Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Richard Rorty" by Bjørn Ramberg and Susan Dieleman
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Works by Rorty
Cited by Abbreviation
- [PMN]
- 1979, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature,
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- [CP]
- 1982, Consequences of Pragmatism,
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- [CIS]
- 1989, Contingency, Irony, and
Solidarity, New York: Cambridge University Press.
- [ORT]
- 1991, Objectivity, Relativism, and
Truth: Philosophical Papers, Volume 1, New York: Cambridge
University Press.
- [EHO]
- 1991, Essays on Heidegger and Others:
Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, New York: Cambridge University
- [TP]
- 1998, Truth and Progress: Philosophical
Papers, Volume 3, New York: Cambridge University Press.
- [AOC]
- 1998, Achieving Our Country: Leftist
Thought in Twentieth Century America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
- [PSH]
- 2000, Philosophy and Social Hope.
New York: Penguin Books.
- [PCP]
- 2007, Philosophy as Cultural
Politics, Philosophical Papers, Volume 4, New York:
Cambridge University Press.
- [RR]
- 2010, The Rorty Reader. Voparil,
C. J., and R. J. Bernstein (eds), Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- [MLM]
- 2014, Mind, Language, and
Metaphilosophy: Early Philosophical Papers. Leach, S., and J.
Tartaglia (eds.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- [OPP]
- 2020, On Philosophy and Philosophers:
Unpublished Papers, 1960–2000. Małecki, W. P., and C.
Voparil (eds.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Other Works by Rorty
- 1952, “Whitehead’s Use of the Concept of
Potentiality,” MA thesis, University of Chicago. (Scholar)
- 1956, “The Concept of
Potentiality,” PhD dissertation, Yale University. (Scholar)
- 1961, “Recent Metaphilosophy,”
The Review of Metaphysics, 15(2): 299–318. (Scholar)
- 1972, “Functionalism, Machines, and Incorrigibility,” Journal of Philosophy, 69: 203–220. (Scholar)
- 1973, “Criteria and Necessity,” Noûs, 7(4): 313–329. (Scholar)
- 1976, “Realism and Reference,”
The Monist, 59(3): 321–340. (Scholar)
- 1977, “Derrida on Language, Being, and Abnormal Philosophy,” Journal of Philosophy, 74(11): 673–681. (Scholar)
- 1979, “Transcendental Arguments,
Self-Reference and Pragmatism,” in P. Bieri, R. P. Hortsman, and
L. Kruger (eds.), Transcendental Arguments and Science,
Dordrecht: D. Reidel, pp. 77–103. (Scholar)
- 1982, “Contemporary Philosophy of
Mind,” Synthese, 53(2): 323–348. (Scholar)
- 1984, “The Historiography of
Philosophy: Four Genres,” in R. Rorty, J. B. Schneewind, and Q.
Skinner (eds.), Philosophy in History, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 49–76. (Scholar)
- 1986, “Beyond Realism and
Anti-Realism,” in L. Nagl, and R. Heinrich (eds.), Wo steht
die Analytische Philosophie heute? Vienna: R. Oldenbourg Verlag,
Munich, pp. 103–115. (Scholar)
- 1996, “Who Are We?: Moral
Universalism and Economic Triage,” Diogenes, 44(173):
5–15. (Scholar)
- 1997, “Introduction,” in W.
Sellars, Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge,
Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, pp. 1–12. (Scholar)
- 1997, Truth, Politics and
‘Post-Modernism.’ The 1997 Spinoza Lectures.
Amsterdam: Van Gorcum. (Scholar)
- 1999, “Pragmatism as Anti-Authoritarianism,” Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 53(207): 7–20. (Scholar)
- 2007, “Dewey and Posner on Pragmatism
and Moral Progress,” University of Chicago Law Review,
74(3): 915–927. (Scholar)
Edited Volumes, Collaborations, Exchanges, and Interviews
- Auxier, R. E., and L. E. Hahn (eds.), 2010, The Philosophy of
Richard Rorty, Chicago: Open Court. (Scholar)
- Balslev, A. N., 1999, Cultural Otherness: Correspondence with Richard Rorty, Atlanta: Scholars Press. (Scholar)
- Brandom, R. B., (ed.), 2000, Rorty and His Critics. Malden: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Collini, S. (ed.), 1992, Interpretation and Overinterpretation, New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Festenstein, M., and S. Thompson (eds.), 2001, Richard Rorty: Critical Dialogues. Cambridge: Polity Press. (Scholar)
- Huang, Y. (ed.), 2009, Rorty, Pragmatism, and Confucianism: With Responses by Richard Rorty, Albany: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Kulp, C. B., (ed.), 1997, Realism/Antirealism and Epistemology. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (Scholar)
- Lewis-Kraus, G., 2003, “An Interview with Richard
Rorty,” The Believer 3.
