Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Social Choice Theory" by Christian List
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
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Social Choice and Welfare, 6: 227–241. (Scholar)
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- Dietrich, F., 2006, “Judgment Aggregation: (Im)Possibility Theorems,” Journal of Economic Theory, 126: 286–298. (Scholar)
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justified,” Episteme, 5: 56–73. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Bayesian group belief,” Social Choice and Welfare, 35: 595–626. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Aggregation theory and the relevance of some issues to others,” Journal of Economic Theory, 160: 463–493. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019, “A theory of Bayesian groups,” Noûs, 53: 708–736. (Scholar)
- Dietrich, F. and C. List, 2004, “A Model of Jury Decisions Where All Jurors Have the Same Evidence,” Synthese, 142: 175–202. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007a, “Judgment aggregation by quota rules: majority voting generalized,” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 19: 391–424. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007b, “Arrow’s theorem in
judgment aggregation,” Social Choice and Welfare, 29:
19–33. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007c, “Strategy-proof judgment aggregation,” Economics and Philosophy, 23: 269–300. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Judgment aggregation without full rationality,” Social Choice and Welfare, 31: 15–39. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010a, “Majority voting on restricted domains,” Journal of Economic Theory, 145: 512–543. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010b, “The aggregation of propositional attitudes: towards a general theory,” Oxford Studies in Epistemology, 3: 215–234. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “Probabilistic Opinion Pooling
Generalized: Parts I and II,” Social Choice and Welfare
48(4): 747–814. (Scholar)
- Dietrich, F. and P. Mongin, 2010, “The premise-based approach to judgment aggregation,” Journal of Economic Theory, 145: 562–582. (Scholar)
- Dietrich, F. and K. Spiekermann, 2013, “Epistemic Democracy with Defensible Premises,” Economics and Philosophy, 29(1): 87–120. (Scholar)
- Dokow, E. and R. Holzman, 2010a, “Aggregation of binary
evaluations,” Journal of Economic Theory, 145:
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- –––, 2010b, “Aggregation of binary
evaluations with abstentions,” Journal of Economic
Theory, 145: 544–561. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010c, “Aggregation of non-binary
evaluations,” Advances in Applied Mathematics, 45:
487–504. (Scholar)
- Dowding, K. and M. van Hees, 2003, “The Construction of
Rights,” American Political Science Review, 97:
281–293. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “In Praise of
Manipulation,” British Journal of Political Science,
38: 1–15. (Scholar)
- Dryzek, J. and C. List, 2003, “Social Choice Theory and Deliberative Democracy: A Reconciliation,” British Journal of Political Science, 33: 1–28. (Scholar)
- Elster, J., 2013, “Excessive Ambitions (II),”
Capitalism and Society, 8, Issue 1, Article 1. (Scholar)
- Estlund, D., 1994, “Opinion Leaders, Independence, and
Condorcet’s Jury Theorem,” Theory and Decision,
36: 131–162. (Scholar)
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alternatives to the majority judgment,” Social Choice and
Welfare, 56: 101–124. (Scholar)
- Feddersen, T. J. and W. Pesendorfer, 1998, “Convicting the
Innocent,” American Political Science Review, 92:
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- Fey, M., 2004, “May’s theorem with an infinite
population,” Social Choice and Welfare, 23:
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- Fishburn, P. C., 1978, “Axioms for Approval Voting: Direct
Proof,” Journal of Economic Theory, 19:
180–185. (Scholar)
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Journal of Economic Theory, 45: 212. (Scholar)
- Gaertner, W., 2001, Domain Conditions in Social Choice Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005, “De jure naturae et gentium:
Samuel von Pufendorf’s contribution to social choice theory and
economics,” Social Choice and Welfare, 25:
231–241. (Scholar)
- Gaertner, W., P. K. Pattanaik, and K. Suzumura, 1992,
“Individual Rights Revisited,” Economica, 59:
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- Gaertner, W. and E. Schokkaert, 2012, Empirical Social Choice:
Questionnaire-Experimental Studies on Distributive Justice,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Gale, D. and L. S. Shapley, 1962, “College admissions and
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Monthly, 69: 9–15. (Scholar)
- Gärdenfors, P., 2006, “An Arrow-like theorem for voting
with logical consequences,” Economics and Philosophy,
22: 181–190. (Scholar)
- Gehrlein, W. V., 1983, “Condorcet’s Paradox,”
Theory and Decision, 15: 161–197. (Scholar)
- Genest, C., 1984, “A characterization theorem for externally
Bayesian groups,” Annals of Statistics, 12:
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- Genest, C., K. J. McConway, and M. J. Schervish, 1986,
“Characterization of externally Bayesian pooling
