Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Automated Reasoning" by Frederic Portoraro
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Alama, J., P. Oppenheimer, and E. Zalta, “Automating
Leibniz’s Theory of Concepts”, CADE 25:
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Automated
Deduction, (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Volume
9195), A. Felty and A. Middeldorp (eds.), Berlin: Springer, pp. 73–97. (Scholar)
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- Andrews, P. B., 1981, “Theorem-Proving via General
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- Andrews, P. B., M. Bishop and C. E. Brown, 2006, “TPS: A Hybrid
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of Applied Logic, 4: 367–395. (Scholar)
- Andrews, P. B., M. Bishop, S. Issar, D. Nesmith, F. Pfenning and
H. Xi, 1996, “TPS: A Theorem-Proving System for Classical Type
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Aransay, J., J. Divansón, 2017, “A Formalization in HOL of the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Algebra and Its Application to the Solution of the Least Squares Problem”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 58 (4): 509–535.
- Avigad, J. and J. Harrison, 2014, “Formally Verified
Mathematics”, Communications of the ACM, 57 (4):
66–75. (Scholar)
Avigad, J., J. Hölzl and L. Serafin, 2017, “A Formally Verified Proof of the Central Limit Theorem”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59 (4): 389–423.
- Baader, F. and T. Nipkow, 1998, Term Rewriting and All
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- Bachmair, L. and H. Ganzinger, 1994, “Rewrite-Based
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- Ballarin, C., 2014, “Locales: A Module System for
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52 (2): 123–153. (Scholar)
- Bancerek, G. and P. Rudnicki, 2003, “Information Retrieval
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Mizar”, Journal of Automated Reasoning (Special Issue:
Milestones in Interactive Theorem Proving), 61 (9):
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- Barret C., M. Deters, L. de Moura, A. Oliveras and A. Stump, 2013,
“6 Years of SMT-COMP”, Journal of Automated
Reasoning, 50 (3): 243–277. (Scholar)
- Basin, D. A. and T. Walsh, 1996, “A Calculus for and
Termination of Rippling”, Journal of Automated
Reasoning, 16 (1–2): 147–180. (Scholar)
- Bauer, A., E. Clarke and X. Zhao, 1998, “Analytica: An
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Computation”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 21:
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- Beckert, B., R. Hanle and P.H. Schmitt (eds.), 2007,
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Beeson M., 2001, “Automatic Derivation of the Irrationality of e”, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 32 (4): 333–349.
Beeson,M. and L. Wos, 2017, “Finding Proofs in Tarskian Geometry”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 58 (1), 181–207.
Bentkamp, A., J.C. Blanchette and D. Klakow, 2019, “A Formal Proof of the Expressiveness of Deep Learning”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 63 (2), 347–368.
Bentkamp, A., J. Blanchette, S. Tourret, P. Vukmirović and U. Waldmann, 2021, “Superposition with Lambdas”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 65 (7), 893–940.
Benzmüller, C., 2019, “Universal (Meta-) Logical Reasoning: Recent Successes”, Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 172, 48–62.
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al. (eds.), IOS Press, pp. 93–98. (Scholar)
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- Benzmüller C., X. Parent and L. van der Torre, 2018, “A
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Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Computability in Europe,
LNCS 10936, F. Manea et al. (eds.), pp. 60–69. (Scholar)
- Benzmüller C. and L. C. Paulson, 2013, “Quantified Multimodal Logics in Simple Type Theory”, Logica Universalis, 7 (1): 7–20. (Scholar)
Benzmüller, C. and D. S. Scott, 2020, “Automating Free Logic in HOL, with an Experimental Application in Category Theory”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 64 (1), 53–72.
Benzmüller, C., A. Steen and M. Wisniewski, 2017, “Leo-III version 1.1 (system description)”, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR)—Short Papers, T. Eiter, D. Sands, G. Sutcliffe and A. Voronkov (eds.), Kalpa Publications in Computing, Volume 1: 11–26.