[Available online]. (Scholar)
- Mendieta, E. (ed.), 2006, Take Care of Freedom and Truth will Take Care of Itself: Interviews with Richard Rorty, Stanford: Stanford University Press. (Scholar)
- Mouffe, C. (ed.), 1996, Deconstruction and Pragmatism, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Niznik, J and J. T. Sanders (eds.), 1996, Debating the State of Philosophy: Habermas, Rorty and Kołakowski. Westport: Praeger Publishers. (Scholar)
- Nystrom, D., and K. Puckett (eds.), 1998, Against Bosses, Against Oligarchies: A Conversation with Richard Rorty. Charlottesville, VA: Prickly Pear Pamphlets. (Scholar)
- Rorty, R., E. Lee, and A. Mourelatos, (eds.), 1973, Exegesis
and Argument: Essays in Greek Philosophy presented to Gregory
Vlastos. Amsterdam: Van Gorcum. (Scholar)
- Rorty, R. (ed.), 1992, The Linguistic Turn: Essays in
Philosophical Method with Two Retrospective Essays. Chicago and
London: The University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Rorty, R., and G. Vattimo, 2005, The Future of Religion, S. Zabala (ed.), New York: Columbia University Press. (Scholar)
- Rorty, R., and P. Engel, 2007, What’s the Use of
Truth?, W. McCuaig (trans.), New York: Columbia University
Press. (Scholar)
- Rorty, R., 2011, An Ethics for Today: Finding Common ground between Philosophy and Religion. New York: Columbia University Press. (Scholar)
- Saatkamp, H. J. Jr. (ed.), 1995, Rorty and Pragmatism: The Philosopher Responds to his Critics. Nashville and London: Vanderbilt University Press. (Scholar)
Secondary Literature
Anthologies about Rorty
- Auxier, R., E. Kramer, and K. P. Skowroński (eds.), 2020,
Rorty and Beyond, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. (Scholar)
- Dieleman, S., D. E. McClean, and P. Showler (eds.), 2022, The
Ethics of Richard Rorty: Moral Communities, Self-Transformation, and
Imagination, New York and London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Goodson, J. L., 2020, The Dark Years? Philosophy, Politics, and the Problem of Predictions, Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. (Scholar)
- Goodson, J. L., and B. E. Stone (eds.), 2012, Rorty and the
Religious: Christian Engagements with a Secular Philosopher,
Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers. (Scholar)
- Gröschner, A., C. Koopman, and M. Sandbothe (eds.), 2013, Richard Rorty: From Pragmatist Philosophy to Cultural Politics, London and New York: Bloomsbury. (Scholar)
- Guignon, C., and D. R. Hiley (eds.), 2003, Richard Rorty, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Janack, M. (ed.), 2010, Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty, University Park: The Pennsylvania State Press. (Scholar)
- Langsdorf, L., and A. R. Smith (eds.), 1995, Recovering
Pragmatism’s Voice: The Classical Tradition, Rorty, and the
Philosophy of Communication, Albany: State University of New York
Press. (Scholar)
- Marchetti, G. (ed.), 2022, The Ethics, Epistemology, and
Politics of Richard Rorty. New York and London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Malachowski, A. R. (ed.), 1990, Reading Rorty: Critical Responses to Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature and Beyond, Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 2020, A Companion to Rortyk Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. (Scholar)
- Müller, M. (ed.), 2019, Handbuch Richard Rorty,
Wiesbaden: Springer VS. (Scholar)
- Peters, M. A., and P. Ghiraldelli, Jr. (eds.), 2002, Richard Rorty: Education, Philosophy, and Politics, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Scholar)
- Pettegrew, J. (ed.), 2000, A Pragmatist’s Progress?:
Richard Rorty and American Intellectual History, Lanham, MD:
Roman & Littlefield. (Scholar)
- Rondel, D. (ed.), 2021, The Cambridge Companion to Rorty. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Saatkamp, H. J. (ed.), 1995, Rorty and Pragmatism: The Philosopher Responds to His Critics, Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press. (Scholar)
Monographs about Rorty
