Available population samples
All respondents |
Philosophy faculty or PhD |
Target faculty |
Philosophy graduate student |
No philosophy affiliation listed |
Philosophy undergraduate |
Selected sample: All respondents
Sample size: 3226
Areas of specialization
Philosophy of Mind |
Metaphysics |
Epistemology |
Philosophy of Language |
Normative Ethics |
Social and Political Philosophy |
Meta-Ethics |
Logic and Philosophy of Logic |
General Philosophy of Science |
Philosophy of Cognitive Science |
17th/18th Century Philosophy |
Applied Ethics |
Philosophy of Religion |
Philosophy of Physical Science |
Ancient Greek Philosophy |
Continental Philosophy |
Philosophy of Action |
20th Century Philosophy |
Aesthetics |
Philosophy of Biology |
Metaphilosophy |
Philosophy of Mathematics |
19th Century Philosophy |
Philosophy of Law |
Philosophy of Social Science |
Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy |
Decision Theory |
Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality |
Philosophy of Probability |
Asian Philosophy |
Philosophy of Computing and Information |
Philosophy of the Americas |
African/Africana Philosophy |
n < 5 omitted
Primary area of specialization
Philosophy of Mind |
Metaphysics |
Epistemology |
Philosophy of Language |
Normative Ethics |
Social and Political Philosophy |
Meta-Ethics |
17th/18th Century Philosophy |
Logic and Philosophy of Logic |
Ancient Greek Philosophy |
Philosophy of Cognitive Science |
General Philosophy of Science |
Philosophy of Physical Science |
Continental Philosophy |
Applied Ethics |
Philosophy of Religion |
Philosophy of Action |
Aesthetics |
Philosophy of Biology |
20th Century Philosophy |
19th Century Philosophy |
Philosophy of Law |
Philosophy of Mathematics |
Philosophy of Social Science |
Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy |
Metaphilosophy |
Decision Theory |
Asian Philosophy |
Philosophy of Probability |
Philosophy of Computing and Information |
Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality |
n < 5 omitted
United States of America |
United Kingdom |
Canada |
Australia |
Germany |
Sweden |
Italy |
New Zealand |
Spain |
Brazil |
France |
China |
Ireland |
Netherlands |
India |
Israel |
Mexico |
Switzerland |
Hungary |
Argentina |
Finland |
Denmark |
South Africa |
Belgium |
Romania |
Poland |
Portugal |
Norway |
South Korea |
Russia |
Colombia |
Austria |
Turkey |
Greece |
Iran |
Philippines |
Croatia |
Taiwan |
Japan |
Singapore |
n < 5 omitted
3025 out of 3226 respondents specified a nationality.
Country of primary affiliation
United States of America |
United Kingdom |
Canada |
Australia |
Germany |
Sweden |
New Zealand |
Spain |
Hungary |
Brazil |
France |
Netherlands |
Switzerland |
Belgium |
Italy |
Mexico |
Poland |
Finland |
South Africa |
Turkey |
Israel |
China |
Denmark |
Argentina |
Norway |
Japan |
Philippines |
Colombia |
Austria |
n < 5 omitted
533 cases with unknown country due to incomplete data on institutions.
2902 out of 3226 respondents specified an affiliation.
Country of PhD institution
United States of America |
United Kingdom |
Australia |
Canada |
Germany |
Spain |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Italy |
Finland |
China |
Poland |
Austria |
n < 5 omitted
31 cases with unknown country due to incomplete data on institutions.
1454 out of 3226 respondents specified a PhD institution
3013 out of 3226 respondents specified a gender.
Year of birth
1920s |
1930s |
1940s |
1950s |
1960s |
1970s |
1980s |
1990s |
n < 5 omitted
3002 out of 3226 respondents specified their year of birth.
analytic |
continental |
both |
pragmatism |
naturalism |
none |
historical |
Thomism |
n < 5 omitted
3057 out of 3226 respondents specified a tradition.
Non-living philosophers most identified with
Hume |
Aristotle |
Kant |
Wittgenstein |
Quine |
Russell |
Lewis |
Frege |
Rawls |
Davidson |
Nietzsche |
Mill |
Plato |
Carnap |
Spinoza |
Locke |
Marx |
Heidegger |
Socrates |
Leibniz |
Moore |
Husserl |
Descartes |
Aquinas |
Hegel |
Anscombe |
Kierkegaard |
Hobbes |
Dewey |
Peirce |
Augustine |
Sellars |
Berkeley |
James |
Rousseau |
Merleau-Ponty |
Rorty |
Whitehead |
Reid |
Popper |
Foucault |
Ryle |
Sartre |
Derrida |
Deleuze |
Strawson |
Austin |
Sidgwick |
Grice |
Schopenhauer |
Adorno |
Hart |
Gadamer |
Levinas |
Chisholm |
n < 5 omitted
2480 out of 3226 respondents specified at least one philosopher.
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