Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Being and Becoming in Modern Physics" by Steven Savitt
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Arthur, R. 1982. “Exacting a Philosophy of Becoming from Modern Physics,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 63: 101–110. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006. “Minkowski Spacetime and the Dimensions of the Present,” in The Ontology of Spacetime (Volume 1), D. Dieks (ed.), Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Scholar)
- –––, 2019. The Reality of Time Flow: Local Becoming in Modern Physics, Cham: Springer. (Scholar)
- Born, M., 1962. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity,
New York City: Dover Publications. (This is a revised and translated
version of the original German text of 1920.) (Scholar)
- Brading, K. 2013. “Presentism as an Empirical Hypothesis,” Philosophy of Science, 80: 1101–1111. (Scholar)
- Broad, C. D., 1923. Scientific Thought, London and New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, Inc. (Scholar)
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in The Philosophy of C. D. Broad, P. A. Schilpp (ed.), New
York City: Tudor Publishing, pp. 711–830. (Scholar)
- Butterfield, J. (ed.), 1999. The Arguments of Time, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2017. What Makes Time Special?,
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000. “Shedding Light on Time,”
in D. Howard (ed.) 2000, pp. S587–S599. (Scholar)
- Callender, C. (ed.), 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Carnap, R., 1950. “Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology,” Revue Internationale de Philosophy, 4: 20–40. (Scholar)
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- Clifton, R. and Hogarth, M., 1995. “The Definability of Objective Becoming in Minkowski Spacetime,” Synthese, 103: 355–387. (Scholar)
- Crisp, T., 2004a. “On Presentism and Triviality,” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, D. Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 14–20. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004b. “Reply to Ludlow,” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, D. Zimmerman, (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 37–46. (Scholar)
- Dieks, D. 1988. “Special Relativity and the Flow of Time,” Philosophy of Science, 55: 456–60. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006. “Becoming, Relativity and Locality” in The Ontology of Spacetime (Volume 1), D. Dieks (ed.), Amsterdam: Elsevier. (Scholar)
- DiSalle, R. 2006., Understanding Space-Time, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Dolev, Y., 2007. Time and Realism: Metaphysical and Antimetaphysical Perspectives, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Dorato, M., 2006. “The Irrelevance of the Presentist/Eternalist Debate for the Ontology of Minkowski Spacetime” in The Ontology of Spacetime (Volume 1), D. Dieks (ed.), Amsterdam and Oxford; Elsevier, pp. 93–109. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011. “The Alexandroff Present and Minkowski Spacetime: Why it Cannot Do What it has been Asked to do” in Explanation, Prediction and Confirmation: The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective (Volume 2), D. Dieks, et al. (eds.), Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer, pp. 379–394. (Scholar)
- Dorato, M. and M. Wittman. 2015. “The Now and the Passage of
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- Dyke, H., 2007., Metaphysics and the Representational Fallacy, New York and London: Routledge. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013. “Time and Tense” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Time, H. Dyke and A. Bardon (eds.), Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 328–344. (Scholar)
- Einstein, A., 1905. “On the Electrodynamics of Moving
Bodies,” as reprinted and translated in The Principle of
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- Fitzgerald, P., 1985. “Four Kinds of Temporal Becoming,” Philosophical Topics, 13: 145–177. (Scholar)
- Friedman, M., 1983. Foundations of Space-Time Theories: Relativistic Physics and Philosophy of Science, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Gale, R., 1967. The Philosophy of Time: a Collection of Essays, Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company. (Scholar)
- –––, 1968. The Language of Time, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, and New York: Humanities Press. (Scholar)
- Geroch, R., 1978. General Relativity from A to B,
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- Gödel, K., 1949. “A Remark about the Relationship Between Relativity and Idealistic Philosophy,” in Albert-Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, P. Schilpp (ed.), La Salle, IL: Open Court, pp. 557–62. (Scholar)
- Golosz, J., 2013. “Presentism, Eternalism, and the Triviality Problem,” Logic and Logical Philosophy, 22: 45–61. (Scholar)
- Grünbaum, A., 1971. “The Meaning of Time,” in
Basic Issues in the Philosophy of Time, E. Freeman and W.