- Arcilla, R. V., 1995, For the Love of Perfection: Richard Rorty and Liberal Education, New York and London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Bacon, M, 2007, Richard Rorty: Pragmatism and Political Liberalism, Lanham and Plymouth: Lexington Books. (Scholar)
- Calcaterra, R. M., 2019, Contingency and Normativity: The Challenges of Richard Rorty, Boston: Brill-Rodopi. (Scholar)
- Calder, G., 2007, Rorty’s Politics of
Redescription, Cardiff: University of Wales Press. (Scholar)
- Casey, M. A., 2002, Meaninglessness: The Solutions of Nietzsche, Freud, and Rorty, Lanham: Lexington Books. (Scholar)
- Chin, C., 2018, The Practice of Political Theory: Rorty and Continental Thought, New York: Columbia University Press. (Scholar)
- Curtis, W. B., 2015, Defending Rorty: Pragmatism and Liberal
Virtue, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Farrell, F. B., 1994, Subjectivity, Realism and Postmodernism: The Recovery of the World in Recent Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Gander, E. M., 1999, The Last Conceptual Revolution: A
Critique of Richard Rorty’s Political Philosophy, Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1999. (Scholar)
- Gascoigne, N., 2008, Richard Rorty, Cambridge and Malden: Polity. (Scholar)
- Geras, N., 1995, Solidarity in the Conversation of Humankind: The Ungroundable Liberalism of Richard Rorty, London and New York: Verso. (Scholar)
- Gross, N., 2008, Richard Rorty: The Making of an American Philosopher, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Hall, D. L., 1994, Richard Rorty: Poet and Prophet of the New Pragmatism, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Kolenda, K., 1990, Rorty’s Humanistic Pragmatism:
Philosophy Democratized, Tampa: University of South Florida
Press. (Scholar)
- Kuipers, R. A., 1997, Solidarity and the Stranger: Themes in the Social Philosophy of Richard Rorty, Lanham: University Press of America. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, Richard Rorty, London and New York: Bloomsbury. (Scholar)
- Llanera, T., 2020, Richard Rorty: Outgrowing Modern Nihilism, Palgrave MacMillan. (Scholar)
- Malachowski, A. R., 2002, Richard Rorty, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Voparil, C. J., 2006, Richard Rorty: Politics and Vision, Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. (Scholar)
- –––, 2022, Reconstructing Pragmatism: Richard Rorty and the Classical Pragmatists. New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
Citations and Other Relevant Works
- Alexander, T. M., 1987, John Dewey’s Theory of Art,
Experience, and Nature: The Horizons of Feeling, Albany: State
University of New York Press. (Scholar)
- Brodsky, G., 1982, “Rorty’s Interpretation of
Pragmatism,” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce
Society, 18(4): 311–337. (Scholar)
- Campbell, J., 1984, “Rorty’s Use of Dewey”
Southern Journal of Philosophy, 22(2): 175–187. (Scholar)
- Edel, A., 1985, “A Missing Dimension in Rorty’s Use of
Pragmatism,” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce
Society, 21(1): 21–37. (Scholar)
- Gouinlock, J., 1995, “What is the Legacy of Instrumentalism? Rorty’s Interpretation of Dewey” in H. J. Saatkamp (ed.), Rorty and Pragmatism, Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, pp. 72–90. (Scholar)
- Haack, S., 1993, Evidence and Inquiry: Towards Reconstruction in Epistemology, Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, Manifesto of a Passionate Moderate, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Lavine, T. Z., 1995, “America & the Contestations of
Modernity: Bentley, Dewey, Rorty,” in H. J. Saatkamp (ed.),
Rorty and Pragmatism, Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University
Press, pp. 37–49. (Scholar)
- McDowell, J., 1994, Mind and World, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Misak, C., 2013, The American Pragmatists, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Quine, W. V. O., 1951 [1953/1980], “Two Dogmas of
Empiricism,” Philosophical Review, 60: 20–43;
reprinted in From a Logical Point of View, 1953 (2nd Edition,
1980), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 20–46. (Scholar)
- Sleeper, R.W., 1986, The Necessity of Pragmatism, New Haven and London: Yale University Press. (Scholar)