Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Walter Chatton" by Rondo Keele and Jenny Pelletier
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The majority of secondary literature on Chatton is in English,
Italian, and French, but some important work is in German as well.
Chatton’s Works
- De paupertate evangelica. A short treatise on the
Franciscan poverty controversy. Edited in Decima L. Douie,
“Three treatises on Evangelical Poverty,” Archivum
Franciscanum Historicum 24 (1931): 341–69. Continued in 25
(1932): 36–58, and 26 (1932): 210–40. (Scholar)
- Lectura super Sententias. This central work, dated
1324–1330, has been critically edited and published, and now appears
in three volumes:
- Lectura super Sententias: Liber I, distinctiones 1–2. Ed.
Joseph C. Wey and Girard J. Etzkorn. [Studies and
Texts 156] Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, 2007. (Scholar)
- Lectura super Sententias: Liber I, distinctiones 3–7. Ed.
Joseph C. Wey and Girard J. Etzkorn. [Studies and
Texts 158] Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, 2008.
- Lectura super Sententias: Liber I, distinctiones 8–17.
Ed. Joseph C. Wey and Girard J. Etzkorn. [Studies and
Texts 164] Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, 2009.
- Reportatio super Sententias. This central work, dated
1321–1323, has been critically edited and published, and now
appears in four volumes:
- Reportatio super Sententias: Liber I, distinctiones
1–9. Ed. Joseph C. Wey and Girard J. Etzkorn. [Studies
and Texts 141] Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, 2002. (Scholar)
- Reportatio super Sententias: Liber I, distinctiones
10–48. Ed. Joseph C. Wey and Girard J. Etzkorn.
[Studies and Texts 142] Toronto: Pontifical Institute of
Mediaeval Studies, 2002.
- Reportatio super Sententias: Liber II. Ed. Joseph C. Wey
and Girard J. Etzkorn. [Studies and Texts 148] Toronto:
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2004.
- Reportatio super Sententias: Libri III–IV. Ed.
Joseph C. Wey and Girard J. Etzkorn. [Studies and Texts 149]
Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2005.
- Reportatio et Lectura super Sententias: Collatio ad Librum
Primum et Prologus. Ed. Joseph C. Wey, CSB. [Studies and
Texts 90] Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies,
1989. Cited above as “Collatio et Prologus”. Not
really a separate work, this is simply the most polished version of
the prologue of his Sentences commentaries listed above; it
may have been meant as an introduction to his Lectura, and
probably dates to the same period. (Scholar)
- Sermo de visione beatifica. Edited in M. Dykmans,
“Les Frères Mineurs d’Avignon au début de
1333 et le sermon de Gautier de Chatton sur la vision
béatifique.” Archives d’historie doctrinale et
littéraire du moyen age 78 (1971): 105–148. Composed
in 1333 in Avignon. (Scholar)
- Quodlibet. We have only an unpublished transcription of
Chatton’s Quodlibet, which is being edited by Girard
Etzkorn, Christopher Schabel, and Rondo Keele. It records debates that
took place in 1329–30. (Scholar)
Sometimes Attributed but Doubtful
- Logica Campsale Anglicj ualde utilis et realis contra
Ocham. Edited in Edward A. Synan, The Works of Richard
Campsall, vol. 2 of 2, [Studies and Texts 58] Toronto:
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1982. The author is listed
therein as ‘pseudo-Richard Campsall’, and his real
identity is unknown. Chatton is sometimes suggested as a candidate for
authorship but it is not likely his work. However, it shows his
influence quite clearly, and cites his anti-razor explicitly in two
places. (Scholar)
- Quaestio de compositione continui. This is a defense of
Chatton’s indivisibilist stance on the continuum. The textual
evidence for attributing this work to him is not strong, but the
Quaestio is doctrinally very close to Chatton’s views
in Reportatio II, and quotes that work verbatim. It is edited
in Murdoch and Synan, “Two Questions on the Continuum: Walter
Chatton (?), O.F.M. and Adam Wodeham, O.F.M.” Franciscan
Studies 26 (1966): 212–88. (Scholar)
Important Primary Texts by Contemporaries of Chatton
- Adam Wodeham (1298–1358). Lectura secunda in librum
primum Sententiarum. Ed. Rega Wood. 3 vols. St. Bonaventure, New
York: The Franciscan Institute, 1990. (Scholar)
- –––, Tractatus de indivisibilibus. Ed.
and trans. Rega Wood. St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan
Institute, 1988.
- Robert Holcot, Seeing the Future Clearly: Questions on Future
Contingents by Robert Holcot. Eds. Paul A. Streveler, Katherine
H. Tachau, Hester G. Gelber, and William J. Courtenay. The Pontifical
Institute Studies and Texts 119. PIMS: Toronto, 1995.
