Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Juan Luis Vives [Joannes Ludovicus Vives]" by Lorenzo Casini
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Citations by volume and page only are to the Mayans y Siscár
edition of the Opera Omnia.
- “A Fable about Man”, transl. Nancy Lenkeith, in
The Renaissance Philosophy of Man, ed. by Ernst Cassirer et
al., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948, 387–93 [English
translation of ‘Fabula de homine’]. (Scholar)
- Obras completas, transl. L. Riber, 2 vols, Madrid: M.
Aguilar, 1947–48 [Spanish translation]. (Scholar)
- Opera omnia, ed. G. Mayans y Siscár, 8 vols.,
Valencia: Monfort, 1782–90; reprinted London: Gregg Press,
1964. (Scholar)
- Introduction to Wisdom: A Renaissance Textbook, ed. and
transl. M. Leona Tobriner, New York: Teachers College Press, 1968
[English translation of Ad sapientiam introductio]. (Scholar)
- De anima et vita, ed. M. Sancipriano, Padua: Gregoriana,
1974 [Latin edition with Italian translation]. (Scholar)
- Epistolario, ed. J. Jiménez Delgado, Madrid:
Editora Nacional, 1978 [Spanish translation of the
correspondence]. (Scholar)
- Adversus pseudodialecticos, ed. and transl. R. Guerlac,
Dordrecht: Reidel, 1979 [Latin edition with English translation]. (Scholar)
- In pseudodialecticos, ed. C. Fantazzi, Leiden: Brill,
1979 [Latin edition with English translation]. (Scholar)
- Praefatio in Leges Ciceronis et Aedes legum, ed. C.
Matheeussen, Leipzig: Teubner, 1984.
- Selected Works, ed. C. Matheeussen, Leiden: Brill,
1987– [Latin editions with English translations]. (Scholar)
- Somnium et vigilia in Somnium Scipionis: Commentary
on the Dream of Scipio, ed. and transl. Edward V. George,
Greenwood, SC: Attic Press, Koberger Books Division, 1989 [Latin
edition with English translation]. (Scholar)
- Über die Gründe des Verfalls der Künste: De
causis corruptarum artium, ed. E. Hidalgo-Serna; transl. W.
Sendner, Munich: W. Fink, 1990 [Latin edition with German
translation]. (Scholar)
- Opera omnia, Valencia: Generàlitat Valenciana,
1992– .
- De Europae dissidiis et republica = Sobre las disensiones de
Europa, y sobre el estado, ed. and transl. F. Calero and M. J.
Echarte, Valencia: Ajuntament de València, 1992 [Latin edition
with Spanish translation]
- De ratione dicendi, transl. A. Ott, Marburg: Hitzeroth,
1993 [Latin edition with German translation]. (Scholar)
- On the Causes of the Corruption of the Arts: Book VI: On the
Corruption of Moral Philosophy, transl. J. Monfasani, in
Cambridge Translations of Renaissance Philosophical Texts, I:
Moral Philosophy, ed. J. Kraye, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1997, 91–107 [English translation of De
causis corruptarum artium, liber sextus, qui est de
philosophia morali]. (Scholar)
- On Assistance to the Poor, transl. A. Tobriner, Toronto
and London: University of Toronto Press in association with the
Renaissance Society of America, 1999 [English translation of De
subventione pauperum]. (Scholar)
- The Education of a Christian Woman: A Sixteenth-Century
Manual, ed. and transl. C. Fantazzi, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2000 [English translation of De institutione
feminae Christianae]. (Scholar)
- Del arte de hablar, ed. and transl. J. M.
Rodríguez Peregrina, Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada,
2000 [Latin edition with Spanish translation of De ratione
dicendi]. (Scholar)
- De ratione dicendi, transl. E. Mattioli, Napoli: La
città del sole, 2002 [Latin edition with Italian translation of
De ratione dicendi]. (Scholar)
- Los diálogos: Linguae latinae exercitatio, ed. and
transl. M. P. García Ruiz, Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de
Navarra, 2005 [Latin edition with Spanish translation]. (Scholar)
- Abellán, J. L., 1997, El pacifismo de Juan Luis
Vives, Valencia: Ajuntament de Valencia. (Scholar)
- Bataillon, M., 1952, “J. L. Vives réformateur de la
bienfaisance,” Bibliothèque d’humanisme et
Renaissance, 14: 141–58. (Scholar)
- Bejczy, I., 2003, “‘Historia praestat omnibus
disciplinis’: Juan Luis Vives on History and Historical
Study,” Renaissance Studies, 17: 69–83. (Scholar)
- Buck, A. (ed.), 1981, Juan Luis Vives: Arbeitgespräch in
der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel vom 6. bis 8. November
1980, Hamburg: Hauswedell. (Scholar)
- Calero, F. and Sala, D., 2000, Bibliografía sobre Luis
Vives, Valencia: Ajuntament de Valencia. (Scholar)
- Casini, L., 2005, “Aristotelianism and Anti-Stoicism in Juan
Luis Vives’s Conception of the Emotions” in J. Kraye and
R. Saarinen (eds.), Moral Philosophy on the Threshold of
Modernity, Dordrecht: Springer, 283–305. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “Juan Luis Vives’
Conception of Freedom of the Will and Its Scholastic
Background,” Vivarium, 44: 396–417. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009, “Self-Knowledge, Scepticism and
the Quest for a New Method: Juan Luis Vives on Cognition and the
Impossibility of Perfect Knowledge,” in G. Paganini and J. R.
