Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Russell’s Moral Philosophy" by Charles Pigden
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
Note: Many of Russell’s books have been through several editions with
different publishers and the consequence is that pagination is not
always uniform. Page numbers cited above are from the editions listed
below. For the original dates and places of publication, see the
Bibliography attached to the entry on
Bertrand Russell.
- 2000 [1896], German Social Democracy, Nottingham:
Spokesman. Originally published 1896.
- 1992a [1900], A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of
Leibniz, London: Routledge (first published in 1900).
- 1992b [1903], The Principles of Mathematics, London:
Routledge. Originally published 1903, second edition with a new
introduction by the author (1937).
- 1993 [1920], The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism,
Nottingham: Spokesman (originally published 1920).
- 1929, Marriage and Morals, London: George Allen and
Unwin: New York: Horace Liveright.
- 1930, The Conquest of Happiness, London: Allen and
- 1992 [1932], Education and the Social Order, London:
Routledge (originally published 1932).
- 1961 [1935], Religion and Science, New York: Oxford
University Press (originally published 1935).
- 1995 [1938], Power: A New Social Analysis, London:
Routledge (originally published 1938).
- 1992 [1940], An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, London:
Routledge (originally published in 1940).
- 1948, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits, London:
George Allen and Unwin; New York: Simon and Schuster.
- 1949, Authority and the Individual, London: George Allen
and Unwin; New York: Simon and Schuster.
- 1954, Human Society in Ethics and Politics, London:
George Allen and Unwin; New York: Simon and Schuster.
- 1959, My Philosophical Development, London: George Allen
and Unwin.
- 1967, 1968, 1969, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell,
3 vols, London: George Allen and Unwin. One volume paperback edition
(with introduction by Michael Foot) London: Routledge (2000).
- The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell, 1903–1959,
Egner and Dennon (eds.), London: Routledge, 1992 (originally published
1961). (Scholar)
- Dear Bertrand Russell, London: George Allen and Unwin,
- Fact and Fiction, London: Routledge, 1994 (originally
published 1961).
- In Praise of Idleness, London: Routledge, 1996
(originally published 1935).
- Logic and Knowledge: Essays, 1901–1950, London:
George Allen and Unwin; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1956. (Scholar)
- Mortals and Others, volume I: Bertrand Russell’s American
Essays 1931–1935, edited by Harry Ruja, London: Allen and
Unwin, 1975. (Scholar)
- Mortals and Others, volume II: Bertrand Russell’s American
Essays 1931–1935, edited by Harry Ruja, London: Routledge,
1998. (Scholar)
- Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays, London: Routledge,
1994 (originally published 1918).
- [PE], Philosophical Essays, London: Routledge,
1994 (originally published in this format 1961 and in an earlier
version with a slightly different selection of essays in 1910).
- Portraits From Memory and Other Essays, London: George
Allen and Unwin, 1956.
- [RoE], Russell on Ethics, edited by Charles
Pigden, London: Routledge, 1999.
- [RoM], Russell on Metaphysics, edited by Stephen
Mumford, London: Routledge, 2003.
- [RoR], Russell on Religion, edited by Louis
Greenspan and Stefan Anderson, London: Routledge, 1999.
- The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell: The Private
Years, 1884–1914, edited by Nicholas Griffin, London:
Routledge, 2002. (Scholar)
- The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell: The Public
Years, 1914–1970, edited by Nicholas Griffin, London:
Routledge, 2001. (Scholar)
- Sceptical Essays, London: Routledge, 1977 (originally
published 1928).
- Unpopular Essays, London: George Allen and Unwin; New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1950.
- Why I am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and
Related Subjects, edited by Paul Edwards, London: George Allen
and Unwin, 1957.
- Yours Faitfully, Bertand Russell: A Lifelong fight
for Peace, Justice and Truth in Letters to the Editor, edited by
Ray Perkins, Chicago and Lasalle: Open Court, 2002.
Referred to as Papers in the text.
