Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Syrianus" by Christian Wildberg
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Bagolinus, H., 1558, Syriani antiquissimi philosophy
interpretis in II, XIII, et XIV libros Aristotelis Metaphysics
commentarius, Latin translation by Hieronymus Bagolinius
(Bagnoli), Venice. (Scholar)
- Dillon, J. and D. O’Meara, 2006, Syrianus. On
Aristotle’s “Metaphysics 13–14”, London:
Duckworth and Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, Syrianus. On Aristotle’s “Metaphysics 3–4”, London: Duckworth and Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- Hermias Alexandrinus, In Platonis Phaedrum Scholia, P.
Couvreur (ed.), Paris: É. Bouillon, 1901; reprinted Hildesheim:
Olms, 1971, with indices by C. Zintzen. (Scholar)
- Syrianus, In Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria, H.
Usener (ed.), Berlin: Reimer, 1870.
- –––, In Hermogenem Commentaria, H. Rabe
(ed.), Leipzig: Teubner, 1892–93.
- –––, In Metaphysica commentaria,
in Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, W. Kroll (ed.), Berlin:
Reimer, Volume VI, Part i, 1902.
- Accattino, P., 1985, “Alessandro di Afrodisia e Aristotele di Mitilene”, Elenchos, 6: 76–74. (Scholar)
- Athanassiadi, P., 1999, Damascius, The Philosophical
History, Athens: Apamea Cultural Association. (Scholar)
- Balleriaux, O., 1989, “Philosophos ta keourgika esetazein.
Syrianus et la telestique”, Kernos 2: 13–25. (Scholar)
- Blumenthal, H.J., 1982, Soul and the structure of being in late neopolatonism: Syrianus, Proclus, Simplicius, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. (Scholar)
- Cadiou, R., 1953, “Syrianos et la science des phénomènes”, Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 143: 425–426. (Scholar)
- Cardullo, R.L., 1986, “Syrianus’ Lost Commentaries on
Aristotle”, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical
Studies, 33: 112–124. (Scholar)
- –––, 1987, “Siriano nella storiografia
filosofica moderna e contemporanea”, Siculorum
Gymnasium, 40: 71–182. (Scholar)
- –––, 1993, “Giamblico nel
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in The Divine Iamblichus, Philosopher and Man of Gods,
H.J. Blumenthal and E.G. Clark (eds.), London: Bristol Classical
Press, pp. 173–200. (Scholar)
- –––, 1993, “Syrianus défenseur de
Platon contre Aristote, selon le témoignage d’Asclepius:
(Métaphysique 433.9–436.6)”, in Contre Platon
I: Le platonisme dévoilé, J. Follon (ed.), Paris:
Vrin, pp. 197–214. (Scholar)
- –––, 1995, Siriano: esegeta di
Aristotele, Florence: La Nuova Italia. (Scholar)
- Cote, A., 2004, “Note on Syrianus’ use of the divided
line in his commentary on Aristotle’s
‘Metaphysics’”, The Modern Schoolman, 81:
57–66. (Scholar)
- D’Ancona, C., 2000, “Syrianus dans la tradition
exégétique de la ‘Métaphysique’
d’Aristote. 2, Antécédents et
postérité”, in Le commentaire entre tradition
et innovation, M.O. Goulet-Cazé (ed.), Paris: Vrin, pp.
311–327. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005, “Il neoplatonismo alessandrino:
alcune linee della ricerca contemporanea”, Adamantius,
11: 9–38. (Scholar)
- D’Hoine, P., 2004, “Four problems concerning the theory of ideas: Proclus, Syrianus and the ancient commentaries on the Parmenides”, in Platonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought, G. van Riel and C. Macé (eds.), Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 9–30. (Scholar)
- Dodds, E.R., 1963, Proclus, Elements of Theology,
2nd edition, Oxford: Clarendon, Introduction, esp.
xxi–xxv. (Scholar)
- Flashar, H., 2002, “Einblick in eine aristotelische
Dialogsituation”, Hyperboreus, 8: 240–243. (Scholar)
- Longo, A., 2005, Siriano e I principi della scienza,
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- Longo, A. (ed.), 2009, Syrianus et la métaphysique de
l’antiquité tardive: actes du colloque international,
Université de Gèneve, 29 septembre-1er octobre
2006, Naples: Bibliopolis. (Scholar)
- Luna, C., 2000, “Syrianus dans la tradition
exégétique de la Métaphysique d’Aristote.
