105: 16–43, 226–246. (Scholar)
- –––, 1972a, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, E. Minar (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; 1st German edn., 1962. (Scholar)
- –––, 1972b, ‘Zur geistesgeschichtlichen
Einordnung einiger Pseudopythagorica’, in Pseudepigrapha
I, Fondation Hardt Entretiens XVIII, Vandoeuvres-Genève,
25–55. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, ‘Pythagoreische Retraktationen:
Von den Grenzen einer möglichen Edition’, in
Aporemata 3: Fragmentsammlungen philosphischer Texte der
Antike, Walter Burkert, Laura Gemelli Marciano, Elisabetta
Matelli, Lucia Orelli (eds.), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and
Ruprecht, 303–319. (Scholar)
- CAG = Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca
- Caiazzo, I., 2022, ‘“Pythagoras’ Mistake”:
The Transmigration of Souls in the Latin Middle Ages and
Beyond’, in Caiazzo, Macris and Robert (eds.),
322–349. (Scholar)
- Caiazzo, I., Macris, C. and Robert, A. (eds.), 2022,
Brill’s companion to the reception of Pythagoras and
Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- Cambiano, Giuseppe, 1998, ‘Archimede Meccanico et La Meccanica di Archita’, Elenchos, 19.2: 291–324. (Scholar)
- Cato, 1935, On Agriculture, William Davis Hooper
(trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Celenza, C. S., 1999, ‘Pythagoras in the Renaissance: The
Case of Marsilio Ficino’, Renaissance Quarterly, 52:
667–711. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, Piety and Pythagoras in Renaissance Florence: The Symbolum Nesianum, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Celkyte, A., 2023, ‘The Medico-oikonomic Model of
Human Nature in Bryson’s Oikonomikos’,
Phronesis, 68: 206–35. (Scholar)
- Centrone, Bruno, 1990, Pseudopythagorica Ethica, Naples:
Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994, ‘Pseudo-Archytas’, in
Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques (Volume 1), Richard
Goulet (ed.), Paris: CNRS Editions, 342–345. (Scholar)
- –––, 1996, Introduzione a i pitagorici, Rome: Laterza. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014a, ‘The pseudo-Pythagorean
Writings’, in Huffman (ed.), 315–340. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014b, review of Pomeroy 2013, The
Ancient History Bulletin (Online Reviews 4): 45–47,
available online. (Scholar)
- –––, 2021, ‘Authority and Doctrine in the
Pseudo-Pythagorean Writings’, in Erler, Hessler and Petrucci
(eds.), 115–129. (Scholar)
- Cicero, 1923, De Senectute, De Amicitia, De Divinatione,
W. A. Falconer (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1928, De Republica, De Legibus,
Clinton Walker Keyes (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1931, De Finibus, H. Rackham
(trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1945, Tusculan Disputations, J. E.
King (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1967, De Natura Deorum, Academica,
H. Rackham (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Columella, 1941, On Agriculture, H. B. Ash (trans.),
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, 1882–1909,
Berlin: G. Reimeri. (Scholar)
- Copernicus, Nicolaus, 1939, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly
Spheres, Charles Glenn Wallis (trans.), Chicago: Encyclopedia
Britannica. (Scholar)
- Cornelli, G., 2013, In Search of Pythagoreanism, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Cornelli, G., McKirahan, R. and Macris, C. (eds.), 2013, On Pythagoreanism, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Scholar)
- Cornford, F. M., 1922–1923, ‘Mysticism and Science in the Pythagorean Tradition’, Classical Quarterly, 16: 137–150; 17: 1–12. (Scholar)
- Cudworth, Ralph, 1845, The True Intellectual System of the Universe, 3 volume, London: Thomas Tegg. (Scholar)
- Delatte, A., 1915, Études sur la littérature
pythagoricienne, Paris: Champion.
- –––, 1922, La vie de Pythagore de
Diogène Laërce, Brussels: M. Lamertin. (Scholar)
- De Smet, D., 2022, ‘Pythagoras’ Philosophy of Unity as
a Precursor of Islamic Monotheism. Pseudo-Ammonius and Related
Sources’, in Caiazzo, Macris and Robert (eds.),
277–295. (Scholar)
- Dickie, Matthew W., 2001, Magic and Magicians in the
Greco-Roman World, London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Diels, H., 1958, Doxographi Graeci, Berlin: Walter de
Gruyter. (Scholar)
- –––, 1965, Antike Technik, 3rd edn.,
Osnabrück: Zeller. (Scholar)
- Dillon, John, 1977, The Middle Platonists, Ithaca:
Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, The Heirs of Plato, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, ‘Pythagoreanism in the Academic
Tradition: The Early Academy to Numenius’, in Huffman (ed.),
250–273. (Scholar)
- Dillon and Hershbell, see Iamblichus, On the Pythagorean
- Diodorus Siculus, 1933–1967, Library of History, C.