- Vol. 1: Cambridge Essays, 1888–99, London, Boston,
Sydney: George Allen and Unwin, 1983. (Scholar)
- Vol. 4: Foundations of Logic, 1903–05, London and
New York: Routledge, 1994. (Scholar)
- Vol. 6: Logical and Philosophical Papers, 1909–13,
London and New York: Routledge, 1992. (Scholar)
- Vol. 8: The Philosophy of Logical Atomism and Other Essays,
1914–19, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1986. (Scholar)
- Vol. 9: Essays on Language, Mind and Matter,
1919–26, London: Unwin Hyman, 1988. (Scholar)
- Vol. 10: A Fresh Look at Empiricism, 1927–42,
London and New York: Routledge, 1996. (Scholar)
- Vol. 11: Last Philosophical Testament, 1943–68,
London and New York: Routledge, 1997. (Scholar)
- Vol. 12: Contemplation and Action, 1902–14, London,
Boston, Sydney: George Allen and] Unwin, 1985. (Scholar)
- Vol. 13: Prophecy and Dissent, 1914–16, London:
Unwin Hyman, 1988. (Scholar)
- Aiken, Lillian W., 1963, Bertrand Russell’s Philosophy of
Morals, New York: Humanities Press. (Scholar)
- Allard, James, 2003, “Idealism in Britain and the United
States” in Baldwin (ed.), 2003: 43–59. (Scholar)
- Ayer, A.J., 1936, Language, Truth and Logic, 2nd edition, New York: Dover, 1952. (Scholar)
- Baldwin, Thomas (ed.), 2003, The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870–1945, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Barnes, W.H.F., 1933, “A Suggestion About Value,” Analysis, 1: 45–46. (Scholar)
- Blackwell, Kenneth, 1985, The Spinozistic Ethics of Bertrand Russell, London: Allen and Unwin. (Scholar)
- Bradley, F.H., 1930 [1893], Appearance and Reality, ninth
impression, corrected, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Geach, P.T., 1960, “Ascriptivism”, Philosophical Review, 69(2); reprinted in Geach 1972: 250–254. (Scholar)
- –––, 1965, “Assertion”, Philosophical Review, 74(4): 449–465; reprinted in Geach 1972: 254–269. (Scholar)
- –––, 1972, Logic Matters, Oxford: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Griffin, Nicholas (ed.), 2003a, The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003b, “Russell’s Philosophical
Background” in Griffin 2003a: 84–107. (Scholar)
- Harman, Gilbert, 1977, The Nature of Morality, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Hume, David, 1978 [1739–40], A Treatise of Humean Nature, 2nd edition, Selby-Bigge/Nidditch (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1975 [1748], Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals, 3rd edition, Selby-Bigge/Nidditch (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Joyce, Richard, 2001, The Myth of Morality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Langford, C.H., 1942, “The Notion of Analysis in Moore’s
Philosophy”, in Schilpp (ed.) 1942: 321–342. (Scholar)
- Levy, Paul, 1981, Moore: G.E. Moore and the Cambridge Apostles, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Lewis, David, 1989, “Dispositional Theories of Value”. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, LXIII: 113–137; reprinted in David Lewis, 2000, Papers in Ethics and Social Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 68–94. (Scholar)
- Lillehammer, Hallvard, 2007, Companions in Guilt:
Arguments for Ethical Objectivity, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan. (Scholar)
- Mackie, J.L., 1946, “The Refutation of Morals”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 24: 77–90. (Scholar)
- –––, 1977, Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong, Harmondsworth: Penguin. (Scholar)
- McTaggart J.E.M., 1996, Philosophical Studies, Bristol:
Thoemmes; originally published in 1934, though the passage quoted
comes from “The Further Determination of the Absolute”
privately printed in 1893. (Scholar)
- Miller, A., 2013, Contemporary Metaethics: an Introduction, 2nd edition, Cambridge: Polity Press. (Scholar)
- Moore, G.E., 1903, Principia Ethica, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; abbreviated as PE. (Scholar)