Première partie: Syrianus entre Alexandre d’Aphrodise et
Asclepius”, in Le commentaire entre tradition et
innovation, M.O. Goulet-Cazé (ed.), Paris: Vrin, pp.
311–327. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, Trois études sur la
traduction des commentaires anciennes à la Métaphysique
d’Aristote, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Madigan, A., 1986, “Syrianus and Asclepius on Forms and Intermediates in Plato and Aristotle”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 24: 149–171. (Scholar)
- Manolea, C.P., 2003, “I kritiki tou Syrianou stous Evagora,
Akyla kai Minoukiano”, Parnassos, 45:
171–180. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, The Homeric tradition in
Syrianus, Thessaloniki: Stamoulis. (Scholar)
- Marinus, 2001, Proclus ou sur le Bonheur, H.-D. Saffrey
and A. Segonds (eds.), Paris: Les Belles Lettres. (Scholar)
- Mueller, I., 2000, “Syrianus and the Concept of Mathematical
Number”, in La philosophie des mathematiques de
l’Antiquité tardive, G. Bechtle and D. O’Meara
(eds.), Fribourg: Editions Universitaires Saint Paul, pp.
71–84. (Scholar)
- Praechter, K., 1926, “Das Schriftenverzeichnis des Neuplatonikers Syrianos bei Suidas”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 26: 253–264. (Scholar)
- –––, 1932, “Syrianos”, in
Pauly-Wissowa’s Realencyclopaedie, IV A,
1728–1775. (Scholar)
- Saffrey, H.D., 1987, “Comment Syrianus, le maître de
l’école néoplatonicienne d’athènes,
considerait-il Aristote?”, in Aristoteles Werk und Wirkung,
Paul Moraux gewidmet, Zweiter Band: Kommentierung, Ueberlieferung,
Nachleben, J. Wiesner (ed.), Berlin: De Gruyter, pp.
205–14. (Scholar)
- Sambursky, S., 1968, “The Theory of Forms: a problem and four Neoplatonic solutions”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 6: 327–340. (Scholar)
- Sandys, J.E., 1893, “Syrianus on Hermogenes of Tarsus”, The Classical Review, 7: 422–424. (Scholar)
- Sheppard, A.D.H., 1982, “Monad and Dyad as Cosmic Principles
in Syrianus”, in Soul and the Structure of Being in Late
Neoplatonism, H.J. Blumenthal and A.C. Lloyd (eds.), Liverpool:
Liverpool University Press, pp. 1–17. (Scholar)
- Sorabji, R.R.K., 1987, “Proclus on place and the
interpretation of bodies”, in Proclus lecteur et
interprète des anciens, Paris: Ed. du CNRS, pp.
293–304. (Scholar)
- Sorabji, R.R.K., 2005, The Philosophers of the Commentators
200–600 AD, three volumes, London: Duckworth. (Translations
of various passages from Syrianus) (Scholar)
- Tarán, L., 1987, “Syrianus and
Pseudo-Alexander’s Commentary on Metaph. E-N”, in
Aristoteles Werk und Wirkung, Paul Moraux gewidmet, Zweiter Band:
Kommentierung, Überlieferung, Nachleben, J. Wiesner (ed.),
Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 215–232. (Scholar)
- Vincent, M.A., 1971, “Syrianus et le Politique
d’Aristote cité In Metaph. p. 168, 33–35 Kroll, ou
un trait d’humeur aurait-il été pris au
sérieux?”, in Le neo-platonisme. Actes du Colloque de
Royaumont, 9–13 juin 1969, Paris: Ed. du CNRS, pp.
215–227. (Scholar)
- Wallis, R.T., 1972, Neoplatonism, London: Duckworth. (Scholar)
- Wear, S.K., 2005, The Collected Fragments of Syrianus the
Platonist on Plato’s Parmenides and Timaeus,
Diss., Trinity College, Dublin. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Syrianus the Platonist on Eternity and Time”, Classical Quarterly 58, pp. 648–660. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, “The teachings of Syrianus on
Plato’s Timaeus and Parmenides”, Leiden:
Brill. (Scholar)
- Zeller, E., 1923, Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer
geschichtlichen Entwicklung, III 2. Die nacharistotelische
Philosophie, Leipzig: Reisland; repr. 1963, Hildesheim: Olms,
818–833. (Scholar)