- William of Ockham. Guillelmus de Ockham, Opera
Theologica. 7 vols. Series ed. Gedeon Gál. St.
Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1974–1988.
(Cited as ‘OTh.’)
- –––, Guillelmus de Ockham, Opera
Philosophica. 10 vols. Series ed. Gedeon Gál. St.
Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1967–1986.
(Cited as ‘OPh.’)
Secondary Sources and Older Critical Editions of Chatton
- Adams, Marilyn McCord. 1987. William Ockham, 2 volumes, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1977. “Ockham’s Nominalism and
Unreal Entities,” Philosophical Review, 86(2):
144–76. (Scholar)
- Adriaenssen, Han Thomas, 2017. “Peter Auriol on the Intuitive Cognition of Nonexistents: Revisiting the Charge of Skepticism in Walter Chatton and Adam Wodeham,” Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 5: 151–80. (Scholar)
- Auer, Johann, 1953. “Die ‘Skotistische’ Lehre
von der Heilgewissheit Walter von Chatton, der erste
‘Skotist’,” Wissenschaft und Weisheit, 16:
1–19. (Scholar)
- Baudry, Léon, 1943–45. “Gauthier de Chatton et son commentaire des Sentences,” Archives d’historie doctrinale et littéraire du moyen age, 14: 337–69. (Scholar)
- Boehner, Philotheus, 1946. “The Realistic Conceptualism of
William of Ockham,” Traditio, 4: 303–336. (Scholar)
- Bornholdt, Jon, 2017. Walter Chatton on Future Contingents: Between Formalism and Ontology, Leiden: E. J. Brill. (Scholar)
- Brampton, C. K., 1964. “Gauthier de Chatton et la provenance
des mss. lat. Paris Bibl. Nat. 15886 et 15887,” Etudes
Franciscaines, 14: 200–205. (Scholar)
- Brower-Toland, Susan, 2015. “How Chatton Changed
Ockham’s Mind: William Ockham and Walter Chatton on Objects and
Acts of Judgment.” Intentionality, Cognition and Mental
Representation in Medieval Philosophy, Gyula Klima (ed.), New
York: Fordham University Press, 204–34. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013. “Can God Know More: A Case Study in Later Medieval Discussions on Propositions.” Later Medieval Metaphysics: Ontology, Language, and Logic, Charles Bolyard and Rondo Keele (eds.), New York: Fordham University Press, 161–87. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012. “Medieval Approaches to Consciousness: Ockham and Chatton.” Philosophers’ Imprint 12(17). available online (Scholar)
- –––, 2011. “Walter Chatton.” Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy Between 500 and 1500, Henrik Lagerlund (ed.), Dordrecht: Springer, 1377–81. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007. “Ockham on Judgment, Concepts, and the Problem of Intentionality,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 37: 67–110. (Scholar)
- Brown, Stephen F., 1985. “Walter Chatton’s
Lectura and William of Ockham’s Quaestiones in
libros Physicorum Aristotelis.” Essays Honoring Allan
B. Wolter, William A. Frank and Girard J. Etzkorn (eds.), St.
Bonaventure, New York: Franciscan Institute, 82–115. (Scholar)
- Courtenay, William J., 1978. Adam Wodeham: An Introduction to His Life and Writings, Leiden: E. J. Brill. (Scholar)
- Corvino, Francesco, 1955. “Sette questioni inedite di Occam
sul concetto,” Rivista critica di Storia della
Filosofia, 10: 263–88. (Scholar)
- Cova, Luciano, 1985. “L’unita della scienza teologica
nella polemica di Walter Chatton; con Guglielmo D’Ockham,”
Franciscan Studies, 45: 189–230.
- –––, 1975. “La Quarta Questione del
Prologo del ‘Commento sulle Sentenze’ di Walter
Catton.” Rivista critica di storia della filosofia, 30:
303–330. (Scholar)
- –––, 1973. Commento alle Sentenze
Prologo – Questione terza, Rome: Edizione
Dell’Ateneo. (Scholar)
- Dumont, Stephen D., 1989. “Theology as Science and Duns
Scotus’s Distinction Between Intuitive and Abstractive
Cognition,” Speculum, 64(3): 579–99. (Scholar)
- Douie, Decima L., 1932. “Three treatises on Evangelical
Poverty.” Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 24 (1931):
341–69; continued in 25 (1932): 36–58, and in 26:
210–240. (Scholar)
- Dykmans, M., 1971. “Les Frères Mineurs
d’Avignon au début de 1333 et le sermon de Gautier de
Chatton sur la vision béatifique,” Archives
d’historie doctrinale et littéraire du moyen age,
78: 105–148. (Scholar)
- Emden, A. B., 1957. A Biographical Register of the University
of Oxford to A. D. 1500 (Volume 1), London: Oxford University
Press. (Scholar)
- Etzkorn, Girard J., 1987. “The Codex Paris Nat. Lat.
