Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism" by Ian Proops
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If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to PhilPapers records and Google Scholar for your convenience. Some bibliographies are not going to be represented correctly or fully up to date. In general, bibliographies of recent works are going to be much better linked than bibliographies of primary literature and older works. Entries with PhilPapers records have links on their titles. A green link indicates that the item is available online at least partially.
This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Kant, I., 1781/1787 [Critique], The Cambridge Edition
of the Works of Immanuel Kant: Critique of Pure Reason, P. Guyer
and A. Wood (trans. and eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2000. (Scholar)
- Klagge J. and A. Nordmann (eds.), 1993, Ludwig Wittgenstein:
Philosophical Occasions 1912–1951, Indianapolis and
Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company. (Scholar)
- Marsh, R. C. (ed.), 1956, Bertrand Russell: Logic and
Knowledge: Essays 1901–1950, London: Unwin Hyman. (Scholar)
- Ramsey, F. P., 1923, Critical Notice of L. Wittgenstein’s
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Mind, 32(128):
465–78. (Scholar)
- Russell, 1905a, “The Existential Import of Propositions,” Mind (n.s), 14 (July): 398–401; reprinted in Marsh (ed.), 1956, 98–102. (Scholar)
- –––, 1905b, “On Denoting,” Mind (n.s.), 14 (October): 479–93; reprinted in Marsh, (ed.), 1956, 479–93. (Scholar)
- –––, 1911, “Le Réalism Analytique,” Bulletin de la societé français de philosophie, 11. English translation in The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, vol. 6, John G. Slater and Bernd Frohmann, eds., London: Routledge, 1992. (Scholar)
- –––, 1918, “The Philosophy of Logical Atomism,” in Marsh (ed.),1956. (Scholar)
- –––, 1910–1913 [PM],
Principia Mathematica to *56, with A. N. Whitehead,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
- –––, 1910 [1994], Philosophical Essays, London: Routledge, 1994; originally published London; New York: Longmans, Green, 1910. (Scholar)
- Waismann, F., 1979 [WWK], Wittgenstein and the Vienna
Circle: Conversations Recorded by Friedrich Waismann, transcribed
by J. Schulte and B. McGuinness, New York: Barnes and Noble.
- –––, 1922 [TLP], Tractatus
Logico-Philosophicus, trans. C. K. Ogden, London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul Ltd., 1981. English Translation of
“Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung,” Annalen der
Naturphilosophie, Ostwald, 1921.
- Wittgenstein, L., 1929 [LF], “Some Remarks on
Logical Form”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
(Supplementary Volume), 9 (1993): 162–71.
- –––, 1953, Philosophical
Investigations, 3rd edn, G. E. M. Anscombe (trans.),
Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. (Scholar)
- –––, 1961 [NB], Notebooks,
1914–1916, edited by G. H. von Wright and G. E. M.
Anscombe, trans. G. E. M. Anscombe, Oxford: Blackwell, 1979.
- –––, 1964 [PR], Philosophical
Remarks, R. Rhees, ed., R. Hargreaves and Roger White, trans.,
Oxford: Blackwell, 1975.
- –––, 1970 [EPB], Eine
Philosophische Betrachtung, edited by Rush Rhees, in Ludwig
Wittgenstein: Schriften, 5, Frankfurt am Main, 1970.
- –––, 1971 [PT], Prototractatus: An
early version of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig
Wittgenstein, B. F. McGuinness, T. Nyberg, and G.H. von Wright,
eds., London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.
- –––, 1973 [LO], Letters to C.K.
Ogden, G. H. von Wright, ed., Oxford: Blackwell.
