Linked bibliography for the SEP article "The Pragmatic Theory of Truth" by John Capps
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Allen-Hermanson, Sean, 2001, “The Pragmatist’s Troubles with Bivalence and Counterfactuals”, Dialogue, 40(4): 669–690. doi:10.1017/s0012217300004935 (Scholar)
- Atkin, Albert, 2015, “Intellectual Hope as Convenient Friction”, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 51(4): 444–462. doi:10.2979/trancharpeirsoc.51.4.04 (Scholar)
- Atkins, Richard Kenneth, 2010, “Pragmatic Scruples and the Correspondence Theory of Truth”, Dialogue, 49(3): 365–380. doi:10.1017/s0012217310000442 (Scholar)
- Ayer, A.J., 1968, The Origins of Pragmatism, London: Macmillan. (Scholar)
- Bacon, Michael, 2012, Pragmatism: An Introduction, Medford, MA: Polity. (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “On Cheryl Misak’s Modest Pragmatism”, Contemporary Pragmatism, 11(2): 95–105. doi:10.1163/18758185-90000292 (Scholar)
- Baghramian, Maria, 2004, Relativism, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, Reading Putnam, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Brandom, Robert, 2011, Perspectives on Pragmatism, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- Brown, Matthew J., 2015, “John Dewey’s Pragmatist Alternative to the Belief-Acceptance Dichotomy”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 53: 62–70. doi:10.1016/j.shpsa.2015.05.012 (Scholar)
- Burgess, Alexis G. and John P. Burgess, 2011, Truth, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Burke, Thomas F., 1994, Dewey’s New Logic: A Reply to
Russell, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Bybee, Michael, 1984, “James’s Theory of Truth as a
Theory of Knowledge”, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce
Society, 20(3): 253–267. (Scholar)
- Capps, John, 2017, “A Pragmatic Argument for a Pragmatic Theory of Truth”, Contemporary Pragmatism, 14(2): 135–156. doi:10.1163/18758185-01402001 (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, “A Common-sense Pragmatic Theory of Truth”, Philosophia, 48(2): 463–481. doi:10.1007/s11406-019-00099-z (Scholar)
- Chang, Hasok, 2022, Realism for Realistic People: A New Pragmatist Philosophy of Science, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Chisholm, Roderick M., 1992, “William James’s Theory of Truth:”, Monist, 75(4): 569–579. doi:10.5840/monist199275431 (Scholar)
- Cormier, Harvey, 2001, The Truth is What Works: William James, Pragmatism, and the Seed of Death, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Scholar)
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- Creighton, J. E., 1908, “The Nature and Criterion of Truth”, The Philosophical Review, 17(6): 592–605. doi:10.2307/2177554 (Scholar)
- Da Costa, Newton C. A. and Steven French, 2003, Science and Partial Truth: A Unitary Approach to Models and Scientific Reasoning, New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/019515651x.001.0001 (Scholar)
- David, Marian, 2022, “The Correspondence Theory of Truth”, The
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- de Waal, Cornelis, 1999, “Eleven Challenges to the Pragmatic Theory of Truth”, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 35(4): 748–766. (Scholar)
- Dewey, John, 1910 [2008], “A Short Catechism Concerning Truth”, in The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and Other Essays. New York: Henry Holt and Company: 154–168 (chapter 6); reprinted in John Dewey: The Middle Works (Volume 6), J. Boydston, (ed.), Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2008, pp. 3–11. (Scholar)
- –––, 1911 [2008], “The Problem of
Truth”, Old Penn, Weekly Review of the University of
Pennsylvania, 9: 522–528, 556–563, 620–625;
reprinted in John Dewey: The Middle Works (Volume 6), J.