15.805,” Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 80:
321–33. (Scholar)
- Fitzpatrick, Noel A., 1971. “Walter Chatton on the Univocity
of Being: A Reaction to Peter Aureoli and William Ockham,”
Franciscan Studies, 31: 88–177. (Scholar)
- Friedman, Russell L., 2013. Intellectual Traditions at the Medieval University: The Use of Philosophical Psychology in Trinitarian Theology Among the Franciscans and Dominicans 1250–1350, 2 volumes, Leiden: E. J. Brill. (Scholar)
- Gál, Gedeon, 1967. “Gualteri de Chatton et Guillelmi de Ockham controversia de natura conceptus universalis,” Franciscan Studies, 27: 191–212. (Scholar)
- Gelber, Hester Goodenough, 1974. Logic and the Trinity: A
Clash of Values in Scholastic Thought 1300–1335, Ph.D.
Dissertation, the University of Wisconsin, Ann Arbor: University
Microfilms. (Scholar)
- Grellard, Christophe, and Robert, Aurélien (eds.), 2009. Atomism in Late Medieval Philosophy and Theology Leiden: E. J. Brill. (Scholar)
- Hoffmann, Tobias, 2008. “Walter Chatton on the Connection of the Virtues,” Quaestio, 8: 57–82. (Scholar)
- Karger, Elizabeth, 1996. “Mental Sentences According to Burley and the Early Ockham,” Vivarium, 34(2): 192–230. (Scholar)
- –––, 1995. “William of Ockham, Walter Chatton and Adam Wodeham on the Objects of Knowledge and Belief,” Vivarium, 33(2): 171–196. (Scholar)
- Keele, Rondo, 2015. “The Early Reception of Peter
Auriol at Oxford, Part I: From Ockham to the Black Death,”
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie
médiévales, 82 (2015): 301–361. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013. “Iteration and Infinite Regress
in Walter Chatton’s Metaphysics,” Later Medieval
Metaphysics: Ontology, Language, and Logic, Charles Bolyard and
Rondo Keele (eds.), New York: Fordham University Press,
206–22. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007. “Can God Make a Picasso? William Ockham and Walter Chatton on Divine Power and Real Relations,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 45(3): 395–411. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007. “Oxford Quodlibeta from Ockham to Holcot,” Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages: The Fourteenth Century, Christopher Schabel (ed.), Leiden: E. J. Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003. “The So-Called Res
Theory of Walter Chatton,” Franciscan Studies, 61:
37–53. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002. Formal Ontology in the Fourteenth-Century: The Chatton Principle and Ockham’s Razor, Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington. (Scholar)
- Kelley, Francis E., 1981. “Walter Chatton vs. Aureoli and Ockham Regarding the Universal Concept,” Franciscan Studies, 41: 222–49. (Scholar)
- Kitanov, Severin Valentinov, 2003. “Displeasure in Heaven,
Pleasure in Hell: Four Franciscan Masters on the Relationship between
Love and Pleasure, Hatred and Displeasure,” Traditio,
58: 285–340. (Scholar)
- Knudsen, Christian, 1985. “Chatton contra Ockham
über Gegenstand und Einheit von Wissenschaft und
Theologie,” Cahiers de l’Institut du moyen-âge
grec et latin, 50: 3–112. (Scholar)
- –––,1975. “Ein Ockhamkritischer Text zu Signifikation und Supposition und zum Verhaltnis von Erster und Zweiter Intention,” Cahiers de l’Institut du moyen-âge grec et latin, 14: 14–26. (Scholar)
- Knuuttila, Simo, 1997. “Positio Impossibilis in
Medieval Discussions of the Trinity,” Vestigia, Imagines,
Verba. Semiotics and Logic in Medieval Theological Texts
(XIIth–XIVth Century), C. Marmo (ed.), Turnhout: Brepols,
277–88. (Scholar)
- Martin, Christopher J., 1997. “Impossible Positio
as the Foundation of Metaphysics or, Logic on the Scotist Plan?”