- –––, 1974 [PG], Philosophical
Grammar, R. Rhees. ed. A. Kenny trans., Oxford: Basil
- –––, 1979 [AM],
Wittgenstein’s Lectures Cambridge, 1930–35 (from
the notes of Alice Ambrose and Margaret MacDonald), Alice Ambrose
(ed.), Midway reprint, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
- –––, 1980 [KL],
Wittgenstein’s Lectures Cambridge, 1930–32 (from
the notes of John King and Desmond Lee), Desmond Lee (ed.), Midway
Reprint, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
- –––, 1995 [Corr], Ludwig
Wittgenstein: Cambridge Letters, Brian McGuinness and G. H. von
Wright (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- –––, 2016 [Stern et al.], Wittgenstein
Lectures, Cambridge 1930–33: From the Notes of G.E. Moore,
Stern, D. G., Rogers B., and Citron G., eds. (Scholar)
Works cited
- Anscombe, G.E.M., 1959 [1971], An Introduction to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (Scholar)
- Copi I. M., 1958, “Objects, Properties, and Relations in the
‘Tractatus’,” Mind (n.s.), 67(266):
145–65. (Scholar)
- Floyd, J., 1998, “The Uncaptive Eye: Solipsism in
Wittgenstein’s Tractatus,” in L. Rouner (ed.),
79–108. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, “Wittgenstein and the Inexpressible” in A. Crary (ed.), Wittgenstein and the Moral Life: Essays in Honor of Cora Diamond, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 177–234. (Scholar)
- Fogelin, R., 1976 [1987], Wittgenstein, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Inc. (Scholar)
- –––, 1982, “Wittgenstein’s Operator N,” Analysis, 42(3): 124–7. (Scholar)
- Geach, P., 1981, “Wittgenstein’s Operator N,”
Analysis, 41(4): 168–71. (Scholar)
- –––, 1982, “More on Wittgenstein’s
Operator N,” Analysis, 42(3): 127–8. (Scholar)
- Hart, W. D., 1971, “The whole sense of the Tractatus,” The Journal of Philosophy, LXVIII(9): 279. (Scholar)
- Johnston, C., 2009, “Tractarian Objects and Logical Categories,” Synthese, 167(1): 145–161. (Scholar)
- Kenny, A., 1973, Wittgenstein, London: Allen Lane. (Scholar)
- Malcolm, N., 1989, Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir (with a
Biographical Sketch by G. H. von Wright), 2nd edition,
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Monk, R., 1996, Bertrand Russell: The Spirit of Solitude, 1872–1921, New York: The Free Press. (Scholar)
- Morris, M., 2008, “Routledge Philosophy Guidebook
to Wittgenstein and the Tractatus”. Routledge (Scholar)
- –––, 2017, “The substance argument of
Wittgenstein’s Tractatus”, Journal for the
History of Analytic Philosophy, 4(7): 1–13. (Scholar)
- Pears, D., 1987 [1989], The False Prison (Volume 1), Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Pickel, B., 2013, “Russell on Incomplete Symbols”,
Philosophy Compass, 8(10): 909–923,
doi:10.1111/phc3.1207 (Scholar)
- Potter, M., 2009, “Review of Michael Morris Routledge Philosophical Guidebook to Wittgenstein and the Tractatus”, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Aug. 2009. (Scholar)
- Proops, I., 2001, “The New Wittgenstein: A Critique,” European Journal of Philosophy, 9(3): 375–404. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, “Wittgenstein on the Substance of the World,” European Journal of Philosophy, 12(1): 106–126. (Scholar)
- Ricketts, T., 1996, “Pictures, Logic and the Limits of Sense
in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus,” in Sluga and Stern
1996. (Scholar)
- Rouner, L. (ed.), 1998, Loneliness (Boston University
Studies in Philosophy and Religion: Volume 19), Notre Dame: IN:
University of Notre Dame Press. (Scholar)
- Salmon, N., 1981, Reference and Essence. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Simons, P., 1992, “The Old Problem of Complex and
Fact,” in his Philosophy and Logic in Central Europe from
Bolzano to Tarski, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 319–338. (Scholar)
- Sluga, H. and Stern, D. G. (eds.), 1996. The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Soames, S., 1983, “Generality, Truth Functions, and Expressive Capacity in the Tractatus,” The Philosophical Review, XCII(4): 573–89. (Scholar)
- Stenius, E., 1960, Wittgenstein’s Tractatus: A Critical
Exposition of its Main Lines of Thought, Ithaca, New York:
Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- Zalabardo, J., 2015, Representation and Reality in
Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, Oxford: Oxford University
Press. (Scholar)
Suggestions for further reading
- Carruthers, P., 1990, The Metaphysics of the Tractatus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Dreben, B. and Floyd, J., 1991, “Tautology: How Not to Use a Word,” Synthese, 87(1): 23–49. (Scholar)
- Griffin, J., 1964., Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism,
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Livingston, P.M., 2001, “Russellian and Wittgensteinian Atomism,” Philosophical Investigations, 24 (1): 30–54. (Scholar)
- Moss, S., 2012, “Solving the Color Incompatibility Problem,” Journal of Philosophical Logic, 41(5): 841–51. (Scholar)
- Rogers, B. and Wehmeier, Kai F., 2012, “Tractarian First-Order Logic: Identity and the N–Operator,” The Review of Symbolic Logic, 5(4): 538–573. (Scholar)
- Potter, M., 2020, “The Rise of Analytic Philosophy 1879–1930: From Frege to Ramsey”, Routledge, ch. 52. (Scholar)
- Sullivan, P.M.S., 2003, “Simplicity and Analysis in early Wittgenstein,” European Journal of Philosophy, 11: 72–88. (Scholar)
- Tejedor, C., 2003, “Sense and Simplicity:
Wittgenstein’s Argument for Simple Objects,”
Ratio, 16(3): 272–89. (Scholar)