Correlations with: Normative ethics:deontology
N = 931 (target faculty). Cut-off = +/-0.05
n < 10 omitted. Some redundant or trivial correlations are not shown.
Jump to: Main Survey questions | Philosophical orientation | Background questions
Main Survey questions
Philosophical orientation
Answer |
Corrrelation coefficient |
xian:Kant | 0.215 |
Kant |
not Kant |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: < 0.001
AOS:Social and Political Philosophy | 0.158 |
Social and Political Philosophy |
not Social and Political Philosophy |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: < 0.001
xian:Rawls | 0.152 |
Rawls |
not Rawls |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: < 0.001
not xian:Hume | 0.152 |
Hume |
not Hume |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: < 0.001
not xian:Aristotle | 0.101 |
Aristotle |
not Aristotle |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.004
not AOS:Philosophy of Biology | 0.101 |
Philosophy of Biology |
not Philosophy of Biology |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.004
xian:Husserl | 0.099 |
Husserl |
not Husserl |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.005
AOS:Philosophy of Law | 0.084 |
Philosophy of Law |
not Philosophy of Law |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.017
not AOS:Decision Theory | 0.079 |
Decision Theory |
not Decision Theory |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.025
not xian:Nietzsche | 0.077 |
Nietzsche |
not Nietzsche |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.029
not xian:Quine | 0.073 |
Quine |
not Quine |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.038
not AOS:Ancient Greek Philosophy | 0.063 |
Ancient Greek Philosophy |
not Ancient Greek Philosophy |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.074
not AOS:General Philosophy of Science | 0.062 |
General Philosophy of Science |
not General Philosophy of Science |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.079
not xian:Lewis | 0.061 |
Lewis |
not Lewis |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.084
not AOS:Philosophy of Cognitive Science | 0.057 |
Philosophy of Cognitive Science |
not Philosophy of Cognitive Science |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.107
not AOS:Metaphysics | 0.055 |
Metaphysics |
not Metaphysics |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.12
not AOS:Philosophy of Social Science | 0.053 |
Philosophy of Social Science |
not Philosophy of Social Science |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.134
AOS:Normative Ethics | 0.052 |
Normative Ethics |
not Normative Ethics |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.141
not AOS:Philosophy of Physical Science | 0.051 |
Philosophy of Physical Science |
not Philosophy of Physical Science |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.149
AOS:17th/18th Century Philosophy | 0.05 |
17th/18th Century Philosophy |
not 17th/18th Century Philosophy |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.157
not AOS:Meta-Ethics | 0.05 |
Meta-Ethics |
not Meta-Ethics |
deontology |
| |
not deontology |
| |
Response pairs: 800 p-value: 0.157
Background questions
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