H. Oldfather et al. (trans.), 12 volumes, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press. (Scholar)
- Diogenes Laertius, 1925, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, R. D. Hicks (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- DK = Diels, H. and W. Kranz, 1952, Die Fragmente der
Vorsokratiker, 6th edition, 3 volumes, Dublin and
Zürich: Weidmann. (Scholar)
- Dreyer, J. L. E., 1953, A History of Astronomy from Thales to
Kepler, New York: Dover. (Scholar)
- Dutsch, Dorota, 2020, Pythagorean Women Philosophers: Between Belief and Suspicion, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Erler, M., Hessler, J. E., and Petrucci, F. M. (eds.), 2021, Authority and Authoritative Texts in the Platonist Tradition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Festugière, A.-J., 1945, ‘Les Mémoires
Pythagoriques cités par Alexandre Polyhistor’,
REG 58: 1–65. (Scholar)
- Field, J. V., 1988, Kepler’s Geometrical Cosmology,
London: The Athlone Press. (Scholar)
- Flinterman, J.-J., 2014, ‘Pythagoreans in Rome and Asia
Minor Around the Turn of the Common Era’, in Huffman (ed.),
341–359. (Scholar)
- Freudenthal, G., 2022, ‘The Tribulations of the
Introduction to Arithmetic from Greek to Hebrew via Syriac
and Arabic’, in Caiazzo, Macris and Robert (eds.),
141–170. (Scholar)
- Fritz, Kurt von, 1940, Pythagorean Politics in Southern Italy, New York: Columbia University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1945, ‘The Discovery of
Incommensurability by Hippasos of Metapontum’, Annals of
Mathematics 46: 242–264. (Scholar)
- Gellius, Aulus, 1927, The Attic Nights, John C. Rolfe
(trans.), Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Gemelli Marciano, L., 2014, ‘The Pythagorean Way of Life and
Pythagorean Ethics’, in Huffman (ed.), 131–148. (Scholar)
- Goldin, O., 2015, ‘The Pythagorean Table of Opposites, Symbolic Classification, and Aristotle’, Science in Context, 28.2: 171–193. (Scholar)
- Gottschalk, H. B., 1980, Heraclides of Pontus, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Goulet, R. (ed.), 1989–2018, Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, Paris: SNRS. (See the articles on individual Pythagoreans by C. Macris and B. Centrone). (Scholar)
- Gregory, A., 2012, ‘Kennedy and Stichometry–Some Methodological Considerations’, Apeiron, 45: 157–179. (Scholar)
- Guthrie, W. K. C., 1962, A History of Greek Philosophy (Volume 1), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––,1975, A History of Greek Philosophy
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- Harder, Richard, 1966, Ocellus Lucanus, Dublin and
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- Heath, T. L., 1921, A History of Greek Mathematics, 2 vols., Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1956, Euclid: The Thirteen Books of the
Elements (Volume 1), New York: Dover. (Scholar)
- Heinze, R., 1892, Xenokrates, Leipzig: Teubner. (Scholar)
- Helmig, C., 2007, ‘The Relationship Between Forms and
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Arithmetic’, in Bonazzi, Lévy and Steel (eds.),
127–146. (Scholar)
- Heninger, S. K., Jr., 1974, Touches of Sweet Harmony: Pythagorean Cosmology and Renaissance Poetics, San Marino, California: The Huntington Library. (Scholar)
- Herodotus, 1920–1925, The Persian Wars, 4 volumes,
A. D. Godley (trans.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press. (Scholar)
- Hicks, A., 2014, ‘Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in Late
Antiquity and the Middle Ages’, in Huffman (ed.),
416–434. (Scholar)
- –––, 2022, ‘Music and the Pythagorean
Tradition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages’, in
Caiazzo, Macris and Robert (eds.), 82–110. (Scholar)
- Hippolytus, 1986, Refutatio Omnium Haeresium, M.