Maia Neto (eds.), Renaissance Scepticisms, Dordrecht:
Springer, 33–60. (Scholar)
- –––, 2010, “‘Quid sit anima’:
Juan Luis Vives on the Soul and Its Relation to the Body,”
Renaissance Studies, 24: 496–517. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Juan Luis Vives and Early
Modern Psychology: A Critical Reappraisal,” in P. J. J. M.
Bakker et al. (eds.), Psychology and the Other Disciplines: A Case
of Cross-Disciplinary Interaction (1250–1750), Leiden: Brill,
81–105. (Scholar)
- Clements, R. D., 1966, “A Sixteenth Century Psychologist on
the Immortality of the Soul: Juan Louis Vives,”
Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renaissance, 28:
78–88. (Scholar)
- –––, 1967, “Physiological-Psychological
Thought in Juan Luis Vives,” Journal of the History of the
Behavioral Sciences, 3: 219–35. (Scholar)
- Colish, M. L., 1962, “The Mime of God: Vives on the Nature of Man,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 23: 3–21. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009, “The De veritate fidei
christianae of Juan Luis Vives,” in A. A. MacDonald et
al. (eds.), Christian Humanism: Essays in Honour of Arjo
Vanderjagt, Leiden: Brill, 173–197. (Scholar)
- De Angelis, S., 2000, “Zur Galen-Rezeption in der
Renaissance mit Blick auf die Anthropologie von Juan Luis Vives.
Überlegungen zu der konfiguration einer ‘Wissenschaft vom
Menschen’ in der Frühen Neuzeit” in M. Baumbach, ed.,
Tradita et Inventa: Beiträge zur Rezeption der Antike,
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 91–109. (Scholar)
- De Bom, Erik, 2008, “’Homo ipse ludus ac
fabula’: Vives’s Views on the Dignity of Man as Expressed
in His Fabula de homine,” Humanistica
Lovaniensia, 57: 91–114. (Scholar)
- Del Nero, V., 1986, “Memoria, ingegno e volontà nel
De anima et vita di Juan Luis Vives” in D. Bigalli,
ed., Ragione e “Civilitas”: Figure del vivere
associato nella cultura del ’500 europeo, Milano: Angeli,
237–52. (Scholar)
- –––, 1987, “Recenti studi su Juan Luis
Vives (1970–1985),” Cultura e Scuola, 26,
121–41. (Scholar)
- –––, 1991, Linguaggio e filosofia in Vives:
L’organizzazione del sapere nel “De disciplinis”
(1531), Bologna: CLUEB. (Scholar)
- Di Liscia, Daniel A., 2007, “Kalkulierte Ethik: Vives und
die ‘Zerstörer’ der Moralphilosophie (Le Maistre,
Cranston und Almain,” in S. Ebbersmeyer and E. Kessler (eds.),
Ethik — Wissenschaft oder Lebenskunst? Modelle der
Normenbegründung von der Antike bis zur Frühen Neuzeit /
Ethics — Science or Art of Living? Models of Moral Philosophy
from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era, Berlin: LIT Verlag,
75–105. (Scholar)
- Fantazzi, C., 2006, “Vives’ Parisian Writings,”
in C. S. Celenza and K. Gouwens (eds.), Humanism and Creativity in
the Renaissance: Essays in Honor of Ronald G. Witt, Leiden:
Brill, 245–270. (Scholar)
- –––, 2008, “Vives and the
Pseudodialecticians,” in E. Rummel (ed.), Biblical Humanism
and Scholasticism in the Age of Erasmus, Leiden: Brill,
93–114. (Scholar)
- Fantazzi, C. (ed.), (2008), A Companion to Juan Luis Vives, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Fernández Nieto, F. J. et al. (eds.), 1998, Luis Vives
y el humanismo europeo, Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. (Scholar)
- Fernández Santamaría, J. A., 1990, Juan Luis
Vives: Esceptismo y prudencia en el Renacimiento, Salamanca:
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, The Theater of Man: J. L. Vives
on Society, Philadelphia: Transactions of the American
Philosophical Society. (Scholar)
- García, A., 1987, Els Vives: una familia de jueus
valencians, Valencia: E. Climent. (Scholar)
- George, E. V., 1991, “Fanciful Journeys in Vives’
Early Writings,” in A. Dalzell et al. (eds.), Acta
conventos neo-latini Torontonensis, Toronto, 8–13 Aug. 1988,
