There is an almost universally used standard citation format for
Sellars’s works employing the abbreviations given below.
[EPH] |
Essays in Philosophy and Its History, D. Reidel
Publishing Co.; Dordrecht, Holland; 1975 |
[EPM*] |
Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind, Robert Brandom
(ed.), Harvard University Press.; Cambridge, MA; 1997. [The original,
1956, version of [EPM] see below, lacking footnotes added in [SPR],
with an Introduction by Richard Rorty and Study Guide by
Brandom.] |
[ISR] |
Scharp, K. and R. B. Brandom (eds.), 2007: In the Space of
Reasons: Selected Essays of Wilfrid Sellars. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press. |
[KPKT] |
Kant and Pre-Kantian Themes: Lectures by Wilfrid Sellars,
Pedro Amaral (ed.), Ridgeview Publishing Co.; Atascadero, CA: 2002. [A
transcription of Sellars’s Kant lectures, plus essays on Descartes,
Locke, Spinoza, and Leibniz.] |
[KTM] |
Kant’s Transcendental Metaphysics: Sellars’ Cassirer Lecture
Notes and Other Essays, Jeffrey F. Sicha (ed.), Ridgeview
Publishing Co.; Atascadero, CA: 2002. [Contains a complete
bibliography of Sellars’s published work, philosophical
correspondence, and circulated manuscripts through 2002.] |
[ME] |
The Metaphysics of Epistemology, Lectures by Wilfrid
Sellars, Pedro Amaral (ed.), Ridgeview Publishing Co.;
Atascadero, CA; 1989. [Contains a complete bibliography of Sellars’s
published work through 1989.] |
[NAO] |
Naturalism and Ontology, Ridgeview Publishing Co.;
Atascadero, CA: 1979. [An expanded version of the 1974 John Dewey
Lectures] |
[PP] |
Philosophical Perspectives, Charles C. Thomas:
Springfield, IL; 1967; reprinted in two volumes, Philosophical
Perspectives: History of Philosophy and
Philosophical Perspective: Metaphysics and Epistemology, Ridgeview Publishing
Co.; Atascadero, CA; 1977. |
[PPPW] |
Pure Pragmatics and Possible Worlds — The Early Essays
of Wilfrid Sellars, Jeffrey F. Sicha (ed.), Ridgeview Publishing
Co; Atascadero, CA; 1980. [Contains a long introductory essay by Sicha
and an extensive bibliography of Sellars’s work through 1979.] |
[SM] |
Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes,
Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd; London, and The Humanities Press; New
York; 1968. The 1966 John Locke Lectures. Reissued in 1992 by
Ridgeview Publishing Co., Atascadero, CA. |
[SPR] |
Science, Perception and Reality, Routledge & Kegan
Paul Ltd; London, and The Humanities Press: New York, 1963; reissued
in 1991 by Ridgeview Publishing Co., Atascadero, CA. |
[AAE] |
“Actions and Events,” Noûs 7, 1973:
179–202. |
[AE] |
“Abstract Entities,” Review of Metaphysics
16, 1963: 627–71; reprinted in PP: 229–69; ISR: 163–205. |
[AR] |
“Autobiographical Reflections (February 1973),”
in Action, Knowledge, and Reality: Studies in Honor of Wilfrid
Sellars, H-N. Castañeda (ed.), Indianapolis:
Bobbs-Merrill, 1975: 277–93. |
[CDCM] |
“Counterfactuals, Dispositions, and the Causal
Modalities,” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of
Science, Vol. II, H. Feigl, M. Scriven, and G. Maxwell (eds.),
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1957:
225–308. |
[CE] |
“The Concept of Emergence” (with Paul
Meehl). In Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science,
vol. I, H. Feigl & M. Scriven (eds.), Minneapolis, MN: University
of Minnesota Press, 1956: 239–52. |
[EAE] |
“Empiricism and Abstract Entities,” in The Philosophy
of Rudolf Carnap, P.A. Schilpp (ed.), LaSalle, IL: Open Court, 1963:
431–68; reprinted in EPH: 245–86. |
[EPM] |
“Empiricism and the Philosophy of
Mind,” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of
Science, vol. I, H. Feigl & M. Scriven (eds.), Minneapolis,
MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1956: 253–329. (Originally
presented at the University of London Special Lectures in Philosophy
for 1956 as “The Myth of the Given: Three Lectures on Empiricism
and the Philosophy of Mind”); reprinted in SPR with additional
footnotes. Published separately as Empiricism and the Philosophy
of Mind: with an Introduction by Richard Rorty and a Study Guide by
Robert Brandom, R. Brandom (ed.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1997; also reprinted in W. deVries &
T. Triplett, Knowledge, Mind, and the Given: A Reading of