Boydston, (ed.), Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press,
2008, pp. 12–68. (Scholar)
- –––, 1938 [2008], Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, New York: Henry Holt and Company; reprinted in John Dewey: The Later Works (Volume 12), J. Boydston, (ed.), Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1939, Theory of Valuation, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1941, “Propositions, Warranted Assertibility, and Truth”, The Journal of Philosophy, 38(7): 169–186. doi:10.2307/2017978 (Scholar)
- Dummett, Michael, 1959, “Truth”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 59(1): 141–162. doi:10.1093/aristotelian/59.1.141 (Scholar)
- Fine, Arthur, 2007, “Relativism, Pragmatism, and the Practice of Science”, in Misak 2007b: 50–67. (Scholar)
- Fox, John, 2008, “What Is at Issue between Epistemic and Traditional Accounts of Truth?”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 86(3): 407–420. doi:10.1080/00048400802001939 (Scholar)
- Frapolli, Maria J., 1996, “The Logical Enquiry into Truth”, History and Philosophy of Logic, 17(1–2): 179–197. doi:10.1080/01445349608837263 (Scholar)
- Freedman, Karyn L., 2006, “Disquotationalism, Truth and Justification: The Pragmatist’s Wrong Turn”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 36(3): 371–386. doi:10.1353/cjp.2006.0016 (Scholar)
- Frega, Roberto, 2013, “Rehabilitating Warranted Assertibility: Moral Inquiry and the Pragmatic Basis of Objectivity”, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 51(1): 1–23. doi:10.1111/sjp.12006 (Scholar)
- Goodman, Russell, 2013, “Some Sources of Putnam’s
Pluralism”, in Baghramian 2013: 205–218. (Scholar)
- Gross, Steven, Nicholas Tebben, and Michael Williams (eds.), 2015, Meaning Without Representation: Essays on Truth, Expression, Normativity, and Naturalism, New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198722199.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Gutting, Gary, 2003, “Rorty’s Critique of
Epistemology”, in Richard Rorty, Charles Guignon and
David R. Hiley (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
41–60. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511613951.003 (Scholar)
- Haack, Susan, 1976, “The Pragmatist Theory of Truth”, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 27(3): 231–249. doi:10.1093/bjps/27.3.231 (Scholar)
- –––, 1978, “Theories of Truth”, in
S. Haack, Philosophy of Logics, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 86–134. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, Manifesto of a Passionate Moderate, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. (Scholar)
- Heney, Diana B., 2015, “Reality as Necessary Friction”, Journal of Philosophy, 112(9): 504–514. doi:10.5840/jphil2015112931 (Scholar)
- Hildebrand, David, 2003, Beyond Realism and Antirealism: John Dewey and the Neopragmatists, Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press. (Scholar)
- Hookway, Christopher, 2002, Truth, Rationality, and Pragmatism: Themes from Peirce, New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/0199256586.001.0001 (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, The Pragmatic Maxim: Essays on Peirce and Pragmatism, New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199588381.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Howat, Andrew W., 2013, “Regulative Assumptions, Hinge Propositions and the Peircean Conception of Truth”, Erkenntnis, 78(2): 451–468. doi:10.1007/s10670-011-9351-6 (Scholar)
- –––, 2014, “Prospects for Peircean Truth”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 44(3–4): 365–387. doi:10.1080/00455091.2014.950473 (Scholar)
- –––, 2021, “Pragmatism and Correspondence”, Philosophia, 49(2):685–704. doi:10.1007/s11406-020-00261-y (Scholar)
- James, William, 1907 [1975], Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co.; reprinted Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975. (Scholar)
- –––, 1909 [1975], The Meaning of Truth: A Sequel to “Pragmatism”, New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co.; reprinted Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975. (Scholar)
- Khlentzos, Drew, 2016, “Challenges to Metaphysical
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- Kirkham, Richard, 1992, Theories of Truth: A Critical Introduction, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Künne, Wolfgang, 2003, Conceptions of Truth, New
York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/0199241317.001.0001 (Scholar)
- Legg, Catherine, 2014, “Charles Peirce’s Limit Concept of Truth: Peirce’s Limit Concept of Truth”, Philosophy Compass, 9(3): 204–213. doi:10.1111/phc3.12114 (Scholar)
- Legg, Catherine and Christopher Hookway, 2021, “Pragmatism”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <Pragmatism/">>. (Scholar)
- Lovejoy, Arthur O., 1908a, “The Thirteen Pragmatisms. I”, The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 5(1): 5–12. doi:10.2307/2012277 (Scholar)
- –––, 1908b, “The Thirteen Pragmatisms. II”, The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 5(2): 29–39. doi:10.2307/2011563 (Scholar)
- Lynch, Michael P., 2001a, “Introduction: The Mystery of
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- ––– (ed.), 2001b, The Nature of Truth: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009, Truth as One and Many, New
York: Oxford University Press.
doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199218738.001.0001 (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Pragmatism and the
Price of Truth”, in Gross, Tebben, and Williams 2015:
245–261. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198722199.003.0012
- MacBride, Fraser, 2022, “Truthmakers”, The Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy (Fall 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman
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- Misak, Cheryl, 1998, “Deflating Truth: Pragmatism vs. Minimalism”, Monist, 81(3): 407–425. doi:10.5840/monist199881322 (Scholar)
- –––, 2000, Truth, Politics, Morality, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, Truth and the End of Inquiry: A
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- –––, 2007a, “Pragmatism and Deflationism”, in Misak 2007b: 68–90. (Scholar)
- –––, (ed.), 2007b, New Pragmatists, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015, “Pragmatism and the Function of
Truth”, in Gross, Tebben, and Williams 2015: 262–278.
doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198722199.003.0013 (Scholar)
- Moore, G. E., 1908, “Professor James’ ‘Pragmatism’”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 8(1): 33–77. doi:10.1093/aristotelian/8.1.33 (Scholar)
- Nolt, John, 2008, “Truth as an Epistemic Ideal”, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 37(3): 203–237. doi:10.1007/s10992-007-9068-9 (Scholar)
- Peirce, Charles Sanders, 1878 [1986], “How to Make Our Ideas
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pp. 257–276. (Scholar)
- –––, 1901a [1935], “Truth and Falsity and
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and Paul Weiss (eds.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1935,
pp. 394–398. (Scholar)
- –––, 1901b [1958], “Review of Sidney
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reprinted in Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce
(Volume VIII), A. Burks (ed.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1958, pp. 122–123. (Scholar)
- –––, 1906 [1998], “The Basis of
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reprinted in The Essential Peirce (Volume 2), The Peirce
Edition Project (eds.), Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,
1998, pp. 371–397. doi:10.5840/monist190515230 (Scholar)
- –––, 1908 [1935], “A Neglected Argument
for the Existence of God”, Hibbert Journal, 7:
90–112; reprinted in Collected Papers of Charles Sanders
Peirce (Volumes V and VI), Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss
(eds.), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1935, pp.
311–339. (Scholar)
- –––, 1898 [1992], Reasoning and the Logic of
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- –––, 1905 [1998], “What Pragmatism
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Essential Peirce (Volume 2), The Peirce Edition Project (eds.),
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1998, pp. 331–345.
doi:10.5840/monist190515230 (Scholar)
- Perkins, Moreland, 1952, “Notes on the Pragmatic Theory of Truth”, Journal of Philosophy, 49(18): 573–587. doi:10.2307/2020438 (Scholar)
- Pihlström, Sami, 2021, Pragmatist Truth in the Post-Truth Age: Sincerity, Normativity, and Humanism, New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Price, Huw, 1998, “Three Norms of Assertibility, or How the Moa Became Extinct”, Noûs, 32(S12): 241–254. doi:10.1111/0029-4624.32.s12.11 (Scholar)
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- –––, 2002, The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and Other Essays, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
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- –––, 2010a, “Reply to Cheryl Misak”,
in R. Auxier and L.E. Hahn (eds.), The Philosophy of Richard
Rorty, Chicago: Open Court, pp. 44–45. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010b, “Reply to David Detmer”,
in R. Auxier and L.E. Hahn (eds.), The Philosophy of Richard
Rorty, Chicago: Open Court, pp. 391–393. (Scholar)
- Rorty, Richard and Huw Price, 2010, “Exchange on
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D. Macarthur (eds.), Naturalism and Normativity, New York:
Columbia University Press, pp. 253–262. (Scholar)
- Russell, Bertrand, 1909 [1994], “Pragmatism”,
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pp. 79–111.) (Scholar)
- –––, 1910 [1994], “William James’ Conception of Truth”, in Philosophical Essays, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1910: 127–149. Cited pages from the 1994 Routledge, New York, edition, pp. 112–130. (Scholar)
- –––, 1941, An Inquiry Into Meaning and Truth, London: Allen and Unwin. (Scholar)
- –––, 1946, History of Western Philosophy, New York: Routledge. (Scholar)
- Schmitt, Frederick, 1995, Truth: A Primer, Boulder, CO: Westview. (Scholar)
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- Stebbing, L. Susan, 1914, Pragmatism and French Voluntarism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Stebbing 1914 available online] (Scholar)
- Talisse, Robert B. and Scott Akin, 2008, Pragmatism: A Guide for the Perplexed, New York: Continuum. (Scholar)
- Thayer, H. S., 1947, “Two Theories of Truth: The Relation between the Theories of John Dewey and Bertrand Russell”, The Journal of Philosophy, 44(19): 516. doi:10.2307/2019905 (Scholar)
- Tiercelin, Claudine, 2014, “Pragmatist Truth: Cash Value or
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- Wiggins, David, 2002, “An Indefinabilist cum Normative View
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