operators,” Annals of Statistics 14:
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- Genest, C. and K. Wagner, 1987, “Further evidence against
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Aequationes Mathematicae, 32: 74–86. (Scholar)
- Genest, C. and J. V. Zidek, 1986, “Combining Probability
Distributions: A Critique and Annotated Bibliography,”
Statistical Science, 1: 113–135. (Scholar)
- Gibbard, A., 1969, “Social Choice and the Arrow
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schemes: a general result,” Econometrica, 41:
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- Gigliotti, G. A., 1986, “Comment on Craven,” Theory and Decision, 21: 89–95. (Scholar)
- Gilboa, I., D. Samet, and D. Schmeidler, 2004, “Utilitarian
Aggregation of Beliefs and Tastes,” Journal of Political
Economy, 112: 932–938. (Scholar)
- Goldman, A., 2004, “Group Knowledge versus Group Rationality: Two Approaches to Social Epistemology,” Episteme, A Journal of Social Epistemology, 1: 11–22. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “Why Social Epistemology Is Real Epistemology,” Social Epistemology, A. Haddock, A. Millar, and D. Pritchard (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Goodin, R. E. and C. List, 2006, “A Conditional Defense of
Plurality Rule: Generalizing May’s Theorem in a Restricted
Informational Environment,” American Journal of Political
Science, 50: 940–949. (Scholar)
- Goodin, R. E. and K. Spiekermann, 2018, An Epistemic Theory of Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Grofman, B., G. Owen, and S. L. Feld, 1983, “Thirteen theorems in search of the truth,” Theory and Decision, 15: 261–278. (Scholar)
- Guilbaud, G. T., [1952] 1966, “Theories of the General
Interest, and the Logical Problem of Aggregation,” Readings
in Mathematical Social Science, P. F. Lazarsfeld and N. W. Henry
(eds.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 262–307. (Scholar)
- Harrison, G. W. and T. McDaniel, 2008, “Voting Games and
Computational Complexity,” Oxford Economic Papers, 60:
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- Hattiangadi, A., 2020, “Radical Interpretation and The Aggregation Problem,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 101: 283–303. (Scholar)
- Hausman, D., 1995, “The Impossibility of Interpersonal Utility Comparisons,” Mind, 104: 473–490. (Scholar)
- Heal, G. M. (ed.), 1997, Topological Social Choice,
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- Hurley, S., 1985, “Supervenience and the Possibility of Coherence,” Mind, 94: 501–525. (Scholar)
- Inada, K.-I., 1964, “A Note on the Simple Majority Decision
Rule,” Econometrica, 32: 525–531. (Scholar)
- Kanazawa, S., 1998, “A brief note on a further refinement of
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Mathematical Social Sciences, 35: 69–73. (Scholar)
- Klaus, B., D. F. Manlove, and F. Rossi, 2016, “Matching
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333–355. (Scholar)
- Knight, J. and J. Johnson, 1994, “Aggregation and Deliberation: On the Possibility of Democratic Legitimacy,” Political Theory, 22: 277–296. (Scholar)
- Konieczny, S. and R. Pino Pérez, 2002, “Merging
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- Kornhauser, L. A. and L. G. Sager, 1986, “Unpacking the
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- Kroedel, T. and F. Huber, 2013, “Counterfactual Dependence and Arrow,” Noûs, 47(3): 453–466. (Scholar)
- Lackey, J., 2016, “What Is Justified Group Belief?” Philosophical Review, 125: 341–396. (Scholar)
- Ladha, K., 1992, “The Condorcet Jury Theorem, Free Speech
and Correlated Votes,” American Journal of Political
Science, 36: 617–634. (Scholar)
- Landemore, H., 2013, Democratic Reason: Politics, Collective Intelligence, and the Rule of the Many, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Lehrer, K. and C. Wagner, 1981, Rational Consensus in Science and Society, Dordrecht/Boston: Reidel. (Scholar)
- List, C., 2001, “A Note on Introducing a
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Arrow’s Theorem,” Pacific Economic Review, 6,
special section in honour of Amartya Sen, 223–238. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003a, “Are Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility Indeterminate?” Erkenntnis, 58: 229–260. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003b, “A Possibility Theorem on Aggregation over Multiple Interconnected Propositions,” Mathematical Social Sciences, 45: 1–13 (with Corrigendum in Mathematical Social Sciences, 52: 109–110). (Scholar)
- –––, 2004a, “Multidimensional Welfare Aggregation,” Public Choice, 119: 119–142. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004b, “A Model of Path-Dependence in Decisions over Multiple Propositions,” American Political Science Review, 98: 495–513. (Scholar)
- List, C. and R. E. Goodin, 2001, “Epistemic Democracy:
Generalizing the Condorcet Jury Theorem,” Journal of
Political Philosophy, 9: 277–306. (Scholar)
- List, C., R. C. Luskin, J. S. Fishkin, and I. McLean, 2013, “Deliberation, Single-Peakedness, and the Possibility of Meaningful Democracy: Evidence from Deliberative Polls,” Journal of Politics, 75: 80–95. (Scholar)
- List, C. and P. Pettit, 2002, “Aggregating Sets of Judgments: An Impossibility Result,” Economics and Philosophy, 18(1): 89–110. (Scholar)
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