Sellars’ “Empiricism and the Philosophy of
Mind,” (KMG), Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 2000. |
[FD] |
“Fatalism and Determinism,” in Keith Lehrer,
(ed.), Freedom and Determinism, New York: Random House, 1966:
141–74. |
[FMPP] |
“Foundations for a Metaphysics of Pure Process,” The
Carus Lectures for 1977–78, published in The Monist 64
(1) 1981: 3–90. |
[GE] |
“Grammar and Existence: A Preface to
Ontology,” Mind 69 (1960): 499–533; reprinted in SPR:
247–81; in ISR: 126–62. |
[GEC] |
“Givenness and Explanatory Coherence,” Journal of
Philosophy 70, 1973: 612–24. |
[I] |
“…this I or he or it (the thing) which
thinks,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical
Association 44, 1972: 5–31; the 1970 Presidential Address,
American Philosophical Association (Eastern Division), reprinted in
EPH, KTM: 341–62, and ISR: 411–36. |
“The Identity Approach to the Mind-Body
Problem,” Review of Metaphysics 18, 1965: 430–51;
reprinted in PP: 370–88 and ISR: 350–68. |
[IKTE] |
“The Role of Imagination in Kant’s Theory of
Experience,” The Dotterer Lecture, in Categories: A
Colloquium, H.W. Johnstone, Jr. (ed.), University Park, PA:
Pennsylvania State University Press: 1978: 231–45; reprinted in
KTM: 419–30; ISR: 454–66. |
[IM] |
“Inference and Meaning,” Mind, 62 1953:
313–38; reprinted in PPPW: 261–86; ISR: 3–27. |
[ITM] |
“Intentionality and the Mental,” A symposium by
correspondence with Roderick Chisholm. In Minnesota Studies in the
Philosophy of Science, vol. II, H. Feigl, M. Scriven &
G. Maxwell (eds.), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1957:
507–39. |
[LRB] |
“Language, Rules and Behavior,” In John Dewey:
Philosopher of Science and Freedom, S. Hook (ed.), New York: Dial
Press, 1949: 289–315; reprinted in PPPW: 129–55. |
[LT] |
“The Language of Theories,” in Current Issues in
the Philosophy Science, H. Feigl and G. Maxwell (eds.), New
York: Henry Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, 1961: 57–77; reprinted in
SPR, pp. 106–26. |
[LTC] |
“Language as Thought and
Communication,” Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research 29 1969: 506–27; reprinted in EPH: 93–117; ISR::
57–80. |
[MFC] |
“Meaning as Functional
Classification,” Synthese 27, 1974: 417–37 (Issue also
contains comments by Daniel Dennett and Hilary Putnam and Sellars’s
replies.); reprinted in ISR: 81–100. |
[MEV] |
“Mental Events,” Philosophical Studies, 81,
1981: 325–45; reprinted in ISR: 282–300. |
[MGEC] |
“More on Givenness and Explanatory Coherence,”
in Justification and Knowledge, George S. Pappas (ed.),
Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1979: 169–82; reprinted
in Perceptual Knowledge, J. Dancy (ed.), Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1988: 177–91. |
[OAFP] |
“On Accepting First Principles,” in Philosophical
Perspectives 2: Epistemology, 1988, J. Tomberlin (ed.),
Atascadero, CA: Ridgeview Publishing Co., 1988: 301–14;
reprinted in KTM: 443–54. |
[OMP] |
“‘Ought’ and Moral
Principles”. Unpublished typescript dated “Pittsburgh,
February 14” 1966. |
[ORAV] |
“On Reasoning About Values,” American
Philosophical Quarterly 17 1980: 81–101. |
[P] |
“Phenomenalism,” in SPR: 60–105; reprinted in
ISR: 303–49. |
[PSIM] |
“Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man,”
in Frontiers of Science and Philosophy, Robert Colodny (ed.)
(Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1962): 35–78;
reprinted in SPR: 1–40, ISR: 369–408. |
[SK] |
“The Structure of Knowledge,” The Matchette Foundation
Lectures for 1971, in
Action, Knowledge, and Reality: Studies in Honor of Wilfrid Sellars, H-N.
Castañeda (ed.), Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1975: 295–347. |
[SRLG] |
“Some Reflections on Language Games,” Philosophy
of Science 21, 1954: 204–28; reprinted in ISR: 28–56; reprinted
with extensive additions in SPR: 321–58. |
[SRT] |
“Is Scientific Realism Tenable,” Proceedings of
the PSA, 2, 1976: 307–34. |
[SSMB] |
“A Semantical Solution of the Mind-Body
Problem,” Methodos, 5, 1953: 45–82; reprinted in
PPPW: 219–56. |
[SSOP] |
“Sensa or Sensings: Reflections on the Ontology of
Perception,” Philosophical Studies (Essays in Honor of
James Cornman) 41 1982: 83–111. |
[TA] |
“Thought and Action,” in Freedom and
Determinism, Keith Lehrer (ed.), New York: Random House, 1966:
105–39. |