- Benzmüller, C., N. Sultana, L. C. Paulson and F. Theiß, 2015, “The Higher-Order Prover LEO-II”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 55 (4): 389–404. (Scholar)
- Berndt, B., 1985, Ramanujan’s Notebooks (Part I), Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, pp. 25-43. (Scholar)
Beyer, D., M. Dangl and P. Wendler, 2018, “A Unifying View on SMT-Based Software Verification”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 60 (3): 299–335.
Beyer, D., M. Dangl and P. Wendler, 2021, “Correction to: A Unifying View on SMT-Based Software Verification”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 65 (3): 461.
- Bibel, W., 1981, “On Matrices with Connections”,
Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery, 28 (4):
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- Blanchette, J. C., S. Böhme and L. C. Paulson, 2013,
“Extending Sledgehammer with SMT Solvers”, Journal of
Automated Reasoning, 51 (1): 109–128. (Scholar)
- Blanchette, J. C. and T. Nipkow, 2010, “Nitpick: A
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Model Finder”, ITP2010: First International Conference on
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- Bledsoe, W. W., 1977, “Non-resolution Theorem Proving”, Artificial Intelligence, 9: 1–35. (Scholar)
- Bledsoe, W. W. and M. Tyson, 1975, “The UT Interactive
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Boender, J., F. Kammüller and R. Nagarajan, 2015, “Formalization of Quantum Protocols using Coq”, 12th International Workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL), Oxford, arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.01568.
- Bofill, M., R. Nieuwenhuis, A. Oliveras, E. Rodriguez-Carbonell
and A. Rubio, 2008, “A Write-Based Solver for SAT Modulo the
Theory of Arrays”, Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
(FMCAD’08), pp. 1–8. (Scholar)
- Bonacina, M. P., 1999, “A Taxonomy of Theorem-Proving
Strategies”, Artificial Intelligence Today, (Lecture
Notes in Computer Science: Volume 1600), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp.
43–84. (Scholar)
Bordg, A., H. Lachnitt and Y. He, 2021, “Certified Quantum Computation in Isabelle/HOL”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 65 (5): 691–709.
- Boyer R., et al., 1994, “The QED Manifesto”,
CADE-12: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
Automated Deduction, (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence:
Volume 814), A. Bundy (ed.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp.
238–251. (Scholar)
- Boyer, R. S., M. Kaufmann and J. S. Moore, 1995, “The
Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover and its Interactive Enhancement”,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 29:
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- Boyer, R.S. and J. S. Moore, 1979, A Computational Logic, New York: Academic Press. (Scholar)
Brakensiek, J., M. Heule, J. Mackey and D. Narváez, 2022, “The Resolution of Keller’s Conjecture”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 66 (3): 277–300.
Bridge, J.P., S.B. Holden and L.C. Paulson, 2014, “Machine Learning for First-Order Theorem Proving”, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 53 (2), 141–172.
- Brown, C. E., 2012, “Satallax: An Automatic Higher-Order
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International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR
2012), LNAI 7364, B. Gramlich et al. (eds.), pp. 111–117,
Springer-Verlag. (Scholar)
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to a Sequence of SAT Problems”, Journal of Automated
Reasoning, 51 (1): 57–77. (Scholar)
Buchberger B., T. Jebelean, T. Kutsia, A. Maletzky and W. Windsteiger, 2016, “Theorema 2.0: Computer-Assisted Natural-Style Mathematics”, Journal of Formalized Reasoning, 9 (1): 149–185.
- Bundy, A., 2011, “Automated theorem proving: a practical
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- Bundy, A., F. van Harmelen, J. Hesketh and A. Smaill, 1991,
“Experiments with Proof Plans for Induction”, Journal
of Automated Reasoning, 7 (3): 303–324. (Scholar)
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- Buresh-Oppenheim, J. and T. Pitassi, 2007, “The Complexity of Resolution Refinements”, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 72 (4): 1336–1352. (Scholar)
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- Claessen, K. and N. Sörensson, 2003, “New Techniques
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- Clarke, E. and X. Zhao, 1994, “Combining Symbolic
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CADE-12: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
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- Denney, E., B. Fischer and J. Schumann, 2004, “Using
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