- –––, 1912, Ethics, London: Williams and Norgate; reprinted, with new pagination, London: Oxford University Press, 1966 (all references to this reprint). [The more recent Clarendon edition of 2005, with an introduction by William H. Shaw, has the same pagination as the 1966 edition.] (Scholar)
- –––, 1942, “A Reply to My Critics,”
in Schilpp 1942: 533–678. (Scholar)
- –––, 1993, Principia Ethica, revised edition with the Preface to the second edition and other papers, edited by Thomas Baldwin, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; first edition published in 1903. (Scholar)
- Nuccetelli, S. and G. Seay (eds.), 2007, Themes from G.E. Moore: New Essays in Epistemology and Ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Perkins, Ray, 2007, “Russell’s Meta-ethics,”
Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, 26:
179–184. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Was Russell’s Error Theory a
Mistake?” Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell
Studies, 32: 30–41. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, “Bertrand Russell’s Moral
Philosophy,” in Wahl (ed.) 2019: 334–360. (Scholar)
- Phillips, Paul, 2013, Contesting the Moral High Ground:
Popular Moralists in Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain, Montreal:
McGill-Queen’s University Press. (Scholar)
- Pigden, Charles R., 2003, “Bertrand Russell: Moral Philosopher or Unphilosophical Moralist?” in Griffin 2003a: 450–474. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, “Desiring to Desire: Russell, Lewis and G.E. Moore,” in Nuccetelli and Seay 2007: 244–260. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, “Two Arguments for Emotivism and a Methodological Moral,” Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, 39(1): 5–35. (Scholar)
- Potter, Michael K., 2006, Bertrand Russell’s Ethics,
Bristol: Thoemmes. (Scholar)
- Prior, A.N., 1949, Logic and the Basis of Ethics. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Raphael, D.D. (ed.), 1991 [BM], The British
Moralists, 2 volumes, Indianapolis: Hackett.
- Reid, Thomas, 1843, Essays on the Active Powers of the Human
Mind, edited by G.N. Wright, London: Thomas Tegg; available in a
paperback reprint from Kessinger Publishing. (Scholar)
- Ross, W.D., 1930, The Right and the Good, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1939, The Foundations of Ethics, Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Scholar)
- Ryan, Alan, 1988, Bertrand Russell: a Political Life, Harmondsworth: Allen Lane (Scholar)
- Schilpp, Paul Arthur (ed.), 1942, The Philosophy of G.E. Moore (The Library of Living Philosophers), Evanston: Northwestern University. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 1944, The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell (The Library of Living Philosophers), Chicago: Northwestern University. (Scholar)
- Schulz, Bart, 2004, Henry Sidgwick: Eye of the Universe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Schroeder, Mark, 2010, Non-Cognitivism in Ethics, London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Sidgwick, Henry, 1982, The Methods of Ethics,
Indianapolis, Hackett; this is a reprint of the 7th edition
of 1907, first published in 1874. (Scholar)
- Soames, Scott, 2003, Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, vol. 1: The Dawn of Analysis, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1985, Ethics, in Curley ed. and
trans., The Collected Works of Spinoza (Volume 1), Princeton:
Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Stevenson, C., 1937, “The Emotive Meaning of Ethical Terms,” Mind, 46: 14–31. (Scholar)
- Stevenson, Charles, 1944, Ethics and Language, New Haven: Yale University Press. (Scholar)
- Stove, David, 1991, The Plato Cult and Other Philosophical Follies, Oxford: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Tait, Katherine, 1975, My Father Bertrand Russell, New York: Harcourt, Bruce Jovanovich. (Scholar)
- Urmson, J.O., 1968, The Emotive Theory of Ethics, London: Hutchinson. (Scholar)
- Wahl, Russell (ed.), 2019, The Bloomsbury Companion to Bertrand Russell, London: Bloomsbury. (Scholar)
- Warnock, Mary, 1978, Ethics Since 1900, 3rd
edn., Edinburg, VA: Axios Institute Press. (Scholar)