Sellars (eds.), La Salle, IL: Open Court, pp. 195–228. (Scholar)
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Reidel Publishing Company. (Scholar)
- Horwich, P., 1987. Asymmetries in Time: Problems in the
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- Howard, D. (ed.), 2000. PSA 1998: Proceedings of the 1998
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II: Symposia papers. Philosophy of Science, Supplement to
Volume 67, Number 3. (Scholar)
- Lombard, L., 2010. “Time for a Change: A Polemic against the Presentism-Eternalism Debate.” in Time and Identity, J. Campbell, M. O’Rourke, and H. Silverstein (eds.), Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 49–78. (Scholar)
- Ludlow, P., 2004. “Presentism, Triviality, and the Varieties of Tensism,” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, D. Zimmerman, (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 21–36. (Scholar)
- Markosian, N., 1993. “How Fast Does Time Pass?” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 53: 829–844. (Scholar)
- Maudlin, T., 2007. The Metaphysics Within Physics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- McTaggart, J. M. E., 1908. “The Unreality of Time,”
Mind, New Series, 68: 457–484. (Scholar)
- –––, 1927. The Nature of Existence, Vol. II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Mellor, D. H., 1981. Real Time, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998. Real Time II London and New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Mermin, N. D., 1968. Space and Time in Special Relativity, Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005. It’s About Time:
Understanding Einstein’s Relativity, Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Meyer, U., 2005. “The Presentist’s Dilemma,”
Philosophical Studies, 122: 213–224. (Scholar)
- Moltmann, F., 2013. “The Semantics of Existence,” Linguistics and Philosophy, 36: 31–63. (Scholar)
- Minkowski, H., 1908. “Space and Time,” as reprinted
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Dover Publications, 1952, pp. 73–91. (Scholar)
- Nahin, P., 1999. Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction, 2nd edition, New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. (Scholar)
- Norton, J., 2010, “Time Really Passes.” Humana Mente: Journal of Philosophical Studies, 13: 23–34. (Scholar)
- Oaklander, N. and Smith, Q. (eds.), 1994. The New Theory of
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- Olson, E., 2009. “The Rate of Time’s Passage,”
Analysis, 69: 3–9. (Scholar)
- Park, D. 1971. “The Myth of the Passage of Time,” Studium Generale, 24: 19–30; reprinted in The Study of Time, J.T. Fraser, F. C. Haber, and G. H. Müller (eds.), Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York: Springer-Verlag, 1972. (Scholar)
- Penrose, R., 1989. The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning
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- Pooley, O., 2013. “Relativity, the Open Future, and the Passage of Time,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 113(3): 321–363. (Scholar)
- Price, H., 1996. Time’s Arrow & Archimedes’
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Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011. “The Flow of Time,” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time, C. Callender (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Prior, A., 1970. “The Notion of the Present,” Studium Generale, 23: 245–48. Reprinted in The Study of Time, J.T. Fraser, F. C. Haber, and G. H. Müller (eds.) Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York: Springer-Verlag, 1972. (Scholar)
- Putnam, H., 1967. “Time and Physical Geometry,” Journal of Philosophy, 64: 240–247. Reprinted in Putnam’s Collected Papers (Volume I), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008. “Reply to Mauro Dorato,” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 4: 71–73. (Scholar)
- Quine, W. V. O., 1960. Word and Object, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. (Scholar)
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- Robb, A., 1914. A Theory of Time and Space, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
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- Rovelli, C., 2019. “Neither Presentism nor Eternalism,” Foundations of Physics, 49: 1325–1335. (Scholar)
- Rucker, R., 1984. The Fourth Dimension, Boston: Houghton
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- Savitt, S., 2001. “A Limited Defense of Passage,” American Philosophical Quarterly, 38: 261–270. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002. “On Absolute Becoming and the Myth of Passage” in Time, Reality, & Experience, C. Callender (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 153–167. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006. “Presentism and Eternalism in Perspective,” in The Ontology of Spacetime (Volume 1), D. Dieks (ed.), Amsterdam and Oxford; Elsevier, pp. 111–127. [2004 preprint available online, at the PhilSci Archive] (Scholar)
- –––, 2009. “The Transient nows,” in Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle, W. Myrvold and J. Christian (eds.), Amsterdam: Springer, pp. 339–352. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020. “In Search of Passing Time” in Spacetime 1909–2019, R. J. Slagter and Z. Keresztes (eds.), Montreal: Minkowski Institute Press. (Scholar)
- Schlesinger, G. N., 1980. Aspects of Time, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. (Scholar)
- Sellars, W., 1962. “Time and World Order,” in
Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Volume III),
H. Feigl and G. Maxwell (eds.), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, pp. 527–616. (Scholar)
- Shimony, A., 1993. “The Transient now,” in
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Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Sider, T., 2006. “Quantifiers and Temporal Ontology,” Mind, 115: 75–92. (Scholar)
- Skow, B., 2012. “One Second per Second,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 85: 377–389. (Scholar)
- Smart, J. J. C., 1963. Philosophy and Scientific Realism, New York: The Humanities Press. (Scholar)
- Stein, H., 1968. “On Einstein-Minkowski Space-Time,” The Journal of Philosophy, 65: 5–23. (Scholar)
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- Stoneham, T., 2009. “Time and Truth: the Presentism-Eternalism Debate,” Philosophy, 84: 201–218. (Scholar)
- Tallant, J., 2013. “Defining Existence Presentism,” Erkenntnis, 79(S3): 479–501. (Scholar)
- Taylor, E. F. and J. A. Wheeler., 1963. Spacetime
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- Torretti, R., 1983. Relativity and Geometry, Oxford, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Frankfurt: Pergamon Press. (Scholar)
- Wheelwright, Philip., 1960. The Presocratics,
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- Yourgrau, P., 1999. Gödel Meets Einstein: Time Travel in the Gödel Universe, Chicago and La Salle, IL: Open Court; this is a revised and expanded edition of The Disappearance of Time: Kurt Gödel and the Idealistic Tradition in Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. (Scholar)
- Zimmerman, D., (2011). “Presentism and the Space-Time Manifold,” Chapter 7 in C. Callender (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)