Linked bibliography for the SEP article "John Wyclif’s Political Philosophy" by Stephen Lahey
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Primary Sources
- De Apostasia, M. H. Dziewicki (ed.), London: Trübner
for the Wyclif Society, 1889.
- De Blasfemia, M. H. Dziewicki (ed.), Johannis Wyclif
Tractatus de Blasphemia, London: Trübner for the Wyclif Society,
- De Dominio Divino, R. L. Poole (ed.), London: Trübner
for the Wyclif Society, 1890.
- De Mandatis Divinis, J. Loserth and F. D. Matthew (eds.),
Johannis Wyclif Tractatus de Mandatis Divinis accedit Tractatus de
Statu Innocencie, London: Trübner for the Wyclif Society,
- De Symonia, S. Herzberg-Fränkel and M. H. Dziewicki
(eds.), London: Trübner for the Wyclif Society, 1898 (translated in
On Simony, by T. A. McVeigh, New York, 1992.). (Scholar)
- De Vaticinacione sive de prophecia, J. Loserth (ed.),
Johannis Wyclif Opera Minora, London: Trübner for the Wyclif
Society, 1913, pp. 165–174.
- Dialogus sive Speculum Ecclesie Militantis,
A. W. Pollard (ed.), London: Trübner for the Wyclif Society,
- Responsio Magistri Johannis Wyccliff ad Dubium infra Scriptum,
Quaesitum ab eo per Dominum Regem Angliae Ricardum Secundum,
W. W. Shirley (ed.), Fasciculi Zizianorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif
cum Tritico [ascribed to Thomas Netter of Walden], London:
Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores, Rolls Series V,
1858, pp. 258–71.
Other Authors
- Fitzralph, Richard, De Pauperie Salvatoris, in John
Wyclif, De Dominio Divino, 1890, Books I-IV,
pp. 257–476. (Scholar)
- Fitzralph, Richard, De Pauperie Salvatoris, in Richard
Brock, “An Edition of Richard Fitzralph's ”De Pauperie
Salvatoris“ Books V, VI, and VII,”
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, 1954. (Scholar)
- Giles of Rome, On Ecclesiastical Power: The De Eccesiastica
Potestate of Aegidius Romanus, R. W. Dyson (ed. & trans.),
Drew NH, 1986.
- Marsilius of Padua, Defensor Pacis, Alan Gewirth
(trans.), New York, 1956.
- William Ockham, A Letter to the Friars Minor and Other
Writings, A. S. McGrade (ed.), J. Kilcullen (trans.), Cambridge,
- William Ockham, Opus Nonaginta Dierum in Guillelmi de Ockham:
Opera Politica, Volume I, H. S. Offler (ed.), Manchester, 1940.
Secondary Sources
- Blythe, James, 1992, Ideal Government and the Mixed Constitution in the Middle Ages, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- Boreczky, Elemer, 2007, John Wyclif's Discourse on Dominion in
Community, Leiden: Brill. (Scholar)
- Burns, James, 1992, Lordship, Kingship, and Empire, Oxford. (Scholar)
- ––– (ed.), 1988, The Cambridge History of Medieval Political
Thought, Cambridge. (Scholar)
- Burr, David, 1989, Olivi and Franciscan Poverty: The Origins of the
Usus Pauper Controversy, Philadelphia. (Scholar)
- Canning, Joseph, 1996, A History of Medieval Political Thought,
New York. (Scholar)
- Dahmus, Joseph, 1952, The Prosecution of John Wyclyf, New
Haven. (Scholar)
- –––, 1960,“John Wyclif and the English Government,”
Speculum, 35: 51–60. (Scholar)
- Daly, Lowrie, S.J., 1962, The Political Theory of John Wyclif,
Chicago. (Scholar)
- –––, 1973, “Wyclif's Political Theory: A Century of
Study,” Medievalia et Humanistica, 4: 177–87. (Scholar)
- Dawson, James Doyne, 1983, “Richard Fitzralph and the Fourteenth Century
Poverty Controversies,” Journal of Ecclesiastical History,
34(3): 315–44. (Scholar)
- Dipple, Geoffrey, 1994, “Uthred and the Friars: Apostolic Poverty
and Clerical Dominion Between Fitzralph and
Wyclif,” Traditio, 49: 235–58. (Scholar)
- Doyle, Eric, O.F.M., 1973, “William Woodford's De Dominio Civili
Clericorum against John Wyclif,” Archivum Franciscanum
Historicum, 66: 49–109. (Scholar)
- Evans, Gillian R., 2005, John Wyclif, London. (Scholar)
- Farr, William, 1974, John Wyclif as Legal Reformer,
Leiden. (Scholar)
- Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa, and Stefano Simonetta,
2003, John Wyclif Logica, Politica, Teologia, Florence. (Scholar)
- Hornbeck, J.Patrick, 2010, What is a Lollard? Dissent and
Belief in Late Medieval England, Oxford. (Scholar)
- Hudson, Anne, 1988, The Premature Reformation, Oxford. (Scholar)
- Kaminsky, Howard, 1963, “Wycliffism as Ideology of Revolution,”
Church History, 32: 57–74. (Scholar)
- Kantorowicz, Ernst, 1957, The King's Two Bodies: A Study in Medieval Political Theology, Princeton. (Scholar)
- Lahey, Stephen, 2009, John Wyclif, Great Medieval
Thinkers, Oxford. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John
Wyclif, Cambridge. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997, “Wyclif and Rights,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 58: 1–20. (Scholar)
- Levy, Ian Christopher, 2006, A Companion to John Wyclif, Leiden. (Scholar)
- McGrade, A. S., 1991, “Somersaulting Sovereignty: A Note on Reciprocal
Lordship and Servitude in Wyclif,” Studies in Church History
Subsidia 11, London, pp. 261–68. (Scholar)
- Muldoon, James, 1980, “John Wyclif and the Rights of Infidels,”
Americas, 3: 301–316. (Scholar)
- Pyper, Rachel, 1983, “An Abridgement of Wyclif's De Mandatis
Divinis,” Medium Aevum, 52: 306–309. (Scholar)
- Shogimen, Takashi, 2006, “Wyclif's Ecclesiology and Political
Thought,” in A Companion to John Wyclif, Ian C. Levy (ed.),
Leiden: Brill, pp. 199–240. (Scholar)
- Szittya, Penn, 1986, The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval
Literature, Princeton. (Scholar)
- Tatnall, Edith C., 1966, “Church and State According to John Wyclif,”
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado. (Scholar)
- –––, 1969, “John Wyclif and Ecclesia Anglicana,”
Journal of Theological History, 20: 19–43. (Scholar)
- Wilks, Michael, 2000, Wyclif: Political Ideas and Practice,
Anne Hudson (ed.), Oxbow. (Scholar)
- Zuckerman, Charles, 1975, “The Relationship of Theories of Universals to Theories of Church Government in the Middle Ages: A Critique of Previous Views,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 35: 575–94. (Scholar)