Marcovich (ed.), Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Scholar)
- –––, 1994, The Refutation of all
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- Historia Augusta, 1922–1932, D. Magie (trans.),
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- Horace, 1927, The Odes and Epodes, C. E. Bennett
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- Horky, P. S., 2011, ‘Herennius Pontius: The Construction of a Samnite Philosopher’, Classical Antiquity, 30.1, 119–147. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013a, Plato and Pythagoreanism, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013b, ‘Theophratus on Platonic and
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Quarterly, 63, 686–712. (Scholar)
- –––, 2023, ‘Italic Pythagoreanism in the Hellenistic Age’, in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Philosophy, M. Garani, D. Konstan and G. Reydams-Schils (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3–26. (Scholar)
- Huffman, C. A., 1993, Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, ‘Polyclète et les
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- –––, 2005, Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008a, ‘Two Problems in Pythagoreanism’, in The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy, P. Curd and D. Graham (eds.), New York: Oxford University Press, 284–304. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008b, ‘Another Incarnation of Pythagoras’, review of C. Riedweg, Pythagoras: His Life, Teaching and Influence, Ancient Philosophy, 28: 201–225. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, ‘Aristoxenus’ Account of
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Honor of Charles Kahn, R. Patterson,V. Karasmanis and A. Hermann
(eds.), Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 159–177. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, ‘Plato and the Pythagoreans’, in Cornelli, McKirahan and Macris (eds.), 237–270. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2014a, A History of Pythagoreanism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014b, ‘The Peripatetics on the
Pythagoreans’, in Huffman, 2014a, 274–295. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, Aristoxenus of Tarentum: The Pythaogrean Precepts (How to Live a Pythagorean Life), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Huizenga, A. B., 2013, Moral Education for Women in the Pastoral and Pythagorean Letters, Boston: Brill. (Scholar)
- [Iamblichus], 1922, Theologoumena Arithmeticae, Victorius
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- –––, 1988, The Theology of Arithmetic,
Robin Waterfield (trans.), Grand Rapids: Phanes Press. (Scholar)
- Iamblichus, 1888, Protrepticus, H. Pistelli (ed.),
Stuttgart and Leipzig: Teubner. (Scholar)
- –––, 1975a, De Communi Mathematica
Scientia, N. Festa (ed.), Stuttgart: Teubner. (Scholar)
- –––, 1975b, In Nicomachi Arithmeticae
Introductionem Liber, H. Pistelli (ed.), Stuttgart: Teubner. (Scholar)
- –––, 1991, On the Pythagorean Way of
Life, John Dillon and Jackson Hershbell (trs.), Atlanta: Scholars
Press (Referred to as VP). (Scholar)
- Isocrates, 1945, ‘Busiris’, in Isocrates
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- Izdebska, A., 2022, ‘Popular Pythagoreanism in the Arabic
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and Robert (eds.), 193–228. (Scholar)
- Jacoby, F., 1923–1958, Die Fragmente der griechischen
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- Jaeger, W., 1948, Aristotle: Fundamentals of the History of His Development, 2nd edn., Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Junge, G., and W. Thomson, (eds.), 1930, The Commentary of
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- Kahn, C., 2001, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, Indianapolis: Hackett. (Scholar)
- Kalligas, Paul, 2004, ‘Platonism in Athens During the First Two Centuries AD: An Overview’, Rhizai 1.2: 37–56. (Scholar)
- Karamanolis, George E., 2006, Plato and Aristotle in Agreement?, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Kassel, R. and Austin, C. (eds.), 1983–, Poetae Comici
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- Kennedy, J. B., 2010, ‘Plato’s Forms, Pythagorean
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- Kingsley, Peter, 1995, Ancient Philosophy, Mystery and Magic, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
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- Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 1979, Renaissance Thought and Its Sources, New York: Columbia University Press. (Scholar)
- Laks, A., 2014, ‘Diogenes Laertius’ Life of
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- Long, A. A., 2013, ‘The Eclectic Pythagoreanism of Alexander Polyhistor’, in Aristotle, Plato and Pythagoreanism in the First Century BC, M. Schofield (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 139–159. (Scholar)
- Lucian, 1913, Lucian, 7 volumes, A. M. Harmon (trans.),
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- Macris, C., 2014, ‘Porphyry’s Life of
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- Macris, C., Dorandi, T. and Brisson, L. (eds.) 2021, Pythagoras Redivivus: Studies on the Texts Attributed to Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, Baden-Baden: Academia. (Scholar)
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- Navia, L. E., 1990, Pythagoras: An Annotated Bibliography, New York: Garland. (Scholar)
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- Ovid, 1921, Metamorphoses, 2 volumes, Frank Justus Miller
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