Binghamton, N.Y.: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies,
335–343. (Scholar)
- Gomez-Hortigüela Amillo, A., 1998, El pensamiento
filosófico de Juan Luis Vives: contexto socio-cultural,
génesis y desarrollo, Valencia: Institució Alfons
el Magnánim. (Scholar)
- González y González, E., 1987, Joan Lluís Vives: De la escolastica al humanismo, Valencia: Generàlitat Valenciana. (Scholar)
- Guerlac, R., 1979, “Introduction” in J. L. Vives,
Adversus pseudodialecticos, R. Guerlac (ed. and trans.),
Dordrecht: Reidel, 1–43. (Scholar)
- Guy, A., 1972, Vivès ou l’Humanisme
engagé, Paris: Seghers. (Scholar)
- IJsewijn, J., 1977, “J. L. Vives in 1512–1517: A
Reconsideration of Evidence,” Humanistica Lovaniensia,
26, 82–100. (Scholar)
- IJsewijn, J. and Losada, A. (eds.), 1986, Erasmus in Hispania Vives in Belgio, Louvain: Peeters. (Scholar)
- Lentzen, Manfred, 2008, “Il libero arbitrio e la
dignità dell’uomo: A proposito dell’Oratio de
hominis dignitate di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola e della
Fabula de homine di Juan Luis Vives,” in L. Secchi
Terugi (ed.), Il concetto di libertá nel Rinascimento,
Atti del XVIII Convegno Internazionale (Chianciano-Pienza 17–20
luglio 2006), Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, 401–411. (Scholar)
- Mack, P., 2005, “Vives’ De ratione dicendi:
Structure, Innovations, Problems,” Rhetorica, 23:
65–92. (Scholar)
- Margolin, J. C., 1976, “Vivès, lecteur et critique de
Platon et d’Aristote” in R. R. Bolgar (ed.), Classical
Influences on European Culture A.D. 1500–1700, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 245–58. (Scholar)
- Mestre, A. (ed.) 1992, Opera omnia Ioannis Lodovici Vivis
Valentini, I: Volumen introductorio, Valencia:
Generàlitat Valenciana. (Scholar)
- Muñoz Delgado, V., 1986, “Nominalismo, logica y
humanismo” in M. Revuelta Sañudo and C. Morón
Arroyo, eds., El Erasmismo en España, Santander:
Societad Menendez Pelayo, 109–64. (Scholar)
- Nauta, L., 2015, “The Order of Knowing: Juan Luis Vives on Language, Thought, and the Topics,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 76: 325–345. (Scholar)
- Noreña, C. G., 1970, Juan Luis Vives, The Hague: Nijhoff. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989, Juan Luis Vives and the Emotions, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1990, A Vives Bibliography,
Lewinstone, NY: Mellen Press. (Scholar)
- Perreiah, A.R., 2014, Renaissance Truths: Humanism, Scholasticism and the Search for the Perfect Language, Farnham: Ashgate. (Scholar)
- Pinta y Llorente, M. and Palacio, J. M., 1964, Procesos
Inquisitoriales contra la familia judía de Luis Vives,
Madrid: Instituto Arias Montano. (Scholar)
- Sancipriano, M., 1957, Il pensiero psicologico e morale di G.
L. Vives, Florence: Sansoni. (Scholar)
- Sinz, W., 1963, “The Elaboration of Vives’s Treatise
on the Arts,” Studies in the Renaissance, 10:
68–90. (Scholar)
- Tello, J., 2018, “A Catalogue of the Works of Joan
Lluís Vives: A Tentative Proposal,” Convivium,
31: 59–100. (Scholar)
- Tournoy, G., with J. Roegiers and C. Coppens (eds.), 1993, Vives te Leuven, Leuven: Leuven University Press. (Scholar)
- Vasoli, C., 1968, La dialettica e la retorica
dell’umanesimo: ‘Invenzione’ e ‘metodo’
nella cultura del XV e XVI secolo, Milano: Feltrinelli. (Scholar)
- Verbeke, D., 2014, “Human Nature and Moral Responsibility in the Work of Juan Luis Vives,” in P. d’Hoine and G. Van Riel (eds.), Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought, Leuven: Leuven University Press, 639–652. (Scholar)
- Villarroig, J. (ed.), 2017, En busca del Humanismo perdido: Estudios sobre la obra de Juan Luis Vives, Granada: Comares. (Scholar)
- Waswo, R., 1980, “The Reaction of J. L. Vives to
Valla’s Philosophy of Language,” Bibliothèque
d’humanisme et Renaissance, 42: 595–609. (Scholar)