Vestigia, Imagines, Verba. Semiotics and Logic in Medieval
Theological Texts (XIIth–XIVth Century), C. Marmo (ed.),
Turnhout: Brepols, 255–76. (Scholar)
- Longpré, P. Efrem, 1923. “Gualtiero di Catton: Un
Maestro Francescano D’Oxford,” Studi Francescani,
9: 101–114. (Scholar)
- Maurer, Armand, 1978. “Method in Ockham’s
Nominalism,” The Monist, 61(3): 426–43. (Scholar)
- –––, 1984. “Ockham’s Razor and
Chatton’s Anti-Razor,” Mediaeval Studies, 46:
463–75. (Scholar)
- Murdoch, J. and Synan, E., 1966. “Two Questions on the Continuum: Walter Chatton (?), O.F.M. and Adam Wodeham, O.F.M.,” Franciscan Studies, 26: 212–88. (Scholar)
- Normore, Calvin, 1987. “The Tradition of Mediaeval
Nominalism,” Studies in Medieval Philosophy (Studies in
Philosophy and the History of Philosophy: Volume 17), John F. Wippel
(ed.), Washington, D. C.: Catholic University of America Press. (Scholar)
- Nuchelmans, Gabriel, 1980. “Adam Wodeham on the Meaning of
Declarative Sentences,” Historiographiae Linguistica,
8(1–2): 177–87. (Scholar)
- O’Callaghan, Jeremiah, 1955. “The Second Question of
the Prologue to Walter Catton’s Commentary on the Sentences on
Intuitive and Abstractive Knowledge,” Nine Mediaeval
Thinkers, J. Reginald O’Donnell C.S.B (ed.), Toronto:
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. (Scholar)
- Panaccio, Claude, 2004. Ockham on Concepts, Aldershot:
Ashgate. (Scholar)
- –––, 1999. Le discours intérieur de
Platon à Guillaume d’Ockham, Paris: Seuil. (Scholar)
- Pelletier, Jenny, 2016. “Walter Chatton on
Categories,” Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica
medievale, 28: 381–410. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016. “Walter Chatton on Enumerating the Categories,” Vivarium, 54: 311–34. (Scholar)
- –––, 2015. “Chatton and Ockham: A Fourteenth Century Discussion on Philosophical and Theological Concepts of God,” Franciscan Studies, 73: 147–67. (Scholar)
- Piché, David, 2017. “Raisons de croire et vouloir
croire: le débat entre Durand de Saint–Pourçain,
Gauthier Chatton et Guillaume d’Ockham,” The Language
of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy, Jenny Pelletier and
Magali Roques (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 201–16. (Scholar)
- Reina, Maria Elena, 1970. “La prima questione del Prologo
del ‘Commento alla Sentenze di Walter Catton’,”
Rivista critica di storia della filosofia, 25: 48–74;
290–314. (Scholar)
- Robert, Aurélien, 2012. “Le vide, le lieu et
l’espace chez quelques atomistes du XIVe siècle,”
La Nature et le Vide dans la physique médiévale
(Etudes dédiées à Edward Grant), J.
Biard and S. Rommevaux (eds.), Turnhout: Brepols, 67–98. (Scholar)
- Robinson, Jonathan, 2014. “Walter Chatton on
Dominium,” History of Political Thought,
35(2): 656–82. (Scholar)
- Schabel, Chris, 2000. “Oxford Franciscans After Ockham:
Walter Chatton and Adam Wodeham,” Commentaries on Peter
Lombard’s Sentences, G. P. Evans (ed.), Leiden: E. J.
Brill. (Scholar)
- –––, 2000. Theology at Paris,
1316–1345, Aldershot: Ashgate. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998. “Paris and Oxford Between
Auriol and Rimini,” Medieval Philosophy (Routledge
History of Philosophy: Volume III), John Marebon (ed.), London:
Routledge. (Scholar)
- Schierbaum, Sonja, 2016. “Chatton’s Critique of
Ockham’s Conception of Intuitive Cognition,” A
Companion to Responses to Ockham, Christian Rode (ed.), Leiden:
E. J. Brill, 15–46. (Scholar)
- Sharpe, Richard, 2001. A Handlist of Latin Writers of Great
Britain and Ireland Before 1540, second edition, Turnout:
Belgium, pp. 730–31 (Scholar)
- Slotemaker, John T., 2015. “Walter Chatton and Adam Wodeham on Divine Simplicity and Trinitarian Relations,” Quaestio, 15: 689–97. (Scholar)
- Spade, Paul Vincent (ed.), 1999. The Cambridge Companion to Ockham, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Spade, Paul Vincent, and Ashworth, E. J., 1992. “Logic in
Late Medieval Oxford,” The History of the University of
Oxford (Volume II), J I. Catto and Ralph Evans (eds.), Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 35–64 (Scholar)
- Tachau, Katherine H., 1988. Vision and Certitude in the Age of Ockham, Leiden: E. J. Brill. (Scholar)
- Wey, Joseph C., 1989. Introduction to Reportatio et Lectura
super Sententias: Collatio ad Librum Primum et Prologus, Studies
and Texts 90, Toronto, pp. 1–8. (Scholar)